Must-Follow Product Photography Tips From Our Expert

Sellers are always looking for new and different ways to increase Amazon sales, but the answer is right under their nose. Improving Amazon product photography not only attracts more traffic to your pages but also gives your shoppers a more detailed understanding of the product, which can, in turn, increase sales on Amazon. 

The problem is that photography uses a different skill set than retail, so many sellers simply don’t know how to take a good product picture. To help you get started, below we share 7 tips on how to optimize your Amazon product photography to increase FBA sales or Amazon sales in general.

                                            Read More: 7 Creative Amazon Product Photography Ideas To Stand Out

1. Show Different Sides of the Product

One of the inherent problems with eCommerce is that shoppers cannot pick up or interact with the product — they rely on product photography to judge the item’s shape, weight, and moveability. So to give shoppers the fullest understanding of what they’re buying, show the product from different angles, in different forms, inside and outside the product packaging. 

It helps to shoot multiple angles of the product against a white background, just like the one required for your main image. Be sure to include a shot of everything unpacked from the container so your customers see what they’re getting, but also include a shot of the package before it’s opened. If your product has moving parts or accessories, show them in use, too. 

2. Use Creative Camera Angles

Aside from the main image requirements, you’re free to include additional, more creative product photography ideas. These can be instrumental in increasing Amazon sales if you know what kinds of photography shoppers want to see. 

  • Infographics outlining features — You’re free to add text to some of your photos, so try pointing out certain features or hard-to-see parts, so shoppers know they’re there. 
  • Products in use — Show actual people using your products so the customer can imagine what it’d be like to own it themselves. You can also use this style to demonstrate certain features that aren’t obvious. 
  • Secondary objects — Include another object in the photo as a frame of reference for size and to be suggestive. For example, include an actual strawberry next to a strawberry-flavored product. 
  • Show movement — If your product has moving parts, try taking multiple pictures of the parts in different positions so shoppers know its flexibility. 

You also should strongly consider Amazon product videos. Product videos are known to boost sales because they show off the product better than still photos. Customers can see how people use the product, and you can even demonstrate certain features that photos still can’t convey.

Read More: 20 Stats to Drive Your Amazon Video Marketing Strategy

3. Minimize Empty Space

A common piece of advice expert photographers give to beginners is to “fill the frame,” which essentially means minimizing the amount of empty space in the background. Your product should be the main focus of attention, so make sure it takes up the majority of your shot. Try to get the camera close enough to the product that the background is hardly noticeable. 

In fact, one of the Amazon product photography requirements states that, for the main image, the product must take up 85% of the frame. Aside from the main image, you’re free to play more with perspective, but minimizing empty space is a good photography tip in general. 

4. Follow the Amazon Product Photography Guidelines

Even more important than attracting shoppers is following Amazon’s product image requirements. There are some particular rules you don’t want to accidentally break, and by learning the requirements, you can better understand what kind of pictures you can and cannot use.

Specifically, here are some key takeaways:

  • 1000-pixel minimum on either width or height
  • use either color mode sRGB or CMYK 
  • the format must be either JPEG, PNG, GIF, or TIFF
  • use a true white background (RGB: 255, 255, 255) for the main image
  • do not use additional text, graphics, or inset images for the main image

As you can see, taking product photography with a white background is necessary for at least one of your photos. However, you can make the most out of the white background by shooting multiple angles, as we advised in step 1. 

Read More: How to Hire the Best Amazon Product Photographer

5. Learn How to Retouch Photos

Even the best product photographers still use photo editing software to touch up their photos. Retouching product photos is the norm on Amazon and most other eCommerce sites, so if you want your pictures to compete you’ll have to learn some of the basics. 

The good news is that you don’t need to drop hundreds of dollars on Photoshop. You can find cheap or even free photo editing software online. This can help with aspects like brightening the colors, removing dust or other blemishes, and allowing you to superimpose text or overlap images. 

6. Use Proper Equipment

While you can technically take product photos on your smartphone, you’ll get the best results with proper photography equipment, including both a camera and lighting. To maximize results, you’ll also want accessories like a tripod and an adequate white background. 

The best cameras for Amazon product photography are usually mirrorless or DSLR. As for artificial lighting, try LED or incandescent lamps. However, be aware that these aren’t always cheap. If you want to keep your budget down, consider working with someone who already owns these things, which brings us to our final tip…

Read More: Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

7. Work with Amazon Product Photography Services

While these tips are designed to improve the work of an amateur photographer, you can’t master the art of product photography in a few weeks or months. If you want truly mesmerizing pictures, you may want to hire Amazon product photography services

If you’re worried about money, hiring a professional Amazon photographer means you don’t have to buy any new equipment. In this sense, you’re coming out ahead in the cost ratio because you can leverage professional-tier equipment without actually having to buy it. 

But more important is the skill of professional photographers, who have spent their lives honing their craft and can understand concepts like angles, lighting, and how to use a camera. A professional photographer will know the right settings and angles by heart, and if you work with an Amazon service, they’ll also be familiar with the image requirements. If you’re interested and want to hear a quote, schedule a free consultation call now, up to 60 minutes. We’ll answer all your questions and explain how we can help!

Best Practices To Source And Ship Products From China To US

China is a popular sourcing destination for many businesses because of the country’s low manufacturing costs. However, shipping products from China to the United States can be tricky due to the distance and different customs regulations.

In this blog post, some of the best practices to help you source and ship products from China to the US efficiently and cost-effectively are discussed. Read on for more tips!

Executive Summary:

Table of Contents:
0. Why Should You Source Your Products From China?

The benefits of Ordering Products From China outweigh the benefits of sourcing any products from the US or any other country.

1. What Are The Requirements For Sourcing And Shipping From China?

The proper requirements for sourcing and shipping from China include proper legal paperwork, paying taxes, and certifications for being able to sell on Amazon.

2. Which Products Are Best For Sourcing From China?

Any products that are high-quality, not technological, and are not knock-offs of existing products can be sourced from China.

3. How To Find A Supplier In China Best Suited For Your Business?

In order to find the best-suited supplier, you can exhaust a number of options, including hiring a middleman company, using your competitors’ suppliers, ordering samples first, asking for Amazon Product Photography, and aiming for lower prices when negotiating.

4. Types Of Shipping Options Available In China:

There are three types; air freight, water freight, and express delivery.

5. How To Ensure You Are Getting High-Quality Products?

You should check shipments regularly and make sure to keep your supplier on their toes.

Why Should You Source Your Products From China?

The number of manufacturers in China is astonishing. According to a source, there are more than 2 million small factories with an annual production capacity of more than $100K, and another report says it’s closer to 3 million!

This means you can get your items made there at low costs. Considering this, it’s no wonder that many business owners want to import from this country, especially if they plan on selling them through Amazon. Here is a list of advantages to Ordering Products from China:

  • The profit margins of sourcing and shipping your products from China are much higher than simply Dropshipping Amazon products which means more money and fewer costs.
  • Sourcing from China and importing to the US is an easy process even for people who do not have an American Nationality.
  • You are able to develop actual, tangible products in factories.
  • No need to deal with the hassles of traveling to and from China regularly.
  • The overall costs to manufacture and ship from China to the US are lower as compared to sourcing from a US manufacturer.

What Are The Requirements For Sourcing And Shipping From China?

If you’re looking to get into the selling game, it’s important that your first move is bringing in some cash. What is the general rule of thumb? You’ll need to bring at least $500 with you. If not more than that. Ideally, an amount ranging from $2000 to $5000 will do wonders!

To sell the products you shipped from China on Amazon; it’s also necessary to have an account on Amazon Seller Central. The cost of this service is $39.99 per month. Also, make sure you have a handle on getting proper Amazon Account Management otherwise your business may be at risk of losing money.

As your business grows, you will have more responsibilities and less time, so a few other things you should consider getting are; an inspection company in China, a Freight Forwarder (i.e., a company that would receive and ship goods on your behalf), a third-party logistics/ 3PL company (i.e., a service company for distribution, storage, transport, and fulfillment), and customs broker (i.e., an expert for arranging customs clearance process during a shipment).

Paperwork And Taxes:

When shipping a small amount, it’s easy to import into America without any paperwork, and you won’t even pay any tax. Shipments more than $800 can, however, require some paperwork.

Even then, the paperwork is simple for larger value shipments. It doesn’t matter whether or not the recipient is an American citizen; they can still receive their shipment without any problems as long as there are no complications during customs processing.


The worst part about importing goods is finding out that you need certain certifications before they can legally enter your country according to certain restrictions set by Amazon. Thankfully in 2021, the Compliance Reference tool within Seller Central made this process even easier.

This tool can be accessed here if you already have a Seller Central account.

Which Products Are Best For Sourcing From China?

Importing from China is called private labeling, which means you take an existing product and put your own branding on it for better sales results. This could also mean making some light improvements like adding new colors or changing up the design slightly- but nothing too drastic!

At the time of choosing which products to sell, here are the three things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure that either there is no competition for that product on Amazon, or the competition is very poorly optimized. This means low-quality, blurry images and negligible use of paid advertisements.
  • Look for products that have the potential to sell profitably.
  • Watch out for products that can be easily improved or have a high potential for improving at low costs.

You also need to be able to identify good products from the bad ones, especially if you cannot visit the country. The problem with Chinese factories is that they make both excellent and crappy products. The best way to avoid buying a bad quality item? Import simpler products!

Technological products are a big no-no for importing from China. Instead, try to focus on labor-intensive products that don’t have any patents or trademarks.

Lastly, remember that there are a lot of knock-offs in China. You’ll find all sorts of counterfeit products that violate trademarks and copyrights. Importing counterfeit products can be a very bad idea. The reality is that they might get seized at the border, Amazon might have your account suspended, or even worse things could happen like a court case!

How To Find A Supplier In China Best Suited For Your Business?

The country of China is one that has a lot to offer when it comes to safety. Their legal system and overall honesty make scams uncommon, though you should still protect yourself by buying from reputable sources as they may not steal your money but might send you low-quality products. The most commonly used big-name supplier finding platforms include the following:

  • Alibaba/Aliexpress
  • Canton Fair Trade show
  • GlobalSources
  • Yiwu

Hiring A Middleman Company:

The sourcing and trading companies are a lot like the behind-the-scenes workers of your business. They find products for you, but these middlemen need some compensation in return; their services come at an expense. The key benefit of using them? You’ll get higher quality goods because there won’t be any lowball offers from suppliers looking only at minimum wage.

Use Competitors’ Suppliers:

Every company’s import records are public information by law unless they make a formal request to the government and pay an exhilarating fee. This means that if you want your competitors’ supplier or product info on file, all of these details can be found with just one search!

Be Wary Of Shipping Costs:

When selling on Amazon, keep the shipping costs in mind as well, especially if you are ordering your products directly from China. The Amazon Shipping Costs 650; therefore, you need to make sure that your supplier is extra careful with your products and shipments.

Types Of Suppliers:

There are two primary types of product suppliers in China; trading companies and factories.

Factories are where the products get manufactured. On the other hand, trading companies do not manufacture their own products but source them from various factories and then ship them to the US. Trading companies tend to have better quality controls and lower minimum order quantity/MOQ than factories, while the latter have lower prices.

When buying from a factory, you can expect to pay less money for the same product than if purchased through Trading Companies. However, it also has a few drawbacks, such as needing larger orders and a limited selection of products in their inventory; so it’s important that before making this decision on which type would work best with your needs, determine whether they’re primarily focusing on manufacturing or trading goods.

The prices will most likely also vary depending on who produced them because sometimes factories have lower rates while other times traders might be offering better deals – just something worth considering when choosing the right one for your business.

Order Samples First Before Agreeing To Anything:

Samples allow you to evaluate the quality of a product before making an entire purchase. You will most probably need to pay air shipping fees, but it’s all worth it for a chance to check out what overall quality of the product your supplier is offering!

Ask Your Supplier For Product Photos:

Make sure that your supplier can also provide high-quality Amazon Product Photography for your product. This will give your product the best chance of success on Amazon.

However, if you are not confident in the photos provided by your supplier, then consider employing an expert from a reputable Amazon Product Photography Service who can take pictures from all angles and produce clear, high-definition images which will show off all features of your product properly!

Aim For Low Prices And MOQs When Negotiating:

The foremost action you must take before trying to negotiate product pricing is to get multiple quotes from multiple suppliers. This will let you know the normal cost of your desired products, give you a better idea of where you stand, help ensure that your costs stay within reasonable limits, and avoid any surprises down the road!

When you see an exceptionally low-priced item, it’s important to be aware of the reasons why. A common reason for a discount is that quality has been compromised, having a higher amount of MOQs, or shipping terms are different from other items.

These days, the prices of goods in China are becoming increasingly rigid, making it more difficult to negotiate. Therefore, a 5-10% discount off the quote can make up for lost opportunities and give you that much-needed edge when selling your product or service abroad. On the other hand, you may be able to negotiate the supplier’s quoted MOQ down by 50% or more.

Types Of Shipping Options Available In China:

You can choose between three different shipping methods when ordering from China to the USA. These include air freight, shipping by sea, or express delivery services.

  • Standard air freight can take anywhere from 8 to 10 days for most shipments.
  • Standard shipping time for sea freight is between 20 and 30 days.
  • Express delivery services take less than five days for most products coming into America with proper documentation and insurance coverage in place.

How To Ensure You Are Getting High-Quality Products?

Quality standards in China are much lower than those of other countries. This is one reason why Chinese manufactured products often have a bad reputation among international buyers. However, all this can be rectified easily.

Remember that inspection is the key to quality control. Be sure you or your agent inspects every shipment on a regular basis, so no defects slip unnoticed. Make sure the supplier is aware of any defects. You can’t be too careful when it comes to quality, so do everything in order for them not only to fix these problems but also to improve their service next time around!


As a business owner and entrepreneur, if you are on the lookout for a reliable and affordable supplier in China, it is crucial to do your research first. By following the tips we have outlined in this blog post, you can be sure to acquire a supplier that meets your needs and provides high-quality products. Additionally, by using Amazon Product Photography Service, you can take professional product photos that will help increase sales and better showcase your products to potential buyers.

DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography: 7 Need-to-Know Tips

You don’t need to be Ansel Adams for amazing Amazon photography — you don’t even need to know who Ansel Adams is! You can still take great Amazon photos at home no matter what level of photographer you are; when it comes to DIY Amazon photography, even expert sellers can be beginners. 

So here, we explain how to take Amazon photos at home like a pro. We combine both beginner and advanced advice so you can get that studio look right in your living room. Follow the 7 tips below and see for yours

elf how better pictures don’t just impress shoppers, they also increase conversions. 

1. Review Amazon Product Photography Requirements

First things first, your Amazon photography needs to comply with the official Amazon product image requirements. These include a mix of technical requirements and content standards. 

While you can check the link for a complete list, here’s a quick summary of the more important ones: 

  • minimum of 1000 pixels on either height or width
  • sRGB or CMYK color modes
  • TIFF, JPEG, GIF, or PNG formats
  • file names must include the product identifier (ASIN, UPC, etc.), followed by the file extension (.jpg, .png, etc.); example: B000123456.jpg
  • the main image must fill 85% of the frame and be in focus
  • the main image must be set against a true white background (RGB: 255, 255, 255)
  • the main image cannot contain additional text, graphics, or inset images

The requirements for the additional images are more lenient, which is how sellers can post infographics, charts, and images of the product in action. However, the main image has more precise guidelines, and that’s what we focus on here. 

2. Use the Right Equipment 

Using the right equipment is one of the best ways to avoid the common mistakes in Amazon photography. Taking pixel-perfect product photos requires some investment, but not as much as you might think — you can scale costs up or down depending on what you have available. 

Specifically, for the best DIY Amazon photos, consider these tools: 

  • a high-quality camera, ideally mirrorless or DSLR; some phone cameras with good specs can do in a pinch, but they won’t provide the same detail as high-end cameras, and those details are what shoppers want to see 
  • a white background; to cut costs, you can either use a white seamless paper roll as a backdrop, or create your own cheap white box by using household supplies 
  • artificial lighting, ideally LED or incandescent lamps
  • a camera tripod to reduce blurriness

Additionally, you can use extra equipment like a softbox or reflectors for even better image quality, but those aren’t essential. And don’t sweat too much over which lens to use — standard lenses work best for Amazon photography, and wide-angle lenses are not recommended. 

3. Set Your Camera Settings Correctly

After gathering the right equipment, you next have to learn how to use it. In particular, you should familiarize yourself with your camera to get your Amazon photography just how you want it. 

If you’re using a proper camera (as recommended), it’s best to adjust the settings manually. Assuming that you’re shooting against a white background or white box, try to apply these settings: 

  • ISO: 100
  • Aperture: between f/8 and f/16
  • Shutter speed: 1/200th

Whether you’re using a proper camera or a phone camera, you always want to switch to the RAW format. The RAW format gives you the highest quality possible to preserve details best (the largest file size possible, too, but you can fix that later). It also works better for perfecting the white balance later in a photo editor. 

4. Fill the Frame

Moving away from the technical aspects of Amazon product photography, let’s talk a little about what makes a good photo. Typically, you want the subject of your photo — in this case your product — to fill the majority of the frame. As per the Amazon photography requirements, the product needs to fill at least 85% of the main image without being cut off. 

While this is a standard tip for all photography, it is especially relevant for product images. Shoppers rely on pictures to gauge the size of the product, and because the main image isn’t supposed to have any other objects in it, there’s no other frame of reference. Filling most of the image frame gives shoppers a more accurate idea of size because the product doesn’t appear too big or too small. 

Before you take the shot, make sure the product is adequately framed in the preview window. For minor adjustments, you can zoom in and out on the product, but feel free to move the tripod around as well until you find the perfect angle. 

5. Show Multiple Angles

Although it’s not a requirement, showing multiple angles of the product against a white background is still a best practice for Amazon product photography. This gives the shopper a more three-dimensional idea of the product, which in turn nudges them closer to a sale. 

While you have your white background or white box set up with all the necessary lighting, why not experiment with different angles? You’re only required to have one main image with a white background, but you can still upload different angles as additional photos. 

You can even go the extra mile with Amazon product 3D rendering, which — when animated —  create a more interactive feel to seeing a product from multiple angles. These take a little more work to create, but early implementation on Shopify has already increased conversion rates by 250%

6. Learn How to Edit Amazon Photos

Even professional photographers have trouble getting pictures right on the first shot. Photo-editing software like Photoshop or the free-to-use GIMP can help you correct minor errors in your DIY Amazon photography and give them a general polish with after effects. 

Photo editors can’t help with major problems like focusing, but they can swiftly fix minor issues like cropping, blemishes, and color correction. For Amazon product photography, photo editors are incredibly convenient at getting your white backgrounds truly white, making up for any discrepancies with your camera’s auto-white-balance features. 

Learning how to edit Amazon photos comes with its own learning curve, especially if you use professional software like Photoshop. However, the basics are easy enough to figure out, and the better you get at taking pictures, the less editing you’ll need afterwards. 

7. Consider Alternative Styles for the Accompanying Photos

As we mentioned earlier, the guidelines are strictest for the main product image. The accompanying photos, on the other hand, allow for much more creative freedom so you can play around with other sales tactics. 

While a straightforward photo with a white background presents a clear image of what the product is, you can use alternative styles to show off the product in other ways. In particular, consider these: 

  • Candids — Show the product being used by actual people. Photos with happy people in them encourage more sales, not to mention they help explain how to use the product. 
  • Secondary objects — Place secondary objects next to the product, such as a coffee biscuit next to a mug, or a peppermint leaf next to a box of mints. This makes the photo more interesting and influences how people interpret them, plus provides a good frame of reference for the product’s size. 
  • Play with focus — You can get artistic with your DIY Amazon photography, such as getting an extreme close-up where only part of the product is in-focus and the rest is blurry. 
  • VideosAmazon product videos are proven to increase conversion rates by showing the product in motion. 
  • Graphic-photo hybrids — It’s common in Amazon product photography to include one or two images with overlaid text and/or graphics. Images like infographics, comparison charts, and before-and-after pictures help explain the value points of your product if the visuals alone aren’t enough.  
  • Product packaging — A lot of shoppers like to see the product packaging before they buy something, which can be advantageous if the packaging itself explains some of the benefits of your project. 

Essentially, once you have a standardized main image, you’re free to experiment with your accompanying image. Think about the advantages of the particular product you’re trying to sell and see if you can come up with some unconventional Amazon photography to best show it off. 

DIY Amazon Photography vs. Hiring a Professional

Knowing how to take Amazon photos at home is only half the battle — you still have to actually do the work. For starters, you have to gather equipment, whether buying or renting and from there you still need to learn how to use it. 

Professional cameras can add meaningful details to your Amazon product photography, but only if you know what those little buttons and dials do. Meeting the bare minimum for DIY Amazon photography is hard enough, but to truly optimize the images you need to learn a lot more than can fit in a single blog post. 

A lot of sellers prefer to simply outsource their Amazon photography by hiring a professional. Amazon product photography services like ours do all the work for you. Simply explain to our representative what you want (and in some cases send us a sample), and after around 7-10 days we’ll send you at least seven top-quality images taken by professional photographers at our own studios.  

Sure professional services cost more but think of what you save by not buying expensive cameras, lights, and other equipment. Our Amazon photography staff are all professionals as well — you don’t need to learn about camera controls or how to edit Amazon photos because our team is already experts. 

If you’re interested and want to hear a quote, schedule a free consultation call now, up to 60 minutes. We’ll answer all your questions and explain how we can help! 

Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

They say that seeing is believing, but what message do your product pictures give? Are they able to tell the story about the features of your product? Or they are telling some other story where the details are misinterpreted, and the quality is gimcrack? A picture is definitely worth a thousand words, and when it comes to Amazon product photography services, its worth increases exponentially.

Consumers are always looking forward to those shortcuts which are time-saving. In this way, the first thing which comes into their mind is the image of the product. The photos provide a proper testification of the product and generate good traffic to your E-Commerce store. In the era of digital marketing, a great product is considered to be as good as it is advertised. Whether you outsource your Amazon Product Photography Service to other companies or do it yourself, here are some tips and strategies you can implement to optimize your product listings. 

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips

Focus on Amazon’s Technical Requirements before Shooting

Focus on Amazon’s Technical Requirements before Shooting

You need to understand that some technical requirements must be followed when it comes to Amazon product photography. First things first, you need to save your image files in a TIFF, JPEG, GIF, or PNG format. It is better if you check your camera setting before beginning the photo shoot. Try to capture pictures in RAW mode; it gets easier to remove blurriness and edit later in different photography software. Your photos should have a minimum of 1000 pixels (either in Height or Width). Moreover, you don’t need to add any dashes, spaces, or special characters in your image name. Understand the naming convention of the product images on Amazon; include product identified (such as ASIN, SKU, etc..), followed by period along with the file extension.

The use of Product Positioning and Image Quality

The use of Product Positioning and Image Quality

Most of the photographers are not aware that the image they take will be fitted into a square frame when they go live on an Amazon Listing. It is better if you leave some space out so that you can fit them into the frame lately. Always try to think one step ahead. In this way, the cropping will not affect the overall quality of the image. Make the most of the space by carefully utilizing the frame and avoiding the product from being crowded. There are different perspectives when it comes to adding the ‘padding’ feature. xanax 0.25mg buy online Some sellers prefer using colorful paddings whereas some prefer the white background for their products. A white background is often preferred because it provides a clean, crisp, and professional look to the project.  

Read More:-  FBA Product Photography: How To Make Your Main Listing Image Stand Out

As far as the quality of the captured images is concerned, there are certain tactics that can be adapted by newbie photographers on Amazon. It is recommended to take high-quality pictures so that your product is visually appealing. Poor lighting is one of the biggest factors which decreases the quality of the product images. Unwanted shadows can cause the product to be very unappealing which can decrease the interest of the buyer. It is up to the photographer whether to make use of the studio lighting or natural light to capture professional images. It is better to experience it yourself within the space you are allotted and you can figure out the certain angles that go perfectly with the lighting at a certain time of the day. 

Save your time and learn about Amazon Features

Save your time and learn about Amazon Features

Whenever you upload the images to your listing, you might have across the term ‘300 DPI’ or some similar text. There is absolutely no need to give this a thought while uploading your pictures as it only refers to printed photos, not the upload quality ones. Moreover, it is better to perform some other micro-tasks while your photos are uploading to the listing because it can take a while. Just make sure not to refresh your browser if the process is getting time-consuming, unless and until you have an internet connection problem. 

Amazon Seller Central makes use of several tools that are meant to further optimize your product listings. Sellers need to make themselves aware of these features. The Seller Central compresses the images and processes them automatically once they are uploaded themselves. The only thing you need to make sure about your product images is to avoid re-compressing the images. Amazon adds the logo to your product listing as well on its own, so it is better not to use any photo-editing software for such purposes.

Read More:- 3D Rendering vs Product Photography & Which One Is A Better Option For Amazon Sellers?

Listen to experts round up

Listen to experts round up

It is a very well known fact that sharing is caring. People who have mastered Amazon Product Photography service do give wonderful reviews about their experience on Amazon. Ken who is a stance creative, told Jungle Scout that do whatever you want to with the camera, not in photoshop. He figured out that the more the work is done using the camera, the greater the trust will be gained by the customer.

Dorian, a renowned creative director tells the audience that there 3 ingredients necessary for a strong Amazon Brand Image;  legibility, conveyance, and style. Your product’s images need to be clean and clear so that they can be understood on any media. They need to convey a proper message and also maintain the appropriate style so that your images have both quality and audience appeal.

Amazon Product Photography Tips You Should Know

amazon product photography

Amazon Product Photography is the initial step that the sellers need to know about. If you look at the best-selling products on Amazon, there would be a similarity in every product, the Product Photos.
When you’re selling a product on Amazon, the quality of your product photography is critical. A good photo can make customers want to buy your product, while a bad image can turn them away. Here are some tips for taking great product photos that will help your sales  and make your products look awesome:

Technical requirements For Amazon Product Photography:

  • Colour: Use RGB color space.
  • Image formats: JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF.
  • Pixel dimensions should be at least 1000 or larger in width or height.
  • The filenames of images should not have dashes, spaces, or additional characters, or they may be prevented from uploading online on the Amazon marketplace.
  • The image file name must have a Product Identifier followed by a period and the appropriate file extension.
  • Try using 85% of the frame to get the perfect shot.

Amazon Product Photography Tips 1: The main image:

The spotlight is on the main image since the customers spend more time looking at the main image. The customer gets the basic idea of the product by looking at the main image. So, the image must be free of any other distractions. This is why the images on e-commerce portals have a completely white background. Amazon strictly follows specific requirements for the main image.

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

Amazon Product Photography Tips 2: The detailing:

You can add details to the product images that you take, not by using photoshop but by highlighting the characteristics of your product on the Product image. The material used and the quality of the material, the application of the product, etc., can be inserted into the product images.

Amazon Product Photography Tips 3: Experiment with your product:

The main image must meet the requirements listed by Amazon. Amazon lets you add up to 8 product images per product. Focus on how to make the rest of the 7 images more vibrant. Try using these Amazon Product Photography Strategies to add value to your product.

Highlight the benefits of the products: Use at least one image that tells the benefit of the product. This gives the customer a clear idea of the product.

Product in Action images: Amazon Sellers must know about this strategy. This adds some value to your product. Tell the customer how many ways the product can be used.

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography: The Basics


Amazon product photography can be the difference between a sale and a no sale. By paying attention to the technical requirements and following some simple tips, you can take your product photos to make your products stand out on Amazon. Tell the customer how your product stands out from the competitors. Add an image stating the features of your competitor’s product and the product that you sell.

Suppose you’re looking for help with Amazon product photography. In that case, our team of experts is here to offer professional Amazon Product Photography services if you don’t want to take on the task yourself or need help getting started. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you create stunning product photos that drive sales.

Amazon Product Photography – The Basics

Amazon Product photography Service
Amazon Product Photography- The Basics

The most asked question on Quora about Amazon is “how to take product pictures for Amazon??”. Whether you take your product photographs on a high-end DSLR or a phone’s camera, you need to concentrate on the basics to get amazing captures of your product.

For a product photograph to be perfect, the photo must be crisp and detailing. The product details like color, richness, dimensions, and material of the product. You can enhance the richness of the photographs by concentrating on some features. Here are some amazon product photography tips that can make your products look more appealing.

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips You Should Know

Seizing your product in High Resolution: To capture an amazing product photo it must not look blurry and must be appealing. Choose a camera that can do the work. The image must convey each and every detail. If your product image looks good, it creates an impression on your brand and remains the deciding factor for their purchase.

Background: Providing a white background for your product makes your product stand out. If you are not able to add a white background while clicking the product, you can add the background while editing.  If your product is white, you can slightly tweak it using Photoshop.

Photography angle: To take the right shot, you must have the right image angle. The “main Image” gets loaded when you search for a product on Amazon. So, make sure that the main image contains the front view of the product, the rest of the angle can accompany the main image.

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

Making sure that no other items are there in the image: If the product images contain additional items other than the product that you sell shoppers might get confused. Make sure that your product is the only item in the product image. Amazon lifestyle photography is the most searched amazon photography-related keyword. In terms of lifestyle photography, the image quality must be of very high quality.