What is the Amazon best seller badge and how to get it?

Executive Summary

What is the Amazon Best Seller Badge and How to Get it?
1. Amazon Best Seller Badge: It is an icon that appears on the product listing and thumbnail of products in the search results.
2. Why Do You Need it?: The badge is a sign of trust and credibility. Buyers trust the listings that have the best seller badge.
3. Listing Optimization: Listing optimization increases conversions and only brings relevant traffic to the listing.
4. List Your Product in the Right Category: Miscategorizing products for an hour of the Amazon bestseller badge does nothing for your listing. It damages the product rank and makes it irrelevant in its respective category.
5. Pricing Strategy: Competitive pricing with a good profit margin can bring sellers close to the best seller badge. 
6. Amazon PPC Advertising: PPC advertising makes the search rankings irrelevant and is an innovative way to increase sales velocity.

Amazon badges can get a little confusing at times. We are here to tell you everything about the best seller badge. Sellers need every single advantage they can get on Amazon. However, it can get challenging to understand different badges and how they affect sales. FBA sellers are bombarded with new knowledge every day. So, we are here to help you learn about the best seller icon and why you need it to succeed.  The Amazon algorithm determines if a product qualifies for the best seller badge. It uses sales volume and history to analyze the Amazon product listing. Now, you can take four steps to get the best seller badge. After you read our guide, you will know everything about the best seller badge.


Amazon Best Seller Badge

Amazon bestseller badge is an icon that appears on Amazon product listing pages and search results. The Amazon bestseller badge is a symbol of high-quality products on the market. It indicates to buyers that this specific item has been selling well and received positive feedback from other shoppers, making it easier for them to make their purchase decision without having too many options available at once! It informs buyers that a product has high sales rankings but also indicates which sellers are most trusted. As such, it makes research easy for consumers by giving them access to information about what others prefer in their searches – even before they go any further with those purchases!

At the start, Amazon only awarded the best seller badge to the #1 seller in the entire category. However, the system was changed, and more products were awarded the best seller badge in sub-categories of the primary category. Buyers always prefer picking the best seller product from the search results. Therefore, it has a massive impact on sales.


Another daunting question is, how does the a9 algorithm determine Amazon’s best sellers rank? It seems they use the Amazon algorithm to determine search results. Two metrics play an essential role in finding the BSR Amazon, and these metrics are sales velocity and history. The products with a high sales volume and consistent sales history snatch the Amazon bestseller badge in their respective categories. Once a product has this badge, Amazon even shows the product in irrelevant search results within the category. So, you must have a consistent sales history and high sales velocity to win the best seller badge.


  • The best seller badge is an icon that appears on product listings and shows that a high product has a high sales volume (see the image above for reference). It is one of the best Amazon badges.
  • Most buyers pick the best sellers due to their perceived value. 

Read More: The Complete Guide To Amazon CTR (Click Through Rate) With Examples


Why Do You Need It? 

The best seller badge is a sign of trust and credibility. Buyers instantly trust products that have the best seller badge. They may also skip their research process if they see the badge. So, it immediately affects the buying decision of consumers. The badge is about perceptions, and sellers want to influence consumer perception. Thus, the badge ensures high conversions, sales consistency, and high sales velocity.

Do you want to be the best seller in your category? If you do, you need the best seller badge. There are dozens and hundreds of product choices on Amazon. Your product listing can never rise above others if it does not have a best sellers badge. However, it is not always beneficial to aim for a best seller badge in competitive categories. Some categories have a lot more buyers and sellers than others. Big brands already have the best seller badge in those categories. So, you may find it hard to earn the badge. What you can do is improve the amazon product ranking of your listing. Other than that, it is almost impossible to snatch a best-seller badge from one of the big brands. 


  • Buyers are attracted to best-seller product listings.
  • Buyers are likely to open the best listings from search results.
  • The best seller badge affects the buying decision.

How to Win the Best Seller Badge

By now, you may be wondering, what do I need to do to earn the best seller badge? Optimization, pricing, category, and advertising are the critical elements for winning the best seller badge. Let us explain the specific actions you need to take to win the best seller badge. Remember, you need a high sales volume to earn the badge. So, these steps will help you to increase your sales.


  • Optimization, pricing strategy, category, and PPC advertising will increase your sales, paving the way towards the best seller badge.

Optimized Product Listings

Amazon listing optimization is necessary if you want a high sales volume. Use search autofill to find the best keywords for your product. Extensive Amazon keyword research and long-tail keywords are essential for increasing your conversions. Study your competitors and use tools such as Helium 10’s “Xray Product Research” to find the keywords of other listings. Analyze the keywords and incorporate them into your product title and bullet points. Relevant keywords bring in more conversions than high-volume keywords. So, do not just fill your page with high-volume keywords. Find the keywords that are most relevant to your product. An optimized listing only reaches the relevant buyers looking to buy that product. You must offer the right product to the right people to have a high sales volume!


  • Amazon listing optimization>>> High sales, more relevant traffic.
  • Perform Amazon keyword research with tools such as keyword planner and Helium 10s “Xray product research”.
  • Incorporate relevant keywords into your product listing.

                                                               Read More: Tips for Amazon Keyword Research

List Your Products in the Appropriate Category


Which choice looks better?

Appear as the best seller in a small niche, or rank well without the badge in a competitive category?

Since every sub-category has a quota of 100 best-seller wards, you may think that miscategorizing your product is the best way to go. Well, that is a one-way ticket to a low-conversion listing. You might get the best-seller award because your sales volume is higher than others in a less competitive sub-category. However, it will lead to horrible conversion rates. Most buyers will arrive at the listing due to a mistake and leave after seeing the product. As we mentioned, relevancy is much more relevant than badges and volume. If you are not listing your product in an appropriate category, there is no point in selling the product. It is equivalent to selling goat meat in a fish market.


Find a relevant sub-category but do not try to miscategorize your product in hopes of earning the best seller badge. Moreover, the Amazon ranking of your product will be poor if it is listed in an irrelevant category. Do the hard work and stop looking for shortcuts!


  • Do not miscategorize your products.
  • Earning a best seller badge for an hour in a small niche has no advantages.
  • Relevant categories will always result in higher conversions. 


Competitive Pricing

Competitive pricing does not mean you need to sell your product at the lowest price. That might send the wrong message to buyers. Ultra-low prices are often perceived as low-quality offerings. Also, the BSR depends on profitability, and you cannot make a big profit if you sell your product at the lowest rates. Keep your prices close to your competitors but slightly decrease the prices if you want to attract more buyers. Other than that, there is no need to lower the price. Competitive pricing always leads to high sales, which improves product rank, taking you one step closer to the best seller badge. comprar alprazolam online chile https://www.veterinary-practice.com/ xanax recepta online forum Prices are not static, and competitors often adjust prices to throw you off. Always keep a close eye on competitor prices and adjust your pricing accordingly.


  • Keep your price near your competitors.
  • No point in selling at the lowest price, as the Amazon best sellers rank also considers profitability.
  • Adjust the prices according to the market trend and competitors. 


Advertising Strategy

Active advertisement is the way forward toward high-conversion listings. You cannot just sit around waiting for people to search for your products. Reach out to the right demographic through Amazon pay-per-click advertising. Make the first move, and advertise your product to people searching for similar products. High-ranking competitors often get complacent and stop using PPC advertising. Well-timed PPC campaigns can make Amazon product ranking irrelevant. If people see adverts they like, the search results will not matter. The organic ranking will also improve as your sales increase. Get ahead of the game with Amazon PPC advertising. 


  • Amazon PPC advertising can help you overgo ranking results.
  • Reach out to buyers rather than waiting for them to search for your product.

Read More:3 Ways to Measure the Performance of your Amazon PPC Ads


Earning the best seller badge can do wonders for your product listing, but you shouldn’t get too focused on the badge. The purpose of every product listing is to sell items. As long as you keep focusing on sales, you will automatically get the best seller badge. Sellers must focus on four aspects to raise their sales and get the badge. Keep your listings optimized to attract relevant traffic and put the listing in the appropriate category. Active PPC advertising and competitive pricing strategy are your friends if you want to raise conversion rates. Outsmart your competitors with marketing, keyword research, and pricing strategy. If you do that, you can get the badge without an issue!

Everything You Need To Know About Amazon PPC

Amazon Pay per Click (PPC) Campaigns: Everything you need to know!

Amazon pay per click campaigns are the most effective way to get more sales. Amazon PPC Campaign generates more sales and that helps you rank organically on Amazon. There are a few things you need to manage in your campaigns like ACoS, impressions, keywords, manual/automatic targeting, etc.

How PPC works?

When you advertise your private label product, Amazon shows your ad to potential buyers depending on keywords and your product category. Sellers bid on keywords and pay per click. The higher the bid more impressions your listing gets. More impressions lead to more sales.

If you are bidding lower than the suggested amount by Amazon then your ad may not show up on the front page of the search term. All ads have a sponsored sign below the title of the listing.

Automatic Campaign means when amazon chooses keywords from your listing and advertises those keywords. Amazon also shows your ad on your competitor’s listing as well.

Step: 1 – Click on the Advertising from home page tab.
Step: 2 – Click on Campaign Manager.
Step: 3 – Click on Create Campaign
Step: 4 – Choose campaign name, set a daily budget, select start and end date, select the automatic campaign and click on continue to next step.
Step: 5 – Select the product you want to advertise.
Step: 6 – Select default bid and click save and finish.

A manual Campaign means you provide Amazon with all keywords you want to advertise on. Make sure the keywords you are providing are relevant otherwise you will not get impressions on that keyword.

Step: 1 – Click on the Advertising from home page tab.
Step: 2 – Click on Campaign Manager.
Step: 3 – Click on Create Campaign
Step: 4 – Choose campaign name, set a daily budget, select start, and end date, select the manual campaign and click on continue to next step.
Step: 5 – Select the product you want to advertise.
Step: 6 – Select default bid and choose keywords you want to advertise on. You can choose keywords suggested by Amazon or provide your own keywords. Click save and finish.

I have mixed opinions on both campaigns and I recommend starting both campaigns and proceeding with the one you are getting better results.

Some important metrics you should know:

Advertising cost of sales (ACoS): The advertising cost of sales can be calculated by dividing total ad spent by sales generated. For example, you spend $1 on ads and generate $5 of sales, your ACoS would be 20%. The lower the ACoS percentage the better it is.

Impressions: The number of times your ad was displayed is called impressions and it may take up to 3 days to remove invalid clicks from your reports.

Clicks: The number of times your ad was clicked by any buyer is called clicks. For accurate data, it may take up to 3 days.

Attributed Sales: Sales generated by your campaign are called attribute sales. If your sales amount exceeds attributes sales that means your remaining sales are organic. It may take up to two days to collect sales data.

How to optimize your PPC campaign?

Running a PPC campaign is very simple and easy but optimizing your campaign and getting more sales with less ad amount is a little bit tricky. Here are the few things you need to do for better results.

1. Find your Keywords: Whether it is a manual or automatic campaign, you should research and find all keywords related to your product. Enter all those keywords in your manual campaign and in your listing as well.

2. Understanding Budget and bids: Amazon suggests how much you should bid in order to get more impressions. For the beginning stages, I recommend bidding on the higher end and after you have successfully ranked your product on page one then you can bid on the lower side. Set your budget to at least 20 times more than your high bid and watch that for the next few days. Adjust if you need to.

3. Cutting down non-performing keywords: After a week of your PPC campaign, you can check data on your spending and sales. Raise your bid on keywords that are making you more sales and remove keywords from campaigns that are not giving you sales if you are not sure what to do then watch your campaign performance.
4. Reduce bids after Ranking: Amazon suggests the range of bids you should enter. A high bid means more impressions, if you have ranked your product on the first page then you should reduce bids because you are already getting enough impressions. Reducing bids will still help you get more impressions and works like fuel on the gas because you have ranked your product and organic sales are also coming.
5. Optimize your Listing: For the best PPC results, clicks will convert into sales only if your listing is optimized. Let’s say you have a visitor on your listing through PPC, you already spent money on that visit and you cannot afford to let that visitor go without a sale. So optimizing your listing is absolutely crucial when starting PPC.
Optimize your listing now.

How much you should spend on PPC?

It really depends on what your goal is. Here are three goals you can achieve PPC
1. Brand awareness.
2. More sales with low cost.
3. Product ranking.
Brand awareness may need a lot of budgets because you want to ensure that people recognize your brand and they may buy your products in the future. In this campaign strategy, you will be running advertisements whether you are making sales or not. You should spend anywhere between $100-$500 per day.
If you are looking to get more sales out of your campaign then optimize your listing and watch all your keywords performance every week. Try to keep your ACoS below 20%. Follow PPC optimizing steps mentioned above and I am sure you will get good sales at a low cost. $20-$50 per day is enough for this campaign.
If your goal is to rank product on the top page then optimize your listing and optimize your listing and spend near about $80-$100 a day.

These numbers are estimated for a competitive niche. You may not spend this much on your campaigns.

What are negative keywords?

Negative keywords are used to prevent showing your ad when those keywords are searched.


When do you start PPC Campaigns?

I would start PPC as soon as the listing is optimized but for better ACoS results you can start after getting a few reviews.

When do you stop PPC?

I never stop PPC. I just reduce my budget and bids.

How many keywords should I include?

You should include as many as possible relevant to your product. Do not include non-relevant keywords because you may lose money or increase ACoS.

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