Why is Amazon Brand Story Significant For Your Brand?

Amazon sellers are looking for ways to improve their sales and stand out from the competition. Creating a strong brand story can help you connect with customers and make your business more memorable. Amazon updated their A+ content manager with a new feature that allows you to create your own Amazon Brand Story. This is great for brands who want more authentic stories on the site!

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Amazon Brand Story – Taking Your Brand Image To The Next Level.

The brand’s story is brought to life with a custom-built module that allows for scrolling through content and products. With this innovative design, customers can easily find what they are looking for while being guided by an elegant carousel highlighting key narratives in the company’s history and other interesting facts about them!

Your brand story differentiates you from your competitors and helps customers understand why they should buy from you. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what makes a good brand story and give some tips for creating one that will help you succeed on Amazon. Stay tuned!


How Can Amazon Brand Story Help Sellers?

The quality of your content is the most important thing to keep visitors interested when searching for a product and landing on a product page. Amazon brand stories are beneficial because they make a product page look more appealing. Here are some of the noteworthy benefits of Amazon Brand Story,


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Builds Brand Reputation:

Introducing Amazon Brand Stories-a new way to connect with customers and distinguish your product! By using the power of storytelling, sellers can reduce return rates while building a stronger reputation for the brand. Hence, we can say that one can reduce the number of returns and negative reviews by using Amazon Brand Stories to forge connections with your customers. This will help you distinguish products and establish brand awareness–all benefits that increase conversion rates!


Increase Conversions:

The Amazon Brand strategy is about building a strong brand that shoppers can trust. Increasing awareness and establishing your credibility as an authority in the marketplace makes it easier for potential consumers to make informed decisions with their dollars. So you’re more likely to be thought of when they need another product or service!


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Set You Apart From The Competition:

One of the most powerful features of Amazon’s branding system is its “Amazon Brand Story,” which allows you to differentiate yourself from other sellers by highlighting how often shoppers buy your products. It also showcases what kinds of products people like best and helps drive more sales! Amazon brand stories increase average cart value and can add to big-time profits, especially if shoppers only click on one ad but purchase multiple products. A big percentage of shoppers will buy your multiple products because of a convincing brand story. 


What Can You D0 With Your Brand Story? 

Amazon’s brand story feature lets brands connect with potential buyers and share more information about themselves. This allows customers to become more familiar with your brand and product. It also allows you to talk more about your brand and build better customer relationships.


How To Create A Brand Story That Sells?

You’ve built a great product, and now it’s time to sell it on Amazon. But before you can start raking in the sales, you need to create a brand story that will capture the attention of potential buyers. Only sellers who have Amazon Brand Registry can use the Brand Story feature. To qualify for Amazon Brand Registry, you must have an active registered trademark.  A good brand story will tell customers who you are, what you’re about, and why they should buy from you. Here’s how to create an Amazon brand story that sells.

  • Know Your Customer
  • Before you can start writing your brand story, you need to know your customer. 
  • Who are they? 
  • What do they care about? 
  • What problem are they trying to solve? 

Knowing the answers to these questions will help you craft a brand story that resonates with your target audience.

Start with Your Origin Story

Every company has an origin story, and yours is likely no different. Whether it’s how you started in your garage or the “Eureka!” moment when you came up with your product idea, your origin story is a great way to introduce customers to your brand. Use it to tell customers who you are and what inspired you to create your product.


Highlight Your Differentiators

What makes your product different from everything else on the market? This is something you’ll want to highlight in your brand story. Why should customers buy from you instead of your competitors? Is it because of your unique ingredients or manufacturing process? Or maybe it’s because of your outstanding customer service. Whatever it is, make sure to emphasize what sets you apart.


Convey Your Brand Values 

Your brand values should be woven into your story. For example, are you committed to sustainability or fair trade practices? Do you give back to the community? Customers want to know they are supporting a company with values aligned with their own. So make sure to communicate what stands for loud and clear. 



Your Amazon brand story is one of the most important tools in your marketing arsenal. It’s how you introduce yourself to potential customers and persuade them to buy from you instead of your competitors. By starting with your origin story and highlighting what makes you different, you can create a brand story that sells.

Amazon Brand Analytics: How to use Search Frequency Rank to Maximize Your Conversions on Amazon


Amazon’s new Brand Analytics has been the talk of not only Amazon dealers but also competitors. The data released by this tool is a treasure trove for anyone curious about what consumers’ search and purchase history on Amazon. It provides invaluable insight into how people shop online and valuable information to other e-commerce businesses trying to get an edge in their respective markets. It promises unprecedented insights from consumer trends across all categories. You can now track your products’ performance against others with similar attributes so every company out there can better understand customer habits.

Read More:- 5 Things You Need to Know to Master Amazon Keywords


Search Terms Report

Search Terms Report

The Brand Analytics Search Terms report is essential for any brand owner who wants to know how customers find their products on Amazon. The most popular search terms at that instant will be displayed, and each term’s popularity rank can tell you which keywords are driving traffic your way.

The new Brand Analytics Report lists all the top-searched words that lead people to purchase various brands’ products in one handy tool, ranking them by frequency from 1st place down through 10th place. This information lets marketers make smarter decisions about how they advertise or market themselves online. They’re not wasting money promoting lower-ranked words when it turns out those aren’t as effective – even though more people might have typed those phrases into Google.

It Requires Proper Keyword Research

It Requires Proper Keyword Research

In order to have a successful Amazon campaign, you need more than just an impressive Search Frequency Rank tool. You also have to look through the data and remove any guesswork from keyword research by analyzing what keywords are most popular among customers on Amazon. This is because these search terms will be searched for again in future sessions as they rank higher due to their popularity within the retailer’s ecosystem.

Here are a few things you need to understand about the search frequency tool:

  • The ASINs are ranked by click share, but this doesn’t necessarily mean the conversion rate is the highest. In some cases, the third-ranked ASIN has higher rates than those in first or second place because it may be a more specific product with fewer clicks and conversions to dilute its data set.
  • The search term function does not treat close variants and misspellings the same way as a normal keyword, so experiment with every possibility when determining your best keywords. Test synonyms to find the highest searched terms that will provide you more accurate results than typing in words manually while also allowing you to filter out any irrelevant or unproductive phrases from appearing on your list of potential options.

The number of searches is not cumulative. There could be a handful, or there could be billions of searches between each search frequency rank, and you won’t be able to tell how many there are because the numbers vary between ranks.

Read More:- Easy Way to Track Amazon Keywords Ranking Using AMZ WordSpy

Effective in Single Keyword Campaigns

Effective in Single Keyword Campaigns

The Search Terms report of Brand Analytics offers recommendations for single keyword campaigns by highlighting the most favored attribute of your product and scraping out the most accurate, most popular search terms for your product. Utilize this resource to ensure that you’re getting as many clicks on a high-performing campaign name as possible. The frequency rank tool within Brand Analytics will inform you which words are searched more frequently than others so that you can decide which term is worth going with when naming or publicizing one of our marketing endeavors.

Single keyword campaigns are created because they have a high volume of traffic and can be controlled to maximize benefits. Knowing your highest search term by the frequency rank, you will know where to place your single-keyword campaign for maximum results.

Single keyword campaigns are a great way to get high traffic and maximize your profits. If you know the hottest keywords, then it’s easy to place ads in positions that will earn you more money for each click-through. All placement settings should be optimized accordingly because no two keywords perform exactly alike across different ad placements. This is difficult with less specific campaign types such as sponsored product campaigns—those have wildly varying performance depending on where they’re placed in search results pages.

Read More:- WordSpy | Right Amazon Keywords Research Tool For Product Listings Optimization

Track Important Metrics

Sales Diagnosis:

If you’re a savvy merchant, then your product is up for sale in many different online stores. However, if one of them has outpriced the others and won deals by doing so-called “loss-leading” – that’s where they price low to win market share but make it back on volume later – this could spell trouble. Luckily, there are tools like Sales Diagnostic, which lets brands review performance at any level relative to specific timeframes and essential metrics such as Lost Buy Box Due To Price when considering third-party sellers of their products.

Traffic Diagnosis:

The Fast Track Glance View Rate shows the percentage of your inventory available for Prime shipping when a glance view occurs. We recommend brands stay above 85% to ensure that they are meeting Amazon’s ordering parameters, and this metric will be difficult to exceed if you’re growing as most customers end up browsing detail pages. Additionally, the Change in Unique Visitors option can help track new customer views on listings – an important way to grow revenue!

Customer Behavior:

Customer Behavior – There are several Customer Behavior reports which allow you to analyze ASINs as well as competitor websites so they know exactly where people go once their initial search has been completed. The report shows everything from Product Listing Ads (PLA) impressions created by Amazon and clicks generated on those ads.

New Amazon Brand Analytics Features

Amazon’s Brand Analytics Now Offers a Power Trio 

It’s only been a couple of months, but Amazon Brand Analytics is already being expanded to include two new features.

For those enrolled in the Brand Registry program, you’ll likely already be familiar with Brand Analytics. It’s a free analytics report located within Seller Central and has been set up to provide brand owners with helpful data they can use to be more competitive. It provides a feature, Amazon Search Tools, which gives sellers a list of the top one million searched keywords across Amazon as a whole. The list also provides the top three clicked ASINs for each of those keywords.

That feature is now being joined by two brand-new ones, Item Comparison and Demographics, each of which gives sellers some wildly insightful data on the market and potential customers that we wouldn’t have expected Amazon to share. All of this can serve as a foundation for boosting sales and rank, and potentially help you grow your audience outside of Amazon as well. Let’s examine how you can take advantage of what each new feature has to offer.

Note: If you’re part of Brand Registry but don’t have a Brand Analytics account, you can create a ticket with Seller Support requesting access. Anecdotally, this has worked for a few sellers but may not work for all.

Item Comparison: Get to Know Your Top Five Competitors

Success doesn’t occur in a vacuum. Knowing how well your products are performing hinges on understanding the market you’re competing in.

What Item Comparison Provides

The Item Comparison feature shows your product along with the top five products that consumers also viewed during the same session. The feature also provides, as Amazon describes, the “percentage of times this product was viewed by the customers who viewed your product within the same day.” If it’s 50%, that means half of the time throughout the day, consumers checked out both your product and a competitor’s.

By scrolling horizontally through the list, you can see which ASINs are getting the most attention and even compare title keywords.

How to Benefit from Item Comparison

The feature provides sellers with a helpful advantage for product-targeting ad campaigns. It offers exact data on which products consumers are considering for purchase in your market, so you’ll know where your sponsored ads should appear. Placing sponsored ads on those product pages should increase your visibility, and if you have a better offer, you have a great pathway toward boosting sales.

The list of top five ASINs may include products that might not be obvious competitors, allowing you to expand the scope of products to target. With a greater number of products to consider targeting, you have a greater chance to get your ads in front of more consumers, increasing your chances at driving conversions.

By comparing your product with others, you can also get an indication of your overall performance. If it’s clear that you’ve been left in the dust by competitors, you can revisit your price, product photos, or descriptions.

Keep in mind that if your product has variations, such as items in different colors or sizes, you’ll likely see these variations appear as compared products in the Item Comparison list. This will allow you to see your most popular products and how they’re faring against the competition.

Demographics: Get to Know Your Consumers

Knowing your audience is a crucial task for any business, and it’s a never-ending process. Amazon is known for not providing audience data to its sellers, forcing brands to use tactics outside of Amazon to gather information on their customers. That’s changing now with this unprecedented Demographics tool within Brand Analytics.

What Demographics Provides

The Demographics feature provides the following data on your customers:

  • Sales per age group: You have a breakdown of six different age groups (shown below), ranging from 18-24 up to 65+, along with their sales totals.
  • Sales per household income: The stats here start with <$50,000 and end with those who make over $250,000.
  • Education: The categories here cover people at all stages of education, from “Less than High School” to those with Master’s degrees.
  • Gender: Do men and women equally buy your products or does one gender dominate? The graphs and tables will give you an answer.
  • Marital status: The age, income, and education data will hint at your consumers’ marital status, but this section provides percentages of how many of your customers are married or single.

How to Benefit from Demographics

With the above characteristics, you can assemble a portrait of who your customers are and understand what stage of life they’re in.

Although the demographics data may not be directly actionable, there are two useful applications. The first falls to new product development. When building out additional products for your brand, you now have a much better idea of who is purchasing current products and, likely, who will be purchasing future products.

The second application is advertising outside of Amazon. Running Facebook ads based on better insights into your target demographic can help you run more efficient and effective campaigns with a more targeted audience. YouTube and Instagram also provide advertising options to consider, or you could go the search-engine-based route, such as using Google AdWords. By combining this feature’s data with a creative approach, you have the opportunity to increase your product’s visibility.

Note: The Demographics feature isn’t an exact science. It includes an Information Not Included category, for any instances in which it can’t provide a complete range of data. comprar modafinil online argentina https://www.melbourneosteopathycentre.com.au/ provigil rx online As an example, it might convey that 33% of your customers are married, 15% are single, and then the other 52% will fall into that Information Not Included category.

Brand Analytics: Building Your Data Foundation

For third-party sellers who are a part of the Brand Registry program, Brand Analytics can be a valuable data resource. In conjunction with Amazon Search Terms, Item Comparison and Demographics give businesses a massive foundation that they can then build on.

With this power trio of features available, one can’t help but ask, how do I make all this useful? Navigating the Amazon marketplace is a challenge and in the months to come Amazon may be rolling out even more Brand Analytics features aimed at giving brands the opportunities to gather more data.

The challenge is being able to extract insights from this data and craft an actionable plan. The team at AMZ one step specializes in creating effective data-driven strategies and to deliver results that increase ranking and conversions. Our suite of software tools can help you determine the markets where you can compete and earn long-term profits, not short-term gains. Whether it’s PPC management, listing optimization, or keyword-focused product launches, our team will partner with you to achieve (and possibly exceed) your business goals.