Amazon PPC Campaigns | Dynamic Bidding & Bids Placement – 2022

The rules have changed yet again as Amazon recently introduced new Amazon PPC features and spiced up the dynamics. Setting up a PPC campaign was pretty simple earlier as you just needed to be mindful of running an automatic or a manual campaign based on your strategy for the product. Amazon has broken down the variables and made the game definitely more complex, intriguing for some leaving the rest perturbed. Love it or leave it, that’s Amazon! For those of you excited and want to learn the next game-changing PPC features that can act as sales catalysts, this one is for you.

Read More:- Amazon PPC : All You Need To Know About Amazon PPC Campaigns


Let’s Begin

The campaign bidding strategy section is available for both automatic and manual campaigns. The explanation by Amazon is sufficient and self-explanatory but we will still paraphrase it for the benefit of all readers. This is where changes begin:

Dynamic Bids – Down Only

By selecting this option, you are essentially instructing Amazon to cap your bid to the value you insert as a default bid and if need be, when there are fewer chances of conversion, reduce it in the descending order to zero. As stated clearly in their description that experienced sellers were using this option as a default option earlier. Therefore, the majority of the content regarding guidance for PPC available on the internet and youtube videos pertain to this.

Dynamic Bids – Up and Down

This is where the new stuff begins. You are not only allowing Amazon to lower the bid price but also to double your default bid i.e. up to 100% if they sense a conversion. It’s as simple as that. So you are prescribing a range for Amazon to operate within whereby authorizing them to increase to the maximum or decrease it to the minimum.

Here is an illustration that will cover an arbitrary range of bidding.

Fixed Bid

You set the default bid and Amazon will not change it based on the likelihood of conversion. This has no strings attached so your bids will remain the same, you will be hit by the bid price fair and square.

Ad Placement

Sellers will no doubt become more powerful and in control of the placement of their product ad by this second chance. This will give enormous leverage to established sellers who are always anxious to get that extra bite. You have 2 more options related to your product Ad Placement now and you can use any based on your strategy for the product as both have their unique advantages. You now have the option of applying the weightage of your ad, meaning you can assign percentages up to 900%. First, let’s have a look at the options and then decipher what these percentages mean.

Top of Search (First Page).

Your Ad will be placed at the topmost row on the first page of search results. This will give you extra visibility for sure but that comes with an extra cost. We will elaborate that further later with the help of an example.

Product Pages

Your Ad will be available on product detail pages, outside the search results or near the buy box. This will especially be helpful if you are targeting to place Ads near your competition.

So for example, if your default bid is $0.75 then if you assign 900% to either of the Top of Search or Product Pages then your bid will increase to $7.50. Whoa! That’s like 10 times your original bid just to place your Ad according to your wish and command. You don’t need to set the maximum 900%, you can increase the percentage step by step and work out the number delivering results best for you.

Watch Out For The Killer Combination

We will take an extreme instance to make a point here just for awareness and to make you watch your steps. Imagine if Amazon stretches your bid to 100% when you select “Dynamic Bids – Up and Down” and you apply 900% on “Top of Search/Product Pages” as well. What will be the results? You will for sure get the best placement but let’s take your cost into account here. If your default bid was $0.75 then Dynamic Bids – Up and Down got doubled i.e. $1.50 and since you applied 900% for Ad Placement then this $1.50 will become $15. This needs to sink in so we reiterate, that just cost you $15 for a single click! A click that only God knows if it had the fate to convert into a unit sale. Again this was an extreme example and a worst-case scenario just to show you the financial impact.

Word of Advice & Caution

  • This is undoubtedly exciting at the same time unpredictable at least for now since there is no precedence or available case studies. Sellers are in their experimentation phase and no one can concretely point fingers in the right direction.
  • Since several variables have been introduced you will have to change them, give 2 weeks’ time to see a definite trend and make adjustments accordingly. You will have to control the test by changing one variable independently while keeping others constant.
  • Its Beta! So Amazon will be gathering feedback and looking at it closely as this will require a lot of testing.
  • We are relying heavily on Amazon’s ‘Judgement’ hereby allowing them to move bidding Up and Down. No one knows the exact mechanics of how the bids move up and down.
  • If you have decided to use any of the options then our advice is to monitor your CTR, Conversions and ACOS closely at short intervals.
  • Set small amounts of campaign budgets not exceeding $30 just to minimize chances of burning up your kitty unnecessarily.
  • Its tricky and can be a bit slippery so start with your existing product listings that are performing well where you know the current trends to compare results.
  • It is recommended for rookies and newbies to begin with Dynamic Bidding – Down only as a safe option and then move up the ladder.
Concluding Remarks

Dynamic bidding has indeed become ‘dynamic’ in its true sense. Without any doubt, sellers have gained control over their Ad Placement and the bidding war has become more intense. As fabulous as it sounds do not pounce on this opportunity without completing homework on your numbers. You just need to be mindful of the financial repercussions as the fall can be a steep one.

Check out our Amazon Product listing optimization services.

Amazon Update – FBA Fee Changes 2019

Have you forgotten about the email Amazon sent sometime back? There are no major changes though, here’s a summary at a glance to brush things up and prepare before time:

Fulfillment Fee w.e.f. February 19th, 2019

This is the shipping fee charged to the customer and it is generally due to change in charges by UPS, Fedex, USPS etc.

  • No changes for small standard size and large standard size items under 10 Oz.
  • Expect a slight increase for other size tiers in future.
  • Oversized items will be charged w.r.t. dimensions and weight.
  • Products termed ‘dangerous’ or ‘hazardous’ with flammable, pressurized aerosol substances containing lithium-ion batteries will be treated separately.
  • You can avail 5% or 10% discount for each new product added to the program.
Storage Fee – w.e.f. February 15th, 2019

These charges are applied if the product is not sold in 30 days.

  • Elimination of fee for units in fulfillment centers from 6 months to 1 year.
  • Continuation of long-term storage fees for units staying in the centers beyond 1 year.
  • Reduction in long-term storage fee from $0.50 to $0.15 per unit, applicable after January 15th, 2019
  • From April 2019, expect a rise in monthly storage fees for product termed ‘dangerous’ containing flammable or pressurized aerosol substances reaching fulfillment centers in March 2019.
  • No effect on monthly storage fee for other products.
Referral Fee – w.e.f. February 19th, 2019

This is the commission that Amazon charges its sellers ranging from 8% to 15% on their sales.

  • Beauty, Health & Personal Care & Baby Products (excluding Baby Apparel):
    • $10 or less: Reduction from 15% to 8% in referral fee.
    • Above $10: No change in referral fee i.e. 15%.
  • Grocery & Gourmet:
    • $15 or less: Reduction from 15% to 8% in referral fee.
    • Above $15: No change in referral fee i.e. 15%.
  • Jewelry & Watches:
    • Reduction from $1 to $0.30 and $2 to $0.30 per item minimum fee across 30 categories.
    • Reduction from 20% to 5% on items $250 & above for jewelry.
  • Furniture: Reduction from 15% to 10% for $200, excluding mattresses.

For complete details:

5 Points Guide to Amazon Buy Box in 2019

Every seller wants the ‘Buy Box’ and stay there for the maximum amount of time. Do you want to know why? Its because 75% – 85% sales occur through this buy box. Amazon shares the buy box period among its FBA sellers and these rotations are hidden from its customers.

Hundreds of theories and speculations are out there regarding breaking the buy box code. While none of them can exactly know how the algorithm works, we can always estimate and learn the range of the algorithm through our experiences.

  • FBA vs FBM. Keeping the price same, FBM merchant will not win the buy box in the presence of an FBA merchant. Many times an FBA seller with more price still wins the race to buy box from FBM merchant.
  • New vs Used Items. Product needs to be categorized as a new one. Used products do not qualify to win the buy box.
  • Pro vs Individual Account. Only sellers with a professional account are eligible to contest for the buy box.
  • Inventory in Stock. Amazon is extremely sensitive when it comes to product availability and is inclined towards sellers that have the capacity to take bigger orders. They will prefer to give the buy box opportunity to a seller with hefty stocks in the fulfillment centers.
Factors in Winning the Buy Box

Amazon takes into account several data points by breaking down the performance into different variables for each eligible sellers’ performance. It evaluates the performance on a specific variable on a comparative scale i.e. relative to other seller’s rank/score on the same variable.

Competitively Priced. Price is the king and its weightage is maximum in winning the buy box. In the spectrum of price range of all competitors, products with the lowest price and are not outrageously priced usually win the battle.

Competition with Amazon. DO NOT COMPETE WITH AMAZON! You do not want to be in competition with a product that is sold by Amazon. No surprise but there is a natural inclination of the algorithm towards its own brand and Amazon will more often or so come out as a winner. You need to be selling an item that Amazon does not sell themselves to secure the buy box.

Geographical. Not many sellers are aware that customers from one state will see a different seller’s product in another state. This is because Amazon has spread products in warehouses nationwide and the products that happen to be in the warehouse near the customer’s location will be available in the buy box.

Order Defect Rate (ODR). An order has a defect if it results in negative feedback, A-to-Z guarantee claim that is not denied or a credit card chargeback. ODR needs to remain under 1% and sellers with high ODR should not expect to be in the buy box race.

Performance Metrics. A seller account’s health is referred as its adherence to the performance targets and policies required to sell on Amazon. Amazon holds the seller performance history, regularly reviews performance of all sellers and prompts them when they are going off the radar.

Service Quality. This mainly refers to feedback about the merchant after product sales. You have to target and then maintain a good feedback score by taking customer care to the next level. This way Amazon can reliably award you the buy box again and again.

Tenure on Amazon. Seller lifetime is an important factor. If merchant A is selling the product for 5 years and B for 1 year then probability of winning the buy box will be in favor for merchant A majority of the times.

Beginner’s Luck. This is a good news for newbies which is not widely known. If Amazon has a stack of old sellers with negative feedbacks and you walk in as a new seller then Amazon will give you preferential treatment by giving you the buy box. You might think that Amazon is generous to its new sellers and may be this is a step to encourage its new sellers, you’re wrong! Amazon wants to please its customers by providing them a new option that just got available.

How Will You Lose It?

Losing to Hijackers. This happens when a seller connects their listing to another seller and offers a matching product with the same price. Amazon will deal with them like all other sellers and resultantly you will have grimmer chances in winning the buy box. That is where private label sellers reap the benefit after registering trademark and brand to get extra protection.

Box Sharing. Sometimes Amazon shares the buy box with other sellers when according to them there is a tie between sellers.

Price Variations. There are sellers who work by changing their prices way too often. This constant change in your price gives Amazon an impression of inconsistency and as a result a merchant might lose onto the buy box. You need to behave like a brand that offers occasional may be periodical price variations so that Amazon can develop trust in you and pass it on to its customers.

Price Too High. Pricing outrageously as compared to other competitors will also make you lose the battle of the box. You need to stay within the gamut of the price range of your competition.

How Does the Algorithm Work?

We all know that Amazon devises its policies with an obvious pivot towards its buyers and they describe their customer centric philosophy in their own words as ‘customer obsession’. Lets be clear that the algorithm is and will remain on the buyer’s side not on sellers. It ensures to put forward the best offer to its customers in terms of the factors mentioned above. If the product is not providing value to the customer in Amazon’s opinion then it is highly likely that it will not be in the buy box.

The algorithm breaks down your performance as a seller and the buyer into bits of variables. You need to think every part of your (as a seller) and product interaction with the buyer and beef up your performance levels on each variable no matter its significance in your eyes.

Competition Levels

Low Competition. There are high chances that you might have to share the buy box if you are operating in a niche. This means that Amazon will share the buy box with one of your competitors.

High Competition. Price and fulfillment will take the back seat and competition will mainly be on other factors discussed earlier.

Buy box is a game changer. You need to work hard for it but don’t get too obsessed and hung up that this is the only way. One liner summary would be that Amazon needs you to be on your toes at all times from the day your inventory arrives in their fulfillment centers to the after sales.

5 things to know before selling private label products

amazon product photography

Amazon is encouraging more private label sellers as their business is widening. The entry of Private label products service led to more and more improvements in Amazon. Amazon allows creating a new brand for private label sellers with the unique product listing. Amazon also provides some unique marketing strategies to push the sales to a new height. There are 4 things that all the sellers should know before handling the private label products.

1) The advent of Chinese sellers:

One of the biggest challenges for private label sellers in Amazon is the entry of the Chinese seller entry. This was not a major issue in the past as they would be a supplier. But now, the Chinese sellers have become wise and have started building their own brands to sell the products. The Chinese market is the major enemy to the budding private label sellers in Amazon.

2) A need for investment:

The private label competition has become more competitive. The private label sellers cannot simply paste their logo on the products and then ship them to the end users. It requires more time, money and energy to decide and build a strategy to sell the products on Amazon. The private label sellers have a need to invest more in the products that they choose to sell, find an effective supplier and then the packaging.

3) Relevant PPC strategy:

The private label sellers should concentrate more the PPC ads on Amazon, the PPC ad that they run must be relevant to the product that they sell. Using a relevant PPC ad boosts the search ranking and visibility of the products.

4) Product reviews are important:

Positive reviews increase the trustability among the consumers. But getting positive reviews is difficult. Try maintaining a standard quality of the product that you sell. If the product meets the consumer’s expectations, there is a high chance that your product gets a positive review from the

How to make money by Amazon Private label:

Amazon Private Label

You would already be a customer of Amazon as it is easy to order and receive items that you need. Amazon is making money because of the customers like us. But here is also a method by which you can turn Amazon into your business partner. buy liquid tramadol By selling Private Label Products on Amazon it is possible to make money on your own. Let’s see what Amazon Private product actually means:

Private label products are the items that are brought from other sellers and sold by using different packaging and marketing strategy. There are some sellers who find it difficult to sell their products to faraway places on Amazon. Buying their stocks and giving them a renovated packaging, this is known as private label products.

How to sell private label products on Amazon:

Find the products that have an effective market on Amazon:

You can take enough time to choose the product that you need to sell. Most of the private label sellers would prefer bestselling products as it has a market value already. Try searching “private label products for small business” on Google to have a clear idea on what to choose. Amazon releases the details of the bestselling products. You can make use of that list to make a decision on what to sell.

Find the supplier:

Try contacting the suppliers of the products you choose to sell. Strike a deal with the supplier and buy their stocks.

Get your package design done:

Now, it’s time to design the packaging for the products. The things that you need are the logo, box design and box style. You can hire professional designers to design the logo and box designs. Make sure that the designs are appealing. The best private label companies rule the market due to the package designs that they have.




Tips for Amazon Keyword Research

amazon keywords research

The digital world runs with keyword specific searches. You get the results when you tap in the keywords related to the information you need. Amazon also works on keywords, the user searches for their desired products and the Amazon servers retrieve the list of products that the user searched for. So, the Amazon Sellers role is to find the best suitable keywords for the products that they sell. Here are some tips that you can follow to make Amazon Keyword Research a better strategy to excel in sales.

Tip 1: Know your audience:

The first step in Amazon Keyword Research is knowing the right audience for your products. Think from the user’s point of view and do have a clear shot idea of what are all the keywords that they would search for. Have a look at the keywords that the competitor products get listed. About 48% of the Amazon users search with long tail keywords. So, have the idea of the long tail keywords that are suitable for your brand.

Tip 2: Have a note of keywords and Amazon Longtail keywords:

Keywords that are longer than two strings are listed under long tail keywords. Amazon keyword ranking is based on the keywords typed by the user. The long tail keywords make up half of the Amazon searches. So, it is highly important to choose a list of long tail keywords along with basic keywords.

Tip 3: Mend your keywords based on the competition:

Amazon is a competitive market. If there is a competition for the keywords that you have selected, it is difficult for your product to perform for that keyword. Try choosing high volume in search keywords with comparatively less competition, so the keywords perform well for the products you sell on Amazon. You don’t have to look at the competitors every time.

Targeted Ads- Amazon PPC

Why Amazon PPC

In Amazon, if we search for a product, the ads related to that product gets displayed when we open the app again. Now, this has reached to the next level, the ads related to the searched products are displayed in social media sites like Face book, Instagram etc.  This is known as targeted ads. By targeting the ads to the potential customer, the customer has the greater chance of buying the products shown in the ads.

There are two ways of targeting the products to the customers:

  1. Enhanced Product Targeting.
  2. Product Attributes Targeting.

Only the sponsored products on Amazon gets is allowed to get targeted to the customers.

There are 4 targeting options to target the products to the customers:

  • Loose match
  • Close match
  • Substitutes
  • Complements

Loose match: If the product that you sell is loosely matching the search terms of the shoppers, then this is known as loosely matched targeting. For instance, If the user searches for leather shoes, ads show up displaying sports shoes or casual shoes.

Close match: This option is used to target the exact audience for the product.

Substitute: The substitute for the products that the customer’s search gets targeted to the customer. For instance, if the user searches for branded leather shoes, the targeted ads are related to resin shoes or unbranded shoes.

Compliment: The compliment can be used when you sell small sized items, like a shoelace or a shoe polish.

New features in Amazon PPC ads:

Product targeting: Amazon PPC ads have updated its algorithm. Now helps to target the ads of the specific product you sell. the products can be targeted using the product id.

Auto targeting: The new feature in Amazon PPC strategy is the auto targeting feature. In some situations, the ads that we target may target to the irrelevant users. To overcome this situation Amazon PPC has a new feature that allows to auto target the ads based on the keywords related to your product.






Things you need to know about amazon enhanced brand content | EBC


Ways to add Enhanced brand content for your product on Amazon

Enhanced brand content (EBC) allows to preset your brand content making the users believe that your brand is reliable.  There is a unique identification id in Amazon assigned to all the products. This is known as ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number). For example, your brand sells household products like spoons, utensils, etc. An ASIN is added to spoons, utensils and other items you sell. EBC can be added only to the ASINs paired with your brand.


Steps to add EBC for your product:

Step1: Choose the template you prefer:

In the Amazon Seller Central, go to “Advertising” section and then click on “Enhanced brand content”. Enter the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the product. You can choose the preset templates for EBC or choose a new template for your brand. You can change the text, images, charts, graphs and specifications. Make sure you use the relevant high-quality images for the product.


Step 2: Add the content:

This step allows you to add the Enhanced Brand content for your product. Develop the content along with the images that can accompany the content. Take time to write those content, add some keywords to the content after completing the Amazon Keyword Research. Make the content eye catchy. Try to bullet out the points you need the users to see. You can see the preview of the content when you are done with editing and publishing. There are some words that the Amazon Sellers Central doesn’t allow the user to use. The words like Guarantee, 100% cash back are not allowed in the Amazon Enhanced Brand Content section.


Step 3: Watch out for the results:

Once you have posted the content, you need to check the result of the content you posted. The important factors you need to look at are:

  • Conversion rates
  • Sales velocity

Keeping an eye on the conversion rates help to have a look at how the Enhanced Brand Content worked. You can check the conversion rates and sales velocity by going to the Reports menu, select Business Reports from the drop-down box and click the Sales and Traffic option in Amazon Seller Central.


Amazon PPC optimization- Understanding the Basics:

AMAZON PPC Optimization

Amazon PPC ads must be known by all the Amazon Seller, but if you are new to Amazon Sellers Central you might not know how to effectively run an Amazon PPC ad. Here’s a basic Amazon PPC tutorial to get you started.

First, let’s know about the metrics used in Amazon PPC dashboard:


Advertising Cost of Sales:  Advertising Cost of Sales is the percentage of the amount spent on your Amazon PPC ads. This is also known as ACoS. ACoS is calculating the split between the total amount spent on Amazon PPC ad and the sales caused by running the ad. For Instance, If I spend $ dollars on Amazon PPC ads, resulting in in sales of over 20 dollars then the Advertising Cost of Sales is 20%.


Impressions: Impressions denote the number of times the ads got displayed. if there are any invalid clicks on the ads, it takes a minimum of 3 days to remove the invalid entry from the report.


Attributed Sales: Attributed sales is the report of total sales taken place in a week by clicking on the ads run. This report takes up to 2 days to generate. This means that the user cannot view the report for that current day. There is an extra added feature that lets you view the individual total sales for the products advertised and also other products in the Campaign Performance sheet.


Clicks: Clicks denote the number of times your ad gets clicked. This works similar to Impressions if any invalid click is identified it takes 3 days to remove that invalid click entry to remove from the report.


The main advantage of running Amazon PPC ad is that the user needs to pay for the ad only if the ad gets clicked and the shoppers who click on your ad would be redirected to the detail page where the shoppers can see the offers that you provide.



Product Photography Strategies: Boost Your Conversion

Can product photography really boost your sales conversion rate on Amazon?

Optimizing product images is one of the easiest and most effective ways to increase your traffic. Especially when you are in a highly competitive niche, quality images play a pivotal role and draw lines between sellers.

Eye-tracking studies show that visitors of online stores and product pages are first engaged by visual elements which makes them more likely to stick around and explore. It will remain the only way to attract the attention of a wandering shopper and will play a huge part in making a successful listing in 2021.

Read More:- Walmart Product Photography : How Is It Different from Amazon? 

Many times people go back to certain products just to see the aesthetically pleasing pictures or show it to someone as a reference product. Your product will pop up in their minds whenever a need arises disregarding any negative reviews on their own if the product images are amazing. That’s the power of photography!


Read More:- DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography: 7 Need-to-Know Tips

7 Facts – Consumer Behaviour

  • Average attention span of your customers is 6-8 seconds, you literally have seconds to grab customer attention (Fadi Fouladgar, Marketing & Management Consultant).
  • First impressions are important and images are processed by customers 60,000 times faster than text (
  • Online shoppers want products to be brought to life with images (78%) and product reviews (69%) (
  • 78% of online shoppers want more images from eCommerce sites (
  • 93% of consumers consider visual appearance to be the key deciding factor in whether or not they make a purchase (
  • 52% of shoppers abandon sites and do not return because they dislike the overall aesthetics (
  • 38% of people leave a website if they find the layout unattractive (

Read More:- Tips For Taking Your Product Photography On A White Background

Essentials to Perfection

Our target is not just to work on customer engagement but to induce customer emotions whenever they look at our products. Upload a maximum number of photos and follow the general guidelines below:

  • Main image/base image should be:
    • Striking
    • Have white background
    • Blown up, option to zoom in
  •  Width should be 500 mega pixels (or more) and length should be 1000 mega pixels (or more)
  • Product should take 85% or more of the image frame
  • Listing Images should be:
    • Highlighting product features and comparisons
    • Lifestyle, action shots, product should be in use
    • Different angles of the same product
    • Product labeling for quality assurance
    • Products on models, show people enjoying the product
    • Scale-able shots that help people understand sizing
    • Technical specifications, product information and measurements like size charts

Image Sequence. (i) Put yourself in customer’s shoes and think the order in which you would like to see product pictures. Main photo should be about your product only and listing photos should show different sides, measurements, packaging and components (ii) You can also work on a story line of pictures for example in health improvement category, start with pictures of a person in problem then move to its use/application and finally reaching the satisfaction stage. Show that customer attains happiness and their worries go away after they use your product.

Crisp Images. You might need to use a photo editor to make sure the right color balance, brightness, cropping or resizing images to yield an attractive product outlook.

Read More:- FBA Product Photography: How To Make Your Main Listing Image Stand Out

Follow the Footsteps. See how leading products in your category or another category have displayed their product photos.
All Sides. Show all sides of your product to increase trust levels of buyer, show that you are not withholding any information and you have pure intentions in informing customers everything related to the product for them to make the right choice.

Packaging. Only include it in photos if it’s relevant to the product otherwise, pass. Example can be of fragile products with safe packaging to give comfort to the shopper that the product will reach them safely.

Enhanced Brand Content (EBC). It’s an option available to add extra content (images or text) in a template form and this will appear as soon as you apply for a brand on Amazon. Please click here if you want to learn in detail about Enhanced Brand Content (EBC).

Talk to Your Customers. Can we? You can’t persuade customers yourself, apprise them about product features and let them know the history of your brand (if any) as you cannot interact with them at the time of purchase. Let these 3 things talk to your customers and be an advocate on your behalf:

  • Product Descriptions
  • Product Images
  • Product Videos

Things To Avoid

  • Background. Main image should be in pure white, do not experiment with different colors or by introducing models in your main image.
  • Amazon Policy. Your images are likely to be taken off or product ranking will be affected if you don’t follow Amazon guidelines.
  • Clarity. Images shouldn’t be blurry or fuzzy.
  • Packaging. Product shouldn’t be shown in packing unless it has some relevance.
  • All in One. Let the customer focus on just one object, your product. Avoid scattered products or parts of products.
  • Amazon Logo. Do not try to be smart by placing Amazon’s logo to attract shopper’s attention or make your product look trustworthy. You will be caught eventually!
  • Misleading Images. We do recommend editing images and make them presentable to customers but they should be realistic and should not raise expectations as customers will draw comparisons with what was promised to them online and what got delivered to them in real time. You are likely to receive negative reviews, increase in returns or decrease in seller’s rank as a result.
  • Format. Make sure you do not use formats other than TIFF, JPEG, GIF and PNG.
  • Product Identifier. File names must consist of the product identifier (Amazon ASIN, 13 digit ISBN, EAN, JAN or UPC) followed by a period and the appropriate file extension e.g. B000123456.jpg)
  • Characters. Spaces, dashes, or additional characters in the filename will prevent your image from uploading.
  • Drawings & Illustrations. Not allowed.

Read More:- Amazon Product Photography Tips You Should Know

Substandard Photos – Consequences

Product Value. People will judge during the first interaction, the value of the product in terms of moeny they are about to spend and whether the product they see resonates with the price.

Brand Value
. Images lead viewers wondering about legitimacy of your product, brand and your company. Good quality images give an impression of a strong company at the backend.

Professional Photography – Benefits

  • Years of experience using professional and sophisticated equipment in a studio environment.
  • Constant client feedback improves their skills. The range of their scope is more by working with small, medium and large enterprises.
  • They develop a better perception of what an end-user is targeting. End-user is essentially not looking for a professional photograph, they are searching for a product they can touch just by looking at it.

Photography Packages

You will have to dedicate a separate budget if you want impeccable photos that bring life to your product. You have plenty of options available online and can work with individuals and companies. They usually charge per picture or have bundle offers available, you can find plenty on fiverr for $10, $20, $50 per picture based on the profile of the photographer. However, quality is not always guaranteed with freelance photographers.

Go check our details for Starter, Standard and Extreme product photography packages by clicking here.

Metrics Tracking

Click-Through Rate (CTR). It is calculated as total clicks divided by total impressions and anything around 0.5% and above is deemed as good CTR ( Captivating and appealing images will tempt a browsing shopper to at least click which can ultimately help in improving your seller’s rank.

A/B Testing. Once you upload images, try split testing them by switching your main image with one of your listing images to see which one performs in terms of number of clicks or conversions.

Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS). Your ACoS strategy needs to vary according to your product and you need to decide if your product requires high/low visibility. Monitor your ACoS once you upload high quality product photos, typically ‘good ACoS’ for a seller means low ACoS for maximum profitability. Your product page and price are half the equation in creating a conversion. Your product page will only achieve greatness if you have high quality product photos.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). Monitor the conversion rate after changing images, see how visitors convert into repeat visitors and finally into customers.

Read More:- 10+ Easy & Effective Strategies for Amazon Product Ranking

Decoding Shopper Mindset

At times we neglect most common things, lets dive deep into the basics of online marketing.

R.I.P. Customers look at Reviews, Images, and prices. Only price and images are directly in your hand, you can’t write reviews yourself. If price and reviews are integral in making a purchase then images stand as the biggest factor someone clicks on your product.

Break Down The Buying Process. What do you do when you are buying a product in a shop? Let’s say a ceramic mug. You go into a store, look at the mug, pick it up, see it from all sides and buy it. Can shoppers do the same while purchasing online? They are deprived of their basic right to feel the product. For this reason alone, we need to realize that customers will always look at online products dubiously and will scrutinize, cross-check, verify in whatever way they can.

Classic AMZ Seller Mindset

Experienced Sellers. It’s painful to see sellers with superior quality products, great reviews and product descriptions displaying poor images suffer with conversion rates. Competition is getting fiercer, soon people will be ignoring the products altogether with single or low quality pictures.

Skills. Some people underestimate photography, take it lightly and want to save the cost. They fail to understand that it is not just photography skills at play, it is it’s unique combination with marketing knowledge that makes it a key ingredient in the recipe of success.

An Investment. Is it expensive? Yes it is! Like all other quality services. A mature seller’s question should be, is it worth it? Will it bring about any change in the conversion rate? You can always determine the per-unit cost and spread it over to the number of units to make the impact feel less.

The Risk. Some customers try different products just for fun while others are not interested in experimenting. You have to satisfy the risk averse, by handing out as much detail to win their trust and we also need to address the risk takers by showing them powerful promising product photos that tell them that their purchase will provide a different and better experience they were looking forward to.

By Products

Quality images are your asset and you can use them in advertising on different platforms to drive audiences and run online campaigns alongside:

  • Facebook pages
  • Instagram
  • Website
  • Twitter
  • Emails

Take Away

No matter how good your product is, it WILL NOT SELL if your product images are not promising and this factor will remain a sales booster next year.

Our team actively works with Amazon Sellers and eCommerce websites, feel free to contact our experts if you need support in your product launch journey.