A Comprehensive Guide to Amazon Listing Optimization 2022

It’s no mystery that having a powerful listing is very important. Amazon, a marketplace filled with millions of sellers, is not an easy market. And to be sure, the competition is in no way going to be easier.

With a total revenue of $178 billion USD and over a million sellers, Amazon is an ever-growing market.

Therefore; listing optimisation has become even more important in the current era.

As a seller, it is crucial to understand the process of creating and optimizing listings that can drive traffic and sales.

Sorry, there are no secret hacks of Amazon Listing Optimization, you just have to do it the right way.

Before we go ahead into the details of Listing Optimization, you need to understand the Amazon Ranking Algorithm.

The A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm

As with every other search engine, Amazon has its own algorithm to rank products based on search queries.

Amazon works primarily on the principle of CTR (Click through rate) and CR (conversion rate) of a product which determines the ranking of the products. Products with more clicks and conversions are most likely to get ranked in Amazon than the ones that don’t have much clicks and conversions.

So, we are left with 2 goals. Increase the CTR and Increase the CR.

As much as Product Photography is important to increase your product’s CTR and maintain high rankings in Amazon search, listing optimization is also a key aspect of the A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm.

The A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm

Why do listing optimization?

Listing Optimization is the backbone of Amazon selling as most of the things related to ranking, clicks, and conversions are directly linked to it.

But, what worse can happen if you ignore listing optimization?

You can still sell your products on Amazon but will lose many sales. Achieving high organic rankings in Amazon is impossible without optimization of listings. With low ranking, you’re most likely to achieve a minimal traffic and low conversions while your competitor will get the maximum share of traffic and sales.

In order to increase your traffic and conversions at the same time, you have to pay attention to the details of Amazon Listing Optimization.

I am here to show you the right ways to optimize your listings in Amazon.

Why do listing optimization?

How are your listings doing?

You need to have a holistic view of your Amazon listings by taking few things in account. Analyzing your listing is indeed very important as you should have an idea about your current position. I typically look upon 4 things when analyzing my listings.

Sessions: –

Session means traffic, right?

No, it isn’t exactly the traffic. A session can involve multiple page visits and additional layer of timing which makes the sessions unique. According to Hubspot, if a person leaves your site and comes back after 30 min, it will be counted as 1 session.

Here, In Amazon, Sessions describes the number of visits done by Amazon customers in 24 hour period. This basically tells you whether your product is reaching to the audience or not.

A healthy Session Percentage is 12.3%. As a beginner, even if it’s close to 6%, it’s good.

Unit Session Percentage

It is the percentage of the numbers of units purchased compared to your sessions.


Off course, your gross sales defines a broader story of your product and your listing.

Product Reviews

If you’re getting sales and no reviews, this is absolutely alarming.

A specific element will not paint a whole story about your performance on Amazon. Please note that with the increase in session percentage, your conversion rate will go down and your sales will increase; there is nothing to worry about as this is completely normal.

Product Reviews

Competitor Analysis

The first step of Amazon Listing Optimization 2020 is to perform a comprehensive competitor analysis.

Competitor Analysis

Amazon Keyword Analysis

This is the most crucial step to listing optimization.

In order to achieve the top rankings in Amazon, you need to do an extensive keyword research and find out the keywords your competitors are ranking for.

This is very similar to Google SEO where we find out the high volume keywords using tools such as ahref, semrush etc.

Similarly, in Amazon, the only way to carry out a proper keyword research is to use a keyword tool. You can find many free keyword tools online that drives results directly from the Amazon.

Let’s say; you are looking to sell leather jackets for women. Follow these steps for your keyword research.

  1. Login to your keyword research tool and select the country where you want to sell your product. (I am using AMZWordspy in this case)

Amazon Keyword Analysis

2. Type leather jackets for women on the search bar and hit the button.

3. You will find a range of keywords with different popularity. The popularity here suggests the keyword volume which also reflects the competition and the difficulty to rank it.

Amazon Listing optimization

Jot down the keywords with high search volume.

Find Out the Big Players

The big players in Amazon can teach you many things. The only reason for them to be the big players is the fact that they have done things in the right manner.

If you’re selling on a niche that has a high competition, you probably should analyze the listings of the best sellers. Spot the metrics that make them rank in the search page. Jot down the keywords that they use in the description and also know their weaknesses by going through the customer’s reviews, ratings etc. This could help you know the fields in which your products can shine.

Have a look into the Q&A section

The Q&A section helps you to know more about the products. This section contains the doubts that customers have about that product; this can help you to optimize your product details too.

Bundling the products

You might have seen a section below the product description “Customers who bought this has also brought” section which lists the products that can be brought along with the product that you are seeing.

Amazon Sellers must try this feature of bundling the products that allow to create new products, add them to the catalogue and be the seller of the whole bundle or the particular product.

Try finding the best combo for the product you sell. This is also a great strategy to perform Amazon Listing Optimization.

6 Pillars of a Product Listing

As seen from the past practices of successful Amazon Sellers, there are 6 significant pillars of Amazon listing optimization 2020 which should be considered.

  • Title of the product
  • Description
  • Bullet Points
  • URL
  • Images
  • Reviews

Each of them is a major ranking signal for the A9 Algorithm. You need to follow the best practices to optimize these pillars, while strictly following the Dos and Don’ts to beat your competitor and get the ultimate market share.

It’s all about playing your cards right!

Optimizing the content

product listing
Listing Optimization for higher Rankings

After analyzing your competitor and completing your keyword research, the next thing is the practical work.

There are a list of Amazon listing optimization tools and Amazon listing optimization services that the Amazon Sellers can avail. The tools and services reduce the burden of Amazon Sellers and let them concentrate on the business alone.

Here are some tips suggested by the Amazon SEO experts that you must keep in mind in order to maximize your sales in Amazon.

The Amazon Ranking Algorithm mainly runs on the relevancy factor. It determines the ranking of a product according to its CTR and CR. So, anything that helps in increasing the CTR and CR is an ideal aspect of listing optimization.

Optimising Product Title:

The value of the product title is mostly same for Google SEO and Amazon Product Title Optimization, however, the criteria for writing it is very different. This is one thing that you shouldn’t be confusing at all.

In Google:

We write an engaging title to enhance the CTR (Click through Rate).

Amazon Listing Optimization

In Amazon

Here, you don’t have to worry about making it engaging. All you need to do is to place your keyword that shouldn’t be longer than 80 characters. (Although, there isn’t any hard and fast rule about the length of the title, but I have observed better results on maintaining it to 80 characters)

The rule for writing product title in Amazon listing is:

Brand name + Product Name + Features

Amazon Listing Optimization

Moreover, it should be noted that the A9 Ranking Algorithm highly values product title when determining the Amazon Product Rankings. Product title is the most important part of the product page. The maximum characters that the Product Title can hold are 200 characters.

Amazon product Title Optimization must be carried out in accordance with these guidelines.

Optimising Product Description:

This is where you need to come up with something creative and informative at the same time. Like product title, descriptions are also an important ranking signal of the A9 algorithm.

You can add as much as possible information about your product under the Product Description. The ideal listing includes bullet points that involves the key features of the product. This helps the user to easily find out why your product is unique.

Remember to use the long-tail keywords in your description and bullet points.

Optimising Bullet Points

Like Product Title and Description, use of long tail keywords in the bullet points hold significant weightage in the ranking algorithm. But there is more than just sniffing keywords.

Over the last few years of my Amazon selling, I have noticed that bullet points have worked greatly for some of my products. Here are few tips to write ideal bullet points for your listing optimization in Amazon:

  • Create the need of the product. Sometimes, the buyers is confused whether or not to buy a certain product. In this case, infographics and lifestyle images can do a lot for you.
  • Enter reasoning by describing the core benefits. Let your viewers know that what the product is made up of and will it solve their problems.
  • Go for a comparison of your product against your competitor. This actually help more than anything. Because this is where, customer has a higher chance of getting convinced in making a purchase. Things such as extra bonus or any outstanding feature is great to mention in the bullet points.

Writing things like people trust this brand blah blah and theories doesn’t make sense at all.

Optimising Product URL

As in Google SEO, you have the accessibility to include your keyword in the product URL. Undoubtedly, it is an important ranking signal of the Amazon Ranking Algorithm.

Optimising Product Images:

Product images plays a convincing role for the customer in making a purchase. That is why, product photography has become more important in today’s e-commerce.

Optimizing the product images according to the Amazon listing optimization is the last thing you need to do for a perfect listing. One may say that it doesn’t affect the rankings directly, however, it really helps in boosting our CTR (and that helps).

The use of high quality images, infographics and lifestyle images, and videos are few of the important optimization that you need to carryout.

Optimizing Product Reviews and Ratings

Reviews are the fuel of your Amazon listings. They not only are a big ranking signal in the A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm but also they act as a confidence signal to the buyers which make them make a purchase. The healthy rate of reviews is considered to between 4 and 5; if your ratings are healthy, you’re doing all well.

In case, your listing is downgraded with bad reviews and low ratings, there are number of things you should start doing. Remember, bad reviews are a reflection of Bad Amazon listing and it will make you lose purchase and a big margin of market share. Moreover, and as a matter of established fact, reviews adversely effects your brand reputation that affects you for a long time.

Building a reputation takes years of hard work and struggle, while losing it only take a few bad reviews. There is no silver bullet to prevent bad reviews from appearing as there will always be some fanatic who will dislike your product, however, there are number of things you can do to counter and neutralize Bad Reviews:

  • Analyze the bad patterns in your Amazon reviews. If the reviews specifically target your product, you should definitely consider making some changes in them. In case, you don’t understand the problem in your product, I recommend Amazon sellers to read their competitor reviews. Because they do help a lot!
  • Now, look on the brighter side. There are countless ways to earn Amazon reviews legally that can help you achieve quality ratings and feedbacks. Using Amazon Earlier program is one of the most common way of earning reviews. To know more about how to earn Amazon product reviews, click here : ways to earn Amazon product reviews

Creating a new Amazon Product listing

In a nutshell, I am guessing you already have a verified seller central account. Start with signing up to your seller account and head to the seller dashboard which looks like this:

product listing

Hover to the inventory tab and click ‘Add a product’. Your screen will show this:

Product Listing

First, you need to select the relevant category to which your product fits. You’re required to choose from the suggested options on the category top.

product listing

Basic Info

After heading to the detail page, you need to add the following details:

manufacturer name

Write the name of the manufacturer. Please not that you may write your own brand name in this section.

Brand Name

If you’re are brand, write the name or come up with a catchy word.

Product name

Here, you just need to write the product title. Don’t brag!

Product ID

You need to enter your product ASIN, SKU, or UPC.

It should be noted that if you’re selling a new product, you have to buy a UPC code. There are countless sites who sell UPC codes on very cheap rates such as SnapUPC. Puchase the UPC code (try to buy it in bulk as that reduce your cost) and enter it into the required section.


Moreover, if your products come with different variations, you need to have different UPC code for each of it. You can’t use the same for every product ID.


Now, comes the offer part. You’re further required to enter the following fields:


Here you’re required to enter the condition of your product. If it’s new, enter ‘new’


The price of your product

Fulfillment Channel: –

You have 2 options. Either you take the responsibility to ship the product to customer’s destination or let Amazon do this job for you. Amazon FBA program is quite cheap and convenient as compared to fulfilling by yourself.

Images: –

Amazon ImagesAmazon allows up to 9 images per product listing. You’re required to upload quality images of your products that should be of high resolution.

Description: –

The description section is divided into 2 categories:

Key product features

This is where you need to enter your product features in the form of bullet points

Product Description: –

You should have the content ready before you begin adding your listing. Simply add the written product description and head to the next page.

Keywords: –

Add high volume keywords and long-tail keywords into the section. You can add as many as you can.

More Details: –

This is where you can add additional details about your product such as dimensions, length, material, washing techniques, and thickness etc.

In short, you should enter any details you think a buyer would be interested in knowing that. Off course, for that you should be well-versed with your own product.

Key takeaways

Having a powerful listing is very important for any Amazon seller to survive in the tough market of Amazon. Otherwise, you will not get any exposure nor any sales.

For content:

As they say, write for the viewers not for SEO.

Content should be engaging and relevant at the same time. When snuffing keywords, you should make sure that it doesn’t shade away the readability of the content.

Some important takeaways:

  • The A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm works on the factors of CTR (Click through Rate) and CR (Conversion Rate) when determining the ranking of the products. Product with more clicks and conversions are most likely to rank higher in the Amazon search.
  • You can still get traffic and sales if you chose to skip optimization of your listings. However, you will lose a large amount of market share and sales, and will not rank higher in the Amazon searches.
  • You should check the performance of your listings by analyzing your sessions, unit session percentage, sales, and product reviews. Please note that one specific element will not tell you a whole story.
  • With the increase in sessions and sales, there is a possibility of decrease in conversion rate; this is very normal so you shouldn’t take it as a worry.
  • Healthy session percentage is 12.5%
  • Amazon Listing Optimization revolves around the optimization of product title, product description, URL, bullet points, images, and reviews.
  • In order to create an Amazon listing, you should have a verified seller account.

With nearly 600 million products sold on Amazon and new Amazon sellers entering the market, the competition has become fiercer. As a matter of fact, listings that leverage FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) are the top priority of Amazon.

Writing Balanced Product Title, Features & Descriptions

You spend days at times months in the product hunting phase, select a supplier, negotiate, place an order and then wait for a month for your inventory to reach the warehouse in the USA. Is your work done? The answer is no, you’ve just completed the half track. Now you have to work on your Go To Market (GTM) strategy, meaning you need to make concerted efforts to put your product in front of prospective customers. There are several factors that come into play when we talk about GTM like Product photography, Product listing, Running PPC campaigns, Facebook advertising, connecting with Youtube/Instagram followers, etc.

Before we go into the details, it’s important to know that the A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm works around a balanced product title, description, and the features.

Recipe for Self Destruction

All experienced sellers will tell you the significance of Product listing in your GTM strategy. A buyer spends most of his/her time in making a decision on the product page on the listing. Tons and tons of products are out there with amazing quality & specifications but suffer losses due to the poor listing. They have done everything correctly but their GTM strategy is appalling. Writing product title, features and description have become daunting for the majority, it is often overlooked and not many put efforts in understanding the mechanics. Successful sellers, however, pay special attention to this part as they know this is where the magic happens.

Since AMZ One Step specializes in this area for our global clientele, we are excited to share this knowledge with our readers to make your product listing fully optimized. The aim is to create an amazing Amazon listing where customers can reach to you organically. You need to customize your GTM strategy as it will vary from product to product, category to category, with different ages and gender preferences. For example, Sports products are generally not purchased by people above 60 years of age. While Health Improvement products and Safety Equipment are not of interest to the younger generation. Therefore, your GTM strategy for both will be different.

Some General Rules While Writing Balanced Product Title, Features & Descriptions

English as a First Language. You should pay special attention here if you are an Amazon seller from a non-English speaking country. You need to be aware that your buyers are English speaking, they are going to be your readers first and then your customers. People will quickly form a degrading opinion of your company if you are writing in phrases with few words and not explaining your products.

Target Audience. Who are you writing the product listing for? Who will be buying your product? You need to be clear about your target audience to gather and write content accordingly.

Style of Writing. Some people get carried away and write extremely non-serious titles and features just to show high energy or that they are funny. For example, if you are selling luxury products you should not be using humor in your text at all. You need to use fancy and sophisticated language to talk to your customers who have a different mindset.

Product Research. Research your product from every source. If you are working on a niche then you can go back to your supplier or manufacturer to get maximum information. The aim should be to satisfy all the queries of a buyer and remove all the hesitations that they might have. Keep an eye on competitor’s product information and see if you are moving in the right direction generally. DO NOT COPY, look at their listing critically, see where did they go wrong and ask yourself how YOU would have done things differently. Use Youtube if you are working on special products and are unable to develop an understanding of them.

Pain Points. Read reviews and understand the issues raised by previous consumers. Address the issue at hand and send a message across to solving the problem of your customers to build their trust levels and gain credibility.

Shop on Amazon Yourself. See what appealed you the most, the information or the way it was written. Imagine the experience yourself of using the product and write what comes naturally.

Write as a Buyer, not a Seller. Change your seller mindset for a while and put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. This will change the tone, your language altogether and will inject the required level of empathy as you will see yourself what will convince you to purchase online.

Interfaces. See how your titles, features & description appear on a tablet, phone, and laptop. 60% of shoppers are buying on mobile devices so you need to pay special attention as to how your product gets shown.

Avoid Sky High Claims. Do not include ‘#1 Selling’, ‘Best’ or ‘Hot Selling Item’ if it is an incorrect claim. Exaggeration might get you caught and you might get penalized by customers when you fail to keep up the expectation levels. Give them hope, don’t sell lies.

Keyword Research Tools. This is absolutely important. You need to use authentic and accurate keyword research tools like AMZ Wordspy to make a list of the most relevant keywords. They need to be smartly incorporated into your titles, features, description and backend keywords within your seller central.

Attention to Detail. Judgment calls will be made almost immediately you make obvious mistakes in text like grammar or in spellings. Buyers quickly form an opinion that the seller is either not established or is inexperienced, resultantly you lose trust.

Writing A Balanced Product Title

Like in Google SEO, a balanced product title is more than important mainly because it directly effects the CTR of a product. And this CTR is what A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm is all about.

1st Impression is the Last Impression. So this will be your very first impression from the text point of view but 2nd after product images. A customer has typed in the keywords and you have successfully managed to pull him/her to your page, now you just need to convince them that this was the product they were looking for.

Total Characters. You have 200 characters (with spaces) to write an introductory title of your product/brand. The first 80 are extremely important as they are picked up by the Amazon’s algorithm so get your main keywords ready. The trick is to divide the 200 characters into segments and treat them as small titles.

Keywords. A balanced product title needs to be rich with keywords and understandable at the same time. People who do this regularly understand the pain of striking that balance. There needs to be a proper sequence and a flow in the title which gives a compact snapshot of your product.

Quantity. If you have packaged or bundled up your product then you need to write quantity/number of items in the title to lure the customer in buying your offering.

Category Style Guide. It will be helpful for you to check the category style guide for your product as Amazon shows some flexibility in each of them.

Non-Serious Titles. Writing balanced product title is extremely significant; people either make it too complicated or take them extremely casually by putting 2 or 3 words in them. Please do not write vague or non-meaningful statements. Be specific, every word is precious and should yield information to convince your buyer.

Elaborating Product Features In Accordance With A9

Length. Maximum 5 bullet point features are allowed and you should utilize them. It varies in different categories but generally, you need to keep it between 150-200 characters roughly 75-85 words.

Be Specific. Write benefits not general descriptions or irrelevant information about your company or the product which will in no way benefit the end-user. You need to be logical while writing strong and unique features of your product.

A Solution. As shared earlier as well, what will the customers achieve after using your product? Is it really the product that will solve their problems? How will it solve their problems or make their lives better? The onus is on you to make them understand that your product is the ‘messiah’ they were looking for.

Universal Selling Proposition (USP). You need to dedicate at least one feature for your USP. Why do you stand out from the rest and why should customers buy your product when they have an ample variety of products and suppliers available? You need to talk about how you have improved the quality levels and how does your offering differentiate from the rest? Some people get carried away here and started pointing fingers towards their competitors. The trick is to be diplomatic and not talk about competitors negatively as it is against Amazon’s TOS.

Sequence. Your first 3 bullet points features need to be spot on and crisp with all the relevant information. It’s like the product placement concept in Marketing, you need to place your best foot forward and display what’s important to customers. You can shuffle the points from time to time to experiment. Maybe a feature that YOU feel is convincing might not be convincing for others after all.

Check Reviews. Identify repetitive complaints & write about them from your competitor listing. You can say subtly that ‘after receiving a number of complaints related to………., we have improved the quality’. This will show that your company cares about its customers, that you are responsive and continually improving products.

Lifestyle Uses. You can also dedicate at least one feature developing an association with real life.

Research. Even though we have mentioned this earlier but we will still reiterate. Read as much as you can about the product and while reading makes notes about repetitive features or points that keep on popping up on different sources like on Alibaba, Supplier’s website or competitor pages. Make a list of those points, select the ones that you feel will be most attractive to the reader in your view and will engage them to read more about your product.

Money-Back Guarantee. Always mention a money-back guarantee as a separate feature especially when you are doing Amazon FBA. Most of the Amazon customers are already aware that they can return and get their money back from Amazon. In any case, so there is no point in hiding or not talking about it. Make them feel secure by bringing it up yourself.

Customer Service. You need to give comfort to your buyers that you are not just making ‘one’ sale but will be there for them after sales as well. So, you need to write that explicitly that you have amazing customer service.

Add Attraction. You can go to emojipedia.com and add a colorful emoji at the start of each feature to attract the attention of your customers. People with an aesthetic sense will be drawn into your listing for sure as it will be a pleasant read.

Synonyms. When you extract the keyword list from the keyword research tool you use, you need to see if there are any alternate spellings that have been used by people. For example, if you have a grey color product, you have to use ‘gray’ as well. At times you also have to use incorrect spellings where appropriate.

Material Used. What is the product made of? Many times even experienced sellers miss out on this information which is absolutely integral. People are finicky about the product that they are planning to purchase and require as much detail as possible pertaining to its construction and substances/ingredients used.

Writing Effective Product Descriptions

Company Information. Include some company details to show that there is a formal company behind this product to make a reliable impression on the customer. This is most often neglected but plays a big role in establishing a reliable image on customers.

Block of Text. You don’t want a massive block of text or a long boring paragraph that your customer will feel irritated reading.

Convert to HTML. Type your product description in MS Word with the best of your formatting abilities After bolding, italicizing, underlining and paragraphing, go to www.wordhtml.com and copy-paste the text. You can switch the tabs to copy the same text in HTML format. There you go! Your text is no more in a solid block form.

Incorporate Keywords Smartly. There are times you have picked up keywords from different sources and you just don’t know where to incorporate them. A Balanced Product Title, features and back-end keywords have some limitations in terms of word limit and number of characters. Plus you cannot put all the desired words in them. You just have to put in the keyword once, that’s enough for Amazon’s algorithm as it checks keywords anywhere in the listing.

Traffic. Keywords do attract traffic but don’t ensure conversion. The key is not to overwhelm but to provide sufficient information to convince them.

Experiment. Keep on testing and try different combinations/approaches until you reach success.

A balanced product title, an effective product description, and a versatile description of features can do wonders for you product rankings in Amazon.

Need help with Amazon Listing? Check out the AMZ One Step.