Amazon A+ Premium Content: Why Do You Need It For Your Amazon listing?

The internet is a magical place that has given people access to everything they could ever want, but it also comes with some challenges. One of the biggest problems for sellers on Amazon are competitors who have raised their game and made competition fierce-especially when you’re just starting out in this marketplace. The world of selling is becoming more competitive, and customers are wiser than ever before; they know how important their feedback can be when choosing between two sellers with similar products!

                                          Read More: Everything You Need To Know About A+ Content

The Amazon platform offers a number of features to help you sell more products. One such feature is A+ Premium Content, which provides your products with an eye-catching pitch and grabs customers’ immediate attention. This can be used as another way to generate leads and increase revenue on the site!

This article will tell you about the following:       

-What is Amazon A+ Premium Content?

-How to qualify for A+ Premium Content?

-What are the features of A+ Premium Content?

-Benefits that Amazon A+ Premium Content offers

-How does Amazon A+ Premium Content help Amazon listing?

Amazon A+ Premium Content is a way for brands to create richer, more engaging product pages on Amazon. By including descriptive text, high-quality images, and helpful videos, brands can give shoppers the information they need to make an informed purchase decision. In addition, A+Premium Content can help improve a product’s organic search ranking on Amazon

A+ Premium Content is not mandatory for all sellers, but it is strongly recommended for those who want to create a stand-out product page that will boost their sales. In order to participate in the A+ program, brands must submit an application to Amazon and be approved. Once approved, brands will have access to a range of tools and resources that will help them create their A+ premium content. 

What Is Amazon A+ Premium Content?

Amazon A+ premium content, also referred to as A++, is an updated version of A+ Content and has many more features to offer on Seller central for which an FBA seller must meet the eligibility criteria; the criteria will be discussed later. Premium A+ content enables the Seller to interact more with the targeted audience with minimum to say and maximum to show. Customers these days are more interested and engaged with information coming along with graphics. 

This feature also includes video modules, carousel modules, and comparison charts. Conclusively, A+ premium content is an update or premium version of the A+ content available for the Brand Registered sellers. Previously, this feature was only available through Amazon Launchpad or to the Vendors.

                        Read More: What’s An Amazon FNSKU? How To Create An FNSKU For FBA Sellers?

How To Qualify For A+ Premium Content?

Qualifying for an A+ premium content feature is easy and free in Seller Central; for now if you meet the following two criteria:

  • The ASINs in your catalog must have published an A+ brand story.
  • An Amazon seller should at least have 15 A+ content projects with “Approved Status” in the last 12 months.

What Are The Requirements For Amazon A+ Premium Content?

To create A+ content, brands must meet the following requirements: 

-Have an existing Professional Seller account on Amazon 

-sell branded products in new condition 

-have a UPC or EAN code for each product 

-provide high-quality images (1000×1000 pixels) with sRGB color profile 

Creating A+ Premium Content can be time-consuming and requires adherence to strict guidelines, but the rewards are well worth it. For brands serious about boosting their sales on Amazon, A+ Premium Content is a must. 
If you’re selling branded products on Amazon and looking for ways to increase your sales, creating A+ Premium Content is a great option. With A+ content, you can showcase your products in greater detail, improve your organic search visibility, and boost your sales and conversions. While creating A+, there are a few requirements you’ll need to meet, but overall, it’s a great way to improve your brand’s presence on

What Are The Features Of A+ Premium Content?

Amazon understands how customer attraction can be gained; this is why this marketplace is continuously evolving and bringing more business to its Sellers. 

A+ Content works just fine but to make the customers and Amazon FBA Sellers more interactive with each other A+ premium content feature was introduced.

Amazon A+ premium content allows the Seller to add:

  • Video modules (Full-width imagery and with text)
  • Hover hotspot modules 
  • Enhanced Brand Content
  • Carousel modules
  • Charts for comparison
  • Clickable Q&A
  • Mobile-friendly product pages
  • Testimonials and more

From image size to module selection, Amazon Sellers with A+ premium content features have more options than the basic A+ Content

Now you can enable your customers to be more engaging and interactive on your Product Page through Amazon Product Photos, infographics, and much more.

Benefits That Amazon A+ Premium Content Offers

Amazon A+ Premium Content is very helpful for your Amazon listing, not just for some specific products but for your overall brand image. It is one good way to stand out from your competitors through attractive visuals, catchy texts, and infographics that are enough to describe your product’s details. 

Amazon A+ Premium Content not only gives you a competitive edge, but it also serves many other benefits like

  • A+ Premium Content gives your page more ranking and more sales with an escalated conversion rate. This feature works best for your best-sellers but cannot work the same for slow ASINs moving products.

  • A+ Premium Content allows your potential customers to make more informed decisions with Enhanced Brand Content, leading to fewer returns and fewer negative reviews. If you wish to reduce returns and negative reviews to the maximum, apply a positive review strategy.

  • You can now add more infographics to your Product Description and enable your potential customer to turn into your actual one. Sellers can now be as creative as they can be in keeping the needs of their customers to have a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

  • A+ Premium Content is not just there to make a specific product from your brand range stand out. This feature enables Amazon Sellers to share their Brand Story with their customers and make them more involved, aware, and educated about your Brand. Loyal customers are very important, and only trust can build that loyalty. The more Sellers engage with their customers, the more commitment they can expect.

  • You can categorize A+ Premium Content as amazing for Amazon Sellers for visibility and attraction. Everything a shopper needs to know about a product is in a glimpse of an eye; you do not have to go through those long paragraphs to learn about the product specifications.

  • The ability to showcase your product in greater detail than with standard Amazon product pages.

  • Increased organic search visibility.

  • The potential to boost sales and conversions.

  • Amazon A+ content can look as the Seller wants it to look. But, of course, the Seller has to prioritize the customer’s attraction and mentality to gain more attention, more sales, and increased revenue.

  • This tool by Amazon empowers the A+ content manager to be as creative as possible. Much can be done with infographics, product photos, and descriptive text to enhance brand awareness and customer engagement.

How Does Amazon A+ Premium Content Help Amazon Listing?

Amazon A+ Premium Content helps increase brand awareness and customer engagement through eye-catching product detailing. It helps the Brand altogether in lead generation and increased revenue. For the customers, this feature allows them to make an educated decision, enabling lesser returns, fewer negative reviews, and more customer loyalty.


Amazon A+ Premium Content is now in its promotional phase and is free for third-party Vendors if they meet the criteria. Amazon A+ Premium Content is an upgraded version of Amazon A+ Content that lets shoppers know more about the product and the Brand itself.

The creative way that Amazon A+ Premium Content enables products to show off their features and benefits makes them more attractive. Additionally, the eye-catching descriptions make it easy for customers who are looking at your product page to decide which one they want without any hassle or confusion!

7 Expert Tips to Maximize Amazon FBA Profits and Cashflow

Amazon FBA brands use the same Amazon strategies like everyone else, but with FBA some things are a little… different. Fulfillment by Amazon, or FBA, has its own special rules and regulations, so Amazon FBA brands need to change up their approach if they want to maximize their profits.

But how, exactly? Below, we share 7 expert tips for Amazon FBA brands on how to improve sales and cut costs. If you’re thinking of switching your Amazon seller account to FBA, consider these techniques.

1. Sell small and lightweight products

Amazon FBA brands have concerns that other Amazon sellers don’t, and perhaps the biggest is Amazon storage fees. When using FBA, sellers store their goods in Amazon fulfillment centers, where Amazon’s team handles the shipping. While this gives sellers one less thing to worry about, it’s not a free service; Amazon FBA brands have to pay extra fees, including fees for both storage space and product weight.

When you factor in Amazon FBA storage fees, you see that certain products cost much less: small products (items that don’t take up much floor space) and lightweight products (items with a low shipping weight). To maximize profits with FBA, you want to minimize storage costs; if you’re selling large and heavy items, use the  FBA revenue calculator to see how viable it is for you.

2. Research profitable products

Amazon success depends on demand. Aside from selling evergreen products, it’s always best to research what products are trending before you add new lines or expand your range. That goes double for Amazon FBA brands; products that don’t move quickly accrue more storage fees that cut into profits.

We recommend using keyword research to see what people are searching for when they go on Amazon. Paid tools like Helium or Jungle Scout can help with the data, but if you don’t want to spend extra money, you can always do it yourself. Simply experiment with different keywords and product names in Amazon’s search function to see what comes up—keep your eyes peeled for market openings or opportunities to undercut competitors’ pricing.

3. Avoid seasonal and slow-moving products

Amazon FBA brands avoid seasonal products for the same reason they favor small and lightweight items: storage fees. Selling seasonal goods can be an effective sales strategy, but for Amazon FBA brands it means that most of the year the products are just taking up space, and in an FBA facility, space is money.

Likewise, selling high-ticket items can yield a profit with just a handful of sales, but if those sales come infrequently the storage fees are going to cancel it out. Instead, Amazon FBA brands should focus on fast-paced sales: quick to sell, quick to restock. That’s the best way to mitigate those storage fees.

4. Optimize product listings

A well-made product listing impresses not only shoppers, but also the Amazon search algorithm. Optimized product listings appear higher on search results pages, and more frequently. So one of the best ways to increase sales on Amazon, even if you’re using FBA, is to improve your product listings.

There’s a lot of nuance and technical detail to creating the perfect product listing. You must understand sales strategies, SEO techniques, persuasive copywriting, and to some extent graphic design. If that sounds overwhelming, don’t worry—a lot of serious and full-time sellers use an Amazon Listing Optimization service to let the experts handle it for them.

5. Improve product photography

Even before shoppers arrive at your product pages, a top-tier product photo thumbnail alone can inspire a sale—while a low-quality one will keep them scrolling! Amazon product photography is essential to making it in ecommerce, where shoppers rely on images alone to gauge how a product will look, function, or fit.

Like optimizing a product page, Amazon product photography is also an isolated skillset. Even if you know your way around a camera, Amazon product photography in particular is a specialized field that requires expertise in both sales photography and Amazon’s special requirements. For that reason, many Amazon FBA brands opt instead to hire an Amazon Product Photography service for the best possible pictures.

6. Tighten your PPC campaigns

Advertising on Amazon can get fairly intricate, drawing on SEO keyword research and settling on the perfect bid. But with a little extra effort and knowing what to watch out for, you can give a significant boost in exposure and traffic to your most in-need products.

The key is to choose keywords that are high in search queries but low in competition. phentermine online clinic This is no easy feat, as most of the popular keywords are already oversaturated with advertising bids. Still, by dedicating extra time and resources to keyword research, not to mention understanding how your particular shopper niche uses the search bar, you can effectively increase sales through advertising alone. If that still seems like too much, feel free to hire an Amazon PPC Management service.

7. Aim for products between $20 and $50

Between $20 and $50 is the golden price range for Amazon and ecommerce. People are more likely to buy low-cost items, but anything under $20 is difficult to profit from. The $20-$50 range appeals to a good mix of shoppers:  impulse buyers, bargain hunters, and people who just don’t want to spend a lot of money.

When it comes to Amazon FBA brands, this price range is especially important. For one thing, products in this range tend to be small and lightweight, fitting with our first tip. Moreover, because items in this price range are easier to sell, they don’t spend too long in storage, cutting down your FBA fees. Add to that the customer satisfaction of having the product they want at an affordable cost, and you can see why this pricing range is so common.

What Amazon FBA Brands Need Most

Amazon FBA offers sellers a hassle-free way to store and ship goods, reducing a lot of the headaches associated with ecommerce. However, the trade off comes at a cost, literally—Amazon FBA brands are subject to extra fees, which means they have to sell more to break even.

All in all, to succeed with Amazon FBA requires a firm knowledge of both general ecommerce and the inner workings of the Amazon marketplace. For these you need time and experience, so if you’re new to Amazon, expect a learning curve.

On the bright side, if you don’t want to break in alone, you can always work with an Amazon service provider like us to help you learn the ropes. We offer general services like full account management, or specialized services like product photography, PPC campaign management, listing optimization, keyword ranking, and more. Schedule a free consultation now and we’ll answer any questions you might have. If you’re interested and want to hear a quote, schedule a free consultation call now, up to 60 minutes. We’ll answer all your questions and explain how we can help! 

99 Best Visual References For Your Amazon Listing

Do you want to know why your conversions are still flat? Even though you have hired professional Amazon photographers, videographers, and content designers. Your professional Amazon photographers and videographers can’t seem to capture the attention of your customers with their amazing work! The content design is top-notch, but it doesn’t translate into sales. What do you think is resulting in lesser conversions and sales in such a complicated situation?

The situation might sound familiar to almost every Amazon seller as one in every two sellers are likely to face the same problem. Guess what? I have found a solution to this problem for you.

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What better way to find out what is selling on Amazon than by looking at the top sellers? After 5 months of research and going through 15,000+ listings, I was able to figure out a consistent pattern in best-selling products.

One thing that is common in almost all best-selling products is the use of special marketing strategies. It is called VISUAL REFERENCES!

What is a Visual Reference on Amazon?

Visual reference is when you are explaining your product’s feature or benefit in a visual manner using relevant references. Sounds complicated, right? Here is an image explaining how a simple visual reference can simplify complicated equations.

For instance, you are selling a delivery bag and your unique selling point is that it is extra large.

You have two options to create an image that shows this USP.

Option 1 (commonly used but ineffective):- Create an infographic that shows the Dimensions of your product.

Options 2 (great visual reference, highly effective):- Show how many pizza boxes and food they can carry. Let’s say, the commonly ordered food online is pizza. Show that your product can carry 5 extra-large pizzas, 2 small bags, and 2L bottles of pop.

Both options have explained the same feature but in totally different ways. Our research shows that images with visual reference sell a lot better.

But how?

Humans are visual creatures who process information more quickly when it’s presented to them in an aesthetically pleasing way. Numbers, icons, and shapes can confuse the human brain resulting into a higher bounce rate; however, if you dumb down your copy with visuals such as colors or images then this problem is solved because buyers’ minds will be able to receive all messages instantly without any confusion whatsoever!

Read More:- 3D Rendering vs Product Photography & Which One Is A Better Option For Amazon Sellers?

I have found 99 best visual references that you can take inspiration from and succeed on Amazon.

1. When we look at the image, it is easy to see how effective this product is. The strong contrast between both legs shows a great comparison. The juxtaposition of the legs enforces a strong image in the consumer’s mind. Everyone can see the clear difference between both legs. There is no cutting or cropping, and the comparison is visible in the same picture. The powerful visual contrast is helpful in convincing buyers.


2.  The separation of the three components shows how the product works. The visual reference helps consumers to understand how the lock functions. It is very clear from the image that the design is very original and creative. It really makes you think about how people will use this product, which in turn helps them understand its benefits better. The sleek design and purpose of the product, are pretty evident in this image.

3. With the big red cross and sad emoticon, it’s clear that the product will not work with any of these devices. The green text has a smiling face to show how it is compatible with only this specific kind of device. Users will immediately know on which device it can be used just by looking at this one image. 

4. The visual reference shows variations of the product, with different colors informing users that they have a choice in color. Consumers can pick any hue as per their preference and desire! Image half colored and half white is giving a sense of differentiation to the product. It is adding an element of appeal as well that is helpful in convincing buyers. 

5. The before and after images create a clear vision of what the buyer can expect from using this product. In turn, it helps them understand how much more organized their workspace will be with just one purchase!

6. The above image indirectly references how many products can be charged with the single charger, as it includes different electronics around it while still keeping the focus on the main product. It also signifies how small and portable this product is. Everything that users want to know about the product has been highlighted in a single image. 

7. The following infographic divides the image into two halves with a distinct line to help visually indicate the passage of time outwardly implying that once filled, the humidifier will last throughout the day and night. Mentioning 20 hours in the image certifies its effectiveness that buyers really want to know before making a decision. 

8. The picture of this product being used to demonstrate its distinguishing feature, leak-proof! The design has been carefully thought out so that you might not see any leaks or spills on it; users know just by looking at the refined exterior that this product is worth buying.

9. The following comparison image visually references how when you invest in one big candle, it’s better than getting three smaller candles. Additionally, it is signifying how the bigger product is giving out stronger and better-lasting mist as compared to multiple smaller candles.

10. Creatively combining images and juxtapositioning the product in use helps simplify how it can be used in multiple ways. Additionally, the hand holding the product in the second image indirectly shows how compact the size of the product is. 

11. The cat is a perfect reference for this product, as it will make anyone who sees the image know that these are meant specifically to cater to cats. The design features a cat as the prominent image, which not only tells us this is meant for cats but also gives an idea of the product’s size.



12. The product’s images are designed to make it easy and straightforward for customers who might be unsure about which color they want. By providing them with three options within each image instead of just one color, we are making the process of buying smoother for the buyer.

13. The careful and strategic placement of the pencil and feather shows how thin and light a product is. In this case, we see that placing two different objects next to the product is allowing users to notice some commonality between them–their weight and thinness. This is confirming customers’ awareness not only about these details but what makes the product special too!

14. These lamps in this room give it a warm and inviting feel. The product itself is used as an additional visual reference, but with two of them present, consumers are more likely to buy the set. Hence, Instead of just one, two lamps are installed. It’s interesting to see how two of them can create such an impact, while one would have been enough for most people!

15. The use of emoticons is a clever way to subconsciously associate your product with something that makes the customer happy. The thumbs up and heart emojis trigger an increased dopamine response creating a positive association between your product and better social media performance.

16. The inclusion of the male model provides both a visual reference for what your product looks like as well showcase how easy and effortless it will be to carry the product. The dimensions of the item are perfectly shown in this image. Also shows how it will look on anyone with more or less the same height and physique, making for an engaging experience.

17. The above image is an example of how the image and text should work together to create a cohesive message. The image cleverly provides an aesthetics-based (dumbbell) representation of the durability being talked about in the text.

18. The image utilizes the motion blur effect which acts as a visual reference for customers showcasing how far back the chair can recline once the rocking mode is activated.

19. The visual representation of the splash of water onto the device helps put into perspective its waterproof construction, making it clear to the buyer at first glance even if they don’t read the text.

20. The chainsaw in the above image provides a clear and concise visual demonstration of how the 12-layer construction will keep the back of the left hand protected at all times. 

21. The bag’s brown leather and rich color are not just for aesthetic purposes. It has been carefully chosen so as to associate the material with the high-quality sound production of the speaker. It is also simultaneously also showcasing its compact and portable size.

22. One of the most used and effective visual reference images especially when it comes to beauty products and cosmetics. With one side showing the effects of aging on the skin, and another highlighting how effective the specific product can be at correcting them.

23. The can of the drink is a visual reference, showing size in an intelligent and creative way. Users will know right after seeing this image that it is a small-size product with portability being forefront on their minds! Additionally, white backgrounds are so effective at drawing the eye. They help human viewers focus on what’s important in an image. 

24. In the above image, the projector’s high-definition clarity is brought to life by the use of pixels on one side, which provides a visual reference for how clear and detailed this image created by the projector is in comparison. Basically, the before and after image shows the distinguishing feature of the product as it shows the difference in the quality. 

25. This visual guide of the ear shows how it fits in perfectly without falling. With clever use of the visual sound wave, the image is able to visually represent the noise-canceling capabilities of the product. This instantly catches the attention of the consumer at first glance.

26. The more surface area a product has, the easier it is to use and fill. A rectangular shape with more surface area of this particular item makes for an excellent experience in every aspect! By putting the product directly next to another similar product, it becomes easier for consumers to compare and see exactly what benefits or value that particular item may add to their life.

27. The many different uses of the dog leash are innovatively made clear with the help of illustrations. The clever use of illustrations not only provides a visual reference of each use but helps present it in a way that is easy to understand.

28. The juxtaposition of the two images in one creates a powerful visual reference for the consumer that showcases the durability and strength of the product. The image is made more impactful due to contrasting visuals of the closed fist in comparison to the single finger.

29. This image simply illustrates the steps of how to use the face mask. Each step is represented by a simple number, making the instructions easy to understand and follow even if the person hasn’t used a facemask before. 

30. The anchor chute is an easy way to dispose of hair. This visual reference image demonstrates how it can be used efficiently and conveniently! At first glance, the image might only seem to show the product being used as intended but removing all backgrounds and using only white space instead visually creates a sense of how this product will help them remain mess-free.

31. This image shows a variety of different colors. Users can pick any color they want to! It cleverly shows the colors changing from red to green in sequence, making it easy for customers who are trying not just to see but also understand how each color will look.

32. This image provides a visual reference of the 3d inner view of mechanics that are involved in order to help the machine work. The use of certain effects visually shows the different parts in motion allowing for an easier understanding of how and why the machine works. It shows how easily its threads brush off even the minute and smallest dust particles. 

33. The simple yet cleverly placed product between the two surfaces visually references how it is effective on both carpets and hardwood floors. While also providing a reference for how it will look in a household setting with one or both types of floors.

34. The strategic position of the product in the middle of the before and after image not only makes the stark difference between the left and right image more prominent but also visually represents that the difference between them is that of the product itself.

35. The inclusion of the two models with their heights mentioned on the top corner helps create a visual scale reference that allows consumers to grasp size. Just by noticing the heights of respective models, potential buyers can get an idea about the size of the product. 

36. The clearly labeled wires help create a visual reference showcasing the cable organization capabilities of the extension board for your computer table.

37. The two images of screws next to each other make it easier for the viewer’s eye and brain, as they compare them side by side. The quality difference becomes more evident because of the size of screws and visible reading on the measuring tool.

38. By presenting the weight capacity of each shelf in the form of a heavyweight block. These blocks are used as a visual reference to let the consumer know how much weight each shelf can hold. Additionally, the comparison with the height of the model also clears out the confusion any buyer has regarding the size of the product. 


39. This visual reference shows that the bike stand can hold more than one bike. The image perfectly highlights the practical use of the stand by showcasing balanced and neatly stacked bikes. Its symmetrical representation evokes an aesthetic sense.  

40. The in-use shot of the product is a powerful way to show real-life settings as its reference for what customers can expect from that specific item. The visual cues help them learn how the said product will look and function before they make their decision.

41. If the absorbency of the particular product was shown on its own, it would not work as well; however, by putting it next to another similar item you can see how much more absorbent the product is in comparison!

42. In some instances, the text is the main visual identifier in an image. Just like above with numbers next to each filter acting as a reference for how much water can filter through before it becomes too filtration-heavy.

43. The visible do not use sign on top of the other cleaning supplies helps create a visual understanding that this product can be used as an all-in-one solution for your daily needs.

44. The statistical charging graph is used as a visual reference in this infographic to show how quickly the charger charges while also simultaneously comparing it with an ordinary 2A scenario.

45. This visual reference shows products on different skin tones, so anyone can have an idea whether the product would go with their own or not. The multiple skin tones in this image act as a visual reference for buyers who want to see how the color might look with their own skin color.

46. One look at this image and you can see that the vacuum is lightweight. This feature is visually represented by showcasing the model carrying it with ease using only one hand. 

47. The ability to use just the silhouette of one’s competitor and showcase their own product over it is a great strategy. We can see that this is a brilliant way of showcasing one’s own product and highlighting its benefits over the silhouette.

48. The more information you provide to your customers, the better! Actions showing the right use of the product is likely to help customers in making a purchase. Information about how customers can use a product more efficiently is important in increasing your conversion rates. 

49. Showing a shot of the filled bottle knocked down visually helped showcase the non-drip feature of the design. The clever technique helped provide a visual reference showing its effectiveness against accidental spills.

50. The clever shot provides an accurate visual reference demonstrating the flexibility of the silicone baby bibs. Moreover, the product shows how deep is the bib’s pocket at the same time, making it easier for the customer to understand flexibility, durability, and the bib’s capacity to hold spills in one picture.

51. The before and after shot shows the product in action. While the ketchup-colored stain provides the necessary visual reference to let the buyer know how the product can clean even the toughest of stains like ketchup.

52. The image of the model sleeping peacefully while her machine is visibly turned on provides all visual references needed to deduce that it will not disturb your nightly sleep.

53. The comparison image provides all the necessary visual references showcasing how the porous structure allows ideal drainage instead of letting the water pool up like on the other products.

54. The visually engaging comparison shows how our product remains stable while the other mat moves, providing a clear visual cue that points out potential danger.

55. Instead of simply telling the buyer how easy it is to clean the bathroom mat, this photo provides a visual reference by showing the hand-held shower head being used to show exactly how easy it is to clean.

56. The shot of the food being tossed in a pan provides enough contextual clues to let buyers know how lightweight the construction is with a visual reference that shows them what they can expect.

57. The image of the sunny side-up egg being slid down the pan acts as a visual reference for how easy it will be to clean the non-stick surface. The use of this image also makes sure customers know what they can expect from their new product, even without using too many words!

58. The orb placed on the pillow in the image acts as a visual reference showcasing exactly how fluffy yet dense the pillow is. It makes it easier for the audience to imagine a resting place as soft as a cloud. 

59. This twisting shot along with the graphic effects helps create a visual reference showing how flexible these materials really are. It also gives an understanding of their durability. 

60. The illustration adds a helpful visual reference for the customer so they can identify how exactly they can use this product for better posture. The difference in a posture with and without the product is pretty evident from the visual reference.

61. Hand modeling, clear dimensions, and retractable pin in action help consumers grasp the idea of how compact and pocket-friendly the product is.

62. Image shows the product in action efficiently removing stains without affecting the quality of the fabric. The included message gives confidence and removes doubt from consumers’ minds. 

63. By ingeniously using the jeans pocket for visual reference. We can see both the size of the product itself and how that makes it easily portable.

64. Those ingredients are not just props. They act as a visual reference for what makes this product so great which is its use of safe and natural ingredients.

65. With the use of an in-motion shot, this comparison infographic makes it easy to see how both products are true of different quality. The mark left on image right showcases a clear visual indicator that points out which company makes the better product.


66. Using a hand model, the image gives proof the product can safely create a distance enough to prevent finger injuries. Answering questions and doubts through demonstration. 

67. The inclusion of the hand in this image demonstrates the flexibility of the product. Its potential to prevent the wire from damaging is also clearly shown- showing the unique feature of the product.

68. The product’s portable size is made clear by placing it within the outdoor setting. While through text and icons, it’s clear that this power bank will keep your electronics charged up all weekend long!

69. The detailed image emphasizes the space inside the product. These visuals show accurate storage capacity to consumers. It also gives them an idea that they can fit at least seven pizzas in the bag.

70. When consumers see the simple in-use shot, they not only get a visual of how to use it but also an idea of how their product will look before and after use. The product does not leave the surface sticky is demonstrated clearly. 

71. To ensure the best experience for consumers, it is important to provide them with all relevant information. This visual reference of the hand under running water demonstrates its use and function. The insights provided through the infographic are letting consumers know all the details

72. The cleverly designed images with the 8 products strategically placed on one side provide a clear visual reference showcasing the storage capacity of the product. It also subliminally associates it with the convenience of carrying all the items inside this single product.

73. This intelligent shot-designed image not only showcases the function of the product. The visual reference about its convenience by including just part of one single hand is letting buyers know how they can add ease to their life.

74. This is an example of a product feature action shot. By providing visual references for image text, this image makes it easier for consumers to understand what they’re reading and help sell the product better! Water permeability and sufficient drainage holes are shown in the image by demonstrating the product in action. 

75. This image of multiple products being tested in a controlled environment with multiple visual references cleverly showcases the accuracy expected when they buy this specific product.

76. Instead of presenting two different products, the image offers a side-by-side comparison that helps consumers visualize how easy it is to set up and clean up the same product afterward.

77. The image captures the product’s uninterrupted flight and easy navigation in the challenging environment using an outdoor forest setting – giving the consumer a natural feel and calls to their adventurous spirit.

78. This image clearly shows that it can keep these beverages cold without a hassle. There is no water leaking from the bag in the picture. The presence of ice in the box with zero signs of leakage demonstrates its effectiveness. 

79. Consumers see the entire product in this image without any obstructions. The design and structure are meant to display the high quality of the product. The image also gives an idea of dimensions to customers. The placement of the suitcase under the frame shows that it has enough space underneath so users can slide stuff under the bed without any trouble. 

80. When the consumer sees the zoomed-in comparison shot, it’s easy to understand why this product is better. The thicker texture and more realistic appearance make for an easier decision and what they can expect.

81. This visual reference of the product in use offers a transparent look into how the standard size socks will appear when worn by the consumer. It addresses all the concerns that buyers might have when buying socks by using a model foot with and without the shoe.

82. Both extreme weather conditions on either side of the product beautifully showcase this products’ ability to keep your drink cold and hot even in extreme weather.

83. The image makes a confident statement about the product. It is wiping even the smallest makeup particles in one swipe. The visual reference shows the effectiveness of the product.

84. When consumers see this image, they will focus on the quantity of the product. The direct comparison shows that this product is equal to five regular rolls.

85. The eco-friendly feature of this product makes it a great choice for those who care about their Earth. Biodegrading abilities of the product are highlighted by mixing the product with the soil so that users can actually see that it is a biodegradable product.

86. A zoom-in of 6 absorbent layers, heavily doused fabric in wringing action and the four images together demonstrate step by step visuals to show the super absorbency of the product.

87. The footprints create a strong sense of uneasiness as no one likes dirt stains on car seats. Visuals show consumers that they can escape these nasty stains with the product. Footprints are now getting on the protector instead of the back of the car seat which is pretty evident in the picture. 

88. The visual reference displays the strength of the adhesive product suspended in the air. Minimalistic design of the image leaves a simple yet impactful effect on the audience. 

89. The close-up picture of the shelf liner shows the quality of the product. Even the smallest particles are not falling from the gaps. The header text and footer text also validates the visual reference. It shows customers that the liner forms a smooth surface on any shelf. So, the text reinforces the main point of the image.

90. Consumers can understand the position of the seat with this visual reference. The image also helps in showing the ideal fitting of the forklift seat.

91. The visual reference contains instructions for customers. The arrowheads show the precise location of screws. So, the image helps customers to learn about product assembly. It also creates a perception that the product is easy to assemble. 

92. High-resolution visuals focus on the quality of the copper. Customers can relate the features to the product in this image without any external text. So, showing the material is better than writing about it.

93. The image shows the three types of cuts possible with the product. They are used as visual references to help the buyer understand how each cut is different and how each will look once done.

94. The rule measure shows the actual size of the ball in the image. Consumers know that it has a specific height shown on the scale. It is an ideal way of visualizing the dimensions of any product.

95. Placing the product alongside the natural ingredient pleases the customers. These visuals help customers to associate the product with oats. They will think of healthy oats every time they see the image.

96. The visual reference is convincing as consumers never wash the phone with water. When they see the phone working in water, they applaud the resilience of the phone case. So, the detailed image highlights the cleanability of the product.

97. The background shows dirt and rough terrain. It implies that dropping the phone on hard surfaces will not cause damage to the screen. Dirt and uneven terrain make consumers think that this product is sturdy and durable.

98. The grip is the main focus in this visual reference. Holding a coffee and a smartphone in one hand is not easy. So, the image shows that the handle makes it easy to carry the phone with other objects in hand.

99. The product image showcases an anti-slip feature through an in-use shot. The tilted angle serves as a visual proof along with a close-up shot showing the textured base.

Your product deserves to be shown off in its most beautiful form, and that’s where our experts come into play! We’ll create remarkable listings images for you with a process that involves extensive research into getting all of those features & functions correct on Amazon – just let us know how much time or money is worth investing into making sure your brand stands apart from competitors. To give your listing the best chance of being found by customers on Amazon, get help from our professional graphic designers and photographers who can create images that are both creative and appealing.

I hope this was helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at or request a free audit. If you need any help with your Amazon product photography or listing images, schedule a call with one of the team members using this link.

Master the Art of Amazon Infographics

They say a picture is worth a thousand words… so you can imagine the impact of a picture with words! Amazon product photography is essential to surviving in eCommerce; online shoppers can’t touch or handle the actual product, so they rely on images to make their decisions. And one type of image in particular — Amazon infographics — both shows and tells.

If you want to incorporate Amazon infographics into your product pages, there are a few things you have to know first. So in this guide, we explain everything you need to know to use infographics for Amazon, including some expert tips!

Read More:-  The Last Guide To Amazon Product Photography You Will Ever Need!

Why use Infographics for Amazon

An infographic is a visual explanation of the information that combines imagery with text. Infographics for Amazon typically discuss the fine details and features of a product by superimposing text over images of the product.

Amazon infographics are so effective at increasing sales and conversions because they explain aspects of the products that normal photography doesn’t show. Often, the infographics include close-ups, internal views, or illustrations to visually show product features and benefits. These images are always accompanied by brief text to explain the details.

To optimize your Amazon listing, you need a few different types of product photos: your main image, alternate angles, photos of the product in use, and candid lifestyle photos, just to name a few. Adding an infographic or two with these images can show a completely new aspect of the product and help to win over more technical-minded shoppers who like to know the specifics.

Read More:- Walmart Product Photography : How Is It Different from Amazon? 

How to Use Amazon Infographics

There are a few different types of infographics for Amazon that resonate well with shoppers. Below we listed the most popular ones — see if you can apply any of these to your products.

Explain every single feature

Some features can’t be seen in standard Amazon product photography; they require extreme close-ups (like the fingertips for grip gloves) or cross-section views that show what’s going on inside (like insulated clothing). If you have a product with a feature like this, create an infographic that outlines how that one feature works, with special imagery to illustrate.

Read More:- DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography: 7 Need-to-Know Tips

Show off all features

Instead of focusing on just one feature, you can create an Amazon infographic that points out all the features at once, with the aid of accompanying graphics. This type of infographic usually reads like the bullet list of your product description, but the advantage is that you can connect each point to the product image, or use visual icons to assist communication.

Provide background information

Not all Amazon infographics have to focus on the product itself. Some infographics for Amazon discuss the reasons why the product is useful, such as touching on the customer pain points or listing the problems the product solves. For example, if you’re selling dietary supplements, you could create an infographic listing the dangers of being overweight.

Instructions for usage

If your product can be confusing to understand, an Amazon infographic can help describe how to use it. You can break up the process into steps, with pictures for each, so the shopper knows what to expect, or simply write the steps next to an image showing the product in use. For products that aren’t self-explanatory, an instructional Amazon infographic can dispel shopper fears and clear up any misconceptions.

Read More:- Amazon Product Listing Optimization (2022)

Show dimensions and other specifications

Product dimensions and specs are hard to read when they’re written out — it’s not easy to put all those numbers and measurements into context. An infographic can show the dimensions and particular specs alongside an image so the shopper gets a better understanding of the product’s size or capabilities. This is especially useful for home decor, so the customers can plan where to put it beforehand.

Compare products

Comparison charts are a great benefit to eCommerce sellers, and Amazon is no different. You can build a comparison chart in an Amazon infographic that shows two different product features side by side to help the shopper decide which is better for them. You can use two of your own products to emphasize their differences or contrast your product with a competitor’s to highlight your product’s advantages.

Read More:- Amazon Product Listing Optimization (2022)

5 Expert Tips for Making Amazon Infographics

1. Choose your typography carefully

Typography — the font, size, and colors of the text you use — can influence how your shoppers think about your brand. When choosing the typography of the words in your Amazon infographic, think about how you want to come across to your customers.

For example, consider the two main types of fonts, serif and sans serif (serif are those little flags at the end of some letters, as with typewriters, and “sans serifs” means “without serifs”). Serif fonts make you seem formal and professional, a good choice for serious brands. Sans serif fonts are a little friendlier, better for casual and lighthearted brands.

2. Pick colors to fit your brand

Just like with typography, you want to choose the right colors to represent your brand. According to color theory, the colors used in all your images, including Amazon infographics, can determine the shopper’s opinion of you. For example, predominantly using red makes your brand seem urgent or passionate while using blue can make you seem more inviting and trustworthy.

Colors are important for Amazon infographics because you use them for the background and highlights, which we discuss next.

3. Highlight keywords

Writing your text in all the same color is fine, but even better is to highlight certain keywords and phrases so they stand out. Usually, you want to highlight the titles or headings so people can browse the features for the particulars they’re looking for. For example, you could highlight the title “eco-friendly” and then go on to explain in normal text how you use recycled materials.

You can highlight words in a few different ways. Highlighted words are commonly written in all caps and printed larger than the normal text. We recommend using vibrant colors for your keywords to make sure they get noticed.

4. Use icons

When listing out specific features, use icons to help shoppers understand what they mean. A lot of people will simply scan or browse the text to find what they’re looking for rather than read each word individually. Icons signal what the text is about to save shoppers time in searching.

Moreover, icons give you another opportunity to strengthen your brand. The style of icons you use — whether sleek, trendy, funny, cute, etc. — again influences how shoppers perceive your brand.

5. Keep the text short

The goal of an infographic is to condense information, so try not to elaborate too much. Say what you want to say as succinctly as possible while still conveying the vital information. After all, one advantage of infographics is that they reduce the amount of reading the shopper has to do, so don’t lose that advantage with lengthy descriptions.

Feel free to use incomplete sentences, especially if you’re explaining different points individually. This removes unnecessary words and keeps your text brisk and easy to read.

Read More:- A Comprehensive Guide to Amazon Listing Optimization 2022

Need help?

Infographics are a bit more complex than standard Amazon product photography — and that’s already complicated enough! Aside from figuring out what to put in your Amazon infographic and drafting how it will look, you also have to build it yourself using an image editing tool, and that alone takes time to learn.

If that seems like too much, you can always hire a professional to create an infographic for you. Our team here at AMZ One Step understands both the intricacies of Amazon optimization and the technical aspects of creating visuals like infographics. Schedule a free consultation with us now and we’ll be happy to answer all your questions!

Amazon Product Listing Optimization (2022)

Let me guess. You want your Amazon listing to be the top result when someone searches for your type of product. You also want people to click on that listing when it shows up and then buys it. 

Well, there’s somewhat of a formula to make those 3 things happen. It’s called Amazon product listing optimization.

In this blog, I’ll give you somewhat of an Amazon product listing optimization (2022) guide. What it is, why you need it, and how to do it.

Now let’s get your Amazon listing to the top of page 1.

What is Amazon Product Listing Optimization?

Amazon product listing optimization is the process of enhancing your product listing to improve three things:

1. Search Visibility: How easy it is to find your listing.

2. Click-through Rate (CTR): How many people click on your listing when it appears on a page.

3. Conversion Rate (CR): How many people that clicked on your listing end up buying it.

What is Amazon Product Listing Optimization?

Consider those three points to be a funnel. If every component of the funnel is optimized, then your listing will generate more sales.



Why Do I Need to Optimize My Listing?

Now that you know what it is, you may be asking why you need it.

Why Do I Need to Optimize My Listing?

Let me lay it out for you.

Optimizing your listing is essential for driving traffic to your listing and making sales:

  1. It helps increase your search visibility so that your product shows up on pages when people search for items like yours.
  2. It helps your click-through rate so that people choose your listing instead of your competitors’.
  3. Optimizing your listing drastically increases your chances of converting people so that you can make those sales.


So How Do We Enhance the Listing?

Well, you’ll want to optimize the following:

So How Do We Enhance the Listing?

• Product Images

• Keywords

• Written Content (Title, Bullet Points, Description)

• Brand Registered Content (Video, A+ Content)

Let’s figure out how to optimize each component.

Product Images

When looking to optimize a listing, the first place to start is the product images. The product images will make your listing stand out amongst the rest when your listing shows up on a page. tramadol bestellen dokter online

If your main image can’t attract people to click on your listing, then you surely won’t be making any sales.

You wouldn’t purchase a product with dark and blurry images, would you?

Of course not.

That’s why you need professionally done images from a firm like AMZ One Step. Not only do we help you to take the best possible photos for conversion, but we also know all of the requirements when it comes to Amazon photography.

Ok, so now you have eye-catching images, now what?

Next would be…


To optimize your written content, you’ll need relevant keywords.

It’s a good idea to understand the different types of keywords first, and it just so happens I’ve written a blog about that here that you can check out.

Next, what you’ll want to do is go to a few of your competitors’ listings and grab their ASINs. ASINs can generally be found further down an Amazon listing.

For example, you’ll see the ASIN of this toothpaste is listed under the ‘Product details’.

My recommendation would be to pick maybe 5-7 competitor’s ASINs and see which keywords they are using.

You can use a program like Helium 10 or Jungle Scout to do this research.

Manually pick out keywords that you think are relevant, and now we have something to work with.

Now let’s put those keywords into the written content.


Written Content (Title, Bullet Points, Description)

Every written component of a listing poses as an opportunity to optimize your listing.

Your written content is where you need to accurately describe your product in an appealing yet efficient way.

Oh, and remember those keywords we just talked about?

All of these written components should feature keywords. 

Sometimes keywords are slightly hard to make sound natural in a sentence, so there are times when you might have to settle for slightly less than English.

Brand Registered Content

If you are brand registered, then that is perfect. If not, I would highly recommend becoming brand registered as soon as that opportunity is available to you.

Brand registration allows you to have A+ Content, which is the images and copy you see when you scroll past the initial part of an Amazon listing.

Here’s a picture of the A+ Content for Crocs (I’m thinking of getting some).

As you can see, A+ content allows you to create a more robust listing. You can include more images, infographics, and copy with keywords. It is a fantastic way to explain more or simply highlight key attributes you’ve already mentioned.

As well, being brand registered means you can add videos. It doesn’t matter if your video is instructional or lifestyle-based. Videos can give the potential customer a better understanding of your product, leading to more conversions.

The brands that conquer the top of pages are ones with their brand registered content optimized.


An optimized listing is critical to success for every single listing on Amazon. Optimizing your listing will increase your odds of attracting and converting customers, which, in turn, will lead to your rank increasing.

Here at AMZ One Step, we specialize in optimizing listings for success. Whether it’s an existing listing that needs to be revamped, or you’re just getting started, we can help. We can ensure that you will have all of the tools necessary to succeed.

If you have any questions, contact us via our website! And if you would like to stay up to date on the most relevant Amazon seller content feel free to get in touch with me on LinkedIn or on Twitter @nolanswriting.

5 Things You Need to Know to Master Amazon Keywords

Are you sure you know how to find good keywords for your Amazon listing?

In this comprehensive Amazon keyword guide, I’m going to take you through it so that you can be sure. We’ll look at:

1. The difference between keywords and search terms

2.The different types of keywords

3.The importance of keywords

4.What makes a good keyword

5.How to find the right keywords

In short: If you want to ensure you have a complete understanding of Amazon keywords and how they work, you need to read this blog.

Let’s dive in.

Explore More: Easy Way to Track Amazon Keywords Ranking Using AMZ WordSpy

1. Keywords vs. Search Terms

First, we need to identify the relationship between keywords and search terms. 

They sound like they should be fairly interchangeable, I know, but their subtle nuances make a significant difference.

The search term is the term that the buyer will put into the search bar. In this example, I’ll use the term ’coffee.’

Keywords vs. Search Terms

The keyword is a word or phrase that you as the seller will then bid on in PPC campaigns so that when someone searches for a specific term, your listing will show up.

Let’s continue with this coffee example and say you are bidding on the keyword ’coffee.’ If a buyer types in ‘coffee,’ your listing will show up when they search it on Amazon. 

2.The different types of keywords

Broad Keywords: Broad keywords allow your listings to appear on a broad basis and are generally the cheapest to bid on. If you have bid on a keyword, and someone enters a search term containing all of the keyword terms or close variations, then your listing should show up. 

Amazon Keyword research

For example, if you bid on the keyword ‘coffee,’ then you will show up on Amazon when someone uses the search terms: coffee, coffee grounds, coffee grinder, coffee maker, etc.

(Very important side note: when I say your listing will show up, I do not mean it will show up on the first page at the very top. More than likely, you’ll show up on page 20 or something at the very beginning. You’ll show up on the pages like 1 and 2 once you’ve established and optimized your listing assuming everything goes according to plan.)

This can be especially helpful if you rank on the search term ‘coffee maker’ because the person buying it will probably need coffee. If your product shows up next to that coffee maker listing or as an add-on, that could mean a lot of sales coming your way.

Phrase Keywords: Phrase keywords start to get slightly more specific. Bidding on phrase keywords allows for your listing to appear if a buyer searches for your keyword exactly or for your keyword with prefixes and or suffixes.

For example, again, you’re selling your delicious coffee. Your listing could appear for fair-trade coffee, dark roast fair-trade coffee, mild fair-trade coffee, fair-trade coffee decaf, etc. 

Exact Keywords: Each match will allow for you to rank on the exact keyword you have bid on and are often the most expensive to bid on. Your listing will only be displayed when the search term matches the keyword.

For example, say you sell fair-trade coffee. Your listing will only appear when a buyer either searches for ‘fair-trade coffee’ or ‘coffee.’ No variations of that keyword will appear.

Long-Tail Keywords: Rather than me trying to put a definition together, I’ll reference the one that Helium 10 defines:

These ‘keywords’ are actually phrases of three or more words that shoppers use in searching for a specific product. They are more unique and less commonly searched than single words or shorter phrases. In turn, they return narrower results for more specific products, which often leads to higher rates of conversion.

So there you go. You’re an expert on keywords now. Let’s keep moving and look at why these are so important.

Explore More: WordSpy | Right Amazon Keywords Research Tool For Product Listings Optimization

3.The importance of keywords

So why does this all matter?

importance of keywords

Well, in all seriousness, keywords can make or break your success on Amazon.

Keywords optimize your listing so that you can rank. The ranking is where you show up on the page when someone searches for a product like yours. If you have a high rank, you’ll likely appear on one of the first pages. If you don’t use keywords, you won’t rank, and you’ll probably be on page 20 or worse.

Essentially you need keywords, or no one is going to find your listing.

4.What makes a good keyword

Not all keywords are good keywords, so let’s go over how to find the good and avoid the bad.

If you use specific keywords highly relevant to your brand, it will likely be better than using broad keywords.

Amazon Keyword

Now you may be asking, “But Nolan, you said broad keywords are cheaper to bid on?”

That is true but look at it this way. Let’s say you bid on the keyword ‘glasses’ and you’re selling blue light glasses. But if everyone who is using the search term ‘glasses’ is only searching for regular glasses, you won’t get any conversions.


Because the broad search term is being searched to find a substantially different and more generic type of glasses.

If you are selling blue light glasses, you need to be choosing more specialized keywords.

That leads me into my final segment, how you go about finding the right keywords.

Explore More: Tips for Amazon Keyword Research

5.How to find the right keywords

Alright, we’ve made it to the final stage in your Amazon keyword training.

Amazon keyword training

In reading the content above, you’ve probably already begun to figure out how we find the right keywords specific to your product, but let me lay it out for you. There are three different ways you can find the right keywords.

• Amazon Auto-Recommendations: these are the terms that pop up when you type in your search term, and Amazon recommends what it thinks you’re looking for.

For example, we’re still selling coffee. So if we type in coffee as a search term:

Amazon Auto-Recommendations

As you can see, there are terms such as ‘coffee beans’ that you may want to be targeting. That being said, don’t just copy and paste every single one of these terms. Terms like ‘coffee table books’ wouldn’t be worth your time to rank on, so you have to manually determine what is best.

Software Keyword Research: this is when you take the ASINs from competitors and see what keywords they are ranking on. You can utilize software like Helium 10 and Jungle Scout to help you accomplish this.

For example, if we take several competitors’ ASINs within the coffee space, we can see which keywords they are ranking on.

Amazon Keyword Software

Of course, you must be aware that there will never be an easy “copy and paste” solution. If you look closely, there are keywords such as ‘chameleon cold brew.’ 

You won’t want to target that keyword not only because you aren’t selling cold brew but also because ‘Chameleon’ is the competitor’s brand name.

You always have to use common sense when choosing keywords, but utilizing software is where you will likely find the most accurate results. The more competitor ASINs you search, the better idea you’ll have of what keywords you should be targeting in your niche.

Google Ads Keyword Planner: this is another way to find keywords that you may not have otherwise found through the first two methods. It is a free tool; the only thing needed is a Google account. Keep in mind this gives Google data, not Amazon data. You need to manually extract keywords that you believe will be relevant and have buyer intent.

I would say use this as a secondary method to finding keywords rather than a primary one. If you don’t want to spend the money on software, you could technically use this, but you really should be using the software if you’re serious about your business.

Explore More: How to use amazon keywords for your products


Developing your Amazon research and implementation strategy will be essential to the success of your Amazon listing. 

Keywords can make your products visible to a more relevant audience which, in turn, will lead to more conversions. 

You’ll always have this blog to come back to reference in the future should you need it. 

If you have any questions feel free to get in touch with me on LinkedIn or on Twitter @nolanswriting.

Why Is My Amazon Listing Not Converting?

Ok, you launched your first Amazon listing. Orders should come rolling in soon!

Wait, where are the sales? Why is my Amazon listing not converting?

All jokes aside, if your listing isn’t converting customers even after an extensive amount of time past its launch, something is wrong. Differentiation is going to be the keyword when it comes to conversions, and you should not come to expect any success without it. Every component of your listing is an opportunity to differentiate yourself from the competitors. When there is a lack of differentiation, listings do not convert. Creating a compelling product listing is very important if you want to attract potential customers.

Having the right images, reviews, price, keywords, and prime eligibility are all factors you have to consider in order to create a successful listing that will convert.


Read More:- Lessons Learned After Creating 25,000 Amazon Listing Images

In this blog, we’ll look at the 5 most common reasons why your listing isn’t converting and hopefully identify how you can fix it.

1. Main Image

The main image is one of the most important components of your entire Amazon listing, so when your main image is not up to par, it may cause issues for your listing’s success.

The main image is like the first hurdle of getting a person into your store. Once that person is in your store (i.e. On your listing), then it is the copy, additional images, and A+ content that really sells them on the product.

That is not to say the copy and additional images should be underestimated. Although the main image gets people in the door, the copy and additional images are what finally convince the person browsing to buy.

The main image converts impressions to sessions. The additional images and copy convert the sessions into conversions.

Read More:- 10 Things You Should Not Be Doing In Amazon Listing Optimization

So what can you do to improve your main image?

1. Make sure it is professional, make sure it is desirable, and make sure it stands out.
2. Or you could simply hire an agency to do it for you. If you’re unsure how you can make your images better, you can always contact us here at AMZ One Step, and we’ll help you with every Amazon photography need you may have.

2. Reviews

Over the years, Amazon has continuously focused on improving the quality of reviews and ensuring that they are authentic. This has been happening in a bid to balance the need for quick responses and the desire to provide good feedback.

Reviews are tough because you really have no control over them. There are two types of review issues that can arise.

Issue A: It could be that you have no reviews. Everyone starts out here, so you’re not alone, nor should you get discouraged.

What I would recommend is sending your products to friends and family and getting them to review your product. You want to shoot for at least 10+ reviews to really get you off your feet, and I think it’s achievable by doing this.

That being said, don’t get your entire family in your house to order a product each. Four orders from the same location accompanied by all copy and pasted 5-star reviews will likely trigger Amazon’s algorithm. If the algorithm is triggered, Amazon may suppress your listing for artificially pumping reviews.

Reviews on Amazon are about maintaining a good momentum of reviews coming in on a regular basis. So you are going to need reviews coming in at a constant rate. If you get a massive amount of reviews and then nothing, it may trigger Amazon’s algorithm to prevent people from boosting.

Read More:- A Comprehensive Guide to Amazon Listing Optimization 2022

Issue B: You’ve accumulated a number of negative reviews.

Unfortunately this a considerably tougher position to be in compared to issue A. This means several people were dissatisfied enough with your product that they took the time to come back and leave a bad review.

It’s time to take a hard look at your product and decide whether or not it’s time to abandon the ship. Can your product be improved enough that you could start to get positive reviews?

If you can improve the item, then maybe this product is salvageable, and you can average out the bad reviews with good ones.

If it is just an extremely low-quality product and you just did it to make a quick buck while the type of product was trendy, it’s probably time to let it go.

Read More:- How to do Amazon Listing Optimization to make your product best

3. Price

Next, let’s take a look at your price. Contrary to popular belief, a price reduction isn’t always the answer.

Finding the right price is very important when it comes to optimizing your listing. There are a number of factors that go into choosing the right price, such as quality, profitability, and competition.

Price comparison is one of the most effective ways to improve your listing. It can help you find the right price for your product, and it can also help you get more conversions. Doing so helps avoid wasting your time and money.

You can attempt to split test your price for your product. For example, say your product is $5. You could try a decreased price of $4.50 and then an increased price of $5.50. See which one leads to more conversions.

It could be that your price is too high for the product, or it could be that it isn’t high enough. You need to evaluate the niche.

Niche or niche. Whatever.

And say, is a price drop going to differentiate me from the competition, which in turn will lead to conversions? If not, then a price reduction is clearly not the answer.

Increasing the price can actually differentiate you in a positive way as well. If people see your price is slightly higher, they may have a fear of missing out. By spending, say, only two more dollars, they get your slightly better product over a competitor’s, and it lives up to their expectations. Then you start getting positive reviews, and you start the momentum of more conversions.

Read More:- This Is What You Should Do If Someone Has Stolen Your Listing Images On Amazon (2021)

4. Seller Dominance

Seller dominance is when one really competitive seller in the niche takes up most of the market share. Similar to reviews, this issue is borderline uncontrollable.

There are two ways to go about this.

Let’s say your selling headphones. You are now competing with Bose, Sony, JBL, etc. How can you ever hope to compete in the market?

Option 1: If you have no outstanding differentiating factor, which, let’s be real, it’d be hard to innovate past those companies.

The solution is to pivot and target different keywords.

Say the big companies are targeting “headphones.” Clearly, you’ll never rank with that. But say you put Sustainably made headphones. Although it’s a lot more niche, if the big guys aren’t targeting those keywords, you may have a chance.

Option 2: The second situation would be where there is seller dominance to the extent that one seller basically has a monopoly over the niche. This is where someone is selling a similar product, but at a price, amount of reviews, and quality of listing you just can’t compete with.

I would try pivoting as hard as possible, but in some cases, it’s just too competitive to remain active within the space.

Read More:- 5 Things You Need to do for a Killer Amazon Product Listing

5. Prime Eligibility

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is one of the most effective ways to increase conversion rates. It’s also one of the most secure and easy ways to get your products into Prime. Having Prime badges on your inventory makes it more attractive to buyers.

Now, this point may not be as detrimental to the success of your listing, but it can play a role. When I shop for products like maybe a charger where I’m fairly indifferent on brand, and most of the specs are the same, I’ll choose the charger that has prime delivery.


There are many ways to improve your Amazon listing’s conversion rate, but each strategy has its own unique characteristics. A few different elements of your listing will help determine which ones will work for you.

The most important statistic in any business is the conversion rate. It shows how well your efforts are affecting your sales.

It’s all about differentiation because differentiation = sales. So these are the top 5 areas where people can help to increase their differentiation.

Hopefully, this blog aids you in reevaluating your listing so that you can increase conversion and make a ton of sales!

If you would like to stay up to date on other useful blogs for Amazon sellers, connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter @nolanswriting.

This Is What You Should Do If Someone Has Stolen Your Listing Images On Amazon (2022)

If you’ve stumbled across this blog, you’re probably in a bit of a conundrum. Someone on Amazon is using your images without your consent. Don’t panic just yet, as we’re here to help. In this blog, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide to reporting those images and hopefully getting them taken down. I know you’re already pretty frustrated and worried, so I will provide as little fluff as possible throughout the blog. I’ve personally been in this situation myself so I know this process can work.

Read More:- AMZ One Step Vs Jungle Market – The Best Marketplace for Amazon Sellers

Now let’s get into it.

How to Find Your Images That Are Being Stolen:

How to Find Your Images That Are Being Stolen

You may not even know that your images are being used on Amazon without your consent in the first place. This blog will show you how to check, and if your images are being used, we’ll show you how to get them taken down.

Hop On the Amazon Buyer App:

You probably already have the app downloaded, but if you don’t, download the app on your iPhone or Android now. You’re going to want to press the camera icon on the top right of the screen.

Hop On the Amazon Buyer App



Read More:- 3D Rendering vs Product Photography & Which One Is A Better Option For Amazon Sellers?

Analyze the Picture:

Next, make sure the product in question is in clear view of your camera. By pressing the middle circle button, it will begin to analyze the image. (For this example, we will be using Crayola but in no way are we inferring that they or their distributers have stolen any images.)

Analyze the Picture

We do this because Amazon will then scour their database and let you know where the image appears on their website. The search results tab will then appear, and you can see where this image is on the site.


Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

Finding the Company’s Name:

You will then be able to go to any listing with the image and find their company name under the Buy Now Button. The company name should appear after the Ships from (whatever location) and sold by (the company name).

Finding the Company’s Name


Once you have the company’s name, go to your desktop and type it into the search bar.

Click on their first listing. By the add to cart area you should see it say ships from and sold by (company name). Click on that.

Finding The Storefront:

The next page will be the review page where you can find the button to their storefront in the top left corner.

Finding The Storefront

Now you will see all of the items they have in their storefront. Then go back to the search bar and search for a word that is relevant to your product.

Note* You should now see the company’s name next to the search bar as shown here.


If they have categories on the left, choose a category that your product’s image might be used in.


Being Organized Part 1

You are going to have to prepare yourself to be super organized here. Hover over the title and right-click “Open in new tab” (I am on Mac, but it should be the same idea on PC). Do this for each one of your suspected stolen image listings so that you have every tab open and ready to go when it comes time to do the report.

Being Organized Part 1


Bookmark each tab so that you can go back and make sure that the listing has been taken down after your report. This can also help to ensure that you don’t submit the same URL twice. An alternate way of doing this may be to copy every URL into a word doc and keep track of them that way. Whatever you prefer.

Copyright Infringement Page:

Next, you are going to go to the copyright infringement page on Amazon. You DO NOT have to be an authorized seller on Amazon to submit a claim. (

Go ahead and click the word form that is highlighted blue.

You will now be taken to the form.

Read More:- 10 Tips on How to Sell Branded Products on Amazon

State The Facts:

Here is where you’re making your case to Amazon. I know you may be flustered and angry when writing this, but it is best to stay calm.

Layout the facts and keep it simple.

You can use something to the effect of “This store is using my images without my authorization, and I want them removed.” You can obviously go into more detail but be concise.

Being Organized Part 2:

Remember when I talked about being organized earlier? Well, this is where the organization of those tabs you saved comes into play.

You’re going to want to take the URLs that you have bookmarked and put them in the URL spot.

Under Scope on the right select Specific Images.


The images will then pop up below with a square beside them. Check off every square where you see a copyrighted image.

Read More:- 9 Pitfalls for New Amazon FBA Sellers

Repeat This Process for Up to 50 Listings:

This part can be tedious, but unfortunately, it is necessary so that these stores don’t profit off of your work.

Note* If multiple companies are using your images, you will have to file a claim for each seller.

Final Steps:

Fill out your contact information. Send the filled-out form and then wait.

Amazon will get back to you within a couple of days. Be aware, Amazon does not always side with you and may state that there isn’t enough evidence or give some other reason as to why your claim is not successful.

This can be extremely frustrating but don’t give up hope just yet. Amazon will always review a report again and it can work; just keep trying.

Read More:- 10 Reasons Why Your Amazon Seller Account is Suspended!

In Conclusion:

Image theft constantly happens across the platform, so it is a good idea to systematically scan your image to ensure no other sellers have stolen your image since you last checked. This blog will always be here so that you can reference it when going through the copyright claim process (although we hope that you won’t have to go through all of this trouble again).

I hope this has helped. Be sure to subscribe to our email list and check out our socials so that you stay on top of our tips for Amazon sellers.

(Once again, these images were provided for educational purposes only. Crayola and their distributors have not stolen any images.)

Lessons Learned After Creating 25,000 Amazon Listing Images

Undoubtedly, the Amazon business model is a specimen of ingenuity for everyone. When we say this, we’re already articulating the obvious here. Have you ever wondered what’s so eccentric about Amazon’s product pages that they shine distinctive and spur conversions in today’s competitive world? After completing 25,000 amazon listing images, our analysis indicates some fascinating takeaways worth discussing with you.

Superior Visuals and customer feedback are the culminating arguments behind every buyer purchasing your product. These attributes provide the users with a full-fledged view of what the product is and if it’s likable or not. Also, consistency of content matters since it can improve product page quality and outwit potential competition. Based on our experience. Here are five vital aspects that you must know if you’re looking forward to successfully listing your product images on Amazon.


Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

Always do split testing

Split testing, also called A/B testing, is a proven way to determine, in our case, what visuals can substantiate sales. One of the most critical determinants of what is considered to be a good listing is its CTR or Click Through Rate. Typically, your CTR quality is based on five factors, including the main image, title, review, price, and the best seller or Amazon Choice Badge.

Always do split testingThere are two proven ways to split test images that yield consistent results. One way is to put image A on Amazon for 30 days, followed by image B for the same number of days, and analyze which image is getting more clicks. Use the image with a higher number of clicks or a better CTR as your amazon listing image. An important reminder here is that since Amazon gives you no control when it comes to split testing, you need to make sure that you rotate them over time.

The other way is to use software like PickFu, which generates results in minutes. Stats never lie, but as our experience of working with sellers shows that their perception of product images, more often than not, does get the better of them. As an Amazon seller, you need to rely more on data and not on perception.

Read More:- FBA Product Photography: How To Make Your Main Listing Image Stand Out

Consider 3D Rendering

You have probably seen those flawless images on Amazon and wondered where they are getting their photography done from. The fact is that those sellers are getting their images 3D rendered. 3D rendering is a process of creating virtual images of the product with the aid of software like 3DS Max. Once the 2D model of the product is created using computer software, it is then rendered to create a 3D version of it. 3D Rendering on Amazon qualifies as a competitive stance for brands to take complete advantage of portraying their products in a better way.

Consider 3D RenderingWith consumers reacting more to emotional triggers rather than rational ones, it turns out that the top brands use emotional triggers to convince their buyers into making decisions. Not only does this substantiate the probability of the product purchase, but it also contributes to increased sales.

As with contemporary photography, it’s impossible to give the buyer a complete view of the product’s features and looks with a single photo. We have come across products where sellers ran into all sorts of trouble. Not all products are fit for digital product photography; take products with reflective surfaces as a quick example. This is where 3D rendering works its magic, with the added benefit of allowing you to take product shots from multiple angles.

With digital product photography, it would not only take ages but cost a fortune. With 3D rendering, you have only one 3D model, ready to portray every angle of the product. You also won’t have to ship the product to take multiple pictures of it, which again only increases cost.

Not sure where to get 3D rendering for Amazon products? Check out our exclusive Amazon 3D rendering service.

Read More:- AMZ One Step Vs Jungle Market – The Best Marketplace for Amazon Sellers

Infographics Matter

You must have come across the saying: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This phrase is entirely true for Amazon and the marketed products. When you are selling something digitally, the only way that you can visualize your product to the buyer is through images, and amazon infographics are the secret to increasing your sales and conversions.

Our experience in the industry has taught us that you can lure the customer towards your product, service, or brand through visually appealing content with infographics. If the infographic is fabricated with precision, it can prove to be a useful tool for brand description. We can safely vouch that infographics not only spiral brand awareness but also create inbound marketing opportunities.

Read More:- 10+ Easy & Effective Strategies for Amazon Product Ranking

High-Quality Photos

High-Quality PhotosAmazon has clearly marked guidelines for product photography that must be acknowledged. Often, product retailers, due to a lack of quality photography, cannot generate optimal online sales. This is where a 3rd party seller can be useful. They have in-house professional photographers capable of capturing the exact product photos with immense selling potential. What’s even better is outsourcing these services, which prevents the loss of unnecessary time, so that you can focus on your core competency, your product!

Think Outside the box

Over the years, a lot of ground has been covered, and the foundation for flawless Amazon product listing techniques has been laid. Based on what we have learned, it’s vital to explore new ways of making well-designed listing images instead of following the contemporary practices that most sellers go for.

Think Outside the boxThere are many new sellers out there who try to follow the trend by copying best sellers. However, with our experience, we can safely vouch that we have seen many new sellers become trendsetters by coming up with a new approach to Amazon listing images.

With testing multiple images, it’s essential to go through small changes and bear with an adequate amount of time to see whether those changes are impacting as you imagined or there’s a need to revert. Therefore, it’s suggested to test only one element and avoid getting into the mess of multiple items, as they may impact your overall listing.

Read More:- 10 Things You Should Not Be Doing In Amazon Listing Optimization


Numerous factors define the success and failure of a particular product’s image listing on Amazon. However, the points mentioned above come from experience on the world’s most powerful e-commerce platform.

At AMZ One Step, we have created over 25,000 product image listings that have promised nothing but guaranteed sales and conversions!

10 Things You Should Not Be Doing In Amazon Listing Optimization

If you are here and reading this blog, then you are probably an Amazon seller or aspiring to be one. With over 6 million sellers and with thousands of new sellers being added every day, saying that the Amazon Marketplace is extremely competitive is putting it very lightly.

You’d have no doubt heard of the importance of having a powerful listing on the platform. I’d go a step ahead and say that Amazon listing optimization in order to drive maximum traffic and sales, is the need of the hour.

Well, creating an eCommerce listing, whether on Amazon seller central or any other marketplace is not as easy you think.

Read More:-  A Comprehensive Guide to Amazon Listing Optimization 2022

Still, wondering – How do I optimize my Amazon listing? There are a few things that you primarily ought to do right. Referring to the seller’s guide is a great idea. You’ll also find numerous blogs like telling you what you ought to do to optimize your listings. However, you’ll find very few that tell you what you shouldn’t be doing while optimizing your listings.

What exactly is a listing?

It’s not as technical as it seems to sound. According to DataFeedWatch – “An Amazon product listing is the product page for each of the items you sell on Amazon. It is made up of the information you enter when you list your product including its title, images, description, and price”.

In other words, your product listing is your storefront. Your listing title and product images work similar to a window display, drawing buyers to your product page (your store), where they get detailed information about the product through your bullets, the Enhanced Brand Content, and from customer reviews as well.

Read More:- The Briefer History of Amazon Listing Optimisation

So, here’s a list of things you shouldn’t be doing to sabotage your storefront.

  • Keyword Stuffing:

    Long gone are the days when filling your page with needless keywords was considered a great SEO strategy. It is not going to improve your chances of ranking higher. Instead, it could lead to a search penalty, since keyword stuffing is widely condemned by search engines and can even get your content removed from search listings.

    Remember, you aren’t stuffing the turkey, so too much of keywords is never a good idea! A bit more about keyword stuffing with examples to give you a better idea.

  • Dropping Your Brand Name from the Title

    According to content26 – Amazon is very clear on what it believes constitutes a good product title. This is their preferred naming convention:
    Brand Name + Series Name + Model Name + Form Factor + Unique Identifier (color, capacity, pack size, etc.)

    So why is it important to include your brand name?

    Apart from the fact that Amazon has made it mandatory, we’d like to quote Andrew Jacobs, the CEO of a leading international office supplies eCommerce company that says “Every product title should include your brand name. It’s important to build brand recognition wherever you can.”

Read More:- How to do Amazon Listing Optimization to make your product best

  • Targeting Competitors or Using Competing Brand Names

    While a lot of sellers are doing this, the truth of the matter is that you shouldn’t be! Not only does it make you seem tacky and desperate, but it could also affect your brand sentiment negatively. Not to mention the penalties you stand to attract. In a worst-case scenario, you could also be looking at legal issues.

    Instead, not mentioning a competing brand is the best strategy you can use.

  • Using Pipes or Special Characters in the Title

    Why? Primarily because Amazon does not allow it and failure to comply with the requirements may cause your listing to be suppressed by Amazon or even suspended. So why risk it for a few decorative symbols.

    Going forward, keep your titles free of symbols such as ~! * $ ? or anything else that you consider fancy and appealing.

  • Repeating Keywords In Titles and Bullets

    There is no penalty for doing it, but given that there are character restrictions to both, the title and the bullets, you are better off using alternative and different keywords. The idea is to use as many, relevant, and high-ranking keywords throughout your product listing. You need to increase the visibility of your listings and using varied keywords will help you do that better

    So why use the same keyword when you can use that space for a different and more relevant keyword instead?

Read More:-  Tips for Amazon Listing Optimisation

  • Crossing the Character Limit

    Amazon has lately implemented a standard 200-character title across the board for all categories. This goes for the bullets too. In an email to sellers, the e-commerce giant Amazon stated:
    “To improve the customer experience, all listings sellers create with a title length of more than 200 characters will be suppressed from search and browse. When creating new listings, make sure to keep the title, which is the Product Name, for each product less than 200 characters. Customers will not be able to find your listings created after July 15 until you have shortened their title to less than 200 characters.”

    While you should be making full use of the bandwidth Amazon gives you, crossing the character limit is not a good idea. Unless you are lucky enough to get away with it, you may see your selling privileges being temporarily or permanently removed.

  • Using Health Claims or Prohibited Product Claims

    This one is a strict no-no as per Seller Central. Amazon prohibits the use of words that may be construed as health claims, product claims, or IP claims. The e-commerce giant has been very vocal about taking down listings that contain any such infringement unless you have the necessary documentation and certifications to support your claims.

  • Featuring a Creative as The Main Image

    Vivid and attractive product images draw customers to your page, keep them there longer, increase click through rates and ultimately, sales as well. Goes to show why pictures are so important when selling online. So, the brighter the better, right? Not when it comes to Amazon. The e-commerce giant is a different matter altogether. Amazon allows a total of nine images for different purposes and there are certain requirements to be met.

    The primary product photo or the main image as some call it, is the most important image on your listing and is the first image that customers see both in paid and organic search results. As per Amazon directives this main image, apart from size specifications, has to be as simple as possible, minus all the frills and with a white background. If your product image fails to comply with the guidelines, your listing will most likely be suppressed by Amazon, which means that your listing will be hidden and not show up in search results.

Read More:- WordSpy | Right Amazon Keywords Research Tool For Product Listings Optimization

  • Ignoring the Importance Of Product Description

    Well, product descriptions are not really that important given that I have an EBC. Right? Absolutely not!

    Most sellers put up EBC’s and ignore the product description thinking it has no role to play. While product description does not help in SEO, it does show up on mobile searches in place of the EBC. Given that 80% of customers use their mobile phones to shop, that is two thousand characters of creative and convertible content you are missing out on.

  • Adding Customer Reviews or Promotional Texts to Images and Listings

    It seems attractive enough and there are quite a few listings that have customer reviews or promotional texts in their product images and listings. While these sellers have been fortunate enough to get away with it, Amazon frowns upon such practices and they are considered as a violation of its terms of service.
    If caught, it can lead to an account suspension that will be extremely costly.

Read More:- Amazon Ads Campaign Structure for Highs Sales & Low ACoS

Play the Game and Play it Right

As a seller, it is crucial that you understand the nitty-gritties that go into creating and optimizing a listing. And, don’t get fooled into thinking there are secret hacks or magic tools that will give you that perfect listing. You only learn through trial and error because every listing is unique. What works for one might not necessarily work for another.

While many marketplaces are not very particular about what you say in your listing or how you say it, Amazon does not fall into the same category.

The retail giant has very specific expectations when it comes to how your product listings are written and formatted. This is because every bit of information you put on the platform is utilized in Amazon’s internal searching algorithm.

Yes, there’s a method to the madness if we should dare say so.

In other words, it is incredibly important that you optimize your Amazon product descriptions correctly. Pay attention not only to what you should be doing in order to optimize your listings but to what you shouldn’t be doing as well.

After all, the goal of optimization is not to Rank 1. It is to generate traffic and convert that traffic into sales.