Amazon Seller Forums & Communities That Are Highly Useful

With its vast storehouse of information, the internet is a great resource for knowledge-seekers. For gaining insights into eCommerce practices, Amazon seller forums offer invaluable opportunities to connect with other sellers and take your business to the next level. Here are some beneficial groups to help you gain an edge in this competitive industry.

Forums offer a collaborative space for users to benefit from shared knowledge and exchange ideas. They can be an essential tool in professional networking while providing assistance and comfort through the support of like-minded individuals facing similar challenges. An effective forum offers the perfect platform to share experiences, engage in meaningful conversations or ask questions seeking advice – ultimately connecting those who seek answers with those willing to provide them.

What are Amazon Seller Forums?

Amazon Seller Forums offer an invaluable platform for current and aspiring Amazon sellers.

Using these forums, users can learn about new services and obtain professional advice specific to their needs as sellers. as well as offer suggestions that may help to influence how we shop online in the future or join a thriving community of people committed to supporting one another in e-commerce. For newcomers looking to break into this business model, it’s one resource no modern entrepreneur should be without!

By connecting with experienced merchants, you can gain valuable insights into the Amazon Marketplace and ensure your successful selling journey. 

Don’t hesitate to ask around if there are any questions or uncertainties related to this platform that could benefit from an expert opinion!

With Amazon, the opportunities for success are endless. Experienced sellers can draw on their knowledge and experience to build valuable contacts while starting to have a great platform to share ideas and gain new insights.

Whatever your level of expertise, these forums provide an excellent way to improve business potential!

However, every online forum has specific regulations, and it is important to become familiar with them as they are designed to ensure a productive environment. By adhering to the guidelines set in place by each community you join, your experience will be more rewarding. In addition, you will be less likely to face disciplinary action that could lead to an account suspension.

Read More: Upcoming Amazon conferences 2023 

The Categories in the Amazon Seller Forums

Navigating Amazon Seller Forums can be a breeze with the three main categories: 

Selling on Amazon, 

FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon), and 


Whether you want to learn more about selling your products online or explore helpful tips for using their fulfillment service, these distinct sections make it easy to find relevant information quickly.

Selling on Amazon:

Amazon sellers now have access to informative and reliable advice, as Amazon has implemented forums where experienced sellers and representatives from the company can answer questions about selling on their platform. This fantastic resource is invaluable for those looking to overcome any challenges associated with becoming successful in e-commerce.

From managing listings to shipping orders, you can find all the resources and information needed for successful selling on these key topics: listing reports and management, seller assistance, order fulfillment, tracking, returns, and feedback.


FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon):

The FBA service provides answers to a wide variety of questions related to your Amazon business. Whether you’re looking for information about FBA orders, customer service support, shipping, or inventory management, all the resources are available in one easy-to-navigate category! 

Streamline your understanding of how Amazon FBA works with accessible solutions at the click of a button.

Announcements :

As an Amazon seller, stay informed with the latest news and announcements from one of the world’s leading e-commerce providers. Keep current on potential changes affecting your business operations and plan accordingly.

Explore Helpful Resources on Amazon’s Seller Forums

When an Amazon seller needs assistance, the expansive help topics in Seller Central are often a great starting point. But for more difficult questions, exploring the vast array of helpful resources on Amazon’s Seller Forums can provide sellers with support and valuable insights – ensuring even those trickier inquiries get answered!

Unveil Different Sales Strategies

For new sellers, a robust understanding and application of different sales strategies is key to success. A great way for merchants to stay ahead in the competitive market is by utilizing online forums to learn from peers about their techniques – be it feedback on newly implemented campaigns or insights into upcoming trends that can help boost sales performance.

Be Aware of New Trends

With the ever-growing presence of technology, insight surrounding new and trending products can take time to determine. To combat this, users are turning to different sources such as seller or forum feedback to understand the nature and quality of products better. This provides an unbiased view that cuts past any potential noise on the internet.


Build Better Network

Establishing lasting business connections is essential for sustained success. These relationships can be vital when seeking fresh perspectives and resolving marketplace woes. Moreover, a strong base of contacts enables enterprises to unlock their full potential, increasing the probability of realizing maximum profits in the process.

Best Amazon Seller Forums:

On Amazon sellers’ forums, like-minded individuals can form a vibrant community of e-commerce entrepreneurs. Here you’ll find plentiful opportunities for collaboration and support—enabling members to help each other with tricky sales issues, exchange innovative ideas, and share their stories from the trenches of entrepreneurial success.

For entrepreneurs looking to take their business venture further and fledgling sellers finding their feet in the market, having access to up-to-date information is essential. Amazon forums provide a great resource for established businesses and newcomers alike – unlocking invaluable insights into strategies to help you succeed on this competitive platform.


Amazon Seller Central is an essential forum for sellers who want to stay informed and ahead of the trend. This online platform offers a variety of resources that cover everything from fundamental selling inquiries, help for new Amazon sellers, payment concerns, and FBA-specific topics.

This website provides sellers and new members with convenient access to frequently asked questions and a centralized hub for the latest industry news. Perfect for staying up-to-date on all of your favorite events!



The Amazon FBA Warriors Forum is the perfect platform to take your Amazon business from average to extraordinary. With a community of seasoned experts (and newcomers alike) ready and willing to share their stories, tips, and tricks for succeeding on this online marketplace – all in an encouraging setting—you’re sure to become an ace at selling on Amazon like never before. 

Whether you’re scaling up from 6-figures or starting as a beginner with lofty aspirations, transform yourself into an FBA expert today by joining our vibrant Facebook group!



With a mission to empower entrepreneurs selling on online marketplaces around the globe, Andy Geldman founded Web Retailer, an educational community website boasting members from every corner of the world. This platform provides its 18,000+ users with invaluable resources, such as discussion forums for troubleshooting strategies or tools and tips regarding trends in digital retail sales.

Web Retailer connects eCommerce pros and tech-savvy shoppers to the latest software and services. Through its comprehensive forum, users gain privileged access to weekly newsletters that let them stay abreast of industry trends, insightful reviews, pertinent discussions, and impressive new options for their businesses.

Our website is a vibrant hub of knowledge and collaboration, offering four key areas to explore: a directory filled with resources, an interactive forum for conversations, webinars featuring top industry experts, and in-depth articles packed with valuable insights.

Amazon is a prime destination for sellers of all stripes to gain insights from true professionals. For those looking to up their e-commerce game, Amazon’s interviews with bestselling merchants will provide invaluable advice. At the same time, carefully researched blog posts are an essential resource that can help guide your journey as you build success in online selling.



Warrior Forum is a mass of digital marketing experience, with over 1.1 million members sharing insight and knowledge from years in the industry. Its marketplace provides opportunities to expand business networks through affiliates, partners, and mentors, building credibility among participants by engaging actively in its various threads. 

Grow your business and discover success with marketing tactics fit for any size. From PPC campaigns to eCommerce solutions, you’ll uncover innovative strategies within the content of this website—everything from email marketing to search engine optimization is included!



Established in 2006 by two British entrepreneurs, Chris Dawson and Sue Bailey, Tamebay has become an important hub of news and intelligence for those who seek success on the world’s leading online marketplaces. Providing invaluable resources to eCommerce-savvy sellers based all around the UK, with a focus primarily on Amazon and eBay platforms, this site is one that every trader should have at their fingertips when selling items or services abroad. With up-to-date information about industry trends, developments, and other related announcements from corporate sources and third parties, there isn’t a more effective way to stay ahead of your rivals than with what Tamebay has in store for you!

Tamebay offers eBay users the unique opportunity to take charge of their online marketplace presence. This means optimizing website traffic, increasing sales, and converting potential prospects with a selection of best practices from years of digital marketing expertise.

Serving a wide range of businesses, this powerhouse resource helps merchants harness the potential for growth across all popular online marketplaces. Offering everything from books and eBooks to services such as webinars and events, it is an invaluable tool that can help entrepreneurs and established companies navigate sales easily.



Reddit provides Amazon sellers with an amazing online space to connect, collaborate, and converse about their sales successes. Users can easily join in the conversation or sit back and listen as people discuss various topics related to this industry, from marketing ideas to customer service items. Whether a newbie or an experienced seller, Reddit will greatly benefit!

This platform offers more than just conversations. It includes weekly Q&A sections and a handy status bar that provides quick access to the hottest, most controversial, and fastest-rising topics so sellers can stay informed at all times.



Digital Point is an invaluable resource for Amazon FBA sellers, providing a vibrant online community and helpful tools such as Rank Checker and an exclusive “members” area. Aspiring entrepreneurs can choose from topics across various posts to receive the guidance they need. With Digital Point’s multitude of features, anyone can easily become well-informed on their business endeavors!



With over a decade of industry experience, UK Business Forums (UKBF) has become one of the leading resources for small business owners striving to stay ahead in an ever-evolving market. Founded in 2004 by renowned entrepreneur Richard Osborne, what started as just 30 members on a humble website is now home to more than 375k people who frequently discuss advice and debate issues associated with selling products within the United Kingdom’s borders.

UKBF is opening up a new era of commerce with more than 9,000 monthly users and more than 500k page visits each month. This platform, established by an active member named Ozzy Osborne, is encouraging evidence of how liberating owning your own business can be.

This is the perfect platform to turn to, where knowledgeable individuals are waiting with a wealth of information on their entrepreneurial experience.



The AMZ Tracker Community Forum is a vital resource for Amazon FBA Sellers, offering valuable tools to help them optimize their business operations. With features like accurate and automated sales tracking, revenue estimators that provide insightful projections into the future success of businesses, and blogs packed full of useful tips and advice from experts in the industry,

AMZ Tracker provides first-class support in navigating life as a seller on one’s journey toward financial freedom.



E-commerce Bytes is an invaluable resource for anyone in the e-commerce arena. It provides extensive podcast links, blogs, and other useful information to make navigating digital commerce easier than ever.

The website also boasts of its popular forum where members from all over engage with one another on topics like web design, the latest trends in marketing strategies, and security measures such as fraud prevention or shipping/packing best practices. Whatever your questions about this domain are, post them to get quick answers!



The eCommerce Fuel Forum is the ideal destination for experienced six- and seven-figure businesses seeking to scale their online store operations. Supporting members with deep insight from leaders in the industry on how best to drive greater sales success, a single subscription of $49 per month will open up an array of information-packed conversations between seasoned professionals looking out for each other’s successes.



Selling online can be a lonely endeavor for Amazon sellers, as it almost always involves working from home without the benefit of discussing ideas or issues with colleagues. However, getting involved in forums and social groups provides opportunities to build an invaluable business network while learning strategies that take your success to the next level. 

From participating in webinars and Meet Ups to joining various communities, engaging on multiple platforms allows you to tap into resources that greatly support entrepreneurs operating their businesses – no matter where they are located!


Must-Follow Product Photography Tips From Our Expert

Sellers are always looking for new and different ways to increase Amazon sales, but the answer is right under their nose. Improving Amazon product photography not only attracts more traffic to your pages but also gives your shoppers a more detailed understanding of the product, which can, in turn, increase sales on Amazon. 

The problem is that photography uses a different skill set than retail, so many sellers simply don’t know how to take a good product picture. To help you get started, below we share 7 tips on how to optimize your Amazon product photography to increase FBA sales or Amazon sales in general.

                                            Read More: 7 Creative Amazon Product Photography Ideas To Stand Out

1. Show Different Sides of the Product

One of the inherent problems with eCommerce is that shoppers cannot pick up or interact with the product — they rely on product photography to judge the item’s shape, weight, and moveability. So to give shoppers the fullest understanding of what they’re buying, show the product from different angles, in different forms, inside and outside the product packaging. 

It helps to shoot multiple angles of the product against a white background, just like the one required for your main image. Be sure to include a shot of everything unpacked from the container so your customers see what they’re getting, but also include a shot of the package before it’s opened. If your product has moving parts or accessories, show them in use, too. 

2. Use Creative Camera Angles

Aside from the main image requirements, you’re free to include additional, more creative product photography ideas. These can be instrumental in increasing Amazon sales if you know what kinds of photography shoppers want to see. 

  • Infographics outlining features — You’re free to add text to some of your photos, so try pointing out certain features or hard-to-see parts, so shoppers know they’re there. 
  • Products in use — Show actual people using your products so the customer can imagine what it’d be like to own it themselves. You can also use this style to demonstrate certain features that aren’t obvious. 
  • Secondary objects — Include another object in the photo as a frame of reference for size and to be suggestive. For example, include an actual strawberry next to a strawberry-flavored product. 
  • Show movement — If your product has moving parts, try taking multiple pictures of the parts in different positions so shoppers know its flexibility. 

You also should strongly consider Amazon product videos. Product videos are known to boost sales because they show off the product better than still photos. Customers can see how people use the product, and you can even demonstrate certain features that photos still can’t convey.

Read More: 20 Stats to Drive Your Amazon Video Marketing Strategy

3. Minimize Empty Space

A common piece of advice expert photographers give to beginners is to “fill the frame,” which essentially means minimizing the amount of empty space in the background. Your product should be the main focus of attention, so make sure it takes up the majority of your shot. Try to get the camera close enough to the product that the background is hardly noticeable. 

In fact, one of the Amazon product photography requirements states that, for the main image, the product must take up 85% of the frame. Aside from the main image, you’re free to play more with perspective, but minimizing empty space is a good photography tip in general. 

4. Follow the Amazon Product Photography Guidelines

Even more important than attracting shoppers is following Amazon’s product image requirements. There are some particular rules you don’t want to accidentally break, and by learning the requirements, you can better understand what kind of pictures you can and cannot use.

Specifically, here are some key takeaways:

  • 1000-pixel minimum on either width or height
  • use either color mode sRGB or CMYK 
  • the format must be either JPEG, PNG, GIF, or TIFF
  • use a true white background (RGB: 255, 255, 255) for the main image
  • do not use additional text, graphics, or inset images for the main image

As you can see, taking product photography with a white background is necessary for at least one of your photos. However, you can make the most out of the white background by shooting multiple angles, as we advised in step 1. 

Read More: How to Hire the Best Amazon Product Photographer

5. Learn How to Retouch Photos

Even the best product photographers still use photo editing software to touch up their photos. Retouching product photos is the norm on Amazon and most other eCommerce sites, so if you want your pictures to compete you’ll have to learn some of the basics. 

The good news is that you don’t need to drop hundreds of dollars on Photoshop. You can find cheap or even free photo editing software online. This can help with aspects like brightening the colors, removing dust or other blemishes, and allowing you to superimpose text or overlap images. 

6. Use Proper Equipment

While you can technically take product photos on your smartphone, you’ll get the best results with proper photography equipment, including both a camera and lighting. To maximize results, you’ll also want accessories like a tripod and an adequate white background. 

The best cameras for Amazon product photography are usually mirrorless or DSLR. As for artificial lighting, try LED or incandescent lamps. However, be aware that these aren’t always cheap. If you want to keep your budget down, consider working with someone who already owns these things, which brings us to our final tip…

Read More: Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

7. Work with Amazon Product Photography Services

While these tips are designed to improve the work of an amateur photographer, you can’t master the art of product photography in a few weeks or months. If you want truly mesmerizing pictures, you may want to hire Amazon product photography services

If you’re worried about money, hiring a professional Amazon photographer means you don’t have to buy any new equipment. In this sense, you’re coming out ahead in the cost ratio because you can leverage professional-tier equipment without actually having to buy it. 

But more important is the skill of professional photographers, who have spent their lives honing their craft and can understand concepts like angles, lighting, and how to use a camera. A professional photographer will know the right settings and angles by heart, and if you work with an Amazon service, they’ll also be familiar with the image requirements. If you’re interested and want to hear a quote, schedule a free consultation call now, up to 60 minutes. We’ll answer all your questions and explain how we can help!

7 Creative Amazon Product Photography Ideas To Stand Out

Even with the best products at the best prices, shoppers will still pass you by unless you have eye-catching photos. Mesmerizing Amazon product photography is the best strategy to increase Amazon sales, but for most sellers with backgrounds in retail, photography is not a skill that comes naturally. 

We’ve already explained the basics as they apply to amateur photographers with our DIY guide to Amazon Product Photography, but sometimes the basics aren’t enough. So in this guide, we share 7 expert ideas on creative Amazon product photography styles that you can use to stand out. These ideas aren’t your average run-of-the-mill product photos, so their unique imagery is sure to get your products noticed and increase sales on Amazon.

                                            Read More: How to Hire the Best Amazon Product Photographer

1. Blurry Outdoor Background

Blurry Outdoor Background


Amazon product photography on a white background is a requirement for your main image, but your other images have more leeway. In addition to doing a standard product-in-use photo or infographic, you can also showcase your product against a blurry outdoor background. 

These photos work because they help the shopper imagine what it’s like to use the product without the risk of distracting them with background images. It’s also easy to shoot: just set your camera to a wide aperture (a low F-stop number). You don’t even need to worry too much about where the background is because the shopper won’t see much of it.

                              Read More: The Last Guide To Amazon Product Photography You Will Ever Need!

2. Floating over White Background

Floating over White Background



If you want some homemade special effects, you can shoot your product against a white background so that it looks like it’s floating. This not only satisfies Amazon’s main image requirements for white backgrounds, but it also creates an interesting effect that your customers are more likely to remember. 

There are essentially two approaches to get this effect: 

  • suspend your product with a fishing line or use invisible adhesive to keep it upright in front of a white background
  • take a normal picture against a white background and edit out the floor with photo editing software like Photoshop

Regardless of which approach you choose, consider keeping in the floor shadow to leave some realism for the shopper. 

3. Infographic with Labeled Parts

Infographic with Labeled Parts


Infographic images are great for when you want to both show and tell. Some products require a little explanation about how they’re used, and infographic images are more likely to be seen than the instructional text in the product description. 

But instead of listing the features of your product, try labeling each part to explain what it does. For one thing, this is another excuse to show a detailed close-up of your product. More importantly, it gives you the opportunity to explain all the beneficial parts of your products, such as interesting features the shopper may not have noticed from your other pictures. 

This type of Amazon product photography works twice as well with control panels and interfaces where the buttons are not self-evident.

                              Read More: DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography: 7 Need-to-Know Tips

4. Visual Effects To Show Movement

Visual Effects to Show Movement


Moving parts can be a huge advantage to some products, especially if competing products aren’t as flexible. But how can you show movement in a still photo? 

Using basic photography or photo-editing techniques, you can depict movement in still photos by either of these two methods: 

  • Set a low shutter speed on your camera to create a motion blur in the actual photo. (This can be difficult without photography experience, as you risk blurring the parts of the photo you actually want the shopper to see.)
  • Take a sequence of photos with the moving parts in different positions. Then, in photo-editing software, overlay all the photos on top of each other, with some transparency (as in the example). This shows the shopper the range of motion your product has. 

These techniques can get a little advanced, especially if you don’t have much experience in either photography or photo editing. If you don’t feel confident in your photography abilities, you can always use Amazon product photography services. Here’s how to hire the best Amazon product photographer

                                      Read More: Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

5. Glass Floor

Glass Floor


Although this Amazon product photography idea won’t work with all products, for some, it’s the perfect way to show off some hard-to-notice features. If your product has an interesting bottom, such as shoes with special treads or an appliance with gripped feet, you can display them with a glass floor angle. 

The easiest way to do it is to place the product on its side and shoot from an angle that looks like it’s underneath. If that’s not possible, you can also set the product on top of a pane of glass and take the picture from below. This gives shoppers a view of the product they would never see otherwise and can verify the safety or sturdiness of certain products. 

6. Testimonial Cards


Testimonial Cards


Just like our idea for infographics with labeled parts, you can use your images to communicate certain benefits that the shopper might not bother reading in your product description text. In this case, you could use the product images to feature any famous brands or publicity your product received. 

While this Amazon product photography is not exactly about the product, you can still use the image to feature a brand logo or testimonial quote of a famous or noteworthy supporter of your product. Shoppers respond to social proof, so if they see another famous brand logo in your images and read that they endorse you, that’s a big step to make a purchase or even increase FBA sales.

                                             Read More: Amazon Product Photography Tips You Should Know

7. Silhouettes of People

Silhouettes of People

Brick-and-mortar stores use mannequins because the shopper can imagine themselves wearing the clothes. That same principle can be applied to Amazon product photography by using nondescript silhouettes of people. 

Keeping the person in the photo vague — such as an outline, shadow, or cartoon — has two main advantages. First, like the traditional mannequins, an ambiguous person in the photo makes it easier for the shopper to imagine themselves in action, as opposed to a more intricate model. Second, using silhouettes minimizes the details that aren’t related to the product, so the shopper can focus more on what you’re selling and less on who’s in the picture. 


How Amazon Sellers Should Respond to Lawsuits

No business is safe from lawsuits, not even Amazon sellers. Lately, more and more Amazon sellers are getting sued—and many weren’t even aware they were doing something wrong until it was too late! 

So, this guide clears some things up about the legal risks of selling on Amazon. First, we’ll cover the most common reasons Amazon sellers get sued so you can protect yourself and avoid making those mistakes. Then, we’ll explain the best ways to respond if a lawsuit is already brought up against you.

                                 Read More:   A Guide To The Best Solution Providers for Amazon Sellers

Top 3 Reasons Amazon Sellers Get Sued

1. Patent Violation

In retail, a patent is the legal ownership of a product design: only the patent holder can manufacture and sell that product. So if you see some new product being sold online and think, “I can make that myself and sell it,” the truth is you can’t—at least not legally—because you don’t own the patent.  

That’s all well and good because most sellers acquire their products legitimately and don’t consciously copy another patented design. But sometimes, people end up selling patented products without even knowing it

This is especially true for products manufactured in China. The patent and copyright laws in China are not as rigorously enforced as in other countries (and there’s also a cultural component that encourages “sharing”). 

What frequently happens is a U.S. patent is copied in China, where U.S. patent law doesn’t have enough power to intervene fully. Those products are then shipped back to the U.S. to third-party sellers, often through a white label or drop shipping. But when those products are sold under U.S. jurisdiction, they become patent violations. 

So always double-check the legality of what you’re selling, especially if you’re importing it.

                                     Read More: 100s of Amazon sellers donated their products to Charity!

2. Copyright Violation

Just like patent laws protect product designs, copyright laws protect creative works like images, music, writing, etc. And just as patent violations are a risk for Amazon FBA sellers, so too are copyright violations. 

One of the most common copyright violations involves using copyrighted images on unlicensed merchandise. For example, illustrations of Marvel’s Iron Man are copyrighted; if you were to sell children’s shoes with images of Iron Man on them without permission, that violates the copyright. Only authorized merchandise has a license to legally use those images for commercial purposes. 

Again, most of the time, this is common sense except when importing products. Manufacturers in China are typically less concerned with copyright images, but the U.S. legal system may not intervene until those products are sold in America by a third party. So if you’re importing products, double-check where the visuals came from.            

3. Physical Injury

Amazon does not have a buyer-beware policy. The most dangerous products like firearms and chemicals are prohibited from the Amazon marketplace, but there’s still a gray area of products that have a chance to harm someone. Products with blades, pointy edges, or dangerous levels of heating can be potential health risks and, therefore potential legal risks. 

For starters, sellers must follow the Amazon protocol for selling safety-risk products. This involves submitting both an application and the proper documentation on the safety of the product. 

Moreover, it’s recommended that sellers insure themselves. In fact, Amazon requires that sellers who earn over $10,000 in three months get at least $1,000,000 in insurance coverage. Even if you don’t meet the minimum requirement, if you’re selling risky items it’s worthwhile to insure yourself as much as you can afford. 

The safest alternative, however, is to avoid risky products and stick with simple, harmless items.

How Amazon Sellers Should Respond to Lawsuits

In the event that you’re already being sued, there are two main options open to you: file a response or get it dismissed.  

File a Response

First off, if you are selling as a corporation or LLC (or other business entity), you must be represented by a lawyer. Sole proprietors have the option to represent themselves, but even so, it’s not recommended unless you’re experienced in legal matters—otherwise, the professional lawyers on the other side will take advantage. 

In your official response, you’ll have to reply to each allegation separately. You can either admit wrongdoing, deny it, or claim you do not have enough information to confirm or deny the allegations. 

Whether your response has the outcome you desire depends on the particular allegation and the circumstances surrounding them—again, partner with a good lawyer and they’ll suggest the best course of action.

Dismiss the Lawsuit

Often, getting the lawsuit dismissed is your best option, although it’s not always applicable. There are two main ways for an Amazon seller to get an Amazon lawsuit dismissed. 

First, you can have the lawsuit dismissed on the grounds of jurisdiction. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, jurisdiction simply refers to a specific court, usually a geographical area. So if you’re being sued in New York state, but you don’t have any business connection to New York, you could try to get the lawsuit dismissed because the jurisdiction of New York doesn’t apply to you. 

Second, you could request the case against you be dismissed “on the merits.” This refers to lawsuits involving multiple defendants, where the claims are aimed at other parties and not you specifically. In this case, a good lawyer will be able to review the wording and individual claims to see if this approach could work for you. 

COVID-19 And Its Impact On Amazon Third-Party Sellers

More than 50% of the Amazon sales are made through third-party sellers and since everybody is confined to their homes with no safe alternative but to shop online, a massive surge of online supply and demand has taken place, leaving amidst its third-party sellers in unmitigated waters and much uncertainty. 

In the wake of reality-altering pandemic known as coronavirus, almost everyone has felt the wrath. From disturbed routine to limitation from the outside world, it hasn’t been easy for the most. More specifically, all those heroes out there doing their best to keep the world running by providing not only everyday essentials but also time occupying deliveries to their panic-ridden consumers whose sole purpose seems to be mass hoarding essentials like toilet paper.

Read More:- Why Inventory Management is Important for Amazon Sellers and How to Improve It

It’s an understatement to say matching the demand with supply has been only one of the many challenges Amazon FBA sellers are facing these days.  


Ban Over Non-Essential Categories

To match a smooth supply to an increased demand for products, Amazon recently restricted its FBA sellers to 6 essential categories: Baby, Health & Household, Beauty & Personal Care (including personal care appliances), Grocery, Industrial & Scientific, and Pet Supplies.

This ban was announced to be lifted by the 5th of April but it seems Amazon is still navigating on that front and there has been no relief to the sellers whose non-essential shipments are no longer being accepted by Amazon. This inbound freeze has affected about 53% FBA sellers.   

Read More:- Amazon PPC Product Targeting Strategy for Amazon Sellers in 2022

The vendors whose sole bridge to the customers is Amazon are now looking at alternatives such as FBM.

Disruption In Supply Chain

The domino effect took place long before the USA came into contact with the deadly virus. Sources report that sellers felt a serious decline in sales due to supply disruption in China, where Chinese suppliers and factories were facing serious ramifications from the COVID-19 outbreak. Unable to produce and import goods globally, the ripples could be felt around the world.

Major Delay In Shipment

Amazon is famous for its fast delivery services. With Amazon Fresh, you could get same-day deliveries on groceries and produce. The Prime users could enjoy free deliveries within two days, and the Amazon Dash could take care of necessary household items just before depletion. 

Due to the effects of CoronaVirus, Amazon’s promises have taken a great toll. Even with a temporary hold on the selling of non-essential goods, Amazon may be meeting ends but it is not as smooth as it used to. Even the regular 5-8 day delivery has taken an unsavory stretch to as long as a month! 

In a frenzy of buying, with limited workers, and health & safety measures it is proving challenging for Amazon to deliver on its previous standards. As a result of late shipments, many customers are canceling their orders after finding out their orders will take too long to arrive.

Read More:- 10 Reasons Why Your Amazon Seller Account is Suspended!

Decline In Consumer Spendings

We found out through a survey that around 80 million jobs may be lost due to the spread of COVID-19. These are mainly jobs relating to luxury services, tourism, and travel. 

The people are currently concerned with self-preservation more than anything else. The buying focus has been limited to survival at home and making life efficient within the comfort of their walls. 

Since people are spending less on items outside the essential categories, more is spent over goods like health, food, child and pet care. 

Read More:- Amazon Vendor Central Vs Seller Central

Sellers dealing with non-essential items are either facing this difficulty despite turning to other methods than FBA.

Moreover, due to delay in Prime Day (usually held around mid-July, now postponed till August) will likely also bring a major setback to sellers as mass materialism allows them to single-handedly generate a huge spike in revenue.  

How Amazon Sellers Should Combat These Difficulties?

These may be trying times and to make sure Amazon Sellers survive through this epidemic, here are a few suggestions sellers can apply to see their business through. 

Give FBM a try – With inbound shipment freeze, many sellers are already considering Fulfillment By Merchant. Since Amazon is unable to fulfill, you don’t have to sit around feeling trapped and helpless. Try fulfilling your products by yourself, if you have a storage area. A plus advantage of switching to FBM would be the buy box. Currently, Amazon has been favoring the FBM sellers who are able to meet ends better than FBA sellers for the placement in the buybox. 

Halt advertising or spend less on it  –  With the economy being at stake, many businesses are making a practice of cutting down on costs and saving up for harsher times. Since we do not know how long this spell may go on, it is a wise choice to temporarily cut down on extra costs such as advertising. Amazon itself is urging sellers to do the same. 

Change your strategies – With Chinese suppliers out of the question, you can look for other sources such as local businesses. Many sellers are showing support to their communities by sourcing from them in order to avoid further delays in shipment and communication issues. Meanwhile, the customers will likely be more pleased as well with less damage to the ecosystem. Besides that, where applicable, you can also go for homemade production of goods, or 3D print your own items! Other sellers are reaching out to suppliers outside china and the US such as  Vietnam, Mexico, Taiwan, and more. 

Read More:- 10 Mistakes To Avoid with Amazon Sponsored Products Ads

Update your inventory to hot selling products – Right now, as we have observed, there are certain categories that are hot to sell and consume alike. Products such as DIY projects, self-grooming & care kits, fitness, home office supplies, medical supplies, and pet care products are very in. Selling products such as these may prove quite beneficial to the sellers. 

Most importantly, stay informed – Staying on top of current news and updates is the way to make sure you don’t miss out on important trends and updates regarding amazon.

How to Scale Your Amazon FBA Business?

Amazon FBA business scaling is not only about the number of gross sales you make. It’s about how much profit you make while making those sales. One should not just blindly go on the figure of sales. It might be possible that they won’t be making comparatively high profits against their expenses to sell via Amazon. One should think with the concern of a net profit of their Amazon FBA business. There are various top strategies to grow and scale the FBA business.

Growing the business with more profit perk needs a strategically scaling for better results!

Read More:-  7 Pitfalls for New Amazon FBA Sellers

When Should You Start Thinking of Scaling Your FBA Business?

One should definitely start scaling their when a seller thinks for growing their existing business. If the seller expects good future demand and more profits. They should opt for scaling, as it shows the right track behind the ongoings and helps the one to evaluate the area of focus while surpassing the previous goals.

Amazon FBA Business
When should you start thinking of scaling your FBA business?

First thing first and one step at a time. You should first focus on launching your first product on Amazon successfully. Get your first product ranked on Amazon, get initial reviews and start making some profit. For some reason, if your first product is not making you money, look for a new product and give your best shot-making that product successful before thinking of scaling up your business.

Let your business grow sustainably, provide you solid income with high seller rankings on Amazon. Be a successful seller at an increasing pace and beat the rest competition with a smart and steady move. Certain factors to keep in mind and list before moving ahead with your Amazon business.

  • Things to keep in mind before scaling up?
  1. Get trademarked and register your brand with Amazon
  2. Understand Amazon policies, terms of services, account health and other performance metrics.

Read More:- Amazon FBA Product Sourcing | Options Other Than Alibaba

Now, Let’s Talk About How


People invest in any product after acknowledging the brand value. Its visibility, quality, trust, credibility is what one looks after. Not just in terms of price but defeat the competition by creating a brand value. One can simply create a brand value outside of Amazon and drive the traffic to one’s Amazon products. As simple as that you can build social media platforms like Facebook page or group, Instagram or Twitter. For a secure and reliable purchase,

customers may search for your brand online and may rely on social media presence. This is where one can grab the opportunity and drive the more potentials to the Amazon listing. This will create brand awareness around your targeted audience. Having these social profiles also helps in bringing outside traffic which eventually results in the Amazon ranking algorithm.


Use some tactics to increase conversions to your Amazon product page. I am sure you are aware of how to run Amazon PPC ads and aware of its importance. When it comes to scaling your business, Amazon PPC is not just enough. You need other channels to drive traffic on your listings. Leverage FB/Instagram Ads to bring more sales on Amazon. Amazon PPC lets you boost your brand visibility on Amazon while maintaining a Brand Image outside Amazon will eventually result in the conversion to your Amazon product listing.

Amazon FBA Business
Amazon Targeted PPC Ads

Make sure to create a brand value in the mind of potentials through Paid advertising and enjoy the perks outside traffic via PPC. Trust me, an increase in conversion rates and a push to your Amazon product ranking is an absolutely best possible way via Facebook and Instagram Ads were scaling the business goes facile. Software like  Sellozo can help you in PPC automation.

Read More:- Amazon Update – FBA Fee Changes 2019


In order to scale your FBA business, you need to invest more time in the growth section of your business. Sales don’t come by just listing the products, it takes many steps like copywriting, Images, PPC. These things must be according to Amazon Algorithm and one can easily outsource it to agencies or individuals.

Amazon FBA Business

Not able to invest more time in your Amazon business? It’s fine, there are experts out there who can assist you to take your Amazon business to another level. This allows you to have more time for your own business and get professional results out of your Amazon business. A one-time investment for better sales and conversions! 



One product is not going to get you the next level unless it is a 100k/month product. Also, one product also does not last forever on Amazon. New products with better features come in the market and after one point, sales start seeing a declining trend. Always seek to launch new products on Amazon so that you are never out of the race and keep moving forward and build your storefront with awesome products. Launch the products that give you long term profit.

In order to have a successful launching of products, one must consider several steps such as category & product opportunity, SEO friendly keywords, Quality Images for high conversion rate, Complete product optimization, Launch of product, Quantitative result analysis. Achieving these steps can lead to a profitable product launch.

Read More:- Amazon FBA in 2022, Yay or Nay!



Reach overseas to thrive your business. Why just list the products on a single marketplace, where Amazon provides you the opportunity to sell on different marketplaces. List your products in other countries like Canada, UK, Germany, Japan, India and few more countries where Amazon is available.

By listing your products on these marketplaces, you will not simply earn the profits but it will create a diverse brand value among the people in other countries. Potentials rely on when they trust your brand, and this can be possible when your brand is available on different marketplaces. Let your brand make noise and bring you huge profits and conversions!



Ranking on multiple keywords opens up doors to more sales. You must have heard it before that Amazon is a keywords game. Ranking increases the visibility of your product and it results in more traffic and conversions. Here, one needs to optimize their listing by infusing more and more high rate keywords in order to achieve more conversions and sales.

Infusing more and more high ranked keywords can help your listing rank on top pages of the Amazon page. The secret of victory comes by choosing profitable keywords for your products. Sit back and relax, while achieving more profits with perfect sort of high ranked keywords and listing.


Product listing is what delivers your product’s vital information to the customers and alone cannot assure you to end up a sale. No matter how precisely you create a product listing but it’s of no use if it’s not visible on the top pages of the search engine. For better sales and conversions one must optimize their products by using High-quality Images, titles, Bullet points, Descriptions, & Infusing high ranked keywords to make it to the top pages.

The obvious reason to not achieve the expected is their products are not able to reach their target customers. Get more visibility, clicks, sales, and profits with the help of listing optimization. Not every seller uses these tactics of listing optimization, so you must grab this opportunity or hire an expert to convert your ordinary listing to the next level. Staying different from others is what brings out the best and makes them pro!.

Read More:- How Canadian FBA sellers can ship to USA warehouse cheaply?



Not just Amazon, but there are other portals too that knock a door to your business and offer more sales. Create a brand value to achieve the trust and confidence of your customers and end up creating a strong customer base. Sell everywhere your customers tend to buy. It might be possible your customers would prefer some specific portals such as eBay, Etsy, Facebook, woo-commerce, Shopify or other than Amazon.

You can successfully deliver your products to them by listing your products there as well or by promoting your products through Facebook ads, pages or Shopify storefront. buy modafinil eu These Omni channels can provide you a seamless sales experience and scale your business by profit outcomes from these online portals. So, get your brand registered on other portals too and start earning profits. More diversified your product market will be, the more you get the chance to explore and earn profits!



Why waste time when one gets profitable results by saving time with the help of SEO, PPC, product research, profit calculator, cashback tools. Deep research is effective but it might consume a lot of your precious time. Instead, try for something that saves you time and effects your business in a positive way. Though one can increase their Amazon product sales by making manual research but the application for the same may get tough and inaccurate.

Accurate and quick results come with the help of tools. Whether you are finding a new product, drop shipping or looking for SEO tricks, these tools play an ideal choice. To make your product strategy stronger, one must opt for these smart tools. Organically drive traffic to your products. Identify how your competitors strategically use their content and keywords. Let these tools give a push to your sales.



There are multiple ways to earn on Amazon, drop shipping, wholesale or retail arbitrage is some of them. Choose the right blend of strategies and tactics to earn something higher level. These different methods can help evaluate the business and earn more by enhancing details. This might be risky but if done with expertise and care, you can be the king and earn without any hassle of storing products.

There are various issues of pricing, taxes, terms, approvals, etc in Amazon for handing an online arbitrage or dropshipping. There are experts with years of experience in handling these activities and you can rely on them for preventing loss to your online arbitrage or drop shipping account. Earn more with the help of profitable product research and list the ones with high returns. Source the best to avail the best.

Read More:- Steps to Ship to Amazon FBA from China


These are the simplest way for an existing or new FBA sellers to expand their growth criteria and enhance their net profits. Scaling will definitely help one to improve their areas and methods while determining future growth strategies. After all, scaling is growing! Scale your FBA business to put your valuable efforts at the right place.