7 Creative Amazon Product Photography Ideas To Stand Out

Even with the best products at the best prices, shoppers will still pass you by unless you have eye-catching photos. Mesmerizing Amazon product photography is the best strategy to increase Amazon sales, but for most sellers with backgrounds in retail, photography is not a skill that comes naturally. 

We’ve already explained the basics as they apply to amateur photographers with our DIY guide to Amazon Product Photography, but sometimes the basics aren’t enough. So in this guide, we share 7 expert ideas on creative Amazon product photography styles that you can use to stand out. These ideas aren’t your average run-of-the-mill product photos, so their unique imagery is sure to get your products noticed and increase sales on Amazon.

                                            Read More: How to Hire the Best Amazon Product Photographer

1. Blurry Outdoor Background

Blurry Outdoor Background


Amazon product photography on a white background is a requirement for your main image, but your other images have more leeway. In addition to doing a standard product-in-use photo or infographic, you can also showcase your product against a blurry outdoor background. 

These photos work because they help the shopper imagine what it’s like to use the product without the risk of distracting them with background images. It’s also easy to shoot: just set your camera to a wide aperture (a low F-stop number). You don’t even need to worry too much about where the background is because the shopper won’t see much of it.

                              Read More: The Last Guide To Amazon Product Photography You Will Ever Need!

2. Floating over White Background

Floating over White Background



If you want some homemade special effects, you can shoot your product against a white background so that it looks like it’s floating. This not only satisfies Amazon’s main image requirements for white backgrounds, but it also creates an interesting effect that your customers are more likely to remember. 

There are essentially two approaches to get this effect: 

  • suspend your product with a fishing line or use invisible adhesive to keep it upright in front of a white background
  • take a normal picture against a white background and edit out the floor with photo editing software like Photoshop

Regardless of which approach you choose, consider keeping in the floor shadow to leave some realism for the shopper. 

3. Infographic with Labeled Parts

Infographic with Labeled Parts


Infographic images are great for when you want to both show and tell. Some products require a little explanation about how they’re used, and infographic images are more likely to be seen than the instructional text in the product description. 

But instead of listing the features of your product, try labeling each part to explain what it does. For one thing, this is another excuse to show a detailed close-up of your product. More importantly, it gives you the opportunity to explain all the beneficial parts of your products, such as interesting features the shopper may not have noticed from your other pictures. 

This type of Amazon product photography works twice as well with control panels and interfaces where the buttons are not self-evident.

                              Read More: DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography: 7 Need-to-Know Tips

4. Visual Effects To Show Movement

Visual Effects to Show Movement


Moving parts can be a huge advantage to some products, especially if competing products aren’t as flexible. But how can you show movement in a still photo? 

Using basic photography or photo-editing techniques, you can depict movement in still photos by either of these two methods: 

  • Set a low shutter speed on your camera to create a motion blur in the actual photo. (This can be difficult without photography experience, as you risk blurring the parts of the photo you actually want the shopper to see.)
  • Take a sequence of photos with the moving parts in different positions. Then, in photo-editing software, overlay all the photos on top of each other, with some transparency (as in the example). This shows the shopper the range of motion your product has. 

These techniques can get a little advanced, especially if you don’t have much experience in either photography or photo editing. If you don’t feel confident in your photography abilities, you can always use Amazon product photography services. Here’s how to hire the best Amazon product photographer

                                      Read More: Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

5. Glass Floor

Glass Floor


Although this Amazon product photography idea won’t work with all products, for some, it’s the perfect way to show off some hard-to-notice features. If your product has an interesting bottom, such as shoes with special treads or an appliance with gripped feet, you can display them with a glass floor angle. 

The easiest way to do it is to place the product on its side and shoot from an angle that looks like it’s underneath. If that’s not possible, you can also set the product on top of a pane of glass and take the picture from below. This gives shoppers a view of the product they would never see otherwise and can verify the safety or sturdiness of certain products. 

6. Testimonial Cards


Testimonial Cards


Just like our idea for infographics with labeled parts, you can use your images to communicate certain benefits that the shopper might not bother reading in your product description text. In this case, you could use the product images to feature any famous brands or publicity your product received. 

While this Amazon product photography is not exactly about the product, you can still use the image to feature a brand logo or testimonial quote of a famous or noteworthy supporter of your product. Shoppers respond to social proof, so if they see another famous brand logo in your images and read that they endorse you, that’s a big step to make a purchase or even increase FBA sales.

                                             Read More: Amazon Product Photography Tips You Should Know

7. Silhouettes of People

Silhouettes of People

Brick-and-mortar stores use mannequins because the shopper can imagine themselves wearing the clothes. That same principle can be applied to Amazon product photography by using nondescript silhouettes of people. 

Keeping the person in the photo vague — such as an outline, shadow, or cartoon — has two main advantages. First, like the traditional mannequins, an ambiguous person in the photo makes it easier for the shopper to imagine themselves in action, as opposed to a more intricate model. Second, using silhouettes minimizes the details that aren’t related to the product, so the shopper can focus more on what you’re selling and less on who’s in the picture. 


How to Hire the Best Amazon Product Photographer

Lights, camera… transaction! Visuals like product photos and videos are essential to eCommerce, especially on Amazon, but selling requires a very different skill set than photography. That’s why more and more online retailers are turning to a professional photographer for Amazon products. 

The question is, how do you hire an Amazon product photographer? How much do they cost, where can you find them, and what should you look for? We answer all those questions and more below to help you pair with your perfect Amazon photographer. But first, let’s talk a little about why you need one. 

Do You Need to Hire a Photographer for Amazon Products? 

First things first, do you even need to hire a professional Amazon product photographer, or can you just take the photos yourself? 

The short answer is that, while you can definitely take the photos yourself, hiring a professional Amazon photographer is better for sales and conversions. In other words, if you’re on a tight budget you don’t need a professional photographer for Amazon, but if you do have the funds available, a professional photographer is a worthwhile investment. 

Why? Because in eCommerce, a product’s visual appearance is the most important factor in deciding whether or not to buy, according to 93% of consumers. Better product photos equal more sales — it’s as simple as that. 

It’s not just about sales, either. Optimizing your main image directly increases your click-through rate, so hiring a professional Amazon photographer can generate more traffic for your product pages. This consequently leads to more brand recognition and more favorable results from Amazon’s algorithm, even if the shopper ultimately decides not to buy. 

There’s also the matter of equipment and photo studios. Most people choose DIY Amazon product photography because they want to save money, but they end up spending extra on cameras, lighting, white backgrounds, and other photography equipment, even if they’re just renting. 

Considering that they’re spending all this and still don’t have the photography experience makes it a big risk. When you hire an Amazon product photographer, you’re not just paying for access to their professional-tier equipment, you’re also paying for their skill and expertise. 

How Much Does an Amazon Photographer Cost? 

There’s no one answer to “how much does an Amazon product photographer cost?” Professional photographers, in general, tend to charge anywhere from $25 to upwards of $250 an hour. Some even charge per image, with a single photo costing over $1,000. 

Then there are the other factors to consider: the skill level of the photographer, preparation costs, special requests, etc. You can also outsource photographers from other countries in hopes of finding the same high-quality expertise at a lower cost. 

All in all, the cost of an Amazon photographer is scalable. If you don’t have much to work with, you can find an amateur or young photographer willing to take on the project at a discount. However, if you want to truly optimize your Amazon product photography, you should hire a photographer with experience.

What to Look for in an Amazon Product Photographer? 

Not all Amazon product photographers are the same, and when it comes the time to pick one, you need to make sure they’re the best choice for you. Take a look at the following criteria so you can properly evaluate your prospective Amazon photographers. 


At first, you should divide your candidates by cost — whom can you afford? A lot of times the cost corresponds to skill level and experience, but not always. As we mentioned above, international photographers can charge less for the same level of quality. You’ll also need to consider any special requests or unique styles of photography that may require extra charges. 

Product photography experience

The best wedding photographer in your area might be a poor choice for Amazon product photography; they’re two different styles of photography, and experience in one area doesn’t translate into the other. That’s why your Amazon photographer should always have experience in product photography specifically. 

For one thing, product photography is mostly still life, which involves different lenses, aperture, and lighting than candid photography of people. Moreover, product photography is mostly done in a studio — as opposed to outdoors or in another natural setting. This means that an experienced product photographer likely already has a studio that they can use for your photos. 

Amazon experience

While experience in product photography is a must, experience shooting for Amazon specifically is even better. Amazon has very particular guidelines about their product photography, including restrictions about formats, size, color codes — even which shade of white you must use for your background. 

Experienced Amazon photographers already know these rules by heart, so compliance will never be an issue. That’s not to say you can only hire a photographer with Amazon experience, but the whole process will run smoother if you do. 

What to Ask an Amazon Product Photographer

If you’ve narrowed down your list of Amazon photographers, it’s time to get to know each individually before finalizing your answer. Specifically, be sure to inquire about:

  • what is included in their services
  • what kind of equipment they have (both for camera and studio setup)
  • how long the turnover would be
  • how big the team is
  • whether they’d be handling the photos personally or outsourcing the work
  • who owns the rights to the photos afterwards
  • if they have shot for Amazon before and are familiar with the Amazon image requirements

Above all, check out samples of their previous work. See how much of their income comes from product photography as opposed to other photography. If you can, find out what past clients have said about working with them. Finally, make sure you choose an Amazon photographer that matches the visual style you’re going for as well. 

Where Can You Find an Amazon Product Photographer? 

A lot of Amazon retailers start their searches locally, looking for nearby Amazon photographers because they think that’s the easiest solution. However, to make the most efficient use of your money and get the best possible return on your investment, it’s better to cast a wider net. A much wider net. 

You’ll find a better Amazon product photographer if you look internationally, opening up your search to thousands of new possibilities. As long as you’re able to get your product into their hands, you can broaden your pool of prospective Amazon photographers until you find the one with the best style and price for you. 

You don’t have to go far to find international photographers either. Here at AMZ One Step, our Amazon product photography is one of our most used services across the globe. Not only do we have both the necessary expertise and equipment for product photography, but we also understand the Amazon marketplace better than anyone. 

Feel free to schedule a free consultation with us to see how we can help you. We’ll answer any questions you have and give you a quote based on your needs. 

The Last Guide To Amazon Product Photography You Will Ever Need!

With a reported $500 billion in annual sales, Amazon is one of the most trusted names on earth. The question is how do they make such an incredible impact? It all starts with their photography!

A recent study found that when customers were satisfied by product images and reviews then there was a 64% higher chance for them to convert into buyers than if someone else reviewed it before.

“In today’s market,” Dr. Joe Simonson says, “you’re competing with people who have millions of dollars on digital billboards.”

Read More:- Amazon Main Image Optimization Strategies – Double Your CTR

What is Amazon Product Photography?

Amazon Product Photography is a process of capturing and presenting images to promote products on Amazon. Fulfilling the requirements for high-quality, engaging images will increase your product’s visibility and improve conversion rates. Improving your product image can lead to increased customer satisfaction, higher rankings, and more sales. As Amazon sellers, it is our job to make sure that our products are visible and prominent on Amazon so they get seen by as many people as possible!

Read More:- Walmart Product Photography: How Is It Different from Amazon? 

What are the benefits of Amazon Product Photography?

The human brain can process an image in just 13 milliseconds. That’s a lot faster than the time it takes to blink your eyes!

Good photography is essential for any e-commerce seller. It can make or break a sale, so investing in high-quality images should be at the forefront of your mind when taking pictures! Therefore, investing in quality images should be the priority of every Amazon seller. So what does using Amazon Product Photography give you?

1. Higher Conversion Rate or Unit Session Percentage

Good photography can make your listing conversion rates go up as high as 25%.

A recent study found that when sellers added professional pictures to their listings saw an increase in sales. Amazon is one of the largest eCommerce sites with more than 500 million products and countless buyers every day, which means there’s plenty of room for improvement if you’re not already doing well enough!

2. Helps in Branding

The way you shoot your brand will reflect how customers and potential clients perceive it. Creative and considerate photography makes for a more intimate connection between customers/ prospects. However, harsh angles create distance which is not conducive to building trust or empathy in the viewer – especially if they’re looking at product photos too much!

3. Increases value proposition

With so much competition in today’s market, it is essential to stand out from the crowd. Great Amazon photography can do just that! Amazon photography is an integral part of the marketing mix. It can increase a company’s value proposition and drive sales, which in turn creates more profit for them!

4. Reduces returns and refunds

Is a picture worth 1000 words? It’s more than just an aesthetically pleasing image. Pictures have been proven time after again as one of the most powerful ways for businesses (especially ones that deal with consumers) to reduce their risk while also improving customer satisfaction levels through increased trustworthiness!

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

What are Amazon Product Photography Requirements?

Picture-perfect images are priceless treasures that capture the heart and soul of a business. They speak volumes with just one glance, creating memories so lasting they never fade away!

A picture worth 1000 words is more than an aesthetically pleasing image. Pictures have been proven time after time as one of our most powerful ways for businesses (especially ones who deal primarily or exclusively online) to reduce their risk while also improving customer satisfaction levels through increased trustworthiness!.

Following are the guidelines for staying within Amazon’s ToS.

site standers for all product images

Key Elements of Amazon Photography

Ever wondered what goes into making a great photo? In order to make your listing photos stand out, you must keep these three elements in mind. All of these elements require different skill sets like photography, design, and marketing.

I will do my best to explain everything in this blog. Alternatively, you can contact Amazon photography experts like AMZ One Step.

So the key elements are the following.

  1. The Main Image or Hero Shots
  2. Infographics
  3. Lifestyle Images
  4. The Main Image

The Amazon main image is exceptionally vital to the success of your product.

“The Main Image”, as it’s called in marketing jargon, represents about 50% more sales than other images combined!

The main image can drastically increase your CTR. When shoppers scroll through the search results, the main image is the first thing they notice. It is quite obvious that the more clicks you get will result in more sales. High CTR and sales can help in Amazon’s ranking as well.

Amazon Main Image Requirements

site standers for main product images

Best Amazon main image examples that you want to take inspiration from.

Amazon main image examples Amazon main image examples

You can also read our full guide on how to make your main image stand out?

  • Amazon Infographics

Infographics are a great way to summarize information in an engaging and easily digestible manner. This is especially true when you have limited images to showcase features and benefits of your product.

Amazon listings with infographics tend to convert more. Shoppers want quick information. If shoppers have to struggle to find the information they will bounce back from your listing. Infographics are the best way to highlight your product features.

  • Best Amazon infographics examples

Best Amazon infographics examples Best Amazon infographics examples

  • Lifestyle Images

When you show your product in use, in a real lifestyle environment, it is called lifestyle image. With lifestyle images, shoppers can imagine themselves using the product.

Lifestyle photos are also a great way to target your demographics. This may also lead to an emotional decision to buy your product. If you are not using lifestyle images in your listing, you miss out on more sales.

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips You Should Know

Check out some great Amazon lifestyle images examples

Amazon lifestyle images examples Amazon lifestyle images examples

Best strategy to increase Amazon sales with Killer photos

One of the best ways to increase sales on Amazon is by getting killer photos. Before you can create a product that people want, it’s important to understand your target audience. Make an avatar of them and read reviews or questions they might have, so their needs are precise in mind before making anything at all! You must understand your product and buy it before taking these steps. The key to increasing Amazon sales is a killer photo. Your products will sell better if they show up in people’s feeds and on their screens with creative, informative images that engage the viewer.”

Read More:- FBA Product Photography: How To Make Your Main Listing Image Stand Out

What kind of Amazon images converts more?

  1. Killer Main Image that increases CTR
  2. Focus on benefits
  3. Highlight Product features
  4. Before & After Image (if applicable)
  5. Using Lifestyle photos
  6. Show Dimensions
  7. Show Unique Selling Point
  8. Use maximum photos allowed by Amazon
  9. Show Packaging (if giftable)

Should I hire a professional Amazon photographer or do it myself?

Whether you’re just getting started in the world of Amazon or looking for more exposure to your product, working with professionals can help produce great results. If it’s possible to do it yourself then go ahead and take advantage! But know that there are definitely benefits from partnering up, most importantly having someone who has experience under their belt when they film footage for promotional purposes only goes towards improving customer engagement which ultimately leads back into increased sales opportunities downline (and trust me; we’ve seen what happens).

The recommendation is to work with professionals, it’s possible to do it yourself.

You need a camera and good lighting if you want to do it yourself. Professionals know what works.

If you want to do it yourself, Here is our DIY Guide to Amazon Photography.

Should I photoshop stock photos or use real models for photography?

The answer to the question of whether or not you should use real models for photography is a resounding “yes!” If your photos need an extra boost in creativity, go with stock images. However, if what’s needed most are new ideas on how best to present their products, then hiring talent from agencies specializing in this field could be more beneficial than using generic pictures found online.

Whether you are using stock images or accurate models for photography, let me tell you that both have their pros and cons. It depends on the nature and type of your product. You can jump on a call with our experts using this link to know what will suit your product.

Watch this video to understand the difference between stock photos and real-life photography.


Amazon Product Photography with Variations

In order to get more sales, you need a creative and exciting product image. This could be anything from color schemes or even just adding extra text into images for emphasis- what matters is that it makes people want to buy your products!

The way in which Amazon sellers market their items can have an impact on whether customers actually end up purchasing something when browsing through other options available on the website. This often means changing things like colors used within pictures as well as cropping at certain angles so there isn’t any unnecessary background. From adding a few design elements to adding colors or changing angles, trying different variations of a specific product can benefit your sales in a great way.

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tricks | How Product Photography Increases Your Sales?

Amazon Product Photography

Amazon Product Photography strategy

Amazon 3D Rendering vs Product Photography

It can be difficult for sellers to make up their minds about which type of photography is best. There are pros and cons with both conventional product shots as well as 3D renders.

Many sellers face a dilemma when it comes to choosing the best way of showing their products on Amazon. Some decide that conventional product photography is more suitable, while others prefer 3D renders or computer-generated graphics with flexible lighting effects for easier editing and retouching capabilities. Selling online can be complicated since there are many different aspects involved including pricing strategies as well as being able to offer customization options such as changes in fabrics or colors you want; this takes time but ultimately leads customers into buying something specific from YOU!

Read More:- 3D Rendering vs Product Photography – Which One Is A Better Option For Amazon Sellers?

Affordable Amazon Photography Service

With so many photographers out there, it can be hard to know who is worth your time and money. AMZ One Step provides affordable amazon photography services that are sure not just meet but exceed all expectations of quality in a workspace shoot or even one-off pictures from headshots.

Our team at AMZ One Step strives on high standards when delivering creativity with its customer’s vision – making us uniquely qualified as experts working professional images made specifically tailored as per Amazon requirements. Get your product in front of buyers with our expertly taken photos that will help you generate more sales faster! Trustpilot reviews show us as being experts who know their stuff- see why others choose to work with Us every day.

Are there any Amazon photographers in China?

It turns out that the answer to this question is yes! There are a few Amazon photographers in China, and I recommend getting your photography done by AMZ One Step China studio. They also have locations across America, including the USA, and Canada. AMZ One Step is one of the prominent providers of Amazon photography services. We are confident enough in ourselves that we don’t need any other proof than satisfied customers like yourself.

Are Fiverr or Upwork the best places to find amazon photographers?

Amazon sellers struggle when it comes to finding photographers. Most of them rely on Fiverr and Upwork as they are two of the best places to find talented amazon photographers. However, agencies are more likely to offer good service, but you must compare prices, so your budget doesn’t get stuck with an agency that only takes care of their own wallet instead of yours!

Read More:- Amazon FBA Product Sourcing | Options Other Than Alibaba

What is 360 Amazon photography?

If you’ve ever shopped on Amazon, you know that the site offers a seemingly endless selection of products. But what you may not know is that Amazon has taken its product offering one step further with 360° photography. This unique feature provides shoppers with a realistic view of the product from all angles, making it easy to determine if the item is right for them. Learn more about this innovative technology and how to use it below!

It’s a relatively new technology that allows customers to view products in a completely new way. With 360 Amazon photography, customers can zoom around products to see every angle. This makes it easier for them to decide if they want to purchase the product. Interested in learning more? Keep reading! I’ll explain how 360 Amazon photography works and give you some examples of businesses that are using it successfully.

How many images are recommended for a listing?

Amazon allows up to 9 images for a listing. As long as you have 6 or more images on your listing, It is considered an optimized listing. You can also consider adding a product video on your listing.

Is 3D rendering Amazon compliant?

As Amazon becomes more and more popular, merchants are looking for ways to create a competitive advantage. 3D rendering is one way to do that, but is it compliant with Amazon’s policies? While technically not compliant, most experts say that you can use 3D rendering as long as you’re careful about how you do it. Here’s what you need to know.

When it comes to 3D rendering, there are a lot of things to take into account. One of the most important is Amazon’s guidelines for product images. Though they technically don’t allow 3D rendered images, many sellers use them anyway because they produce better results than photos. You want to know why you should consider using 3D renders in your Amazon listings and how to make sure they comply with Amazon’s rules. Get in touch with our expert.

Importance of graphic design and photoshop in amazon photography

Graphic design is a necessary part of any effective Amazon photography session. In order to create an appealing and professional-looking photo, you need to use graphics to direct your viewers’ attention to the most essential elements in the image. Adobe Photoshop is a powerful tool that can help you do just that. With its wide range of features, you can easily manipulate and improve your photos. By using graphic design and photoshop, you can take your Amazon photography to the next level.

In order to get the best pictures for your product, you need to be very creative. I suggest using Photoshop and graphic design apps because these will allow you to create really stunning images that people won’t be able to resist.

Learn from big brands on amazon

If you’re like most online entrepreneurs, you’re always on the lookout for ways to improve your Amazon business. One area that can make a significant impact is your product photography. But photographing products can be tricky – especially if you’re new to it. That’s why today we’re going to take a look at some of the best ways to photograph products, based on what big brands are doing. By learning from the pros, you’ll be able to create photos that stand out and help increase your sales. So let’s get started! There are some very big brands that sell their products on Amazon. They know how to do product photography well, and you can learn from them.

Walmart Product Photography : How Is It Different from Amazon? 

If anyone can challenge the mighty Amazon, it’s Walmart Marketplace, the eCommerce wing of Walmart department stores. In recent years, Walmart has been attracting a lot of new sellers to their online marketplace — and because many of these sellers have backgrounds in Amazon and other channels, they want to know what makes Walmart product photography different. 

In this quick guide, we run through everything you need to know about product photography for Walmart, including image requirements, how it’s different from Amazon product photography, and even some expert tips to get you started. 

Read More:- DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography: 7 Need-to-Know Tips

Walmart Product Photography Requirements

First things first, what are the requirements of product photography for Walmart? According to Walmart Marketplace’s Item Setup Content Policies, here are the hard rules for all Walmart product photography: 

  • Each listing needs a minimum of two product photos
  • Photos must be in focus and professional quality
  • Only accessories that come with the item can be included
  • Images must follow the Walmart Trust and Safety standards (i.e., no offensive or obscene imagery)

Furthermore, Walmart product photography is divided into two categories: the primary product image and additional background images. As the central picture for a product listing, the primary product image has a few extra requirements all its own: 

  • shot against a seamless white background (RGB: 255, 255, 255)
  • demonstrating a frontal view of the product
  • photographs only; no graphics, infographics, or illustrations
  • no additions like logos, watermarks, overlays, or text
  • no placeholder images

Additional background images, however, have more lenient restrictions. You’re free to use pictures of the product in a more casual environment, as long as it’s directly related to the product — for example, if the product is a grill, you can use a patio set as a background. 

In the additional background images, you’re also allowed to show the product from different angles, which is highly recommended for giving the shoppers a better sense of what they’re buying. 

Read More:- Tips For Taking Your Product Photography On A White Background

Walmart Product Photography vs. Amazon Product Photography

Despite the similarities, Walmart Marketplace and Amazon are run very differently, with policies that sometimes contrast with each other. 

Walmart Product Photography vs. Amazon Product Photography

One of the biggest differences is that to sell on Walmart Marketplace, retailers need to undergo an involved application process and await approval. While this may dissuade some potential sellers from migrating, it also limits the amount of competition. 

When it comes to product photography, though, there are a few common threads. Both Walmart and Amazon have strict rules for the main product image, including a pure white background and restrictions barring graphics and other additions. Amazon has an extra requirement that the product fills 85% of the frame — so if a photo accomplishes that, it can be used on both sites. 

Aside from some of the technical differences, both Walmart and Amazon allow many of the same types of content. As with Amazon product videos, sellers on Walmart can also upload video content, however, this has to be done through what’s called Rich Media Content, which is Walmart’s version of Amazon A+ Content

All and all, you can use many of the same product photography for both platforms without major changes. Just keep in mind the small distinctions for the main product images, such as Amazon’s rule about filling 85% of the frame, and Walmart’s rule about using a frontal view. 

In fact, Amazon and Walmart product photography are so similar, you can follow the same best practices for each. That means, if you’re interested in doing your own product photography for Walmart, you’ll find some useful tips in our DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography

Read More:- Amazon Product Videos (A Comprehensive Guide for Amazon FBA Beginners)

Best Tips for Walmart Product Photography

Want to know how to optimize your product photography for Walmart? Follow these three tips below. 


Tips for Walmart Product Photography

1. Take Advantage of Rich Media Content

Just as we recommend using A+ Content for Amazon, we also suggest using Rich Media Content on Walmart. Rich Media Content is the name Walmart gives to all media that’s not standard photography, such as:

  • product videos
  • interactive 360° product views
  • comparison charts
  • interactive images, such as images with alternate views, close-ups, or clickable links
  • file attachments for instruction manuals, guides, fliers, etc., including PDFs
  • Premium Content: high-quality photos with optional text and graphic inlays

Each of these content types has its own advantages, and you can incorporate them differently depending on your sales strategy and target customer groups. 

Which Rich Media Content you upload on Walmart depends on your hosting provider. If you’re hosting on Walmart, you can only use videos and 360° product views. To use the other Rich Media Content on Walmart like Premium Content or interactive images, you need a provider like CreativeDrive or WhyteSpyder.

Read More:- FBA Product Photography: How To Make Your Main Listing Image Stand Out

2. Use Only High-Quality Images

Online shoppers depend on product photography to gauge certain aspects of the product they can’t observe personally — size, texture, weight, flexibility, etc. The best they can do online is guess at these, based on the details in the images. 

Higher-quality images display more details, and as a result, those extra details lead to extra sales. The better quality photos you use, the better idea the shoppers have of what they might be getting, which is a simple and straightforward way to reduce shopping anxiety and increase conversions. 

Of course, high-quality images require high-quality photography equipment like a professional camera and studio lighting. While you can make do with some household items, if you’re feeling like a fish out of water, it might be better to simply hire a professional product photography company. Although it costs extra, you can rest easy knowing the final photographs will have an expert touch. 

Read More:- 3D Rendering vs Product Photography, Which One Is A Better Option For Amazon Sellers?

3. Edit Photos in an Image Editor

Even master photographers have trouble getting a shot right in one take. There’s no shame in using image editors like Photoshop or the free GIMP to spruce up your Walmart product photography — in fact, it’s a recommended best practice! 

Image editors allow you to fix minor issues like blemishes and color corrections. They can’t do much for major issues like focus or the angle of the subject, but they’re great for an overall polish. You can remove minor imperfections like dust, make the colors more vibrant, and adjust the photo’s cropping how you like it. 

On the other hand, just like photography, using an image editor requires a learning curve, sometimes a significant one depending on the software you chose. If you plan on doing photography work for a long time, learning to use an image editor is a worthwhile investment. However, if you find it overwhelming, again you can hire a professional to take care of it for you. 

DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography: 7 Need-to-Know Tips

You don’t need to be Ansel Adams for amazing Amazon photography — you don’t even need to know who Ansel Adams is! You can still take great Amazon photos at home no matter what level of photographer you are; when it comes to DIY Amazon photography, even expert sellers can be beginners. 

So here, we explain how to take Amazon photos at home like a pro. We combine both beginner and advanced advice so you can get that studio look right in your living room. Follow the 7 tips below and see for yours

elf how better pictures don’t just impress shoppers, they also increase conversions. 

1. Review Amazon Product Photography Requirements

First things first, your Amazon photography needs to comply with the official Amazon product image requirements. These include a mix of technical requirements and content standards. 

While you can check the link for a complete list, here’s a quick summary of the more important ones: 

  • minimum of 1000 pixels on either height or width
  • sRGB or CMYK color modes
  • TIFF, JPEG, GIF, or PNG formats
  • file names must include the product identifier (ASIN, UPC, etc.), followed by the file extension (.jpg, .png, etc.); example: B000123456.jpg
  • the main image must fill 85% of the frame and be in focus
  • the main image must be set against a true white background (RGB: 255, 255, 255)
  • the main image cannot contain additional text, graphics, or inset images

The requirements for the additional images are more lenient, which is how sellers can post infographics, charts, and images of the product in action. However, the main image has more precise guidelines, and that’s what we focus on here. 

2. Use the Right Equipment 

Using the right equipment is one of the best ways to avoid the common mistakes in Amazon photography. Taking pixel-perfect product photos requires some investment, but not as much as you might think — you can scale costs up or down depending on what you have available. 

Specifically, for the best DIY Amazon photos, consider these tools: 

  • a high-quality camera, ideally mirrorless or DSLR; some phone cameras with good specs can do in a pinch, but they won’t provide the same detail as high-end cameras, and those details are what shoppers want to see 
  • a white background; to cut costs, you can either use a white seamless paper roll as a backdrop, or create your own cheap white box by using household supplies 
  • artificial lighting, ideally LED or incandescent lamps
  • a camera tripod to reduce blurriness

Additionally, you can use extra equipment like a softbox or reflectors for even better image quality, but those aren’t essential. And don’t sweat too much over which lens to use — standard lenses work best for Amazon photography, and wide-angle lenses are not recommended. 

3. Set Your Camera Settings Correctly

After gathering the right equipment, you next have to learn how to use it. In particular, you should familiarize yourself with your camera to get your Amazon photography just how you want it. 

If you’re using a proper camera (as recommended), it’s best to adjust the settings manually. Assuming that you’re shooting against a white background or white box, try to apply these settings: 

  • ISO: 100
  • Aperture: between f/8 and f/16
  • Shutter speed: 1/200th

Whether you’re using a proper camera or a phone camera, you always want to switch to the RAW format. The RAW format gives you the highest quality possible to preserve details best (the largest file size possible, too, but you can fix that later). It also works better for perfecting the white balance later in a photo editor. 

4. Fill the Frame

Moving away from the technical aspects of Amazon product photography, let’s talk a little about what makes a good photo. Typically, you want the subject of your photo — in this case your product — to fill the majority of the frame. As per the Amazon photography requirements, the product needs to fill at least 85% of the main image without being cut off. 

While this is a standard tip for all photography, it is especially relevant for product images. Shoppers rely on pictures to gauge the size of the product, and because the main image isn’t supposed to have any other objects in it, there’s no other frame of reference. Filling most of the image frame gives shoppers a more accurate idea of size because the product doesn’t appear too big or too small. 

Before you take the shot, make sure the product is adequately framed in the preview window. For minor adjustments, you can zoom in and out on the product, but feel free to move the tripod around as well until you find the perfect angle. 

5. Show Multiple Angles

Although it’s not a requirement, showing multiple angles of the product against a white background is still a best practice for Amazon product photography. This gives the shopper a more three-dimensional idea of the product, which in turn nudges them closer to a sale. 

While you have your white background or white box set up with all the necessary lighting, why not experiment with different angles? You’re only required to have one main image with a white background, but you can still upload different angles as additional photos. 

You can even go the extra mile with Amazon product 3D rendering, which — when animated —  create a more interactive feel to seeing a product from multiple angles. These take a little more work to create, but early implementation on Shopify has already increased conversion rates by 250%

6. Learn How to Edit Amazon Photos

Even professional photographers have trouble getting pictures right on the first shot. Photo-editing software like Photoshop or the free-to-use GIMP can help you correct minor errors in your DIY Amazon photography and give them a general polish with after effects. 

Photo editors can’t help with major problems like focusing, but they can swiftly fix minor issues like cropping, blemishes, and color correction. For Amazon product photography, photo editors are incredibly convenient at getting your white backgrounds truly white, making up for any discrepancies with your camera’s auto-white-balance features. 

Learning how to edit Amazon photos comes with its own learning curve, especially if you use professional software like Photoshop. However, the basics are easy enough to figure out, and the better you get at taking pictures, the less editing you’ll need afterwards. 

7. Consider Alternative Styles for the Accompanying Photos

As we mentioned earlier, the guidelines are strictest for the main product image. The accompanying photos, on the other hand, allow for much more creative freedom so you can play around with other sales tactics. 

While a straightforward photo with a white background presents a clear image of what the product is, you can use alternative styles to show off the product in other ways. In particular, consider these: 

  • Candids — Show the product being used by actual people. Photos with happy people in them encourage more sales, not to mention they help explain how to use the product. 
  • Secondary objects — Place secondary objects next to the product, such as a coffee biscuit next to a mug, or a peppermint leaf next to a box of mints. This makes the photo more interesting and influences how people interpret them, plus provides a good frame of reference for the product’s size. 
  • Play with focus — You can get artistic with your DIY Amazon photography, such as getting an extreme close-up where only part of the product is in-focus and the rest is blurry. 
  • VideosAmazon product videos are proven to increase conversion rates by showing the product in motion. 
  • Graphic-photo hybrids — It’s common in Amazon product photography to include one or two images with overlaid text and/or graphics. Images like infographics, comparison charts, and before-and-after pictures help explain the value points of your product if the visuals alone aren’t enough.  
  • Product packaging — A lot of shoppers like to see the product packaging before they buy something, which can be advantageous if the packaging itself explains some of the benefits of your project. 

Essentially, once you have a standardized main image, you’re free to experiment with your accompanying image. Think about the advantages of the particular product you’re trying to sell and see if you can come up with some unconventional Amazon photography to best show it off. 

DIY Amazon Photography vs. Hiring a Professional

Knowing how to take Amazon photos at home is only half the battle — you still have to actually do the work. For starters, you have to gather equipment, whether buying or renting and from there you still need to learn how to use it. 

Professional cameras can add meaningful details to your Amazon product photography, but only if you know what those little buttons and dials do. Meeting the bare minimum for DIY Amazon photography is hard enough, but to truly optimize the images you need to learn a lot more than can fit in a single blog post. 

A lot of sellers prefer to simply outsource their Amazon photography by hiring a professional. Amazon product photography services like ours do all the work for you. Simply explain to our representative what you want (and in some cases send us a sample), and after around 7-10 days we’ll send you at least seven top-quality images taken by professional photographers at our own studios.  

Sure professional services cost more but think of what you save by not buying expensive cameras, lights, and other equipment. Our Amazon photography staff are all professionals as well — you don’t need to learn about camera controls or how to edit Amazon photos because our team is already experts. 

If you’re interested and want to hear a quote, schedule a free consultation call now, up to 60 minutes. We’ll answer all your questions and explain how we can help! 

Tips For Taking Your Product Photography On A White Background

The best way to make your products look great and create a sense of value is through high-quality visual presentation. This includes having professional photos that show off every detail, but it can be hard for small store owners without access or funds like this option since they need the proper tools in order to do so themselves. Here we will learn the tips for taking product photography with white background.

When you need a spot to highlight your company or product, adding white background photography can make all the difference. It helps to highlight the essential features of the product, which will eventually help grab the attention of the viewers out there.

You can turn a mediocre product photo into something that will make people want to buy your products with just one click. All you need are some white walls and an idea of what it is they’re selling.

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

Here are some tips to help you capture photos on a white background:

Required Peripherals

It will not be possible for you to turn a product, idea, or anything into something noticeable without having the right peripherals. Make sure you have these peripherals before you start another photoshoot


It really matters that the photographer understands the requirements of the photoshoot. It really depends upon the requirements about the type of camera to be used. Full-frame DSLR cameras are too big to lug around and set up. You can start with whatever you’ve got handy, experiment on a new camera over time until the style speaks for itself without investing in an expensive system right away!

However, if you have decided to invest in basic DSLR cameras, you can start from Nikon D3500 or Fujifilm X-T200. It will help you in grasping the ideas of photography in the beginning.


Mounting your camera to a tripod is an essential step in the photography process. Once you have it secured, there are some things that will remain fixed and keep everything else from moving around while capturing images of varying modes like high dynamic range imaging or focus stacking which require several shots taken at different points on whatever subject matter interests you most today.

White Bounce Cards

Window light has a bright side where the sun hits it, and shadows on either side. To make things more interesting for product photography, make use of white bounce cards ( made out of foam boards ) that put an extra bit of illumination into those dark areas so they can be relieved in their product shots. It is an excellent choice because it’s rigid and can also be easily cleaned if needed.

Read More:-  FBA Product Photography: How To Make Your Main Listing Image Stand Out


A smooth surface is required for your product to stay stable throughout the photoshoot. Consider getting a table with one that is wide but also long enough. The ideal size would be somewhere between 24 and 27 inches in width so it’s not too small nor too big for your needs!`

Ideal Room

The perfect room for product photography is a window that’s next to a wall. The larger the better as you’ll get more light from strong naturalistic shadows, and being closer will create softer overall tones with darker backgrounds while farther away will result in an even brighter illumination where the shadows are sharper yet lighter in detail.

Capturing Professional Photos On A White Background

When it comes to selling your products, more than 90% of consumers say that visual appearance is an important factor in buying decisions. Let’s into some professional tips you should follow to capture your next masterpiece:

Setting up the Table

Now that you gathered all the required materials, it’s time to shoot! The first thing you need to do is place the table close to the window without intersecting any shadows from these windowsills. Next, make sure that your setup goes right or left of this window at 90 degrees angle, depending on which direction light will be hitting the subject.

With natural light, the best way to get a different mood is by rotating your window. You can try putting it at an angle of 45 degrees or even straight onto the set with no obstruction for that clean and fresh feel!

Read More:- How to Increase Amazon Conversion Rates: 7 Essential Tips for 2022

Adjusting the Camera

Every camera is a little different. For some, the default setting will work just fine, and they don’t need to adjust any settings on their own. However, if you’re looking for more control over what gets captured or want an idea of how your photos are coming out then the following tweaks to your setting might help out:

  • Set your white balance (WB) to Automatic. This will allow you more control of colors and lighting for a better end result.
  • Turn Off your flash setting. This will stop any potential glare on the camera lens and ensure that you get intense exposure to whatever is in front.
  • Raw files are the largest a camera can shoot, and when edited in software such as Photoshop or Aperture will give you maximum image quality. If your point-and-shoot has this setting, use it!
  • You can set your ISO to 100 which will result in less noise. The higher the numbers are, the more sensitive they become and thus pick up on any light that might be present

Setting up the Product

There are many little details that can trip you up when setting your product. One of the most important is making sure to center yourself in front of all reflective surfaces, such as bottles with labels on them and mirrors above head height.

This can be difficult because there are often many tiny movements needed for each element, but it will go much smoother if done correctly from day one.

If your product positioning is perfect then you can try using white cards as a light modifier too. You will be blown away by the way this simple white card lights up your product. The light bounces off of it and fills in all shadows, so experiment with different angles for maximum effect.

Read More:-  3D Rendering vs Product Photography & Which One Is A Better Option For Amazon Sellers?

Capturing and Evaluating the Photo

A picture is worth a thousand words, but it’s even more than just that. Once you take the photo and look at what has been created with your camera; this will allow for the experience of both education in which skills can be improved through experimentation on various ways to make an image better over time.

After conducting several trials and errors, you might have finalized some of the photos for your product. For a better idea of how your images look, upload them onto the computer. The back of the camera sometimes misses details that are important for photography and can give unclear pictures, so I suggest using Adobe Lightroom, which provides many editing options to help fix this problem.

Read More:-  8 Mistakes Every Photographer Makes While Clicking Products For Amazon


Taking product photos on a white background can help you create more professional images for your products. Whether it is in an advertisement, website, or social media post, putting the product on a white background will make them stand out and appear clean

If you are looking forward to seeking professional Product photography for amazon, social media, or E-Commerce stores, contact Amz One Step today as they provide one of the most professional services in the marketplace.

Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

They say that seeing is believing, but what message do your product pictures give? Are they able to tell the story about the features of your product? Or they are telling some other story where the details are misinterpreted, and the quality is gimcrack? A picture is definitely worth a thousand words, and when it comes to Amazon product photography services, its worth increases exponentially.

Consumers are always looking forward to those shortcuts which are time-saving. In this way, the first thing which comes into their mind is the image of the product. The photos provide a proper testification of the product and generate good traffic to your E-Commerce store. In the era of digital marketing, a great product is considered to be as good as it is advertised. Whether you outsource your Amazon Product Photography Service to other companies or do it yourself, here are some tips and strategies you can implement to optimize your product listings. 

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips

Focus on Amazon’s Technical Requirements before Shooting

Focus on Amazon’s Technical Requirements before Shooting

You need to understand that some technical requirements must be followed when it comes to Amazon product photography. First things first, you need to save your image files in a TIFF, JPEG, GIF, or PNG format. It is better if you check your camera setting before beginning the photo shoot. Try to capture pictures in RAW mode; it gets easier to remove blurriness and edit later in different photography software. Your photos should have a minimum of 1000 pixels (either in Height or Width). Moreover, you don’t need to add any dashes, spaces, or special characters in your image name. Understand the naming convention of the product images on Amazon; include product identified (such as ASIN, SKU, etc..), followed by period along with the file extension.

The use of Product Positioning and Image Quality

The use of Product Positioning and Image Quality

Most of the photographers are not aware that the image they take will be fitted into a square frame when they go live on an Amazon Listing. It is better if you leave some space out so that you can fit them into the frame lately. Always try to think one step ahead. In this way, the cropping will not affect the overall quality of the image. Make the most of the space by carefully utilizing the frame and avoiding the product from being crowded. There are different perspectives when it comes to adding the ‘padding’ feature. xanax 0.25mg buy online https://www.veterinary-practice.com/ Some sellers prefer using colorful paddings whereas some prefer the white background for their products. A white background is often preferred because it provides a clean, crisp, and professional look to the project.  

Read More:-  FBA Product Photography: How To Make Your Main Listing Image Stand Out

As far as the quality of the captured images is concerned, there are certain tactics that can be adapted by newbie photographers on Amazon. It is recommended to take high-quality pictures so that your product is visually appealing. Poor lighting is one of the biggest factors which decreases the quality of the product images. Unwanted shadows can cause the product to be very unappealing which can decrease the interest of the buyer. It is up to the photographer whether to make use of the studio lighting or natural light to capture professional images. It is better to experience it yourself within the space you are allotted and you can figure out the certain angles that go perfectly with the lighting at a certain time of the day. 

Save your time and learn about Amazon Features

Save your time and learn about Amazon Features

Whenever you upload the images to your listing, you might have across the term ‘300 DPI’ or some similar text. There is absolutely no need to give this a thought while uploading your pictures as it only refers to printed photos, not the upload quality ones. Moreover, it is better to perform some other micro-tasks while your photos are uploading to the listing because it can take a while. Just make sure not to refresh your browser if the process is getting time-consuming, unless and until you have an internet connection problem. 

Amazon Seller Central makes use of several tools that are meant to further optimize your product listings. Sellers need to make themselves aware of these features. The Seller Central compresses the images and processes them automatically once they are uploaded themselves. The only thing you need to make sure about your product images is to avoid re-compressing the images. Amazon adds the logo to your product listing as well on its own, so it is better not to use any photo-editing software for such purposes.

Read More:- 3D Rendering vs Product Photography & Which One Is A Better Option For Amazon Sellers?

Listen to experts round up

Listen to experts round up

It is a very well known fact that sharing is caring. People who have mastered Amazon Product Photography service do give wonderful reviews about their experience on Amazon. Ken who is a stance creative, told Jungle Scout that do whatever you want to with the camera, not in photoshop. He figured out that the more the work is done using the camera, the greater the trust will be gained by the customer.

Dorian, a renowned creative director tells the audience that there 3 ingredients necessary for a strong Amazon Brand Image;  legibility, conveyance, and style. Your product’s images need to be clean and clear so that they can be understood on any media. They need to convey a proper message and also maintain the appropriate style so that your images have both quality and audience appeal.

FBA Product Photography: How To Make Your Main Listing Image Stand Out

Universally, it goes without saying that a face is the most crucial factor for an immediate first impression. Unarguably, in the Amazon marketplace, that first impression of a product is all a buyer needs to make a split decision about it. The conversion rates of your amazon listings are heavily dependent on your product photography and brand image, but most of all, the face of your Main Image.

The game is now more challenging than ever. More than 50% of Amazon sales are contributed by third-party sellers, making a massive number of over 2.5 million sellers. One better and more competitive than the next. So how is one supposed to stand out in the crowd after all?

As an invested seller, you need to look beyond the front lines. Think bigger and picture what represents my product and exactly where? The main image will be one, but its impact can be observed in various places such as the main product page, amazon search results, external search engines, thumbnails, etc. Therefore, your target must be equally diversified. No matter where it shall appear, it has to look fantastic.  

Let us divulge into the bag of tricks we have for producing unique and outstanding main images, so you could lock down maximum buyer attention and ultimately convert sales.

Read More:- DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography: 7 Need-to-Know Tips


Our CEO, Kamaljit Singh has also done a video on this topic.

Use High-quality Camera

Use High-quality Camera

The first thing you need to do to make your main image stand out is to make sure you’re using a high-quality camera. A sharp-looking image is the first step in gaining customer trust. It delivers the message of confidence and will move the potential buyer to subconsciously create a connection between product quality and high-quality image display. A high-quality image works like an open book that will allow customers to observe every nook and crevice of the product to their satisfaction. Besides looking superb on the main product page, it will also appear more attractive in the search results page, making your listing stand out from the crowd. 

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

Maximize Visibility

Maximize Visibility

The second thing you can do is make use of professional editing services. Ensure your image is cropped with such finesse that your audience is convinced of a naturally white background, leave no room for doubt. Poor cropping skills produce an extremely undesirable effect on the customer, leaving them with the impression your service is of low quality. 

What you have to do next is eliminate any extra blank space within the frame to give maximum product coverage. This will make your product appear more bold and prominent on the main image. Amazon itself recommends covering 85% of the main image with product photography. We recommend you push it as high as the frame allows without overcompensating visibility, of course. The buyers are more likely to choose your product by simply being prompted to look at the bolder image among other competitors. This way, your chances increase significantly in getting more clicks than them. 

Shoot With A Unique Angle

Shoot With A Unique Angle

Differentiation by a unique angle is a bold and creative idea. Shooting your product from a creative angle can help you grab the buyers’ attention and increase your click-through rate. After all, standing out from the crowd is your target here. Why not do something fun to help it? Although keep in mind that this shoot should still comply with the Amazon guidelines and display your product’s face as clear as possible. 

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips You Should Know

Run A Split Test

Run A Split Test

The last thing you cannot afford to miss out on optimizing your main image is to Split Test your shortlisted choices. No matter how good looking the main image you think is, you can’t know if its the right choice until you split test them. You may use testing tools such as Pikfoo to split test the main image. This way, you can attain results instantly, or you can use 30 days for the first image and 30 days on the next image live on amazon. This should provide you with accurate results to help you check which image is performing better.

An Important Note:

Keeping the Amazon guidelines in mind, we understand that there might not be much you can do for your main image since Amazon does not allow extra visuals other than the product itself. Many sellers make the mistake of including icons, badges, text, or props in their images to make it stand out, but we advise against it. Amazon can suppress such listings during randomized checkups anytime. It seems rightfully tricky to make your main image stand out when the only thing allowed is just a bland photograph of your product devoid of external help.

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography : The Basics

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

It cannot be stressed enough that your main image is everything. Hopefully, now that you have a few tricks up your sleeve, you will find it easier to make your Amazon Listing stand out. And remember not to shy away from asking for professional help if you need it—we have expertise in Amazon Product Photography and professional editing services. 

3D Rendering vs Product Photography – Which One Is A Better Option For Amazon Sellers?

E-commerce has undoubtedly changed how we shop. These days, people buy products while scrolling through social media, expecting information fast. The customer experience when browsing for products online has become as important as the product itself. This is because users now expect a certain quality of customer service from companies.

In fact, the experience users receive determines their buying decision. Imagine how you’d react if you were to stumble upon a product listing that lacks photos but has an excellent description, rating, and recommendations. You probably wouldn’t purchase the product.

You can’t underestimate the power of a good photo. Photos are what will sell your products. It’s no surprise that quality photos create buyer interest from day one – they’re essential when it comes time for potential buyers looking at search results or product details on Amazon.

A common dilemma you’ll probably face as a seller is whether to use conventional product photography or 3D rendering. This invaluable guide offers insight into both options so that you can determine which is best for your product listings.

Read More:-  Amazon Product photography tips:


3D Rendering?

While first impressions aren’t always everything, for online shoppers, they are. Your product listing on Amazon will dictate whether a shopper will scroll or click. If you want your product-based business to stand out among competitors, you’ll want to consider rendering, which involves the development of 2D images from a 3D model using computer software.

You’ve probably come across images developed from this process whether on billboards, a magazine, or through social media. In the highly technical world we live in today, 3D rendered images have become a significant mode of visual content for advertisers, marketers, and content producers. This process adopts an object’s visual aesthetic, providing more flexibility and detail to demonstrate an object’s features.

3D Rendering

Product Photography?

If you’re an Amazon seller you know product photography plays a key role in helping you build your brand and sell products. In fact, product photography could break or make your store conversion. It’s one of the most vital components of any product page.

You probably can’t remember the last time you purchased anything without seeing the product’s photo. Ask yourself whether you would feel comfortable purchasing a product with blurry images. Your answer would be no. We all know that product images are the building blocks for a successful online business.

The biggest challenge for me or any other online shopper is the fact that we can’t touch and see products in person before buying them. That’s why quality photography is crucial for eCommerce. Your products represent your brand and the inability to see and touch them physically means that users depend on your product photography to recognize your brand’s quality.

Regardless of the quality of your products, no one will purchase them if you post low-quality photos. Would you trust a product’s quality based on tiny pixilated photos? Probably not.  We can all agree that product photography seeks to build trust in your merchandise and give users an idea of what to expect.

Product Photography

Read More:-   Amazon Product Photography- The Basics

Choosing Between 3D Rendering vs. Product Photography

Product customization

It’s our nature as humans to crave tailored experiences. We like having options because it gives us a sense of power. After all, who doesn’t like the feeling of being in charge? As a seller, you want to showcase as many options and configurations as possible, in which case you should use 3D rendering.

If you were a furniture seller for instance, how much money and time would you spend organizing a photoshoot for pieces with different textures and fabrics? With 3D renderings, the possibilities are endless. Since the creation of renders occurs before the project is complete, you can tailor and edit features; this isn’t possible with photography.

Visitors Engagement

In today’s society, people are constantly pursuing instant gratification. It’s easy to get bored, so you must provide engaging experiences to grab their attention. When it comes to visitor engagement, 3D rendering is unrivaled.

With interactive 3D, you have the power to convert passive users into active participants. In turn, they’ll spend more time on your site and you’ll witness an increase in sales. As a customer, I want to know precisely what I am purchasing, so you need to allow me to view your product from all angles. This will prompt me to click “add to cart.”

Visitors EngagementRead More:-  Product Photography Strategies: Boost your conversion


If you’ve ever organized a campaign photo shoot, then you understand the effort and struggle required to obtain appealing visuals. You probably had to deal with equipment, transport, location constraints, and expensive decorations.

Unless you’re handling a photoshoot for one product in a close location, traditional photography wouldn’t be ideal in such a case. If you want to display a range of products in various locations, 3D is a better option.



If you want to photograph a product with different configurations, you must supply or produce and store them in a warehouse. 3D visuals allow you to feature product variations without having the merchandise in stock. Therefore, you can display more products than what might be viable if you were to have everything in stock.

Any Amazon seller knows that drop shipping can decrease product investment considerably, allowing for more flexibility. If you’re considering this option, 3D is the way to go.


Product Presentation in Detail

Professional rendering displays a product in a cleaner way than a photograph would. You’ll agree that there’s no limit to what you can do with a 3D model. Rendering allows you to showcase your products in the best light and highest resolution.

For users, we can zoom in as much as we need to emphasize certain features. This would be hard, if not impossible to achieve with conventional product photography.

Product Presentation in Detail

Time Efficiency and Cost

Turnaround time relies mostly on the variations of products you wish to visualize. If you require images for a single product, conventional photography will perhaps be less time-consuming because developing the product’s archetype with 3D is more complex.

Once you have the archetype, the possibilities are endless. If you want to visualize many options or products for a similar product, rendering would be ideal. The same applies to cost efficiency. It is true that developing a 3D archetype can be more expensive than a photoshoot.

However, once you have the archetype, you can develop an infinite number of configurations (fabrics, colors, and textures) with 3D affordably, then plan countless photoshoots for every single variation. Regardless of whether you choose 3D visuals or product photography, low-quality images aren’t an option. They’ll do you more harm than good, so ensure you select the best visualization company or studio that can provide images that exceed the benchmark.

Time Efficiency and CostRead More:-  8 Mistakes Every Photographer Makes While Clicking Products For Amazon

Showcase Different Variations or Colors

Amazon is particular with the requirements associated with product images. One of the prerequisites is that the major image should be on a pure white background, showing the product only. Remember, the main image should grab the most attention; it determines whether you’ll convert site visitors or whether users will choose your rival.

Assuming your product has different colors or sizes, it would be virtually impossible to take photographs from a similar angle with the precise exposition for those variations. How much time do you think it would take to do post-production editing, staging? And, such expenses add up fast.

Showcase Different Variations or Colors


3D can easily allow you to demonstrate features that are hard to capture in a photo. For instance, if you’re marketing merchandise that protects against injury in a dangerous circumstance, rendering is a safer, more thorough, and less affordable way to showcase those features than crashing a vehicle.


Asset and Image Flexibility

Once you’re done with a photoshoot, you can’t change the lighting, details, or layout. Rather, you’ll try organizing a new photoshoot. With 3D visualization, revisions are easy to make. You can make alterations at any point and obtain the ideal visuals. This permits you to allow corrections after the completion of the project.

It’s possible to reuse the visuals with minimal adjustment. Therefore, if you wish to develop a library of visuals that you could repurpose, traditional photography wouldn’t be of much help. In a content-rich world, the ability to reuse content with minimal adjustment could make a considerable difference.

Asset and Image FlexibilityRead More:-  Amazon: 6 Selling Hacks To Crush Your Competition & Achieve The Number #1 Ranking For Your Products

Showcase Products in Context Images

If you’re looking to display your products in the context of exterior or interior, rendering offers a great way to showcase your products. You must position the product in its natural habitat so clients can feel the distinct atmosphere your product generates.

A 3D Rendered image will impress your prospective customers with its great degree of detail, masterfully chosen light setting, and various choices for product positioning within its exterior or interior context. Rendering might seem like a new way to showcase products online, but various industries have used it for years.

You might not even recognize that those daily product images you see online are 3D renderings. They often seem so appealing that we presume they’re just photographs when in fact, they’re 3D renderings.

Showcase Products in Context Images

Bottom Line

So, which is the better option for Amazon sellers; product photography or Amazon Product 3D rendering? This largely depends on the needs of each individual business. Both have drawbacks and benefits depending on your goals. 

However, we hope that this article has helped shed some light on the pros and cons of both 3D rendering and product photography. If you’re still unsure about what would work best for your products or business, our team at AMZ One Step would be happy to help. With our experience in 3D rendering, product visualization, and 4.9 stars review on Trustpilot, we can provide you with high-quality images that will help increase sales and engagement for your products. Contact us today to learn more!

Bottom Line

8 Mistakes Every Photographer Makes While Clicking Products For Amazon

So you’re thinking about doing your own product photography on Amazon? Well, that’s not a bad idea.

Product photography for Amazon is one thing that can either take you to the next level or can throw you out of the competition.

I am sure you know the value of photography for e-commerce and especially on Amazon selling, so I will not write much about it.

At the same time, I expect you to be aware of the different types of images that you need for great photography.

Know these 8 Mistakes Every Photographer Do While Clicking Products For Amazon- You better avoid it!

Amazon Images

Limiting yourself to same angles

As a seller, you should keep in mind that buyers won’t be able to touch or handle your product. They would certainly avoid making a purchase if the product is not ‘well defined’. In order to eliminate their questions or uncertainty, you should take photographs of all the necessary angles that you think can make an impact.

You know your product better than anyone. Before thinking from the buyers’ perspective, think on your own as what angles will reflect my product better and will increase the chances of conversions.

As much as taking shots from the side, back, and bottom are important, you should also include close up shots because people love to see the textures and every small detail of the product.

This is how you can illustrate a closeup shot for your product on Amazon.

Over-complementing the product with Colorful Backgrounds

The main image of your product has to be on a white background since it’s an Amazon policy. We all know it!

But, it doesn’t mean that you will keep the rest of the images on colorful backgrounds. Though I am a hard critic of colorful backgrounds for the product images, you should use it if it is really complementing the product.

In short, the background should speak and compliment your product at the same time otherwise, it will lose its impact. The below picture has perfectly demonstrated colors that are complementing the product at the same time.

It all comes down to your personal preferences and what works best for your product. Of course, these types of shots will require a bit more hard work, but it is going to worth your time.

Using Cheesy Graphics

Remember, the things that you consider tiny are the ones that matter the most. Using awkward fonts, poor graphics, and obnoxious colors will reflect a poor impression of your brand that will eventually hurt your conversions.

Keep that in mind, small things matter!

If you use cheesy graphics on your product images, it will give you the worst turnaround than the area 51.

Amazon is not the place for these kinds of images. It will make your brand look fake and trustworthy, while at the same time, it will make you lose potential clicks and sales.

If you know the basics of photography and designing, you would know that the font, typography, and colors really make a huge impact on the images.

The image shown is the perfect example of the worst image.

It’s like you’re selling the idea without engaging the customer. This formula no longer works in the eCommerce world.


Too much visual noise

You don’t get the word ‘visual noise’, right? But what if I tell you that it’s the most important mistake sellers do while taking photographs for their products?

Believe it or not, too much visual noise can adversely affect your photography.

This happens mostly due to non-professional cameras, un-trained photographers, and improper lighting conditions that create a recipe for disaster. Here is the perfect illustration of too much visual noise.

When unprofessional and untrained photography takes a zoom shot, it creates the noise that hurts the picture and you at the same time.

This is very much due to a high ISO – ISO is an ability of the camera that delivers clean images based on the surrounding lighting.


Not Staging the product properly

It’s all about creating the need for the product by giving it a realistic look through visuals. For example, if you’re selling Napkins, you should be shooting it with a bunch of flowers or dishes. Or if you’re selling something that people wear, it’s a great idea to shot a model wearing it.

Staging the product properly can add more context and relevancy to your product as your customer would be able to see the way your product will look at them.

Since buyers aren’t good at imagining, and as I said they can’t touch the product, you should focus on capturing it in a way that could give them a clear idea about what to expect.

However, you should keep in mind that whatever object you’re added in the shot should be totally relevant, otherwise, it will reduce the customer’s attention from the pain product.

Not Taking shots without a tripod

Well, this is the basis of product photography. You need still images, and for that; you need a tripod.

A tripod helps you to handle the camera steady while allowing you to adjust the angles easily. While your hands are free, you can reposition different angles according to your product.

Ignoring the need for Retouching your images

As a photographer, your primary goal should always be to take shots that are as pristine and clear as possible. The need for retouching is always there especially when you’re taking many shots. You have to make sure that there aren’t any wrinkles or dust particles on a product as that will count as a negative point otherwise.

This is basically done in the editing phase where you need to edit out the irrelevant things from the images.

Not Conveying a brand story

This is where you need to use the magic wand.

Images do tell a lot about a brand. And as you may have heard ‘they are your first impression’, which is totally right. In order to create a brand story through your shots, you need to start focusing on emotions more than the necessity because it sells.

It’s hard to swallow, but emotions are a great way to earn customer’s trust and loyalty. Especially, when you’re competing on the tough grounds with thousands of brands trying to win over you, you need to come with ideal images that could define your brand better than anyone.

At AMZ One Step, we create images that could distinguish you from your competitors and can make you stand out in the toughest niches. We bet, our portfolio is enough to convince you.

Customers are always picturing themselves using that item and they don’t prefer seeing the same style images again and again –  the lesson is, you need to come up with something unique that could define your product and your brand flawlessly.

Is it a good image or a bad image?

Uploading these types of product images on Amazon is like ruining your business out of your own hands. Though the structure of the glass is unique and flawless that leaves no question on the capability of the product itself, the way it has been portrayed is downsizing the brand.

So how does a good image looks like that defines a flawless brand story?


This is what we created for our client; though it’s the main image, we can’t really add emotions in it, but we tried our best to make it presentable and relatable at the same time. What do you think about this picture?

Back to the point; emotions! The foremost way to engage your target market is by adding emotions in your photographs that can persuade them to make a purchase. Well, the image below has the emotions incorporated!

Key Takeaways

Amazon Product Photography is all about capturing the images that can drive clicks and sales. To be very honest, Bad images are often one of the biggest reasons for the low performance of any Amazon business.

The better the image, the better it illustrates, the more it can sell. https://lustfel.com/ modafinil online canada

With bad images, you’re most likely to lose clicks and sales that will prevent you from getting good organic rankings on Amazon.

So what good images really are for Amazon? The simple answer to this question is ‘anything that can make an impact while convincing a customer in making a purchase is good photography’.

Here are few takeaways of this blogs post

  • As an e=commerce seller, you should know that buyers won’t be able to touch or handle the product. Therefore; the need for taking shots from different angles is immense to bring clarity in the image.
  • Avoid over complementing your images with colors. You should use a colorful theme only if it is really complementing the product otherwise, it is wiser to keep it on the white background.
  • Using Cheesy graphics is indeed a great way of ruining your brand image on your own.
  • When taking shots, focus on visual noise. Too much visual noise will remove away the charm of your product. You need to adjust the ISO setting to take perfect shots
  • Stage your products properly and in accordance with the necessity. This is where you should be trying your best to illustrate the need or the necessity of the product.
  • Always use a tripod for product photography
  • After taking the shots, you should spend a little time in the retouching of your images. Try to remove the curls or dust if they’re captured.
  • Every image of your listing should convey a brand story. And that is not earned by creating the necessity but rather by emotions which attracts the customer’s loyalty.

If you don’t plan to outsource your product photography, you need to follow this guide to create flawless images that can earn you good clicks and conversions – and something that can give you a competitive edge over your competitors.