DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography: 7 Need-to-Know Tips

You don’t need to be Ansel Adams for amazing Amazon photography — you don’t even need to know who Ansel Adams is! You can still take great Amazon photos at home no matter what level of photographer you are; when it comes to DIY Amazon photography, even expert sellers can be beginners. 

So here, we explain how to take Amazon photos at home like a pro. We combine both beginner and advanced advice so you can get that studio look right in your living room. Follow the 7 tips below and see for yours

elf how better pictures don’t just impress shoppers, they also increase conversions. 

1. Review Amazon Product Photography Requirements

First things first, your Amazon photography needs to comply with the official Amazon product image requirements. These include a mix of technical requirements and content standards. 

While you can check the link for a complete list, here’s a quick summary of the more important ones: 

  • minimum of 1000 pixels on either height or width
  • sRGB or CMYK color modes
  • TIFF, JPEG, GIF, or PNG formats
  • file names must include the product identifier (ASIN, UPC, etc.), followed by the file extension (.jpg, .png, etc.); example: B000123456.jpg
  • the main image must fill 85% of the frame and be in focus
  • the main image must be set against a true white background (RGB: 255, 255, 255)
  • the main image cannot contain additional text, graphics, or inset images

The requirements for the additional images are more lenient, which is how sellers can post infographics, charts, and images of the product in action. However, the main image has more precise guidelines, and that’s what we focus on here. 

2. Use the Right Equipment 

Using the right equipment is one of the best ways to avoid the common mistakes in Amazon photography. Taking pixel-perfect product photos requires some investment, but not as much as you might think — you can scale costs up or down depending on what you have available. 

Specifically, for the best DIY Amazon photos, consider these tools: 

  • a high-quality camera, ideally mirrorless or DSLR; some phone cameras with good specs can do in a pinch, but they won’t provide the same detail as high-end cameras, and those details are what shoppers want to see 
  • a white background; to cut costs, you can either use a white seamless paper roll as a backdrop, or create your own cheap white box by using household supplies 
  • artificial lighting, ideally LED or incandescent lamps
  • a camera tripod to reduce blurriness

Additionally, you can use extra equipment like a softbox or reflectors for even better image quality, but those aren’t essential. And don’t sweat too much over which lens to use — standard lenses work best for Amazon photography, and wide-angle lenses are not recommended. 

3. Set Your Camera Settings Correctly

After gathering the right equipment, you next have to learn how to use it. In particular, you should familiarize yourself with your camera to get your Amazon photography just how you want it. 

If you’re using a proper camera (as recommended), it’s best to adjust the settings manually. Assuming that you’re shooting against a white background or white box, try to apply these settings: 

  • ISO: 100
  • Aperture: between f/8 and f/16
  • Shutter speed: 1/200th

Whether you’re using a proper camera or a phone camera, you always want to switch to the RAW format. The RAW format gives you the highest quality possible to preserve details best (the largest file size possible, too, but you can fix that later). It also works better for perfecting the white balance later in a photo editor. 

4. Fill the Frame

Moving away from the technical aspects of Amazon product photography, let’s talk a little about what makes a good photo. Typically, you want the subject of your photo — in this case your product — to fill the majority of the frame. As per the Amazon photography requirements, the product needs to fill at least 85% of the main image without being cut off. 

While this is a standard tip for all photography, it is especially relevant for product images. Shoppers rely on pictures to gauge the size of the product, and because the main image isn’t supposed to have any other objects in it, there’s no other frame of reference. Filling most of the image frame gives shoppers a more accurate idea of size because the product doesn’t appear too big or too small. 

Before you take the shot, make sure the product is adequately framed in the preview window. For minor adjustments, you can zoom in and out on the product, but feel free to move the tripod around as well until you find the perfect angle. 

5. Show Multiple Angles

Although it’s not a requirement, showing multiple angles of the product against a white background is still a best practice for Amazon product photography. This gives the shopper a more three-dimensional idea of the product, which in turn nudges them closer to a sale. 

While you have your white background or white box set up with all the necessary lighting, why not experiment with different angles? You’re only required to have one main image with a white background, but you can still upload different angles as additional photos. 

You can even go the extra mile with Amazon product 3D rendering, which — when animated —  create a more interactive feel to seeing a product from multiple angles. These take a little more work to create, but early implementation on Shopify has already increased conversion rates by 250%

6. Learn How to Edit Amazon Photos

Even professional photographers have trouble getting pictures right on the first shot. Photo-editing software like Photoshop or the free-to-use GIMP can help you correct minor errors in your DIY Amazon photography and give them a general polish with after effects. 

Photo editors can’t help with major problems like focusing, but they can swiftly fix minor issues like cropping, blemishes, and color correction. For Amazon product photography, photo editors are incredibly convenient at getting your white backgrounds truly white, making up for any discrepancies with your camera’s auto-white-balance features. 

Learning how to edit Amazon photos comes with its own learning curve, especially if you use professional software like Photoshop. However, the basics are easy enough to figure out, and the better you get at taking pictures, the less editing you’ll need afterwards. 

7. Consider Alternative Styles for the Accompanying Photos

As we mentioned earlier, the guidelines are strictest for the main product image. The accompanying photos, on the other hand, allow for much more creative freedom so you can play around with other sales tactics. 

While a straightforward photo with a white background presents a clear image of what the product is, you can use alternative styles to show off the product in other ways. In particular, consider these: 

  • Candids — Show the product being used by actual people. Photos with happy people in them encourage more sales, not to mention they help explain how to use the product. 
  • Secondary objects — Place secondary objects next to the product, such as a coffee biscuit next to a mug, or a peppermint leaf next to a box of mints. This makes the photo more interesting and influences how people interpret them, plus provides a good frame of reference for the product’s size. 
  • Play with focus — You can get artistic with your DIY Amazon photography, such as getting an extreme close-up where only part of the product is in-focus and the rest is blurry. 
  • VideosAmazon product videos are proven to increase conversion rates by showing the product in motion. 
  • Graphic-photo hybrids — It’s common in Amazon product photography to include one or two images with overlaid text and/or graphics. Images like infographics, comparison charts, and before-and-after pictures help explain the value points of your product if the visuals alone aren’t enough.  
  • Product packaging — A lot of shoppers like to see the product packaging before they buy something, which can be advantageous if the packaging itself explains some of the benefits of your project. 

Essentially, once you have a standardized main image, you’re free to experiment with your accompanying image. Think about the advantages of the particular product you’re trying to sell and see if you can come up with some unconventional Amazon photography to best show it off. 

DIY Amazon Photography vs. Hiring a Professional

Knowing how to take Amazon photos at home is only half the battle — you still have to actually do the work. For starters, you have to gather equipment, whether buying or renting and from there you still need to learn how to use it. 

Professional cameras can add meaningful details to your Amazon product photography, but only if you know what those little buttons and dials do. Meeting the bare minimum for DIY Amazon photography is hard enough, but to truly optimize the images you need to learn a lot more than can fit in a single blog post. 

A lot of sellers prefer to simply outsource their Amazon photography by hiring a professional. Amazon product photography services like ours do all the work for you. Simply explain to our representative what you want (and in some cases send us a sample), and after around 7-10 days we’ll send you at least seven top-quality images taken by professional photographers at our own studios.  

Sure professional services cost more but think of what you save by not buying expensive cameras, lights, and other equipment. Our Amazon photography staff are all professionals as well — you don’t need to learn about camera controls or how to edit Amazon photos because our team is already experts. 

If you’re interested and want to hear a quote, schedule a free consultation call now, up to 60 minutes. We’ll answer all your questions and explain how we can help! 

10+ Easy & Effective Strategies for Amazon Product Ranking

Any online seller who’s looking to sell more and grow his business understands that Amazon is a great marketplace. The only problem is, it’s highly competitive.

Can you imagine competing against thousands of other businesses for that coveted spot on the search page? If you want a high product ranking, you should understand Amazon’s ranking aspects. Once you understand the factors that generate a high ranking, you can optimize your product listing and generate better results.

We must equally understand that the way Amazon establishes seller ranking is constantly changing. Therefore, what got you on the first page on search results some months ago might not work for you today.

So, how do you attain higher rankings from Amazon’s search engine? Here’s a list of strategies you may want to consider.

Read More:- 3D Rendering vs Product Photography & Which One Is A Better Option For Amazon Sellers?


  • Optimization of Product Listing

Before you can even promote organic search, you’ll want to optimize product listings; this is highly crucial to your search ranking. If you think about it, you wouldn’t click on a product if the listing appeared confusing, inaccurate, or amateurish.

If users don’t click your products, you can forget about ranking and selling. You might wonder, what constitutes an effective listing. You might want to read my recent blog on what not to do in listing optimizations.

To begin with, potential customers will use keywords to search for your product. While it’s important to incorporate the right keywords, ensure you write the description with the buyer in mind, not the algorithm. You’ll want to ensure you’ve answered all the essential questions regarding your product. For instance, potential customers should know what the product is, what it comprises, the benefits, etc.

Together with the description, you’ll want to make sure you optimize the product page and align it with Amazon’s guidelines.

Read More:- 8 Mistakes Every Photographer Makes While Clicking Products For Amazon

  • Maintain Relevancy in Keywords

The first thing Amazon looks at is keyword relevancy. The objective is to offer relevant products that match the keywords searched.

Amazon aims to incorporate pertinent search results that prompt users to click and purchase. You must select the appropriate keywords for your products to show up in searches. There are some great keyword research tools that can help with this. Or consider taking the help of an expert.

With Amazon, you just need to incorporate keywords once for them to rank. This implies that you need to include the most significant keywords in strategic places like in the title and product description. This way, your product will rank for those keywords.

Incorporating keywords will ensure your product emerges in pertinent searches. The last thing you want to do is adopt keyword spamming. Rest assured, this won’t rank you on Amazon’s first page. Strategic keyword positioning will however increase the visibility of your listings.

  • Backend Keywords

As a seller, you have the choice to provide the marketplace with extra information regarding your listing. These hidden keywords inform Amazon that you’re targeting a particular niche or customer. They’re similar to Google’s meta tags.

If you’re a seller, you’ll receive five fields for these keywords with each field having a limit of 50 characters. Amazon uses backend keywords to rank your products and disregards any keywords used in the bullet points or product title. This isn’t your chance to spam the platform with unrelated keywords in the hope that you’ll rank higher in the search results. This will do you more harm than good.

Previously, Amazon had a 5,000-character limit while including backend keywords to product listings. Therefore, you could add countless keywords to rank your products. They have since reduced the limit to merely 250 characters. This means you’ll need to be cautious when choosing the keywords that you want to be included in the backend.

Beware that Amazon won’t index past the character limit and typically punishes sellers that surpass the permitted character limit. You want to ensure you cut your keywords and stay ahead of your competitors by staying abreast of Amazon’s changing rules and regulations. Remember these tips when developing your backend keywords:

  • Avoid repeating keywords
  • Don’t use quotation marks
  • Don’t incorporate too many variants of a similar word

Read More:- 10 Mistakes To Avoid with Amazon Sponsored Products Ads

  • Pricing

As customers, we all seek the best product deals, so you need to price your products appropriately if you want high product rankings on Amazon. To get a clue on pricing, you’ll want to run a comparison check with your competitor’s product listings for your keywords and proceed from there.

Don’t overprice your products because Amazon won’t consider products that are more costly than the competition. You’ll be surprised to know that Amazon’s algorithm will ensure that you have a low conversion rate because of a higher cost point and your product will rank low as a result.

You can decide to select a comparable price point to remain competitive or lower your price slightly to entice customers. Nevertheless, implementing a successful pricing strategy doesn’t necessarily mean you will be the cheapest seller. You simply need to use intelligent pricing software to monitor your competitors’ costs and seller metrics and ensure that your prices increase your sales.


Stock Supply

If you want to secure and maintain high rankings, you should stock your products. Amazon won’t rank your products highly if users can’t purchase them immediately. If you were a customer, imagine how frustrated you would be if you were to click on a listing only to see that you can’t access the product for some days because it’s out of stock.

Your next step would be to click a different listing with a comparable product in stock. If you’re a seller without stock, this will damage your ranking. To avoid this, keep track of your inventory. If you’re generating numerous sales, make sure you restock your products beforehand from running out of stock.

Read More:-  Amazon: 6 Selling Hacks To Crush Your Competition & Achieve The Number #1 Ranking For Your Products

  • Obtain Authentic Customer Reviews

Reviews matter a great deal to Amazon, not just because shoppers use them as a reference before purchasing but because they influence rankings.

Amazon knows that customers depend on reviews to make informed buying decisions. Reviews provide the social proof that you’re a dependable seller whose products correspond with their description. Nevertheless, customers aren’t likely to leave a review unless you ask for it in the right way and at the appropriate time.

To save time and increase your likelihood of obtaining positive product reviews, you can use Amazon’s feedback software to email customers automatically once they make a purchase. Remember, your aim as a seller is to convince Amazon, that every prospective buyer they’re recommending your product to, will obtain exceptional service.

In recent times, Amazon has dealt with false reviews to ensure integrity, so don’t even think of cheating the algorithm. If you notice negative Amazon reviews, establish the reason behind the complaints, and address the problems associated with your product.

  • Product Title

Customers typically use Amazon the same way they do search engines. Even if you know the precise product you’re looking for, I’m sure you’ll type it in as a search query instead of trying to browse through categories and sections to locate it. That’s why you must optimize product titles. You just need the appropriate keyword combinations to enhance your relevancy, giving users a greater chance of discovering your product page.

Your listing will also stand out among competitors, increasing the likelihood of getting customers to click on your listing.

Read More:-  3 Steps to Earning More Product Reviews with an Automated Email Marketing Campaign

  • Unique Content

Whatever you sell must have a distinct description and details that appeal to your target audience directly. A common mistake that sellers make is using the manufacturer’s default description. You’ll notice this poses various issues, including:

  • Other vendors are likely to replicate manufacturer content, resulting in duplicate content
  • It yields poor optimization for search queries
  • It merely contains basic specs and features without stating the value accurately

You’ll want to take the time to describe the features and reveal benefits that your audience may find most relevant. Once you recognize the grounds behind their need for your product, you’ll be in a position to write comprehensive and important product pages that inform your customers and generate more conversions.

  • Listing Images

Amazon has strict requirements on how to use images and display them in listings. You probably know all too well that images influence visibility and conversion. That’s why they’ll even restrict the listing of product pages in some categories if you don’t have at least a high-quality image.

To improve conversions, you should offer as many high-quality images as possible. On the same note, your images must highlight your product from all angles to give customers a feel for your product since they cannot hold it physically. Amazon permits you to include videos as well, so offer additional videos and images when possible. This type of image optimization can yield higher conversions.

  • Invest in Sponsored Ads

If you’re launching a new product or are a new seller, you’ll agree it can be difficult to obtain organic reach on Amazon’s search results because you’ll lack reviews or sales for the product. We know Amazon SEO takes time but the fastest way of jump-starting your ranking is by investing in sponsored ads until your ranking catches up.

  • Perform a Category Audit

A very common mistake most new Amazon sellers make is placing the wrong product in the wrong group. Amazon’s search engines operate based on stringent indexes; if your products aren’t within the correct indexes, in other words not where they belong, it will affect your relevance and rank.

Read More:- Writing Balanced Product Title, Features & Descriptions

Bottom Line

Like any SEO, the key to succeeding with Amazon’s ranking is to make sure you use relevant images, keywords, product descriptions, and images while offering good service. At the end of the day, it’s not about just getting the traffic to your listing. It’s about getting the right and relevant traffic.

Bottom Line