Targeted Ads- Amazon PPC

Why Amazon PPC

In Amazon, if we search for a product, the ads related to that product gets displayed when we open the app again. Now, this has reached to the next level, the ads related to the searched products are displayed in social media sites like Face book, Instagram etc.  This is known as targeted ads. By targeting the ads to the potential customer, the customer has the greater chance of buying the products shown in the ads.

There are two ways of targeting the products to the customers:

  1. Enhanced Product Targeting.
  2. Product Attributes Targeting.

Only the sponsored products on Amazon gets is allowed to get targeted to the customers.

There are 4 targeting options to target the products to the customers:

  • Loose match
  • Close match
  • Substitutes
  • Complements

Loose match: If the product that you sell is loosely matching the search terms of the shoppers, then this is known as loosely matched targeting. For instance, If the user searches for leather shoes, ads show up displaying sports shoes or casual shoes.

Close match: This option is used to target the exact audience for the product.

Substitute: The substitute for the products that the customer’s search gets targeted to the customer. For instance, if the user searches for branded leather shoes, the targeted ads are related to resin shoes or unbranded shoes.

Compliment: The compliment can be used when you sell small sized items, like a shoelace or a shoe polish.

New features in Amazon PPC ads:

Product targeting: Amazon PPC ads have updated its algorithm. Now helps to target the ads of the specific product you sell. the products can be targeted using the product id.

Auto targeting: The new feature in Amazon PPC strategy is the auto targeting feature. In some situations, the ads that we target may target to the irrelevant users. To overcome this situation Amazon PPC has a new feature that allows to auto target the ads based on the keywords related to your product.






Things you need to know about amazon enhanced brand content | EBC


Ways to add Enhanced brand content for your product on Amazon

Enhanced brand content (EBC) allows to preset your brand content making the users believe that your brand is reliable.  There is a unique identification id in Amazon assigned to all the products. This is known as ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number). For example, your brand sells household products like spoons, utensils, etc. An ASIN is added to spoons, utensils and other items you sell. EBC can be added only to the ASINs paired with your brand.


Steps to add EBC for your product:

Step1: Choose the template you prefer:

In the Amazon Seller Central, go to “Advertising” section and then click on “Enhanced brand content”. Enter the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the product. You can choose the preset templates for EBC or choose a new template for your brand. You can change the text, images, charts, graphs and specifications. Make sure you use the relevant high-quality images for the product.


Step 2: Add the content:

This step allows you to add the Enhanced Brand content for your product. Develop the content along with the images that can accompany the content. Take time to write those content, add some keywords to the content after completing the Amazon Keyword Research. Make the content eye catchy. Try to bullet out the points you need the users to see. You can see the preview of the content when you are done with editing and publishing. There are some words that the Amazon Sellers Central doesn’t allow the user to use. The words like Guarantee, 100% cash back are not allowed in the Amazon Enhanced Brand Content section.


Step 3: Watch out for the results:

Once you have posted the content, you need to check the result of the content you posted. The important factors you need to look at are:

  • Conversion rates
  • Sales velocity

Keeping an eye on the conversion rates help to have a look at how the Enhanced Brand Content worked. You can check the conversion rates and sales velocity by going to the Reports menu, select Business Reports from the drop-down box and click the Sales and Traffic option in Amazon Seller Central.


Amazon PPC optimization- Understanding the Basics:

AMAZON PPC Optimization

Amazon PPC ads must be known by all the Amazon Seller, but if you are new to Amazon Sellers Central you might not know how to effectively run an Amazon PPC ad. Here’s a basic Amazon PPC tutorial to get you started.

First, let’s know about the metrics used in Amazon PPC dashboard:


Advertising Cost of Sales:  Advertising Cost of Sales is the percentage of the amount spent on your Amazon PPC ads. This is also known as ACoS. ACoS is calculating the split between the total amount spent on Amazon PPC ad and the sales caused by running the ad. For Instance, If I spend $ dollars on Amazon PPC ads, resulting in in sales of over 20 dollars then the Advertising Cost of Sales is 20%.


Impressions: Impressions denote the number of times the ads got displayed. if there are any invalid clicks on the ads, it takes a minimum of 3 days to remove the invalid entry from the report.


Attributed Sales: Attributed sales is the report of total sales taken place in a week by clicking on the ads run. This report takes up to 2 days to generate. This means that the user cannot view the report for that current day. There is an extra added feature that lets you view the individual total sales for the products advertised and also other products in the Campaign Performance sheet.


Clicks: Clicks denote the number of times your ad gets clicked. This works similar to Impressions if any invalid click is identified it takes 3 days to remove that invalid click entry to remove from the report.


The main advantage of running Amazon PPC ad is that the user needs to pay for the ad only if the ad gets clicked and the shoppers who click on your ad would be redirected to the detail page where the shoppers can see the offers that you provide.