Amazon Enhanced brand content design- EBC strategies

Amazon Enhanced Brand Content.

What is Enhanced Brand Content??

Enhanced Brand Content is a method to enhance the product description in order to visually attract the customers in the e-commerce market. modalert 100 online purchase order modafinil online australia EBC is free to use, it allows to add additional information that can’t be added in the main product listing. This may not be useful for simple daily use products but can be used for some complex products that need some instructions to use that product.


There is a list of Amazon enhanced brand content services that can be used in order to achieve a better optimization for EBC in the online media. Enhanced brand content is the reason why some users opt for other brand products. The Enhanced brand content for your brand can help you stay in the minds of the users and also help them choose the best brand. For instance, if you see a product from Brand A and the same product from another Brand B, if you need to make a choice when you see the content of the product page you find the product of Brand B more reliable, obviously you would choose the product from Brand B rather than the product from Brand A.


Strategies to use EBC effectively:

Successful Amazon Sellers always takes care of the reputation, whether it comes to his brand or the products that he sells. He always wants his customers to feel happy about his brand. best enhanced brand content pages are from the reputed brands who always excel in sales. Here are some strategies that you need to follow if you are an Amazon Seller for an effective Enhanced Brand Content:


Maintaining the Brand Reputation:

Make sure that you sell the best product to your customer with reasonable cost. This helps to set a place for your brand on people’s mind. You ought to provide the same type of service till the end in order to fulfil the customer’s expectations. This is at most important for Enhanced Brand Content.


Respond to negative reviews if any:

You can’t fulfil everyone’s expectation every time. If the mistake is from your end make sure that you apologize and reply to the user’s reviews.


By Amzonestep






The Briefer History of Amazon Listing Optimisation

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There are some factors in Amazon Listing Optimisation that most of them don’t even care of.  Giving a little importance to those areas can make your brand strong in the e-commerce platform. Here are some topics that you need to have a glance at:


Bundling the products:

You might have seen a section below the product description “Customers who bought this has also brought” section which lists the products that can be brought along with the product that you are seeing. Amazon Sellers must try this feature of bundling the products that allow to create new products, add them to the catalogue and be the seller of the whole bundle or the particular product. Try finding the best combo for the product you sell. This is also a great strategy to perform Amazon Listing Optimisation


Try using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA):

Amazon Sellers have a shipping option, which lets Amazon handle the shipment. Amazon can handle the packing and shipping. the seller can send the ordered item to the Amazon Warehouse, and then Amazon takes care of the packaging and shipping.  In addition to that Amazon takes care of the customer service and returns. But all this has a cost and this cost is based on the size of the products. The Amazon Sellers has no other go than to choose this option if the Seller needs to ship the products to customers at different states. In Amazon Listing Optimisation, you need to optimise your product page so that it gets approved for Fulfillment by Amazon.


Try using Amazon Prime:

According to the latest survey, there are over 54 million Amazon Prime users in the world, and it is growing every day. And a prime user spends an average of 1000$ a year, which is greater than that of the non-prime user expenditure. So, targeting the Prime users are more effective than targeting the non-prime users. Amazon Listing Optimisation(home page) services let your product eligible for the Amazon Prime.

Tips for Amazon Listing Optimisation

The most asked questions in the Amazon Sellers Central blogs are mostly on the Amazon Listing Optimizations. There is a list of Amazon listing optimization tools and Amazon listing optimization services that the Amazon Sellers can avail. The tools and services reduce the burden of Amazon Sellers and let them concentrate on the business alone. But if you are not able to afford for such services then it is high time that you need to know about the basics of the Amazon Listing Optimisation. Here are some tips suggested by the Amazon SEO experts that you must keep in mind in order to have a better sale on Amazon.


Knowing the content:

The areas where you can perform Amazon Listing Optimisation are:

  1. Product Title
  2. Product Description
  3. Product Images

A great product page must contain:

  • A keyword satisfying title.
  • A minimum of 5 bullet points that tells the best feature of the product.
  • A detailed product description

Amazon Listing Optimisation is done to develop a better product page.


Optimising Product Title:

Product title is the most important part of the product page. It must have the greatest number of keywords in order that your product gets listed on the search results. The maximum characters that the Product Title can hold are 200 characters. Amazon Listing Optimisation must be carried out giving due importance for the product title

Things not to miss: brand name, the quantity of the product and also some of the unique feature of the product.


Optimising Product Description:

You can add as much as possible information about your product under the Product Description. Try to bullet point all the key features of your product. This helps the user to easily find out why your product is unique. This helps in your conversion rate. Reviews make the users to but a product, if your product doesn’t have reviews then product description remains the reason for the users to buy your product.


Optimising Product Images:

Product images is also another factor for the user to make the buying decision. Amazon Listing Optimisation has no place here. Optimising the Product image is to make the users buy your product. This doesn’t affect the ranking directly but has an indirect impact on the buying decision of the user.

Make sure that the product images are of high quality featuring every detail of the product. Use a video or at least a single lifestyle image depicting how the product is used in real life.

How to use amazon Keywords for your products

how to use amazon keywords

Amazon Keyword Research is the first and foremost task you must follow if you need to effectively sell your product on Amazon. There are many tools to find the keywords for Amazon, but choosing the best Amazon Keyword Research tool is always tedious. Here are some tips to find the relevant keywords for your product.


Your Experience:

Thinking from the customer’s perspective is important for any seller to outperform in the market. Make a list of searches that you think your customer would search for, this lets you know about your customer more easily. Keep a note of what are the questions that they may have and also jot down on what are the replacements for your product and also have a note of your competitor’s product info. This is another source of fetching Amazon search term. You can get an idea of the keywords on optimizing your competitor’s keywords, you can also use synonyms and build your own set of Amazon search terms.


Autocomplete feature in Amazon:

There are many features that you can avail from Amazon itself. Type in some words of your choice in the search box and you can see some suggestions below. This is known as Amazon search terms Take a note of those suggestions, this can act as Long Tail Keywords for your product. This needs some patience and refinement. Try to find keywords from all letters from A-Z and refine the keywords based on relevancy.


Use Keyword Research tools like AMZ One Step(home page):

If are not able to find the best keywords for your products, there are some tools in the market that make your task simpler. You can check the list of best keywords for your products on Amazon. This tool follows the latest algorithm of Amazon and the awesome feature of this tool it gets updated more frequently unlike most other keyword tools in the market. This tool fetches the best matching keywords for your product. A tool for all your needs, this tool also helps to find the Amazon keyword ranking for your products.

Optimising Keywords for Amazon Ranking- Best Amazon Keyword Research tools

Amazon Keywords Optimization Tools

If you are an Amazon Seller you would have known the hardships and would have thought that selling products on Amazon is not everyone’s cup of tea. But that’s not all, Amazon works like google, it works on Keywords. If the user needs to buy something, he searches for that product on Amazon search. In fact, for a product to appear in the search list of Amazon, it is important that the product description contains the user search keyword. This is where Amazon Keyword Research comes into light.

You need to include all the relevant keyword on your product page so that the user gets to see your products when he searches for the products that relate to what you sell.

Amazon Keyword research starts with Keyword planning. Plan the right keywords based on the user’s perspective and do write the description based on those planned keywords.

Amazon keywords tips might be essential when you don’t have any ideas about the keywords for your products. There are many Amazon Keyword Research tool in the market, not all are the best, based on the reviews of many Amazon Sellers, here is a tool that we found better, AMZ OneStep, this tool is the best in terms of the price and the functions that they provide. To find the Amazon keyword ranking for your product, you need a tool like this.


When you are ready with the keywords for your product, it is now to fill the contents in the product page. here are some points you need to follow to fill the contents. They are:

The title always remains the first thing that everyone has their eyes on. Once you are ready with the keywords, select the best 5 keywords and come up a title using those keywords. Make sure that the title is descriptive and yet readable one. buy modafinil next day delivery uk buy modafinil online germany

There is a feature called backend Keywords in Amazon which lets you add more keywords to your product. But there is a catch, you can add only keywords within 249 bytes of memory space. The words exceeding that space would not be indexed.

Steps to Ship to Amazon FBA from China

If you want your products to ship to Amazon FBA, then it could be bewildering. The list of policy and regulations for FBA shipment could become taxing and if not followed thoroughly could put you in the hitch. Here are some steps to ship to Amazon FBA from China

One could trail the following methods to ship directly to FBA from China.

Freight Forwarder

Hiring a freight forwarder would help you clear your delivery through customs and then orchestrate the domestic shipping to Amazon.

You have to make sure that the products you send to Amazon are packaged and labeled, as they require them; otherwise, they can reject your shipment or charge you excessive preparation fees.

Shipping Plan

To prepare a shipping plan, one must follow the packaging and prep requirements by Amazon as per the product you want to sell.

For further product-specific requirements, you can go through a preparation matrix by Amazon.


Products must have FBA labels to be permitted at the Amazon FBA. Since you are directly shipping the products, you will have to ask the manufacturer to label each carton before delivery. One needs to ensure that each package should have a barcode on it that needs scanning. Since you are shipping it directly, you need to train your manufacturer to label products with an FNSKU.

Shipping Method

After finalizing and previewing the order, you will have to select the shipping method. It can be either Small parcel delivery (SPD) or less than truckload delivery (LTL).

Amazon has mentioned the requirement for both SPD and LTL. After following the instruction, your shipment is ready to go.

Inventory Placement

While shipping directly, the biggest headache is shipping to multiple Amazon warehouses. By choosing inventory placement, you can avoid the cost of shipping your products to multiple locations.

Shipping your products directly to FBA from China could be a risky affair. To avoid any problem related to quality or packaging or labeling one can hire an intermediary to verify the same.


To ship the products from China to Amazon the seller can hire middle-men in the USA. The best part of using this method is that you could have a quality check before sending your products to FBA. The seller can have one consolidated shipment broken into small packages for the inspection purpose. This will avoid the room for errors.

The problem of this method is that the seller would have to hire a person or do the inspection himself. This will increase the cost, and if you were doing it yourself, it would increase your time.