Amazon Product Photography Tips You Should Know

amazon product photography

Amazon Product Photography is the initial step that the sellers need to know about. If you look at the best-selling products on Amazon, there would be a similarity in every product, the Product Photos.
When you’re selling a product on Amazon, the quality of your product photography is critical. A good photo can make customers want to buy your product, while a bad image can turn them away. Here are some tips for taking great product photos that will help your sales  and make your products look awesome:

Technical requirements For Amazon Product Photography:

  • Colour: Use RGB color space.
  • Image formats: JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF.
  • Pixel dimensions should be at least 1000 or larger in width or height.
  • The filenames of images should not have dashes, spaces, or additional characters, or they may be prevented from uploading online on the Amazon marketplace.
  • The image file name must have a Product Identifier followed by a period and the appropriate file extension.
  • Try using 85% of the frame to get the perfect shot.

Amazon Product Photography Tips 1: The main image:

The spotlight is on the main image since the customers spend more time looking at the main image. The customer gets the basic idea of the product by looking at the main image. So, the image must be free of any other distractions. This is why the images on e-commerce portals have a completely white background. Amazon strictly follows specific requirements for the main image.

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

Amazon Product Photography Tips 2: The detailing:

You can add details to the product images that you take, not by using photoshop but by highlighting the characteristics of your product on the Product image. The material used and the quality of the material, the application of the product, etc., can be inserted into the product images.

Amazon Product Photography Tips 3: Experiment with your product:

The main image must meet the requirements listed by Amazon. Amazon lets you add up to 8 product images per product. Focus on how to make the rest of the 7 images more vibrant. Try using these Amazon Product Photography Strategies to add value to your product.

Highlight the benefits of the products: Use at least one image that tells the benefit of the product. This gives the customer a clear idea of the product.

Product in Action images: Amazon Sellers must know about this strategy. This adds some value to your product. Tell the customer how many ways the product can be used.

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography: The Basics


Amazon product photography can be the difference between a sale and a no sale. By paying attention to the technical requirements and following some simple tips, you can take your product photos to make your products stand out on Amazon. Tell the customer how your product stands out from the competitors. Add an image stating the features of your competitor’s product and the product that you sell.

Suppose you’re looking for help with Amazon product photography. In that case, our team of experts is here to offer professional Amazon Product Photography services if you don’t want to take on the task yourself or need help getting started. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you create stunning product photos that drive sales.

Amazon Product Photography – The Basics

Amazon Product photography Service
Amazon Product Photography- The Basics

The most asked question on Quora about Amazon is “how to take product pictures for Amazon??”. Whether you take your product photographs on a high-end DSLR or a phone’s camera, you need to concentrate on the basics to get amazing captures of your product.

For a product photograph to be perfect, the photo must be crisp and detailing. The product details like color, richness, dimensions, and material of the product. You can enhance the richness of the photographs by concentrating on some features. Here are some amazon product photography tips that can make your products look more appealing.

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips You Should Know

Seizing your product in High Resolution: To capture an amazing product photo it must not look blurry and must be appealing. Choose a camera that can do the work. The image must convey each and every detail. If your product image looks good, it creates an impression on your brand and remains the deciding factor for their purchase.

Background: Providing a white background for your product makes your product stand out. If you are not able to add a white background while clicking the product, you can add the background while editing.  If your product is white, you can slightly tweak it using Photoshop.

Photography angle: To take the right shot, you must have the right image angle. The “main Image” gets loaded when you search for a product on Amazon. So, make sure that the main image contains the front view of the product, the rest of the angle can accompany the main image.

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

Making sure that no other items are there in the image: If the product images contain additional items other than the product that you sell shoppers might get confused. Make sure that your product is the only item in the product image. Amazon lifestyle photography is the most searched amazon photography-related keyword. In terms of lifestyle photography, the image quality must be of very high quality.

Amazon Product Photography Tricks | How Product Photography Increases Your Sales?

The shoppers look for proof of quality and value when they purchase an item online. This is the reason why most sellers on Amazon needs to have better photography.


Why Product Photography??

The ultimate aim of every seller is to make the customer buy their product. This can be easily done by visually displaying your product. This is done by Product Photography. Product images increase the trust and also make the shoppers engage and convert them into customers. Many sellers think that this is everyone’s cup of tea, that’s not true. There are some tricks that can make your product look amazing even if your budget is under 50$.

E-commerce product photography can be subdivided into 2 types:

1) The simple white background, the product only photographs

The simple white background, the product only photographs: This is the most used product photography style in every e-commerce platform. White backgrounds make the product look more vibrant. Product only images emphasize the product details. High-resolution images are always preferred by shoppers. So, use a better camera to capture your product images.

2) Lifestyle photographs

Lifestyle photographs tell the story of the products. It shows how the products get implemented in real life. Shoppers get interested to know about the application of the item in real life. So, having a lifestyle photograph of the item gets more audience.

Tips for Amazon Product Photography on less budget:

  1. Use a whiteboard or clear white paper as a background.
  2. You can use your home or office table as a shooting table. Clip the white paper onto the table.
  3. Lightbox: You can make your own lightbox by using any clear plastic box and covering the inner side of the box with a white sheet. This helps to distribute the light evenly. Use a high beam torchlight and place it on the sides of the box.
  4. Use a tripod for the camera to avoid disturbance.
  5. Choose the right camera: Avoid a wide lens, choose the right aperture for the perfect shot.