Identifying & Competing in a Saturated Niche

We always emphasize on the importance of the product hunting stage. We have talked about them in detail as well in 12 Tips for Product Hunting in 2019. High Demand with Low Competition, isn’t this what every Amazon seller is looking for? Experienced sellers know that if decisions are not taken on time then this equation can easily convert into High Demand with High Competition in no time, a situation which no one wanted to be in the first place while finalizing the product. Prior homework can save you from getting stuck with a product so here are some indicators that will come in handy in the product hunting stage.

Cost of Keywords. This is a major indicator to check high competition in a niche. You will have to dig into PPC campaigns and check the cost of each keyword. Anything above $2/keyword should send a chill down your spine as you should expect high competition which will be a budget buster while setting up your PPC campaign that is if you are thinking of venturing into the niche.

You can either use a sophisticated keyword tool that has an option of showing bids per keyword or create a ghost listing, listing created for testing purposes only. We recommend you to use a tool like Jungle Scout’s Keyword Scout which shows the exact bidding overbroad and specific keywords.

New Entrants. You can check the number of new sellers entering into the niche by using ‘Keepa’. Consider a listing as new if it’s there for 5 to 6 months. Lots of young listings are tidings of a price war ahead that you don’t want to get into. Before finalizing your product we recommend you pull out all listings and check the number of days Keepa shows against each to get a sense of the product category dynamics. Yes, this will require some leg work but consider this mandatory as it will eventually pay off. It’s still better to spend time here than in disposing of off inventory later when you hit the wall, your call.

Historical Price Trends. You can dig this data using Keepa again and you can clearly see the price set over a period by the merchant for individual listings. If the majority of sellers are lowering their prices with time then this is a strong indication that no one can sustain a high price point and that the niche is in the price war. This is worrisome especially if the same trend applies to mature listings that have been there for some time and are now forced to lower their prices due to high competition.

To avoid or to compete, that’s the question.

Competing in a Saturated Niche

The first step was to avoid the saturated niche but if you’ve decided to dive into the shark tank then let’s prepare and equip you for the challenge with direct guidelines. Get ready to think out of the box, this will require hard work and a big heart as you are about to pick up fights with monstrous sellers.

Saturated Niche. A situation when customers have tons of product options and sellers are found in abundance. Expect brands to give you some company along. You will have to figure out a way or combination with a hit and trial method to know what works specifically for you.

Product Differentiation/Customize. Unique features will make your product stand out prominently. Go through customer reviews for competitor’s products, see what has been bothering them and solve the issues. Negative reviews are usually more in detail than the positive ones, so you will have plenty of information scattered which you can compile and analyze. Moreover, if you are aware that some new variant has arrived in the market and that no seller is offering the product on Amazon, you might want to take a chance. The best way to try and get candid feedback is to share the sample of the product within your family or close friends and ask for candid feedback. You can later tell them the purpose of it to bring them on the same page. Please note the feedback and this will be extremely helpful before the product hits the market.

Bundling. Research which items people buy when they buy the product you are about to sell. This can be extremely powerful if you couple your product rightly with the most appropriate and relevant product(s). You can see these products on Amazon when you scroll down the product page in ‘people also viewed’ section. Add-ons attract sellers like anything and people will be quick to click to have a look. You might want to work on the packaging side to accommodate and work with your supplier on this.

Observation. Wander through similar competitive product categories where the situation is similar to yours. Be a fly on the wall and enjoy the price wars. Check characteristics of dominating sellers and how underdogs are handling them. Things will get clearer and you will quickly learn the art of fighting. You will want Keepa to be on your side for this along with Jungle Scout to get a holistic picture. We cannot emphasize more on this point as majority of sellers ignore this and rush towards procuring the products.

Pricing Strategy. Prepare mentally to price rightly with tight profit margins initially with gradual price increase gauging customer reactions on the way. You have to be extremely cautious here as your product will have fewer reviews compared with the customers and will have no social proof for customers to buy at a comparatively higher price. You can conquer this stage by experimentation and spending time on the product on a regular/daily basis.

Superior Customer Services. Amazon always places its customers first so you have to follow their lead. Respond to customer queries promptly and settle issues amicably always leaving them happy, whatever it takes. You have to maintain your account health at all times for favorable treatment from Amazon. Focus on customer care in order to get repeat orders/repeat customers. If you genuinely care for your customers and talk to them even after they have placed an order, customer loyalty will skyrocket for sure.

Generous Giveaways. This is when you inorganically or artificially increase your unit sales for Amazon’s algorithm to pick up the products’ selling trend which will bring you eventually on the first page. You need to enter with a generous mindset for at least 2 weeks. Monitor sales of your first page competitors for this either using some tool or using the well-known 999 methods. As per recent events, we do not recommend to use launch pads as Amazon is cracking down on people using them.

Optimized Product Listing. Product title, images, features, and description should be flawless with all the right keywords. Populate the most accurate keywords using an authentic keyword research tool like AMZ WordSpy and use them intelligently. Your product will find its way upwards once your listing is fully optimized from the sea of products and the conversions will increase drastically in no time.

Aggressive PPC Campaigns. Be prepared to spend loads on placing PPC bids for most sought out keywords. As discussed above $2 above for each keyword is an indication of an aggressive competition ahead. You need to be wary and prepared with deep pockets as this is financially exhausting for people usually. You will have to experiment here as well as changing your keywords and the bidding price more often or so to see what works for you the best.

Develop Alternate Channels. Place your product on other marketplaces like eBay to reach out to more online buyers and make sales through Amazon. This increases the surface area to interact and attract customers from similar platforms. You can reach out to established sellers of each platform and share your product details for them to pitch on the specific platform.

Drive External Traffic. Amazon loves external traffic and there is a drastic improvement in your ranking when external audience visits your product page. Work on the website, facebook page, blog, Instagram and youtube influencers to drag relevant audience to your product page.

Advanced Analytic Tools. You have to spend time and money in learning and utilizing updated authentic tools to have in-depth market insights. Marketing intelligence tools act as your eyes and ears and will be crucial in determining seller fate in a competitive environment you are about to enter.

9 Pitfalls for New Amazon FBA Sellers

Starting any business can be daunting especially when you don’t know the starting point. This also happens with Amazon FBA Sellers, who often fall into different pit holes out of sheer excitement and end up in resentment. Based on our experience selling on Amazon and client feedback globally over the years, we are going to share 9 traps usually new sellers encounter and discuss their solutions. We will touch a couple of topics briefly before addressing these mistakes.

1. Amazon FBA Sellers DNA.

We need to identify the DNA of a new Amazon FBA sellers as everyone come with their own mindset, targets and reasons to enter Amazon FBA. Some come for quick money, some want to leave their 9 to 5 jobs, some want an alternate income channel, some come for an exposure into Ecommerce while some come just to see what the fuss and the excitement is all about! Based on their objectives, sellers choose a business model according to their objectives i.e. Retail Arbitrage, Wholesale, Private Label, Drop shipping, FBA vs FBM.

2. Timing in the Year.

It is pertinent to mention here that the timing of starting Amazon FBA business is extremely important and usually new sellers are unaware of the calendar of Amazon sales.

If new Amazon FBA sellers are entering and venturing in January – March then they will experience slowest pace of sales for sure which can become demotivating and can kill the excitement altogether. While the sales skyrocket from October to December, the new sellers can start their journey on a positive note, profitably.

3. Copyrights

It is very easy to fall prey to this trap.

Selling on Amazon is usually induced or is at times executed after attending a course of a guru. What new Amazon FBA sellers see is the final result or the fruit after the tree has fully grown facing enormous hardships and challenges unique to the product. Their thought process usually goes like this.

Getting excited after searching a product on JungleScout chrome extension and getting an encouraging opportunity score like 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Step 2 would be to have a quick search of keywords to see the frequency of searches on Amazon for the product. Then they quickly open Alibaba to find a supplier, shortlist and finalize their orders.

What they miss is to do patent searches to see if there is already someone who has the copyrights to sell the same product or has a similar design. Their inventory will arrive in the warehouse, once their sales start they will come on the competitor’s radar. A complaint will be lodged in the post-natal phase. It’s very easy to check the copyrights and patents via google patents you just have to spend some time to go through.

Alternatively, you can hire an expert to do this for you and you will easily find a competent/ experienced professional on fiver or up work.

4. Seasonal Products

Newbies are naïve and consider all products behave in a similar manner all year round. Amazon FBA Sellers are generally targeting products that will yield reliable and consistent profits to them all round the year.

If you are selling winter caps or bean caps, chances are that they will be in demand in the winters only and people will not be buying them in summers most likely. So, your sales might skyrocket in the winters while they will plummet in the summers.

We are not saying that seasonal products are a no go niche but in case you are planning to enter into it then you should be mentally and financially prepared to enjoy the ride while its moving at a fast pace at its peak and when it’s not at trough.

If you work on seasonal products in the right manner, you can easily reap off tons of money for that particular time of the year and they are a definitely a great add on in your portfolio of products. You just need to be wary of your expectations.

5. Prohibited Listings

Many times sellers procure products from suppliers without knowing whether they are allowed products or not. Below are some of the examples of prohibited items that you cannot sell on Amazon:

  • Products that are subject to recall or safety alert
  • Dietary supplements, such as weight loss products that contain undeclared or prohibited ingredients or are marked as unapproved new drugs such as:
    • Growth hormones or products that claim to support or promote hormone productivity
    • Homeopathic drugs that are prescription, mislabeled or unapproved new drugs
    • Patches marketed as dietary supplements
    • Sexual enhancement products
    • Steroids
  • Supplements claiming that they can be used to cure, mitigate, treat or prevent diseases
  • Supplement listings that include disease names in their keywords

Sellers still take chances what they don’t understand is that all it takes is for one person to come along and complain or report. You might get away by selling the above items using different names but you will eventually be caught. So this can never be a long term thing as Amazon can remove your listing or ban your account.

6. Identification of a Fad

There are products that will come and go, they will have some fashion life maybe for days or months but their days are numbered for sure. Like iPad or iPhone accessories will change with improvements in versions and eventually they will not be in demand as and when technology improves.

Similarly fidget spinners were a craze of their time, a fad that died out after sometime and many sellers fell victim to it. You need to work on products that have a history of sales, estimating total market size in terms of revenue. It needs to be high for a considerable time so that when your product reaches Amazon warehouse in USA in about 1 – 2 month’s time, their demand doesn’t diminish.

You need to check your product results on Keepa and Google trends regularly to get a clearer picture and see through the product fate.

7. Liability Insurance

This is a common falling point for new Amazon FBA sellers as well. They enter into categories with chemicals, oils or substances that are applied to the body without appropriate documentation and paperwork. Many times, Amazon FBA sellers are clueless on this subject as they do not have any business or retail background. modafinil online romania Substances that can cause an obvious accident risk or an allergic reaction by using them needs to get the required approvals. It takes a lot of time and will require some serious money to get the approvals from the right authority in each category.

If someone starts selling such products without approval then Amazon will eventually ban them and ask them to take away their inventories from the warehouse.

8. Calculating Amazon FBA Costs

People are often snared while inaccurately calculating the product cost after it reaches the warehouse and when it reaches the customer ultimately. The best way is to use Amazon’s calculator which will give you each and every cost in detail. You can easily estimate your projected cash outflows based on the results and be wise while investing.

9. Data Analysis

This is the biggest issue within the new seller communities. They get excited after looking at scores using different market intelligence tools like JungleScout, AMZ Wordspy, Keepa etc. One needs to sit and take an overview of these stats and then dive into different details to get the most accurate and holistic picture of the product performance.

People hastily select products just to throw them in the market and see how do they respond? Most often or so, poor homework results in disappointment. One of the most common mistake rookies commit is to type incorrect keywords, extracting and interpreting the results in their own favor. They do not understand that the same product can be searched with other names as well.

Earning profits and running a successful business on Amazon is tediously complex now and you might want to consider a mentor or an expert by your side to avoid the pitfalls mentioned above.

If you have fallen prey to some of these points, you don’t need to feel bad about it as even experts and seasoned Amazon FBA sellers also have battled on the same grounds. You just need to avoid these pitfalls and stay away from trouble right from day 1 by doing the right things.

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