Tool Review Series : Maximizing Reviews on Amazon Using Kibly

After getting positive feedback on our blog about increasing reviews using ManyChat, we have decided to begin a tool review series for our readers where we will share our detailed feedback on different products and services available on the internet for Amazon sellers.

Maximize Amazon Product Reviews

Reviews represent the core or the heart of an Amazon seller. The more the reviews are pumped into the product page, the faster the sales move in the Amazon system. It has become increasingly difficult for sellers in recent times to acquire and maintain their reviews with frequent changes to Amazon’s reviews policy.

We talk a lot about conversions, clicks into sessions into sales into reviews and we stop there. We never think and work on the idea that there are chances that these sales are convertible into repeat sales or build a customer relation. Let’s share an effective tool used by hundreds of Amazon sellers that helps to eliminate the communication gap between customers and the sellers.


Kibly – Introduction

Kibly provides Amazon feedback automation services, an automated way to respond to all customers that buy your product on Amazon. It enables your Amazon business to operate on an autopilot mode and requires minimum intervention from sellers. It has many exciting features that differentiate it from other services in the same genre. Sellers are mainly after the meat i.e. sales and usually consider after-sales as a headache. They are either disinterested and hire a VA to take care of this or do it themselves poorly and unprofessionally. In both cases, they compromise while closing the loop of sales which Amazon is significant.

Price Plans

Below are the 3 subscription plans that Kibly is offering and your decision to choose the plan will primarily depend on your monthly sales volume. Once you select a package with the features you can access them forever as these are only one time charges and are not recurring.


The main feature of Kibly is to send personalized follow-up emails to your Amazon customers after they purchase a product from you, thank them for buying and remind them to leave a Review or Feedback. In addition to this, they offer a set of features with reasonable pricing making them a desirable service.

  • Send Post ($0.5 – $100 per postcard). This is a differentiating factor and buyers feel special when sellers send a postcard or thank you note to solidify your relations with them.
  • Kibly Connect ($0.08 – $0.16 per record). This feature will help you to improve targeting the right audience and also allows you to serve past customer ads for your products on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
  • Automated Email Follow Up ($0.08 – $0.50). You can send personalized direct mails to follow up your customers which practically improves positive feedback reviews, decrease negative reviews and encourage repeat customers.
  • Link Shortener (Free with Account Registration). It gives you the ability to send people directly from your ads off of Amazon to your product page using a short, professional-looking link instead of a longer direct link.
  • Review & Feedback Tracking ($1 per product). You can trace product reviews and seller feedback with alerts via email and text when new reviews or feedback are left by the customers.
  • Feedback Assistant Free (with Account Registration). You will be notified on your phone or email as soon as there is negative feedback and you will be able to take action to remove the negative feedback from your seller’s profile.
  • A/B Split Tester. Kibly performs some A/B tests to the emails in order to know what message works best for the sellers. This A/B testing is supposed to be helpful to your Amazon customers as it analyzes whether the email templates offered to fit them well or not.
  • Unlimited Email Customization. You have the option of creating different templates without any limitations or hidden charges and customize according to your product/situation.
  • You can send your logo embedded documents and images to provide more information to your customers which will help in convincing and satisfying them.
  • Email Analytics. You can view your total open rates, click-through rates, sent messages and unsubscribes for the last 24 hours to 30 days.
  • Seller Central Import. As soon as you provide Kibly with your account information, they will connect with Amazon and import details of your product listings.
  • Global Reach. Kibly works with all Amazon marketplaces so you can connect multiple accounts with it.
  • Auto-Unsubscribe. This again is a unique feature. If a customer shares negative feedback, not a review, and you foresee him/her to drop a negative review, you have the option to auto unsubscribe that buyer. This can protect you from unreasonable reviewers and abusers that exist in great numbers these days. You can make a preemptive strike to blacklist customers this way.
  • Product Rank Tracker. This is again a distinctive feature that grabs the attention of experienced sellers. Selling rank changes in hours within a day, sellers need to monitor it and develop correlations with new strategies that are implemented to determine the factors bringing positive/negative effects.

How Does It Work?

Once you register with Kibly, it will integrate directly with your Amazon Seller Account using it’s Amazon Developer ID. They have developed standard email templates suitable for various stages after-sales.

  1. Communication Stage. You can make personalized updates and send them to customers as soon as they make a purchase. Thank them for buying the product and proactively share progress about estimated delivery time.
  2. Delivery Stage. A notification will be sent to the customer as soon as the product is delivered. This often strikes the customer with a positive surprise for 2 reasons. They feel that the company is pampering them and engraves an impression of the extreme level of professionalism and promptness.
  3. Follow Up Stage. This is where the magic happens. You’ve built some rapport with the customer now from the first 2 steps and now you are following up. Usually, the auto messaging services trace customers to send follow up emails only which gives an impression that sellers are contacting only because they want a review. No matter how much you coax the message, it still remains the same and customers can see through. You can customize this email template asking for feedback, resolution to a problem or a reorder a customer can want in the future.


Below is the summary of benefits that sellers have experienced so far after using this service:

  • Increased number of Product Reviews
  • The increased amount of Seller Feedback
  • Higher Seller Feedback ratings
  • More repeat purchases
  • Higher review scores
  • Fewer complaints
  • Fewer returns

How to Register?

Step 1: Provide your registration information

Step 2: Enter Amazon seller account information

Step 3: Start scheduling your emails

Kibly is extremely simple to use and has the easiest of the interfaces. You will see the screen below with the summary of statistics as soon as your registration completes.

Below are the different customizable email template options that you will have by default.

You can set up the emails using the email schedule as below.


We are all looking for the perfect tool to manage our Amazon sellers’ accounts efficiently that also requires minimum efforts from our side. Kibly is indeed a premier tool that will assist you in retaining customers, getting feedback and see growth in sales. It will essentially become the backbone of your Amazon business and you will become addicted to providing superior customer services, an essential characteristic of a top seller.

Proven strategy to get reviews on Amazon using ManyChat!

With all the recent changes in Amazon’s ToS, it’s time to revisit our reviews strategy and learn how to get Amazon reviews using ManyChat. Sellers at all levels understand the significance of customer reviews and the challenges they face while experimenting with different ways in creating channels to collect the maximum number. Our goal is to target the past customers and request them for a review in a manner that doesn’t violate Amazon’s Terms also doesn’t reveal your desperation levels. You might have already tried conventional methods like:

  • Sending follow up emails.
  • Sending messages to customers on Amazon.
  • Placing a paper card insert in your product package for a review.
  • Giving away a free product on Facebook groups in exchange for a review.

The effectiveness of these approaches is decreasing by day and this can be validated by thousands of reviews vanished recently. We need to be creative and replace these by developing better mechanisms like the ones we are about to share.

Read More:- How To Get Product Reviews In Amazon 2020

Let’s Talk Basics

ManyChat is an easy and fast way to create a Facebook messenger bot. It is an automated messaging service created within your Facebook messenger app which pops up whenever there is a visitor on a page. You might have already been greeted and warmly welcomed by one when you clicked on a page. Though this is typically used by online marketers to generate conventional auto-responses, we are going to use this for our advantage now. Please bear in mind this is not a typical Amazon-related product and we are going to establish its link with Amazon.

Here’s How It Works?

In a nutshell, you have to use a combination of 4 platforms, Zonpages, Amazon, Facebook, and ManyChat. We are assuming that you are already familiar with Amazon Seller Central and Facebook Ad Campaigns so we will keep our focus on Zonpages and ManyChat.

Pricing Plans

Step 1 – Zonpage: Bridging Amazon & Facebook

  • As soon as you sign up, Zonpage will ask you to link your Amazon Seller Central Account to extract data like names, addresses etc. from your previous Amazon orders and customer reports. They will then try matching, essentially tracing the Amazon customers to another platform i.e. Facebook. NIzagara
  • You will also need to link Zonpages with your Facebook page as below.

  • You will create a new Facebook Audience.

  • We are assuming you wouldn’t have existing multiple customer audiences so you just need to provide a name for the new audience below.
  • You are allowed to filter clients that you are targeting, you have the option to keep it broad.

You can remove people who have bought your product more than 3 months ago. People are likely to forget their purchases exceeding 3 months.

This will be a bonus by-product for you if you haven’t already used it. You can import the matched data of your customer in a list form and use it for analysis to decipher any hidden trends. This is an actual asset for you to utilize later and connect with customers through other channels as well.


Facebook’s new terms will appear, you agree with them and you will see this:


You can also see this reflecting on your ad account on Facebook.


Step 2 – Create Facebook Ad

The next step would be to prepare your first message in the form of an ad to be sent over.

  • Make it simple, attractive and it should look reliable. This is because most people will doubt a random pop up message on Facebook that talks about giving away free or discounted stuff.
  • You should have the image of your product for the customer to recall his/her purchase.
  • Your Ad should be 1200 by 620 pixels ideally, best for mobiles.
  • Amazon’s name should also be mentioned somewhere.

Read More:- How to Scale Your Amazon FBA Business?

Step 3 – Setup ManyChat

Sign up for the ManyChat Pro version to avail maximum features as compared to the free version. Link your Facebook fan page for your brand with ManyChat.

Click on ‘Growth Tools’ on the left pane below.


Then ‘Click on New Growth Tool’ on the top right corner now.

You will see Facebook Ads JSON which is only available in the Pro version.

You will have to click on ‘Edit’ to modify and customize the message you want to send out to your customers. This is where you will need to be careful and ‘subtle’ in asking for honest feedback on their purchase.

Next, you will write the type of automated response buttons you want to add for the ease of customers to respond. You can add multiple levels of responses with the option of setting up delayed responses to customer queries. It’s a beautiful tool and you should explore other features as well that might suit your customers specifically.

Step 4 – Back To FB Ad Manager

  • Once you’re in the Ad Manager, click on ‘Create’.
  • Then click ‘Conversions’.
    • Name it whatever you want.
    • Press ‘Continue’.
    • You will see 3 options Website, App and Messenger. Click on ‘Messenger’.
    • Click on ‘Custom Audience’ and select the audience that you created on Zonpages in Step 1.
    • Select Facebook Feeds and Messenger (avoid Instagram for now).
    • Put in daily budget e.g. $10, $20, etc.
    • Click ‘Continue’.
  • Name your Ad and pick a fan page.
  • Upload the image to be sent as a message.
  • Move on to Messenger Setup and click on ‘Custom Template’ to create a new template for your JSON.
  • Go to ManyChat, click on the Growth Tool you just created. Click on ‘Setup’ and ‘Copy Code to Clipboard’.
  • Go back to the Facebook Ad Manager and paste it in the JSON.

  • You might want to explore other options available as well that you may think are appropriate for your customers and click ‘Confirm’.
  • It might take some as your Ad will be reviewed and you’re pretty much done!

Read More:- Amazon PPC Product Targeting Strategy for Amazon Sellers in 2019


  • Tech Savvy. ManyChat is not widely used for Amazon as it is relatively new and a bit complicated to work on 4 different platforms. Technologically challenged sellers will have a tough time in understanding and will have a lot of hurdles in learning the art.
  • Freedom. We all know that you can’t contact customers with the kind of liberty you want through Amazon and this way we can contact customers without any restrictions. Amazon keeps its customer’s data confidential with the premise that they are not your customers (as a Seller) but are Amazon’s.
  • Customer Interaction. Your customer care goes a level up when you make an effort in finding and contacting previous customers. It gives a personal and a human touch to your customer service which makes it powerful.
  • Communication Channels. The effectiveness of other channels to follow up with your customers is decreasing and some are reaching obsolescence e.g. email follow-ups with appalling CTR (click-through rates). We have to switch to the platforms where people spend more time and are in the mood to interact. I have been using 5 or 10 mg generic Ambien for 8 years and I couldn’t be happier with the results
  • Facebook Targeting. Customer targeting on Facebook is extremely strong and with high response rates, the results for Amazon Sellers are extremely encouraging so far.


  • Do Not Overdo! We all want reviews fast but you shouldn’t go overboard in your excitement and start piling up reviews in numbers every day. A high number of reviews in less time might alert Amazon and they might red flag the ‘unnatural’ pace of reviews. Amazon has deleted reviews earlier and can do it again.
  • Be Tactful. Not to scare you off but you can get caught with a single complaint. So play in the grey area, write things in an indirect way and make the customer feel that your target is not a review but customer satisfaction. You have chances to get away even if Amazon gets to know somehow.
  • Follow Up Vs Harassment. Anything in excess is bad, you do not want to bombard customers with unnecessary follow up messages and make the customers uncomfortable in any way. Control, save up your energy for the long run.

Summary to Wrap Things Up

  • Signup on Zonpages.
  • Link Zonpages Account with Amazon Seller Central Account.
  • Download your Amazon data to Zonpages.
  • Create a custom audience through Facebook.
  • Link your facebook account with ZonPages.
  • Create a custom audience.
  • Create an FB ad for customers.
  • Subscribe to ManyChat.
  • Go to Growth Tools.
  • Create a growth tool for JSON Ad.
  • Go to Ad manager on Facebook to link it up.

Start counting your reviews. For more help contact us.

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Learn How to track your Amazon Keywords.