Get an Accurate Valuation for your Amazon Business in Just 10 Mins

Each month, more than 197 million people across the globe visit

If you’re an Amazon business owner looking to sell your eCommerce business or an entrepreneur wanting to purchase an Amazon business, it’s important to note that the market is already in your favor: there’s no sign of its velocity slowing down anytime soon.

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It’s no surprise that you may be looking to sell your online business. Or perhaps you’re just curious about what it’s worth so that when it comes time to sell, you’re confident.

With an Intelligent Valuation Engine Machine like Flippa’s, you’ll receive an accurate assessment of your Amazon business in just 3 minutes or less.

Here’s How It Works.

Flippa’s Intelligent Valuation Engine Machine is powered by 5 top-performing models called “Light Gradient Boosting Machine“, “Gradient Boosting Regressor“, “Random Forest“, “Extra Tree”, and “Linear Regression”.

Read More:-  Amazon Product Videos (A Comprehensive Guide for Amazon FBA Beginners)

These regression models find the relationship between the input variable like the age of your Amazon business, its domain authority, growth rate, competition, niche, and more.

The great part about your Amazon Intelligent Valuation Engine Machine?

It’s 100% backed by over ten years of transaction data.

This means all data from previous sellers who have successfully sold their Amazon business in the past and valuated their eCommerce store on Flippa’s marketplace is stored in our system.

This data allows us to provide you with an accurate assessment of your Amazon business.

It’s simple and completely free.

To get started, visit

On the homepage, click on “Get a Valuation”.

You’ll then be taken to the valuation page at


As you can see, you’ll be presented with an integrated chatbot that will be readily available to assist you.

Read More:- DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography: 7 Need-to-Know Tips

Congratulations! You can now evaluate your Amazon business. Finding out how much your business is worth has never been easier.

Winning At The Sport Of Amazon Business 2020

Rome wasn’t built in a day. The progress of Rome in becoming the most admirable city took ages.

It takes time to create something great. No one has ever achieved anything big without facing difficult times.

Bill Gates didn’t become the billionaire in a day or week. It took time, so; it will take time in your case too.

The most important thing in your journey is ‘difficult times’.

You see, there are many YouTube creators and business owners telling you about their magic trick for becoming a millionaire in just a week or in a few months, they are all fake.

No billionaire spent his time on making videos or selling courses for dollars. FIX THAT IN YOUR MIND!

Here is Bad News.

Thousands of sellers join Amazon every year, but only a few reach the top. It is indeed very difficult to be that ‘few’.

In Amazon, things aren’t always fair.

What’s working for you today may not work for you tomorrow. The products that are getting sales today may not get sales tomorrow. The A+ that has been working for you up till now may not work tomorrow.

So yes, the e-commerce business always needs update and changes.

I am here to show you some tricks and tips to stay alive in the Amazon market and achieve new heights on a regular basis.

I am guessing that you already have an Amazon business and have your product there on Amazon.

Read More:- How to Scale Your Amazon FBA Business?


#1 Start with you Title

Start with you Title

Is it optimized? Is your title written in accordance with the A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm?

According to Amazon Algorithm, you are required to use the keyword in your title (Which is mostly your product name in this case).

It should be noted that Title is the first thing buyers see on your listing, a slight confusing or incomplete title will make you lose money.

The basic formula for writing title is:

Brand name + product name + features

If you have adopted this strategy for your title, you are all set to move on #2.

#2 Have you placed the keywords in your content?

Have you placed the keywords in your content?

Don’t just scroll down, there is more.

I hope, your content is pretty engaging and it has all the necessary features included. However, did you forget to snuff the keywords?

The use of keywords in your title, product description, link, and bullet points is an important part of the Amazon Ranking Algorithm. Without them, you can’t get decent organic position in Amazon.

Basically, it’s all about the relevancy. The right usage of keyword tells the Amazon bot that this product is genuine and relevant to that ‘certain search query’.

The use of long-tail keywords has its own advantages as it’s more likely to bring great results for your business.

Let’s move to the core of Amazon Selling.

Read More:- 7 Deadly Mistakes to Avoid While Selling on Amazon

#3 Remove the ‘Bad Images’

Remove the ‘Bad Images’

Would you ever buy a product with no featured image? Most likely, you won’t.

Bad images adversely impact a brand reputation and its sales. A listing with bad images hurts more than a listing with no image.

So, what are the ‘Bad Images?’

Images that don’t bring you sales are simply Bad Images. Photography for Amazon has its own criteria which should be followed strictly to increase clicks and revenue.

Photography is regarded as the backbone of Amazon, and expecting a decent return without it is absurd.

What do bad images reflect your customer?

Customers feel that either the seller is trying to hide something about the product or it isn’t the product he is looking for!

In this case, you lose. If you’re getting lots of traffic and little-to-no sales, there can be a problem with your images.

In fact, you can’t survive the tough competition in Amazon without the Lifestyle images and Infographic images.

#4 Place discounts on your product

Place discounts on your product

I know, this may not seem the best idea. With high Amazon fees and delivery charges, one is less likely to think of giving a discount.

But, it is more than just a discount. It is about out beating your competitors in the market.

Discounts on Amazon are the best way to increase customer retention and revenue at the same time.

With good discounts, you are likely to get more clicks than your competitor, thus it can help you achieve high organic rankings in the Amazon search.

Discounts should be made according to competitor pricing.

Read More:- 6 Steps to Selling Services on Amazon

#5 Gain more reviews

Gain more reviews

Reviews are not only a great ranking signal for the Amazon Algorithm, but also they increase the CR of a product.

Reviews act as a convincing factor for a buyer in making a purchase. It develops a sense of trust and reliability in a brand that puts the customer in making a purchase.

Reviews are hard to get. However, you should keep trying to add more reviews on your listings.

#6 Bring new product launches.

Bring new product launches

As a marketer, I can assure you that brands who are consistent in bringing new products to the market receive higher customer retention and trust than the ones who don’t.

You should keep on occupying new market places.

Whether you believe it or not, this is by far the best way to increase brand loyalty and customer retention.

#7 Time to climb the ladder with PPC (Pay per Click)

Time to climb the ladder with PPC (Pay per Click)

You can’t fully rely on organic results in Amazon. I repeat, In Amazon, things aren’t fair. Advertisement is a must.

But, I am not talking about an investment with no return and just little exposure. No, it is not Facebook ads.

PPC brings great results if they are run well. They can boost up your sales by 10x in a matter of days.

If you ignore the need for PPC, you will be out of competition one day. However, it solely depends upon the amount of competition in that particular market. On higher competition, PPC is must.

If you run your PPC Campaign with the right bidding and keywords, it can bring you unimaginable results.

With PPC, you can enhance your brand exposure and reputation by a much larger extent.

Read More:- Tips for Selling Products on Amazon Successfully!

#8 Get along with Amazon Prime Video

Get along with Amazon Prime Video

We all know the immense benefits of videography in the e-commerce world. The video brings more sales and clicks as compared to the static images.

Because video tends to give a better reflection of the product to the customer than a static image. It’s the reality check. If you compare, videos have a higher CR than any static image.

Amazon has a feature of prime video that is great for Amazon sellers to promote their brand and products.

If you haven’t been investing in the videos, you should do it now. The earlier you grab the new thing, the more benefit you will have.

Videography can do wonders for your Amazon business.

#9 Market outside of Amazon

Market outside of Amazon

Off course, it will increase your marketing cost. But, it’s going to worth it.

You can’t take people out of the Amazon, but you can surely bring customers to your products on Amazon.

To your guess, I am talking about Social Media Marketing.

To this day, Facebook has been a great platform for bringing customers and sales to your business. While working with Amazon, you have an advantage. You don’t need to spend anything on Photography or designing, because it’s already done.

All you need to do is to establish a brand in Facebook and Instagram while redirecting them to your products on Amazon.

As a matter of fact, very few people are doing it. But those who are, they are getting tons of traffic and revenue.

Even, Instagram can help you drive tons of traffic to your Amazon seller page which will be a great support for you in your Amazon business especially in days when you don’t have good organic rankings.

Read More:- 10+ Easy & Effective Strategies for Amazon Product Ranking

#10 Avoid Over Promising

Avoid Over Promising

Exaggeration is bad for every business. It never helps! Sometimes, it backfires too!

Using words such as lifetime guarantee, 100% leather, 100% washable, etc are no good use. Nothing is 100%.

Over-promising leads to bad reviews and feedbacks by the customers. Those reviews may outrage you with anger, but don’t forget you promised those things.

A single bad review will hurt you much more than these words will benefit you.

This is very important to consider when writing engaging content for the products. Engaging content doesn’t mean a sugar-coated speech that is full of exaggerated words.

Try to keep things real.

Read More:- 3D Rendering vs Product Photography & Which One Is A Better Option For Amazon Sellers?

Over to you

Over to you

As I said in the start, Rome wasn’t built in a day. You will not become a millionaire in a day. It too will take time and effort.

In Amazon, successful sellers are those who keep on occupying new markets by bringing new products.

Don’t stop investing in your business. Always keep a reasonable amount for ads because it will keep your brand alive.

Last, but not the least, market your product outside the Amazon market.

How to Scale Your Amazon FBA Business?

Amazon FBA business scaling is not only about the number of gross sales you make. It’s about how much profit you make while making those sales. One should not just blindly go on the figure of sales. It might be possible that they won’t be making comparatively high profits against their expenses to sell via Amazon. One should think with the concern of a net profit of their Amazon FBA business. There are various top strategies to grow and scale the FBA business.

Growing the business with more profit perk needs a strategically scaling for better results!

Read More:-  7 Pitfalls for New Amazon FBA Sellers

When Should You Start Thinking of Scaling Your FBA Business?

One should definitely start scaling their when a seller thinks for growing their existing business. If the seller expects good future demand and more profits. They should opt for scaling, as it shows the right track behind the ongoings and helps the one to evaluate the area of focus while surpassing the previous goals.

Amazon FBA Business
When should you start thinking of scaling your FBA business?

First thing first and one step at a time. You should first focus on launching your first product on Amazon successfully. Get your first product ranked on Amazon, get initial reviews and start making some profit. For some reason, if your first product is not making you money, look for a new product and give your best shot-making that product successful before thinking of scaling up your business.

Let your business grow sustainably, provide you solid income with high seller rankings on Amazon. Be a successful seller at an increasing pace and beat the rest competition with a smart and steady move. Certain factors to keep in mind and list before moving ahead with your Amazon business.

  • Things to keep in mind before scaling up?
  1. Get trademarked and register your brand with Amazon
  2. Understand Amazon policies, terms of services, account health and other performance metrics.

Read More:- Amazon FBA Product Sourcing | Options Other Than Alibaba

Now, Let’s Talk About How


People invest in any product after acknowledging the brand value. Its visibility, quality, trust, credibility is what one looks after. Not just in terms of price but defeat the competition by creating a brand value. One can simply create a brand value outside of Amazon and drive the traffic to one’s Amazon products. As simple as that you can build social media platforms like Facebook page or group, Instagram or Twitter. For a secure and reliable purchase,

customers may search for your brand online and may rely on social media presence. This is where one can grab the opportunity and drive the more potentials to the Amazon listing. This will create brand awareness around your targeted audience. Having these social profiles also helps in bringing outside traffic which eventually results in the Amazon ranking algorithm.


Use some tactics to increase conversions to your Amazon product page. I am sure you are aware of how to run Amazon PPC ads and aware of its importance. When it comes to scaling your business, Amazon PPC is not just enough. You need other channels to drive traffic on your listings. Leverage FB/Instagram Ads to bring more sales on Amazon. Amazon PPC lets you boost your brand visibility on Amazon while maintaining a Brand Image outside Amazon will eventually result in the conversion to your Amazon product listing.

Amazon FBA Business
Amazon Targeted PPC Ads

Make sure to create a brand value in the mind of potentials through Paid advertising and enjoy the perks outside traffic via PPC. Trust me, an increase in conversion rates and a push to your Amazon product ranking is an absolutely best possible way via Facebook and Instagram Ads were scaling the business goes facile. Software like  Sellozo can help you in PPC automation.

Read More:- Amazon Update – FBA Fee Changes 2019


In order to scale your FBA business, you need to invest more time in the growth section of your business. Sales don’t come by just listing the products, it takes many steps like copywriting, Images, PPC. These things must be according to Amazon Algorithm and one can easily outsource it to agencies or individuals.

Amazon FBA Business

Not able to invest more time in your Amazon business? It’s fine, there are experts out there who can assist you to take your Amazon business to another level. This allows you to have more time for your own business and get professional results out of your Amazon business. A one-time investment for better sales and conversions! 



One product is not going to get you the next level unless it is a 100k/month product. Also, one product also does not last forever on Amazon. New products with better features come in the market and after one point, sales start seeing a declining trend. Always seek to launch new products on Amazon so that you are never out of the race and keep moving forward and build your storefront with awesome products. Launch the products that give you long term profit.

In order to have a successful launching of products, one must consider several steps such as category & product opportunity, SEO friendly keywords, Quality Images for high conversion rate, Complete product optimization, Launch of product, Quantitative result analysis. Achieving these steps can lead to a profitable product launch.

Read More:- Amazon FBA in 2022, Yay or Nay!



Reach overseas to thrive your business. Why just list the products on a single marketplace, where Amazon provides you the opportunity to sell on different marketplaces. List your products in other countries like Canada, UK, Germany, Japan, India and few more countries where Amazon is available.

By listing your products on these marketplaces, you will not simply earn the profits but it will create a diverse brand value among the people in other countries. Potentials rely on when they trust your brand, and this can be possible when your brand is available on different marketplaces. Let your brand make noise and bring you huge profits and conversions!



Ranking on multiple keywords opens up doors to more sales. You must have heard it before that Amazon is a keywords game. Ranking increases the visibility of your product and it results in more traffic and conversions. Here, one needs to optimize their listing by infusing more and more high rate keywords in order to achieve more conversions and sales.

Infusing more and more high ranked keywords can help your listing rank on top pages of the Amazon page. The secret of victory comes by choosing profitable keywords for your products. Sit back and relax, while achieving more profits with perfect sort of high ranked keywords and listing.


Product listing is what delivers your product’s vital information to the customers and alone cannot assure you to end up a sale. No matter how precisely you create a product listing but it’s of no use if it’s not visible on the top pages of the search engine. For better sales and conversions one must optimize their products by using High-quality Images, titles, Bullet points, Descriptions, & Infusing high ranked keywords to make it to the top pages.

The obvious reason to not achieve the expected is their products are not able to reach their target customers. Get more visibility, clicks, sales, and profits with the help of listing optimization. Not every seller uses these tactics of listing optimization, so you must grab this opportunity or hire an expert to convert your ordinary listing to the next level. Staying different from others is what brings out the best and makes them pro!.

Read More:- How Canadian FBA sellers can ship to USA warehouse cheaply?



Not just Amazon, but there are other portals too that knock a door to your business and offer more sales. Create a brand value to achieve the trust and confidence of your customers and end up creating a strong customer base. Sell everywhere your customers tend to buy. It might be possible your customers would prefer some specific portals such as eBay, Etsy, Facebook, woo-commerce, Shopify or other than Amazon.

You can successfully deliver your products to them by listing your products there as well or by promoting your products through Facebook ads, pages or Shopify storefront. buy modafinil eu These Omni channels can provide you a seamless sales experience and scale your business by profit outcomes from these online portals. So, get your brand registered on other portals too and start earning profits. More diversified your product market will be, the more you get the chance to explore and earn profits!



Why waste time when one gets profitable results by saving time with the help of SEO, PPC, product research, profit calculator, cashback tools. Deep research is effective but it might consume a lot of your precious time. Instead, try for something that saves you time and effects your business in a positive way. Though one can increase their Amazon product sales by making manual research but the application for the same may get tough and inaccurate.

Accurate and quick results come with the help of tools. Whether you are finding a new product, drop shipping or looking for SEO tricks, these tools play an ideal choice. To make your product strategy stronger, one must opt for these smart tools. Organically drive traffic to your products. Identify how your competitors strategically use their content and keywords. Let these tools give a push to your sales.



There are multiple ways to earn on Amazon, drop shipping, wholesale or retail arbitrage is some of them. Choose the right blend of strategies and tactics to earn something higher level. These different methods can help evaluate the business and earn more by enhancing details. This might be risky but if done with expertise and care, you can be the king and earn without any hassle of storing products.

There are various issues of pricing, taxes, terms, approvals, etc in Amazon for handing an online arbitrage or dropshipping. There are experts with years of experience in handling these activities and you can rely on them for preventing loss to your online arbitrage or drop shipping account. Earn more with the help of profitable product research and list the ones with high returns. Source the best to avail the best.

Read More:- Steps to Ship to Amazon FBA from China


These are the simplest way for an existing or new FBA sellers to expand their growth criteria and enhance their net profits. Scaling will definitely help one to improve their areas and methods while determining future growth strategies. After all, scaling is growing! Scale your FBA business to put your valuable efforts at the right place.