Everything You Need To know About A+ Content:

How did Amazon cover the distance from EBC to A+ content and then A++ Content (Premium A+ content)? As technology is growing faster everything is updating, so do the features of Amazon.

Enhanced Brand Content was the idea of the marketing strategy for selling more and more products on a huge e-commerce market Like Amazon. It worked well and won the market. 

EBC was visually rich content that motivated the potential viewers to buy the product because it enhanced the product qualities and made it trustworthy in the eyes of the buyers.

EBC was influencing the market because people are more likely to believe what they see more than they assume. Hence the idea of visual content made its roots.

Amazon updated the feature of Enhanced brand content to A+ Content!

Amazon is a huge e-commerce market in the world. It has a lot of sellers and it adds more sellers on a daily basis. That is why Amazon gives a tough time to the upcoming seller for surviving in this competitive period.

To enhance the sales & earn customer’s trust, Amazon upgraded the feature of EBC to A+ Content in 2017.

A+ content
(What a picture shows, cannot be described)


What is A+ Content?

A+ content is the visual rich text HD images that show different views of the product with the enhanced text that shows its benefit to the customers and why they need it the most? 

It is about writing a perfect piece of content that should describe the brand value and product features. It comprises close-ups and lifestyle images, Charts showing the use, importance, and significance of the products by consumers. 

Hence a perfectly written and designed A+ content makes the mind of the customer what is the product exactly they are buying, and improves conversion rate (CR), sales, and Click-through Rate (CTR) of a listing because they convince the customer in making a purchase. The purchase not only increases your revenue but also it improves the organic position of your product.

A+ content may grow the sales average from 3% to 10% by improving the knowledge about the product for viewers.

Amazon A+ content is only available for vendors!

Unluckily,  Amazon A+ Content is not accessible for all the sellers out there. It is available for,

  • First party amazon sellers that sell through the amazon vendor central (only available via invitation). It is usually used by brands, manufacturers and distributors. Vendor sellers act like suppliers while the rest of the selling procedure is done by Amazon. 
  • Approved Sellers who have registered their products from the Amazon Brand Registry Program (ABR) or Professional sellers can avail of the basic services of A+ Content.

Vendor central and seller central have some basic differences!

A+ Content costs nothing!

The basic features of the A+ content cost literally nothing. It is free of cost. These Basic features contain five standard templates for the content and it is very easy to use.

Amazon Brand Registry Requirements:

Brand registration is a very effective step to help the sellers secure a significant place on a huge online market like Amazon. It makes the products more reliable and smoothens the shopping experience. 

Fulfill the eligibility requirements to enroll your brand and become a registered seller, Amazon brand registry requires these steps:

  •  You must have an active and approved trademark of your brand in the country you want to enroll in your brand.  (Must check if Amazon accepts the registred trademark of the country)
  • Government-authorized trademark number 
  • If you are a vendor or seller, sign in to the Amazon brand registry with the same credential.  Then It will let you access all the features of the brand registry.
  • Now enroll your brand, provide the list of product categories and countries where your products are manufactured and distributed.

Now, Amazon launched Premium A+ Content or A++ Content! 

Premium A+ Content is the more modernized form of A+ content with more interesting and amazing features. Premium A+ content is designed to build a flawless purchasing experience.

A++ content makes a customer satisfied enough to convert it into a buyer hence improving the conversion rates more than usual or basic A+ Content.   

Added features of Premium A+ Content!

Amazon added different impactful features to Premium A+ Content. These are,

  • Modern High-quality, visual rich HD images

A+ content

Premium A+ feature supports the High-quality HD images that impress the visual sense of customers. These images include lifestyle images, product images with rich and specific content, etc. Amazon offers 7 different and unique templates to upload the images while in A+ content there were only 5 templates.

A++ feature offers the 800x600 or 1464×600 size that is big enough to cover the whole Amazon page while the basic A+ Content has smaller images.

  • HD videos up to 3 minutes in length

This is the brand new feature of Premium A+ Content. Now Vendor sellers can upload a high quality (720p) video up to 3 minutes featuring their products.

  • Enhanced frequently asked questions (FAQs)  

You can put some main frequently asked questions and their answers with bold text in engaging layouts. It helps the customers to clear their confusion and questions regarding the product, without getting in trouble of waiting for the response. 

  • Interactive nature for the ease of the customers

It functions like hotspot modules that answer the customer question when they scroll through the product description and qualities.

  • Mobile friendly 

Premium A+ Content is mobile-friendly, it is easily accessible on mobile screens showing most of the features.

  • Voice friendly

Many people prefer to use voice friendly systems instead of typing. Amazon A+ content fits perfectly for these users makes it more user-friendly. 

Premium A+ Content costs money!

This is the premium feature of Amazon that enhances sales of products up to 15%. It is not free at all. It charges the user from 250k dollars to 500K dollars according to the usage of features and specifications.

Let’s have a quick look at EBC, A+ Content, and Premium A+ Content Specifications!

Premium A+ Content costs money

How to build  A+ Content pages?

For Preparing a Quality A+ Content,  get the Amazon Enhanced brand content services or the services of A+ content experts to get a perfect grab on your customers.

How to build  A+ Content pages?

Self Service Module: 

This module demands your services. You will prepare all the content, upload and arrange it yourself. When you will choose a Self-service module then the feature will ask you,

  • To create a project and build the layout
  • Upload your prepared content and arrange it 
  • Review it and add

Amazon Build For You:

This module provides you the services. You will supply all the prepared A+ content and Amazon will select the layout and maintain your A+ detail page. But this module is much more expensive than the self-service modules. 

Benefits of Premium A+ Content!

Amazon A+ Content has many benefits but it varies from product to product. Make sure that your product requires an A+ Content marketing strategy.

Secondly, a well prepared A+ Content works more effectively than poorly generated enhanced content. Make sure that you have got the potential in your A+ Content. If Your A+ Content checks these points then get ready to avail of the significant benefits of A+ Content.

It catches the attention of the viewer:

A product with A+ premium content features is attention-grabbing. It somehow holds the viewer to the product and makes it easy for him to skim through the details of the products than to skip. buy modafinil uk cheap https://www.melbourneosteopathycentre.com.au/

It keeps your Product on the top:

It makes the organic ranking of the product, thus keeps it on the top. It highlights the features and functions of the products and gets the trust of the customer to click the buy button.

It enhances the conversion rate:

Product sales increase the conversion rates up to 15% than usual. It generates more revenues, more positive reviews, and ratings. 

Final verdict regarding Premium A+ Content:

Final verdict regarding Premium A+ Content

No one can ever deny the influence of A+ Content to enhance sales! 

As much as product photography is extremely important for your Amazon business, A+ is still the most effective method ever to stand unique in a crowded market place like Amazon. It pushes you up from your competitors and engages the visitors in your products. Hence it improves the conversion rates. It also pressures buyers to leave a good review that increases your positive reviews and ratings.

Positive reviews and ratings clean up your path for future sales. But It costs money so make sure to utilize the features and specs at its best to get the most of the opportunity.

Every Thing You Need To Know About Amazon A+ Content (EBC)

Which is the most crowded eCommerce marketplace in the world?

It’s Amazon Indeed.

With over 25 million online stores in the world, Amazon is the highest revenue-generating eCommerce industry that has the largest marketplace in the world.

And it keeps on adding hundreds of seller on a daily basis.

The larger the market place, the higher the competition.

The basic goal for every Amazon seller is the same. This is what successful Amazon Selling is all about.

Amazon A+ ContentAmazon A+ ContentAmazon A+ ContentAmazon A+ Content

Once you gain a sustainable organic position, you can earn millions of dollars in just a week.

With high competition, sellers are more careful about their listing than ever before. There are few significant factors that actually matter in Amazon as they are a part of the A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm.

 A+ Content


Let me tell you, all of them are equally important in gaining a reasonable ranking on Amazon. However, it is in fact, the A+ Content Manager (EBC), which adds an additional push to your Amazon Listing.

Amazon recently updated its seller central by replacing EBC with A+ Content Manager. The addition of new modules in A+ has improved the look-like of seller central to a much larger extend. Moreover, the new EBC (A+ Content) is more user friendly as it provides a seamless experience to both sellers and vendors.

So, Amazon EBC and A+ content is mostly the same thing. But, A+ content is the modified form and have replaced EBC in the recent Amazon Update.

Amazon provides a way to improve sales through content. The feature is known as the EBC.

Understanding A+ Content

The Amazon A+ Content, also known as Amazon EBC is the Feature that enables the sellers to modify their listings with rich content.

It is about writing a perfect piece of content that should describe the brand value and product features.

The feature allows the sellers to enrich their listing with rich content and add attractive images. Which in turn increases the brand quality and the trust level of customers.

What can you achieve with the perfect Amazon EBC?

A perfectly written Enhance Brand Content increases the conversion rate (CR), sales, and Click-through Rate (CTR) of a listing because they convince the customer in making a purchase.

The purchase not only increases your revenue but also it improves the organic position of your product.

#Fact Check

The feature is free for Amazon Sellers that don’t cost a penny and is quite convenient to use.

Guidelines & Rules for A+ Content

Amazon EBC vs A+Content

Amazon A+ is available for the sellers in Amazon. This means that the seller’s brand must be authorized with Amazon’s Brand Registry.

Best of all, it is available for free. If existing EBC isn’t driving the results, you can always delete or edit it.

#Fact Check

Due to a large number of sellers diving into the Amazon market place, the registered sellers get more authority on their product listings in 2019.

Top Benefits of A+ Content:

The number #1 benefit of A+ is that it’s free for all users. It allows the seller to choose a template of its choice for their listings. Some significant benefits are described below in detailed:

  • A+ Promotes the Brand Value:

Let’s get into the customer shoes for a moment!

Ask yourself this question; if you are caught between 2 similar products and one has a better A+, which one would you prefer to buy?

Therefore, EBC promotes a sense of trust and value to a particular brand in the customer’s mind.

Moreover, it can attract audiences irrespective of age and sex.

A better EBC can make a long-lasting impression for the brand, which helps to convert the audience into customers.

  • It increases sales:

After photography, the next thing that plays an ideal role in convincing customer to make a purchase in indeed “EBC”.

Engaging and appealing content is more likely to bring sales and revenue for a brand. In fact, this is the basic rule of thumb for any eCommerce business.

When choosing Amazon EBC design, consider the one that is relevant to your product and can be appealing at the same time.

  • It prevents cancellation and negative reviews

A comprehensive content will give the customer a clear idea about the product he is buying. With every detail mentioned, negative reviews are less likely to happen.

The basic idea is that the customer should know what he is buying. Moreover, false specs and irrelevant features can be very bad for your brand.

Therefore; make the content appealing but, it should be real at the same time.

  • A+ Increases the Engagement Rate

It is a matter of fact that the images play the initial part in Amazon. That’s why, the need for photography is must in A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm.

When someone finds a listing attractive merely due to the pictures attached to it, they click on the product to inquire further about the product. The rest of the decision depends upon the A+ template.

Now, there can be 2 things possible:

Either, the user will leave right away and will increase the bounce rate of the product. It should be noted that Bounce Rate devalues a listing and its relevancy. Because it gives an impression to the A9 algorithm that either the listing isn’t appropriate or it isn’t relevant.

Or, the user will actually place an order. With the placement of good A+ on a listing, chances are higher that the views will convert into sales. Or at least, it will increase the engagement rate which in turn, will boost the organic ranking of the product.

Creating A+ Content in Amazon

Before we go into that, you need to learn the right content strategy for Amazon Listings in accordance with the A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm that can drive results and sales to your business.

Creating A+ in Amazon is arguably easy because it’s quite user friendly as compared to Amazon EBC.

  • Login to your Seller central Account as provided by the Amazon.
  • Click on Advertising
  • In the drop-down menu, you will see the option “A+”
  • After clicking the A+, you will be directed to choose the ASIN of the specific product that you want to use the A+ listing
  • Select the appealing template for your listing and upload the images and content accordingly.

Note: The approval for A+ takes time. So there is no need to panic.

Amazon takes at least 1 week before approving any A+. This is because it checks that each and everything is according to its policy and standards.

You’re A+ Content can be rejected and it is something that happens very often. The reasons for the rejection are always mentioned by Amazon.

My Final Take on A+

I can’t say for sure that the content put on A+ is indexed by Amazon or not. However, leaving it empty is never a wise option.

A+ can fill the remaining gap that is preventing you to get sales. If you haven’t been focusing hard on your content, you should do it now!

If the previous A+ for a certain listing hasn’t helped you, change it. Take inspirations from similar brands and create something unique of your own.