Must-Follow Product Photography Tips From Our Expert

Sellers are always looking for new and different ways to increase Amazon sales, but the answer is right under their nose. Improving Amazon product photography not only attracts more traffic to your pages but also gives your shoppers a more detailed understanding of the product, which can, in turn, increase sales on Amazon. 

The problem is that photography uses a different skill set than retail, so many sellers simply don’t know how to take a good product picture. To help you get started, below we share 7 tips on how to optimize your Amazon product photography to increase FBA sales or Amazon sales in general.

                                            Read More: 7 Creative Amazon Product Photography Ideas To Stand Out

1. Show Different Sides of the Product

One of the inherent problems with eCommerce is that shoppers cannot pick up or interact with the product — they rely on product photography to judge the item’s shape, weight, and moveability. So to give shoppers the fullest understanding of what they’re buying, show the product from different angles, in different forms, inside and outside the product packaging. 

It helps to shoot multiple angles of the product against a white background, just like the one required for your main image. Be sure to include a shot of everything unpacked from the container so your customers see what they’re getting, but also include a shot of the package before it’s opened. If your product has moving parts or accessories, show them in use, too. 

2. Use Creative Camera Angles

Aside from the main image requirements, you’re free to include additional, more creative product photography ideas. These can be instrumental in increasing Amazon sales if you know what kinds of photography shoppers want to see. 

  • Infographics outlining features — You’re free to add text to some of your photos, so try pointing out certain features or hard-to-see parts, so shoppers know they’re there. 
  • Products in use — Show actual people using your products so the customer can imagine what it’d be like to own it themselves. You can also use this style to demonstrate certain features that aren’t obvious. 
  • Secondary objects — Include another object in the photo as a frame of reference for size and to be suggestive. For example, include an actual strawberry next to a strawberry-flavored product. 
  • Show movement — If your product has moving parts, try taking multiple pictures of the parts in different positions so shoppers know its flexibility. 

You also should strongly consider Amazon product videos. Product videos are known to boost sales because they show off the product better than still photos. Customers can see how people use the product, and you can even demonstrate certain features that photos still can’t convey.

Read More: 20 Stats to Drive Your Amazon Video Marketing Strategy

3. Minimize Empty Space

A common piece of advice expert photographers give to beginners is to “fill the frame,” which essentially means minimizing the amount of empty space in the background. Your product should be the main focus of attention, so make sure it takes up the majority of your shot. Try to get the camera close enough to the product that the background is hardly noticeable. 

In fact, one of the Amazon product photography requirements states that, for the main image, the product must take up 85% of the frame. Aside from the main image, you’re free to play more with perspective, but minimizing empty space is a good photography tip in general. 

4. Follow the Amazon Product Photography Guidelines

Even more important than attracting shoppers is following Amazon’s product image requirements. There are some particular rules you don’t want to accidentally break, and by learning the requirements, you can better understand what kind of pictures you can and cannot use.

Specifically, here are some key takeaways:

  • 1000-pixel minimum on either width or height
  • use either color mode sRGB or CMYK 
  • the format must be either JPEG, PNG, GIF, or TIFF
  • use a true white background (RGB: 255, 255, 255) for the main image
  • do not use additional text, graphics, or inset images for the main image

As you can see, taking product photography with a white background is necessary for at least one of your photos. However, you can make the most out of the white background by shooting multiple angles, as we advised in step 1. 

Read More: How to Hire the Best Amazon Product Photographer

5. Learn How to Retouch Photos

Even the best product photographers still use photo editing software to touch up their photos. Retouching product photos is the norm on Amazon and most other eCommerce sites, so if you want your pictures to compete you’ll have to learn some of the basics. 

The good news is that you don’t need to drop hundreds of dollars on Photoshop. You can find cheap or even free photo editing software online. This can help with aspects like brightening the colors, removing dust or other blemishes, and allowing you to superimpose text or overlap images. 

6. Use Proper Equipment

While you can technically take product photos on your smartphone, you’ll get the best results with proper photography equipment, including both a camera and lighting. To maximize results, you’ll also want accessories like a tripod and an adequate white background. 

The best cameras for Amazon product photography are usually mirrorless or DSLR. As for artificial lighting, try LED or incandescent lamps. However, be aware that these aren’t always cheap. If you want to keep your budget down, consider working with someone who already owns these things, which brings us to our final tip…

Read More: Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

7. Work with Amazon Product Photography Services

While these tips are designed to improve the work of an amateur photographer, you can’t master the art of product photography in a few weeks or months. If you want truly mesmerizing pictures, you may want to hire Amazon product photography services

If you’re worried about money, hiring a professional Amazon photographer means you don’t have to buy any new equipment. In this sense, you’re coming out ahead in the cost ratio because you can leverage professional-tier equipment without actually having to buy it. 

But more important is the skill of professional photographers, who have spent their lives honing their craft and can understand concepts like angles, lighting, and how to use a camera. A professional photographer will know the right settings and angles by heart, and if you work with an Amazon service, they’ll also be familiar with the image requirements. If you’re interested and want to hear a quote, schedule a free consultation call now, up to 60 minutes. We’ll answer all your questions and explain how we can help!

7 Creative Amazon Product Photography Ideas To Stand Out

Even with the best products at the best prices, shoppers will still pass you by unless you have eye-catching photos. Mesmerizing Amazon product photography is the best strategy to increase Amazon sales, but for most sellers with backgrounds in retail, photography is not a skill that comes naturally. 

We’ve already explained the basics as they apply to amateur photographers with our DIY guide to Amazon Product Photography, but sometimes the basics aren’t enough. So in this guide, we share 7 expert ideas on creative Amazon product photography styles that you can use to stand out. These ideas aren’t your average run-of-the-mill product photos, so their unique imagery is sure to get your products noticed and increase sales on Amazon.

                                            Read More: How to Hire the Best Amazon Product Photographer

1. Blurry Outdoor Background

Blurry Outdoor Background


Amazon product photography on a white background is a requirement for your main image, but your other images have more leeway. In addition to doing a standard product-in-use photo or infographic, you can also showcase your product against a blurry outdoor background. 

These photos work because they help the shopper imagine what it’s like to use the product without the risk of distracting them with background images. It’s also easy to shoot: just set your camera to a wide aperture (a low F-stop number). You don’t even need to worry too much about where the background is because the shopper won’t see much of it.

                              Read More: The Last Guide To Amazon Product Photography You Will Ever Need!

2. Floating over White Background

Floating over White Background



If you want some homemade special effects, you can shoot your product against a white background so that it looks like it’s floating. This not only satisfies Amazon’s main image requirements for white backgrounds, but it also creates an interesting effect that your customers are more likely to remember. 

There are essentially two approaches to get this effect: 

  • suspend your product with a fishing line or use invisible adhesive to keep it upright in front of a white background
  • take a normal picture against a white background and edit out the floor with photo editing software like Photoshop

Regardless of which approach you choose, consider keeping in the floor shadow to leave some realism for the shopper. 

3. Infographic with Labeled Parts

Infographic with Labeled Parts


Infographic images are great for when you want to both show and tell. Some products require a little explanation about how they’re used, and infographic images are more likely to be seen than the instructional text in the product description. 

But instead of listing the features of your product, try labeling each part to explain what it does. For one thing, this is another excuse to show a detailed close-up of your product. More importantly, it gives you the opportunity to explain all the beneficial parts of your products, such as interesting features the shopper may not have noticed from your other pictures. 

This type of Amazon product photography works twice as well with control panels and interfaces where the buttons are not self-evident.

                              Read More: DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography: 7 Need-to-Know Tips

4. Visual Effects To Show Movement

Visual Effects to Show Movement


Moving parts can be a huge advantage to some products, especially if competing products aren’t as flexible. But how can you show movement in a still photo? 

Using basic photography or photo-editing techniques, you can depict movement in still photos by either of these two methods: 

  • Set a low shutter speed on your camera to create a motion blur in the actual photo. (This can be difficult without photography experience, as you risk blurring the parts of the photo you actually want the shopper to see.)
  • Take a sequence of photos with the moving parts in different positions. Then, in photo-editing software, overlay all the photos on top of each other, with some transparency (as in the example). This shows the shopper the range of motion your product has. 

These techniques can get a little advanced, especially if you don’t have much experience in either photography or photo editing. If you don’t feel confident in your photography abilities, you can always use Amazon product photography services. Here’s how to hire the best Amazon product photographer

                                      Read More: Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

5. Glass Floor

Glass Floor


Although this Amazon product photography idea won’t work with all products, for some, it’s the perfect way to show off some hard-to-notice features. If your product has an interesting bottom, such as shoes with special treads or an appliance with gripped feet, you can display them with a glass floor angle. 

The easiest way to do it is to place the product on its side and shoot from an angle that looks like it’s underneath. If that’s not possible, you can also set the product on top of a pane of glass and take the picture from below. This gives shoppers a view of the product they would never see otherwise and can verify the safety or sturdiness of certain products. 

6. Testimonial Cards


Testimonial Cards


Just like our idea for infographics with labeled parts, you can use your images to communicate certain benefits that the shopper might not bother reading in your product description text. In this case, you could use the product images to feature any famous brands or publicity your product received. 

While this Amazon product photography is not exactly about the product, you can still use the image to feature a brand logo or testimonial quote of a famous or noteworthy supporter of your product. Shoppers respond to social proof, so if they see another famous brand logo in your images and read that they endorse you, that’s a big step to make a purchase or even increase FBA sales.

                                             Read More: Amazon Product Photography Tips You Should Know

7. Silhouettes of People

Silhouettes of People

Brick-and-mortar stores use mannequins because the shopper can imagine themselves wearing the clothes. That same principle can be applied to Amazon product photography by using nondescript silhouettes of people. 

Keeping the person in the photo vague — such as an outline, shadow, or cartoon — has two main advantages. First, like the traditional mannequins, an ambiguous person in the photo makes it easier for the shopper to imagine themselves in action, as opposed to a more intricate model. Second, using silhouettes minimizes the details that aren’t related to the product, so the shopper can focus more on what you’re selling and less on who’s in the picture. 


DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography: 7 Need-to-Know Tips

You don’t need to be Ansel Adams for amazing Amazon photography — you don’t even need to know who Ansel Adams is! You can still take great Amazon photos at home no matter what level of photographer you are; when it comes to DIY Amazon photography, even expert sellers can be beginners. 

So here, we explain how to take Amazon photos at home like a pro. We combine both beginner and advanced advice so you can get that studio look right in your living room. Follow the 7 tips below and see for yours

elf how better pictures don’t just impress shoppers, they also increase conversions. 

1. Review Amazon Product Photography Requirements

First things first, your Amazon photography needs to comply with the official Amazon product image requirements. These include a mix of technical requirements and content standards. 

While you can check the link for a complete list, here’s a quick summary of the more important ones: 

  • minimum of 1000 pixels on either height or width
  • sRGB or CMYK color modes
  • TIFF, JPEG, GIF, or PNG formats
  • file names must include the product identifier (ASIN, UPC, etc.), followed by the file extension (.jpg, .png, etc.); example: B000123456.jpg
  • the main image must fill 85% of the frame and be in focus
  • the main image must be set against a true white background (RGB: 255, 255, 255)
  • the main image cannot contain additional text, graphics, or inset images

The requirements for the additional images are more lenient, which is how sellers can post infographics, charts, and images of the product in action. However, the main image has more precise guidelines, and that’s what we focus on here. 

2. Use the Right Equipment 

Using the right equipment is one of the best ways to avoid the common mistakes in Amazon photography. Taking pixel-perfect product photos requires some investment, but not as much as you might think — you can scale costs up or down depending on what you have available. 

Specifically, for the best DIY Amazon photos, consider these tools: 

  • a high-quality camera, ideally mirrorless or DSLR; some phone cameras with good specs can do in a pinch, but they won’t provide the same detail as high-end cameras, and those details are what shoppers want to see 
  • a white background; to cut costs, you can either use a white seamless paper roll as a backdrop, or create your own cheap white box by using household supplies 
  • artificial lighting, ideally LED or incandescent lamps
  • a camera tripod to reduce blurriness

Additionally, you can use extra equipment like a softbox or reflectors for even better image quality, but those aren’t essential. And don’t sweat too much over which lens to use — standard lenses work best for Amazon photography, and wide-angle lenses are not recommended. 

3. Set Your Camera Settings Correctly

After gathering the right equipment, you next have to learn how to use it. In particular, you should familiarize yourself with your camera to get your Amazon photography just how you want it. 

If you’re using a proper camera (as recommended), it’s best to adjust the settings manually. Assuming that you’re shooting against a white background or white box, try to apply these settings: 

  • ISO: 100
  • Aperture: between f/8 and f/16
  • Shutter speed: 1/200th

Whether you’re using a proper camera or a phone camera, you always want to switch to the RAW format. The RAW format gives you the highest quality possible to preserve details best (the largest file size possible, too, but you can fix that later). It also works better for perfecting the white balance later in a photo editor. 

4. Fill the Frame

Moving away from the technical aspects of Amazon product photography, let’s talk a little about what makes a good photo. Typically, you want the subject of your photo — in this case your product — to fill the majority of the frame. As per the Amazon photography requirements, the product needs to fill at least 85% of the main image without being cut off. 

While this is a standard tip for all photography, it is especially relevant for product images. Shoppers rely on pictures to gauge the size of the product, and because the main image isn’t supposed to have any other objects in it, there’s no other frame of reference. Filling most of the image frame gives shoppers a more accurate idea of size because the product doesn’t appear too big or too small. 

Before you take the shot, make sure the product is adequately framed in the preview window. For minor adjustments, you can zoom in and out on the product, but feel free to move the tripod around as well until you find the perfect angle. 

5. Show Multiple Angles

Although it’s not a requirement, showing multiple angles of the product against a white background is still a best practice for Amazon product photography. This gives the shopper a more three-dimensional idea of the product, which in turn nudges them closer to a sale. 

While you have your white background or white box set up with all the necessary lighting, why not experiment with different angles? You’re only required to have one main image with a white background, but you can still upload different angles as additional photos. 

You can even go the extra mile with Amazon product 3D rendering, which — when animated —  create a more interactive feel to seeing a product from multiple angles. These take a little more work to create, but early implementation on Shopify has already increased conversion rates by 250%

6. Learn How to Edit Amazon Photos

Even professional photographers have trouble getting pictures right on the first shot. Photo-editing software like Photoshop or the free-to-use GIMP can help you correct minor errors in your DIY Amazon photography and give them a general polish with after effects. 

Photo editors can’t help with major problems like focusing, but they can swiftly fix minor issues like cropping, blemishes, and color correction. For Amazon product photography, photo editors are incredibly convenient at getting your white backgrounds truly white, making up for any discrepancies with your camera’s auto-white-balance features. 

Learning how to edit Amazon photos comes with its own learning curve, especially if you use professional software like Photoshop. However, the basics are easy enough to figure out, and the better you get at taking pictures, the less editing you’ll need afterwards. 

7. Consider Alternative Styles for the Accompanying Photos

As we mentioned earlier, the guidelines are strictest for the main product image. The accompanying photos, on the other hand, allow for much more creative freedom so you can play around with other sales tactics. 

While a straightforward photo with a white background presents a clear image of what the product is, you can use alternative styles to show off the product in other ways. In particular, consider these: 

  • Candids — Show the product being used by actual people. Photos with happy people in them encourage more sales, not to mention they help explain how to use the product. 
  • Secondary objects — Place secondary objects next to the product, such as a coffee biscuit next to a mug, or a peppermint leaf next to a box of mints. This makes the photo more interesting and influences how people interpret them, plus provides a good frame of reference for the product’s size. 
  • Play with focus — You can get artistic with your DIY Amazon photography, such as getting an extreme close-up where only part of the product is in-focus and the rest is blurry. 
  • VideosAmazon product videos are proven to increase conversion rates by showing the product in motion. 
  • Graphic-photo hybrids — It’s common in Amazon product photography to include one or two images with overlaid text and/or graphics. Images like infographics, comparison charts, and before-and-after pictures help explain the value points of your product if the visuals alone aren’t enough.  
  • Product packaging — A lot of shoppers like to see the product packaging before they buy something, which can be advantageous if the packaging itself explains some of the benefits of your project. 

Essentially, once you have a standardized main image, you’re free to experiment with your accompanying image. Think about the advantages of the particular product you’re trying to sell and see if you can come up with some unconventional Amazon photography to best show it off. 

DIY Amazon Photography vs. Hiring a Professional

Knowing how to take Amazon photos at home is only half the battle — you still have to actually do the work. For starters, you have to gather equipment, whether buying or renting and from there you still need to learn how to use it. 

Professional cameras can add meaningful details to your Amazon product photography, but only if you know what those little buttons and dials do. Meeting the bare minimum for DIY Amazon photography is hard enough, but to truly optimize the images you need to learn a lot more than can fit in a single blog post. 

A lot of sellers prefer to simply outsource their Amazon photography by hiring a professional. Amazon product photography services like ours do all the work for you. Simply explain to our representative what you want (and in some cases send us a sample), and after around 7-10 days we’ll send you at least seven top-quality images taken by professional photographers at our own studios.  

Sure professional services cost more but think of what you save by not buying expensive cameras, lights, and other equipment. Our Amazon photography staff are all professionals as well — you don’t need to learn about camera controls or how to edit Amazon photos because our team is already experts. 

If you’re interested and want to hear a quote, schedule a free consultation call now, up to 60 minutes. We’ll answer all your questions and explain how we can help! 

Amazon: 6 Selling Hacks To Crush Your Competition & Achieve The Number #1 Ranking For Your Products

If you have been trying to find success in Amazon without having an idea about the way Amazon delivers its search results; you have been taking it all wrong.

And if you think reaching the number #1 ranking will take a day or a week, you should come out of your fool paradise.

With over 5 million sellers, Amazon is indeed a very complex market where the amount of competition has increased drastically over the last 10 years. However, it highly depends upon your area of selling, product niche, and your target market.

Therefore; let’s be realistic!

Reaching the number #1 ranking in Amazon is what we all look for. Why? Because this is the only way we can have more exposure and sales.

For that, you need to understand the Amazon Ranking Algorithm and the factors it depends upon. Known as the A9 Algorithm, it determines the ranking of a specific product based on many factors including reviews, CPC, content placement, keywords usage, and Photography.

Believe it or not, Amazon is the place where the future of eCommerce stands.

Here are 5 sections of this blog:

Say Hello to the A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm

Before I add any explanation on the search results of Amazon or how the A9 Algorithm works, let’s check out what Amazon has to say about it.

Amazon Ranking Algorithm

Basically, Amazon studies the search patterns of the customers for over some time. Then it matches with the relevant product. But, how will it determine the relevancy of an item against a search?

It should be noted that relevance is different for Google and Amazon.

  • For Google, the relevant search is the one that has an accurate answer. Right?
  • For Amazon, the relevant product is the one that is most likely to be bought by customers.

Moreover, there had been a few confusions between the Amazon Sellers and SEO Experts.

To some SEOs, Amazon only works through conversion! This is so wrong!       

Google SEO is pretty different from Amazon SEO. In Amazon, you don’t need backlinks, social media clicks, or even DA to get ranked. Because Amazon works differently.

To understand it fully, let’s find out the main goal of Amazon

  • Amazon always tends to maximize the ROC (Revenue per customer)

Your answer to Amazon Ranking lies in this point.

Let’ say, if a certain query gets you a sale, Amazon will most likely show you on the top the next time user searched the same query. Because this is where Amazon realizes that your product is the most relevant against that particular search.

Secondly, the ranking also depends highly upon the usage of keywords.

Keywords are more than essential; you just can’t miss them.

As In Google SEO, keywords are one of the most eminent aspects of the A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm. Along with the relevancy, Amazon search works through analyzing the keywords placement in each listings.

Keywords can be a game-changer for any brand. The traffic on your listings is directly proportional to the numbers of keywords you have targeted.

If someone has ever told you that you can move along in Amazon without worrying about the keywords, he has simply fooled you. Why, because he himself doesn’t know the A9 Algorithm.

Some users type the product name directly on the search box, while the rest (which are in majority) type the long-tail keywords as they are looking for ideas.

For your brand to get clicks and sales on the long-tail keywords, you need a perfect keyword placement strategy for Amazon.

But, it’s quite easy for Amazon.

You will need to have a third party keyword tool to find the high-density keywords against a specified product.

As far as Keyword tool is concerned, you can find plenty of them on the web with fine features and on different pricing.

[We do have a keyword tool with the name “Amz WordSpy” that is free for the first 30 days and is made primarily to help Amazon Sellers in getting the right keywords.]

Keywords are more than essential; you just can’t miss them

Follow these easy steps for your keywords targeting Amazon.

Finding your Targeted Keywords:

You will have few keywords already in your mind according to your product.

For example: if you are trying to sell “Sea Salt Spray in Amazon”, you have to find the searches that are done to find the products related to yours.

Looks difficult? Here it is…

Step #1

Type your product in the keyword bar and click on the search bar.

Finding your Targeted Keywords

Step #2

Select your country. Wait, you need to select the country where your target market lies. It doesn’t matter where you are selling from!

Amazon Ranking Algorithm

Step #3

After clicking the search bar, you will see a list of relevant keywords based on customer searches and trends. Note: Allow the tool to load for few seconds before it shows you the popularity.

You can also track your keywords rankings and clicks through this tool. For more insight about Amz Word Spy, please click on this link: –

Learning the Relevancy Ranking Factors Of Amazon

I expect that you have learned the basics of keyword research. In case, you like to see a detailed explanation of Keyword Hack, please visit our blog section.

When monitoring your keyword ranking, you need to take care of certain principles that carry significant weight in the A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm.

All of the factors mentioned below are equally important as they reflect your product ranking in the Amazon search.

  • Title of the product:-

In Amazon, the title of the product carries significant weight in the A9 Algorithm because this is where the relevancy is measured.

The way of writing titles for Amazon is different than Google!

In Google:

You are supposed to write an engaging title that should convince the visitor in clicking your link.

In Amazon:

All you need to do is to place your keyword that shouldn’t cross the 80 Characters mark. The keyword here plays the most important role in determining your CTR which in turn reflects your ranking.

While in both cases, title plays a role in determining your CTR so it should be relevant.

Note: There isn’t any hard and fast rule about the 80 characters rule, but I have experienced better results in that limit. You can exceed the limit if you want.

  • Bullet Points

Believe it or not; Bullet Points are also a great ranking signal in the Amazon Ranking Algorithm. The search engine of Amazon marks a listing rich if it is equipped with reasonable bullet points that should be describing the features of the product.

In fact, this is where the convincing part happens. The bullets are ideal to convince your viewer in buying your product.

Most people write theories and reviews in bullet points. Please don’t do that!

  • Describe the background of the product with proper reasoning

For example; if you are selling sea salt spray to your customers on Amazon, you should be describing why it is needed?

In my case, I would say:

If you are looking to curl your hair in less time without hurting your hair strength, you should definitely try this product.

I am sure you can write better than this, but I am writing this just for an idea. You need to place a proper reason that why should a customer buy your product.

  • Use Technical Terms related to the product

When using technical terms related to the specification of your product, do write a few more words to describe it. Otherwise, it will confuse your viewer and will convince him to look for other products.

Not having a reasonable bullet point will have an adverse impact on your ranking on Amazon. Therefore, write bullet points in easy English that should be thoughtful and convincing.

  • Place your keywords in Bullets

This is the best place to list your keywords. Bullet Points are likely to be indexed by the Amazon Algorithm which will give you an additional benefit in your ranking if you have placed your keywords within that.

  • Product Description

This is where the creative part is needed. Engaging content with fine use of words is most likely to convert your views into sales that will increase your rankings eventually.

As in your title and bullet points, you need to place your main and long-tail keywords in the description as well.

But, don’t repeat the same keywords as they make no difference in your Amazon Rankings.

  • Brand Name:

It’s nearly impossible to get ranked if you haven’t listed the brand name in your title and description. Brand name increases the trust of the customer on a particular product as it plays a convincing role which helps him to make a decision.

You should even add a manufacturing number in your title if it has one. This way, you can also check the customer searches on that particular brand which will create a wider market for you.

  • Specification

Not all products would be needing detailed specifications. But, they are always a plus point for your listings.

Make a table for the specification but it should be simple. The message should not be detailed but should reflect clarity.

Stuff related to size, shipping weight, color, and techs can be added there.

  • Category

It sounds simple, so it is. But, do add your product in the ‘most relevant category’. Because, when a customer clicks on a certain product, the same products in that category are shown. This way, you have a higher chance of getting visibility.

  • Keywords in your URL

If you know a bit about Google SEO, you would know the importance of short links. You don’t have to write a story in your link. Cut it short!

If you are selling a juice washer, let the URL be [Juice + Washer], that’s it! In case, your keyword is a bit long, make it short using

Keywords in your URL

Some Other Ranking Factors that affect your Product ranking

So you have listed your product carefully in Amazon by keeping the title, description, and other features relevant and according to the Amazon Algorithm.

You have also placed the keywords in your title, bullet points, and description.

Now, there are few more ranking factors that you can’t do much about them. To your surprise, they carry a significant weight too!

  • Negative Feedback

While not only negative feedback can extirpate your brand value, it can have adverse impacts on your Amazon rankings.

Negative feedback should be taken seriously, otherwise, Amazon will not take your product seriously at all. Just like you, Amazon also wants to maintain good customer experience.

The moment, you are hit with negative feedback, do something about it.

If the review targets a damaged side of your product, reach out to your customer and get it replaced in the first place. Don’t risk your brand value for over few dollars.

If your customer is concerned about the quality, get him replaced with a better one.

Thus, the seller feedback plays a defining role in your ranking so it should be maintained as high as possible.

  • Out-Of-Stock Products

First of all, it is bad for your customer retention. I know, you would be thinking of pre fulfillment cancellations but that doesn’t solve the issue, right?

The percentage of refunds and cancellation adversely affects your Amazon ranking. This happens mostly when your products are out of stock.

Therefore; it is vital to make sure that your products are always in stock as that will help you to increase customer retention and your Amazon Ranking.

  • Perfect order Percentage (POP)

It is calculated as a measurement of orders delivered smoothly to the customer against the total number of orders.

POP (Perfect Order Percentage) heavily relies on the following factors:

  • In-Stock Rate: If you have been consistent in keeping your stocks high, you are most likely to have a high POP get ranked in Amazon.
  • Accurate Product Listing: With an Accurate product listing, you are most likely to have a higher POP.
  • Quick Shipping: On-time shipping’s are considered ideal because it attracts the Amazon Algorithm in getting your ranked higher.

Higher the POP (Perfect Order Percentage), the higher the rankings.

  • Unit Session Percentage

Before understanding these metrics, you should have a clear idea about the ASIN.

The Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASIN) are a unique blocks of 10 letters that identify a particular item. ASIN is significant to both sellers and Amazon.

For Amazon, it is a way to create and manage their catalog. With the help of Product’s ASIN, Amazon delivers accurate and relevant product searches for the customer.

For Seller, it means a lot. ASIN number is used to track their products in Amazon and this is the only way Amazon recognized their products.

Unit Session Percentage is defined as the ratio of the number of units sold on a particular ASIN against the total number of sessions that ASIN had in that particular timeframe.

In short, products with high unit sessions are most likely to get ranked in Amazon and those products are better bets for Amazon to promote and earn more in many ways.

  • Order Defect Rate (ODR)

When you are in the FBA program, you can’t really make sure about the product being shipped to the customer because Amazon does the shipping part.

Each claim put by the customer is considered as an order defect. If the order defect increases by 1%, it’s time to be more vigilant.

Your first priority should be to deliver your product in the best quality.

If the number of orders is 100, and only 1 order defect is reported on your listing:

Order Defect Rate = (Order Defect/ Number of Orders) * 100

(1/100)*100 = 1% Order Defect Rate

Take care of your customer satisfaction, otherwise, you are out of business!

Order Defect Rate

The need for Good Photography in Amazon Listing

So you have optimized your listing well according to the relevancy factors and have fed long-tail keywords in title, bullet points, and in your description.

The next thing is “Photography”

There had been countless debates among SEO experts and Amazon Sellers regarding the need for Photography in Amazon Listing.

Too many SEOs, ‘Amazon Algorithm only works on the conversion rate (CR) and the cost per click (CTR). It means that if you have a good CTR and CR, you are most likely to get ranked in the Amazon Search.

Is it wrong? No, it isn’t. But, does it remove away the need for photography? Off course, not!

It is a matter of fact that Amazon does consider Conversion rate, CTR, and other factors when determining the ranking of products.

Let me ask you this; on what factors does CTR and CR depends?

From quality content to proper listings to photography; these factors determine the CTR of a product because they help the customer in decision making.

The image is the first thing the customer sees in your listing. It plays a convincing role for a customer in making a purchase.

Bad images don’t work at all. If you have been ignoring the need for Good Photography up till now, you should come out of your fool paradise.

Go and search the top Amazon Sellers who are ranked at the top in Amazon; you will find that most of them have great photography in their listing.

It’s 2019, you don’t need lectures that should convince you of the need for Photography in e-commerce.

Back to the point!

You need a studio for Amazon Photography. If you don’t have it, read the guidelines about making your own studio at home.

Please note down the must-have features for Amazon Photography.

  • Keep the Background White

Remember, it isn’t a wedding shootout. Images on white backgrounds are considered ideal for e-commerce as well as for Amazon Listings.

Amazon allows up to 9 images per listing. The main image has to be on white background as ruled by the Amazon.

White Background is known to be the most professional among many photographers and designers mainly because it makes the product center of attraction while it reduces distraction from the main product.

Moreover, as recommended by Amazon, your product should occupy at least 85% of the space in the image.

  • Capture in Bright Light

This is the basic rule of thumb for any good Photographer. Capturing in the bright has its own charm and elegance.

You can do that easily in your studio by placing special effects that are made to deliver bright light. In case you don’t own a studio, the side of the window will help you in getting the perfect shot.

  • Use High-Resolution Images

The customers always tend to see every bit of the product before making a purchase. High-resolution images will allow your customer to look closely at your product that will eventually increase your CTR and CR respectively.

The ideal pixel of the image is not defined. But, most successful Amazon Sellers keep the pixel to be 1500.

Use High-Resolution Images

Here are a few tips and tricks for your Perfect Amazon Photography.

Tip #1

Try to Place the Target Market in the picture

Your graphic designer can play a defining role in creating a balanced picture that could speak for itself. An image that consists of a target market within itself is more likely to sell. This is proven from the great experiences of Amazon Seller who were successful in generating sales on images that has target market included in them.

If you are selling a baby towels or something related to baby stuff, you should add the mother and the smiling baby in the image. I am just giving an idea; off course, you can come up with something better.


Try to Place the Target Market in the picture

I agree that these shoots require more time than the normal ones. But honestly, it will do wonders for you.

Tip #2

Create the need for the product

This is a renowned rule of marketing that is taught worldwide; create the need for the product.

In Amazon, you have an ideal opportunity to do it through your Images. And yes, Images certainly can develop and illustrate the need for the product at great intensity.

Here is a perfect example where the need itself is created by the designer!


Create the need for the product

The need is perfectly illustrated in the image. The shopping bags made up of cloth are a great alternative to plastics which is great for a healthy environment.

Tip #3

Adding emotions to the image

Sometimes, adding emotion to the image works great. The reason I used ‘Sometimes’ is because it doesn’t work all the time (in my personal experience at least).

Smiling faces, people worried due to something, struggling man/women racing towards their goal; these are certain emotions that worked well for Amazon.

An example of emotion is perfectly described in the image below:


Adding emotions to the image

For more photography tricks and tips, get our Free EBook on Amazon Selling.

PPC can be a Game-Changer for Your Amazon Business

Before we go into PPC, let’s assume:

  • You have started your Amazon business and have studied thoroughly the A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm
  • You have done extensive Keyword research and have planned powerful keywords for your listings.
  • You have developed the content for your listing and have sniffed the keywords in description, title, and in your bullet points
  • You succeed in getting good photography done and have uploaded your images on Amazon.

The basics are complete and hopefully, they will generate good results.

But, have you ever thought of boosting your sales in one go and getting the ultimate exposure in less time?

Yes, I am talking about the PPC for Amazon.

In case you are new to PPC, here is a simple explanation for it.

“Known as the pay per click, it is a form of advertisement that is done primarily to get clicks and sales. The advertiser has to pay every time a customer clicks on their ad.”

The same goes for Amazon PPC. So what can Amazon PPC do for you? Is it worthy enough to invest?

Advertisements are the need for every business. In Amazon, it is more than important. Before we go into the details, it should be noted that Amazon PPC is the best way to increase the CTR, which ultimately increases the ranking of your keywords.

These 5 hits will convince you to run the PPC ads for your listings.

  • Beating the competitors in the tough market.

It happens mostly in best-selling niches where you can be outrun by your competitors through PPC even though you have a good organic position. So staying in the market and getting the right share demands the need of Amazon PPC.

  • Getting Maximum Sales on the seasonal trends

Amazon market is hot mainly on seasonal trends like Christmas, Mother’s Day, Black Friday, and Halloween. This is the time where you should be investing in your advertisements to achieve the maximum share of sales and revenue.

  • Earning exposure for new product launches

Getting fast exposure to the newly launched products should be your #1 priority. You can’t rely on your organic exposure all the time because the competition in that area can be really tough to meet. On those grounds, Amazon PPC is by far the most effective method to get decent exposure for your products.

  • Buying the organic Rankings

In areas, where acquiring the high rankings are difficult due to tough competition, Amazon PPC can help you earn those organic ranking. This will double your sales and revenue in very less time.

A little investment can earn you quite a lot in less time.

According to an authentic source, 45% of clicks are made on top 4 ads. You surely don’t want to miss that!

To make things easier for sellers, there are countless PPC Analyzer tools online that makes PPC management very easy and convenient.

Every Amazon Seller looks for exposure for their brand. PPC is just a way to buy that ‘exposure’.

Like Facebook Ads and Google Ads, Amazon PPC is a great way to boost up sales and revenue while achieving the ultimate exposure.

There are 3 advertisement formats for Amazon PPC.

  • Sponsored Products

This form of PPC is known as ‘Keyword Targeted ads’ that enable advertisers to promote a particular product against a chosen search query.

For example, I am looking to sell Portable Mouse in the USA.

Step #1:- I will look for a powerful keyword that has been searched mostly by the users. Let’s suppose, I chose ‘Portable Mouse for Laptop’

Step #2:- Now, I will run a PPC ad for Portable Mouse with the target keyword.

Every time, a user search the term ‘Portable Mouse for Laptop’, my product will show on the top and will eventually get the first click. On every click, you have to pay Amazon a certain amount which is called the ‘Advertising Fee’.

  • Sponsored Brands

The only difference is; instead of a certain product, the brand is being sponsored.

  • Product Display Ads

They are very similar to Google ads. For these kinds of ads, you are required to create an audience with certain interests and target them to your product.

You probably might be thinking that how much a click will cost me?

It depends upon the bidding. Each advertiser ads a bid before running a PPC campaign. The one with the highest bid receives the top position and vice versa.

The average CPC for most Amazon Ads revolves around $0.02 to $3.

Once you have automated your PPC campaign against a targeted keyword, the next step is analyzing that campaign.

The only definition of a successful campaign is something that earns you 7x to 10x times more than your initial investment. A campaign that isn’t driving the results is simply a failed campaign.

Product Display Ads

To Summarize

Here are the key points of the entire blog post.

  • The A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm uses conversion rate, relevance, and customer satisfaction in determining the ranking of a product. Therefore, they should be carefully abided when creating a listing for Amazon.
  • Keyword research is more than important for improving your organic rankings. Use long-tail keywords in your product title, description and bullet points. Avoid repetition of keywords because they make no difference.
  • Photography is the backbone of Amazon Listing. It helps in improving the CTR and CR of a listing which in turn increases the keyword ranking.
  • PPC is a great way to buy those rankings that are tough to achieve organically. Take full benefit of seasons by running efficient PPC campaigns by targeting customers on the basis of their interests.

If you haven’t been scrolling fast, I am very sure that you know how Amazon Ranking works! In case, you’re looking to outsource your Amazon Business, get in touch with us.

From listing optimization to Amazon Product Photography to PPC to Enhanced Brand Content; we have got you covered.

Amazon Product Photography Tricks | How Product Photography Increases Your Sales?

The shoppers look for proof of quality and value when they purchase an item online. This is the reason why most sellers on Amazon needs to have better photography.


Why Product Photography??

The ultimate aim of every seller is to make the customer buy their product. This can be easily done by visually displaying your product. This is done by Product Photography. Product images increase the trust and also make the shoppers engage and convert them into customers. Many sellers think that this is everyone’s cup of tea, that’s not true. There are some tricks that can make your product look amazing even if your budget is under 50$.

E-commerce product photography can be subdivided into 2 types:

1) The simple white background, the product only photographs

The simple white background, the product only photographs: This is the most used product photography style in every e-commerce platform. White backgrounds make the product look more vibrant. Product only images emphasize the product details. High-resolution images are always preferred by shoppers. So, use a better camera to capture your product images.

2) Lifestyle photographs

Lifestyle photographs tell the story of the products. It shows how the products get implemented in real life. Shoppers get interested to know about the application of the item in real life. So, having a lifestyle photograph of the item gets more audience.

Tips for Amazon Product Photography on less budget:

  1. Use a whiteboard or clear white paper as a background.
  2. You can use your home or office table as a shooting table. Clip the white paper onto the table.
  3. Lightbox: You can make your own lightbox by using any clear plastic box and covering the inner side of the box with a white sheet. This helps to distribute the light evenly. Use a high beam torchlight and place it on the sides of the box.
  4. Use a tripod for the camera to avoid disturbance.
  5. Choose the right camera: Avoid a wide lens, choose the right aperture for the perfect shot.