Amazon A+ Premium Content: Why Do You Need It For Your Amazon listing?

The internet is a magical place that has given people access to everything they could ever want, but it also comes with some challenges. One of the biggest problems for sellers on Amazon are competitors who have raised their game and made competition fierce-especially when you’re just starting out in this marketplace. The world of selling is becoming more competitive, and customers are wiser than ever before; they know how important their feedback can be when choosing between two sellers with similar products!

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The Amazon platform offers a number of features to help you sell more products. One such feature is A+ Premium Content, which provides your products with an eye-catching pitch and grabs customers’ immediate attention. This can be used as another way to generate leads and increase revenue on the site!

This article will tell you about the following:       

-What is Amazon A+ Premium Content?

-How to qualify for A+ Premium Content?

-What are the features of A+ Premium Content?

-Benefits that Amazon A+ Premium Content offers

-How does Amazon A+ Premium Content help Amazon listing?

Amazon A+ Premium Content is a way for brands to create richer, more engaging product pages on Amazon. By including descriptive text, high-quality images, and helpful videos, brands can give shoppers the information they need to make an informed purchase decision. In addition, A+Premium Content can help improve a product’s organic search ranking on Amazon

A+ Premium Content is not mandatory for all sellers, but it is strongly recommended for those who want to create a stand-out product page that will boost their sales. In order to participate in the A+ program, brands must submit an application to Amazon and be approved. Once approved, brands will have access to a range of tools and resources that will help them create their A+ premium content. 

What Is Amazon A+ Premium Content?

Amazon A+ premium content, also referred to as A++, is an updated version of A+ Content and has many more features to offer on Seller central for which an FBA seller must meet the eligibility criteria; the criteria will be discussed later. Premium A+ content enables the Seller to interact more with the targeted audience with minimum to say and maximum to show. Customers these days are more interested and engaged with information coming along with graphics. 

This feature also includes video modules, carousel modules, and comparison charts. Conclusively, A+ premium content is an update or premium version of the A+ content available for the Brand Registered sellers. Previously, this feature was only available through Amazon Launchpad or to the Vendors.

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How To Qualify For A+ Premium Content?

Qualifying for an A+ premium content feature is easy and free in Seller Central; for now if you meet the following two criteria:

  • The ASINs in your catalog must have published an A+ brand story.
  • An Amazon seller should at least have 15 A+ content projects with “Approved Status” in the last 12 months.

What Are The Requirements For Amazon A+ Premium Content?

To create A+ content, brands must meet the following requirements: 

-Have an existing Professional Seller account on Amazon 

-sell branded products in new condition 

-have a UPC or EAN code for each product 

-provide high-quality images (1000×1000 pixels) with sRGB color profile 

Creating A+ Premium Content can be time-consuming and requires adherence to strict guidelines, but the rewards are well worth it. For brands serious about boosting their sales on Amazon, A+ Premium Content is a must. 
If you’re selling branded products on Amazon and looking for ways to increase your sales, creating A+ Premium Content is a great option. With A+ content, you can showcase your products in greater detail, improve your organic search visibility, and boost your sales and conversions. While creating A+, there are a few requirements you’ll need to meet, but overall, it’s a great way to improve your brand’s presence on

What Are The Features Of A+ Premium Content?

Amazon understands how customer attraction can be gained; this is why this marketplace is continuously evolving and bringing more business to its Sellers. 

A+ Content works just fine but to make the customers and Amazon FBA Sellers more interactive with each other A+ premium content feature was introduced.

Amazon A+ premium content allows the Seller to add:

  • Video modules (Full-width imagery and with text)
  • Hover hotspot modules 
  • Enhanced Brand Content
  • Carousel modules
  • Charts for comparison
  • Clickable Q&A
  • Mobile-friendly product pages
  • Testimonials and more

From image size to module selection, Amazon Sellers with A+ premium content features have more options than the basic A+ Content

Now you can enable your customers to be more engaging and interactive on your Product Page through Amazon Product Photos, infographics, and much more.

Benefits That Amazon A+ Premium Content Offers

Amazon A+ Premium Content is very helpful for your Amazon listing, not just for some specific products but for your overall brand image. It is one good way to stand out from your competitors through attractive visuals, catchy texts, and infographics that are enough to describe your product’s details. 

Amazon A+ Premium Content not only gives you a competitive edge, but it also serves many other benefits like

  • A+ Premium Content gives your page more ranking and more sales with an escalated conversion rate. This feature works best for your best-sellers but cannot work the same for slow ASINs moving products.

  • A+ Premium Content allows your potential customers to make more informed decisions with Enhanced Brand Content, leading to fewer returns and fewer negative reviews. If you wish to reduce returns and negative reviews to the maximum, apply a positive review strategy.

  • You can now add more infographics to your Product Description and enable your potential customer to turn into your actual one. Sellers can now be as creative as they can be in keeping the needs of their customers to have a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

  • A+ Premium Content is not just there to make a specific product from your brand range stand out. This feature enables Amazon Sellers to share their Brand Story with their customers and make them more involved, aware, and educated about your Brand. Loyal customers are very important, and only trust can build that loyalty. The more Sellers engage with their customers, the more commitment they can expect.

  • You can categorize A+ Premium Content as amazing for Amazon Sellers for visibility and attraction. Everything a shopper needs to know about a product is in a glimpse of an eye; you do not have to go through those long paragraphs to learn about the product specifications.

  • The ability to showcase your product in greater detail than with standard Amazon product pages.

  • Increased organic search visibility.

  • The potential to boost sales and conversions.

  • Amazon A+ content can look as the Seller wants it to look. But, of course, the Seller has to prioritize the customer’s attraction and mentality to gain more attention, more sales, and increased revenue.

  • This tool by Amazon empowers the A+ content manager to be as creative as possible. Much can be done with infographics, product photos, and descriptive text to enhance brand awareness and customer engagement.

How Does Amazon A+ Premium Content Help Amazon Listing?

Amazon A+ Premium Content helps increase brand awareness and customer engagement through eye-catching product detailing. It helps the Brand altogether in lead generation and increased revenue. For the customers, this feature allows them to make an educated decision, enabling lesser returns, fewer negative reviews, and more customer loyalty.


Amazon A+ Premium Content is now in its promotional phase and is free for third-party Vendors if they meet the criteria. Amazon A+ Premium Content is an upgraded version of Amazon A+ Content that lets shoppers know more about the product and the Brand itself.

The creative way that Amazon A+ Premium Content enables products to show off their features and benefits makes them more attractive. Additionally, the eye-catching descriptions make it easy for customers who are looking at your product page to decide which one they want without any hassle or confusion!

Why is Amazon Brand Story Significant For Your Brand?

Amazon sellers are looking for ways to improve their sales and stand out from the competition. Creating a strong brand story can help you connect with customers and make your business more memorable. Amazon updated their A+ content manager with a new feature that allows you to create your own Amazon Brand Story. This is great for brands who want more authentic stories on the site!

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Amazon Brand Story – Taking Your Brand Image To The Next Level.

The brand’s story is brought to life with a custom-built module that allows for scrolling through content and products. With this innovative design, customers can easily find what they are looking for while being guided by an elegant carousel highlighting key narratives in the company’s history and other interesting facts about them!

Your brand story differentiates you from your competitors and helps customers understand why they should buy from you. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what makes a good brand story and give some tips for creating one that will help you succeed on Amazon. Stay tuned!


How Can Amazon Brand Story Help Sellers?

The quality of your content is the most important thing to keep visitors interested when searching for a product and landing on a product page. Amazon brand stories are beneficial because they make a product page look more appealing. Here are some of the noteworthy benefits of Amazon Brand Story,


                               Read More: What is the Amazon bestseller badge and how to get it?


Builds Brand Reputation:

Introducing Amazon Brand Stories-a new way to connect with customers and distinguish your product! By using the power of storytelling, sellers can reduce return rates while building a stronger reputation for the brand. Hence, we can say that one can reduce the number of returns and negative reviews by using Amazon Brand Stories to forge connections with your customers. This will help you distinguish products and establish brand awareness–all benefits that increase conversion rates!


Increase Conversions:

The Amazon Brand strategy is about building a strong brand that shoppers can trust. Increasing awareness and establishing your credibility as an authority in the marketplace makes it easier for potential consumers to make informed decisions with their dollars. So you’re more likely to be thought of when they need another product or service!


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Set You Apart From The Competition:

One of the most powerful features of Amazon’s branding system is its “Amazon Brand Story,” which allows you to differentiate yourself from other sellers by highlighting how often shoppers buy your products. It also showcases what kinds of products people like best and helps drive more sales! Amazon brand stories increase average cart value and can add to big-time profits, especially if shoppers only click on one ad but purchase multiple products. A big percentage of shoppers will buy your multiple products because of a convincing brand story. 


What Can You D0 With Your Brand Story? 

Amazon’s brand story feature lets brands connect with potential buyers and share more information about themselves. This allows customers to become more familiar with your brand and product. It also allows you to talk more about your brand and build better customer relationships.


How To Create A Brand Story That Sells?

You’ve built a great product, and now it’s time to sell it on Amazon. But before you can start raking in the sales, you need to create a brand story that will capture the attention of potential buyers. Only sellers who have Amazon Brand Registry can use the Brand Story feature. To qualify for Amazon Brand Registry, you must have an active registered trademark.  A good brand story will tell customers who you are, what you’re about, and why they should buy from you. Here’s how to create an Amazon brand story that sells.

  • Know Your Customer
  • Before you can start writing your brand story, you need to know your customer. 
  • Who are they? 
  • What do they care about? 
  • What problem are they trying to solve? 

Knowing the answers to these questions will help you craft a brand story that resonates with your target audience.

Start with Your Origin Story

Every company has an origin story, and yours is likely no different. Whether it’s how you started in your garage or the “Eureka!” moment when you came up with your product idea, your origin story is a great way to introduce customers to your brand. Use it to tell customers who you are and what inspired you to create your product.


Highlight Your Differentiators

What makes your product different from everything else on the market? This is something you’ll want to highlight in your brand story. Why should customers buy from you instead of your competitors? Is it because of your unique ingredients or manufacturing process? Or maybe it’s because of your outstanding customer service. Whatever it is, make sure to emphasize what sets you apart.


Convey Your Brand Values 

Your brand values should be woven into your story. For example, are you committed to sustainability or fair trade practices? Do you give back to the community? Customers want to know they are supporting a company with values aligned with their own. So make sure to communicate what stands for loud and clear. 



Your Amazon brand story is one of the most important tools in your marketing arsenal. It’s how you introduce yourself to potential customers and persuade them to buy from you instead of your competitors. By starting with your origin story and highlighting what makes you different, you can create a brand story that sells.