How to Get Your First Initial Reviews on Amazon (2021): An Essential Guide to Success for Amazon Sellers

With Amazon being so buyer-centric, reviews play a critical role in the success of your listing as they are essential to building trust and social proof.

Whether obvious or not, subconsciously, if there are two identical products, the majority of buyers would choose the listing with more reviews. This is because we have a psychological herd mentality regarding reviews; the more there are, the more you can trust the listing.

Read More:- 100s of Amazon sellers donated their products to Charity!


In today’s post, we’ll look at how to get your first initial reviews on Amazon.

Let’s dive in!



I think it’s easier to start with what not to do to save the fun stuff for later. There are, of course, things that people do to get reviews that are against Amazon’s TOS that can get your listing suppressed or deleted.

Essentially don’t upset Amazon’s A10 algorithm, and you should be fine.

So here’s what to NOT do:

1.Never directly take the link at the top of your browser and send it to someone so that they can buy it there. That link is specific to you, and Amazon’s algorithm will get triggered if someone else tries to use the link to buy your product.

2.When first starting out, getting friends and family to all buy the product and having them all leave 5-star reviews will trigger the algorithm. When you’re first starting out, you don’t want your first five sales to all have 5-star reviews. The algorithm knows that’s not normal behavior, and it’ll flag your listing. Amazon knows how many organic reviews your type of listing should be getting.

3.Avoid review groups or review services. Occasionally on social media, you will see a person or company that claims they will leave quality reviews on your products for a fee. If that person or account reviews your product later and then gets banned for this spam reviewing, then your account might get flagged.

4. Make sure the person buying the product isn’t at your household. Amazon can link it together that you’re at the same address.

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Essentially, don’t upset Amazon’s Algorithm, and let’s get your reviews in a way that Amazon likes!


1. Amazon Vine Program

Amazon Vine Program

As per Amazon’s page:

Amazon Vine invites the most trusted reviewers on Amazon to post opinions about new and pre-release items to help their fellow customers make informed purchase decisions.

Once you’re a part of the program, you send your product to a Vine reviewer for free, and they will thoroughly review your product. You are not guaranteed any type of review; Amazon has chosen these people on the basis that they give honest reviews.

There are several requirements that you will need to qualify for; you can find them here. The biggest one worth mentioning is that you need to be brand registered. This is especially important for new sellers to know.

You can enroll in the Vine program by going to ‘Advertising’ in Seller Central and then going to ‘Vine.’ You will only see this if you are brand registered. Then you enter your ASIN, and you can enroll!

Once you hit 30 reviews, you will become unenrolled in the program.

2. Friends and Family Method

The key with this strategy is moderation. Do not get five family members to buy the product and leave a 5-star review right after getting it. As mentioned previously, Amazon knows the percentage of sales to reviews that your type of product should be getting.

If you have only five sales and five 5-star reviews, Amazon will recognize that in a second and bottom line…it won’t be good.

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Here’s what you want to do.

You’ll genuinely have to get a few sales. Then maybe one of your family members buys the product. Tell them to wait until they’ve had the product for 10+ days after it has been delivered to them before writing a review.

Most people need time to try out the product before they can form an opinion on it. Keep in mind they must also be using an existing account that they’ve spent 50+ dollars on; they cannot simply create an account just to buy your product.

Lets other purchases come in. Maybe after 50 purchases, then you get another family member to do the same.

You can repeat this process, but only after enough organic sales have been made.

My advice is the longer you wait in between periods is the safest way for this strategy to work.

3. Request A Review

Request A Review

After the customer buys the product, within TOS, Amazon allows for you to contact the buyer encouraging them to leave a review. Requesting a review is a straightforward way to get reviews. Go to your ‘Order Details’ page on Seller Central, and you’ll be able to find the ‘Request a Review’ feature.

You can use this feature once per order between 5 and 30 days after the order delivery date.

The downside of this method is that buyers who consistently buy from Amazon generally opt out of receiving emails from Amazon of this type. However, that is not to say that this method isn’t effective.

By utilizing this method, you can still potentially increase your review rate by one or two percent, which is very significant.

It can also be pretty time-consuming. So I have a solution for you…

Read More:- Why Inventory Management is Important for Amazon Sellers and How to Improve It

4. Automated Review Services

Automated Review Services

Automated Review Services are programs offered by companies like Jungle Scout ( and Helium 10 to do the ‘request a review’ for you.

This is a very straightforward way to request reviews, and although getting reviews is not guaranteed, it is well within Amazon’s TOS, so you don’t have anything to worry about.

5. Product Inserts

Product Inserts

Product inserts are small notes or cards that you can include in your product packaging.

Write a small “thank you” and suggest something along the lines of “Let us know how you like the product.” You could also include a scannable QR code that can take them to the page where they can leave a review.

Many people are happy to oblige, and many sellers say that this strategy is one of the best to utilize.

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6. Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing

You can do influencer marketing, whereby you pay someone with a relevant following on social media to promote your product. That might be in the form of them using your product in a picture, doing an unboxing video, etc.

They can then tell their audience to go buy it and say something like, “Go let the company know what you think.”

By saying that, hopefully, people will go and leave reviews. It may sounds far-fetched but believe it or not; it has been proven to work for certain brands. Some influencers garner very loyal followings, and they will take the time to do what these influencers say.

Final Thoughts

As effective as the strategies mentioned above are, we must not forget about the product itself. At the end of the day, your product is still going to be the biggest determining factor as to whether you receive positive reviews or not.

Getting reviews is one thing, and getting positive reviews is another.

I hope this guide will help you to get those first few reviews and many more!

If you have any questions, contact us via our website! And if you would like to stay up to date on the most relevant Amazon seller content, feel free to get in touch with me on LinkedIn or on Twitter @nolanswriting.



100s of Amazon sellers donated their products to Charity!

AMZ One Step is a business that cares about the community and has become dedicated to enhancing the well-being of its employees and the communities they live in.


Amazon sellers from all over the world are sending their products to AMZ One Step for product photography, there are a lot of boxes in our office, but what happens to those products after our service is complete?


Sellers have the options of having their product returned but some choose not to do so and amazing products stack up in our office. We actually made it to the bottom of the pile a few weeks ago and decided to help the communities around us with the donation of these great items.


Our CEO, Kamaljit Singh thanked our clients for giving us permission to donate their products. Watch Video


From dropping off donated bottles of hand sanitizer to local barbershops, to giving kids child size masks to local schools, our never ending inventory is helping people. And we are doing all this for free.


The company has a true desire to make the communities we live in better. Many of our household items went to single parents who are finding the global pandemic really tough with so much financial uncertainty. The smiles on their faces said it all. 


We are committed to making an impact and that’s what will continue to do. Making the world a better place than we found it.


AMZ One Step cares.

How To Get Reimbursed With The Money That Amazon Owes You?

If you’re selling on Amazon via FBA, there is a great chance Amazon owes money. Here’s the thing. Amazon won’t always reimburse you automatically. You have to do the work. It simply means you are responsible for making them aware of the reimbursements they owe you.


Here are the top 3 FBA Errors and how to deal with them to get your money back:

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Damaged and lost Inventory

Damaged and lost Inventory

Sometimes Amazon can lose or damage your FBA inventory while it is at an FBA warehouse. Per their policy, Amazon has 30 days to locate your item(s) and put it back in your sellable inventory. If the item is deemed missing for 30 days, they will reimburse it to you. This doesn’t happen in 100% of cases though, so sometimes you can end up without the inventory and with no reimbursement. 

For the seller, it’s net profit with a minimal effort. sellerboard can find these FBA errors and provide a text template, which you can use to open a ticket.

You can check if amazon owes you any money under the menu item “Money Back” in your sellerboard account.

Inaccurate measurements and FBA fee

Inaccurate measurements and FBA fee

Amazon FBA fee is retention for packaging and delivering of your goods to a customer. Retention depends on the size and weight of the product.

Sometimes Amazon erroneously changes the dimensions or weight for your FBA products without notice. This can cause Amazon to charge you higher FBA fees for each order.

Many sellers very often do not notice these changes. In this case, they risk losing net profit on each unit of goods. And imagine how much less you can get on large sales.

However, Amazon provides an opportunity to contact support and request a “Cubiscan” of your product to re-measure and re-weigh your product within 30 days through seller support.

If Amazon confirms its mistake in taking sizes, you can request reimbursement for the overcharge. If successful, you’ll get bigger sales margins from every FBA order.

Read More:- FBA Product Photography: How To Make Your Main Listing Image Stand Out

sellerboard provides better visibility of FBA fee overcharges to Amazon sellers. 

It has a report which contains the history of the FBA fee by product. This report will help you find out whether you are being charged too much. If this is the case, you can request reimbursement and increase your profit.

It is very important to keep track of changes in Amazon FBA holdings so as not to lose part of your profits.

Returns that were not sent back

Returns that were not sent back

Returns are one of the most underrated items of expenditure and great leverage for increasing profitability. Below are a few ideas to help you reduce your returns.

Understand why customers return an item. Having understood the reason more precisely, you can take action. Sometimes products are returned because the color in the photo does not perfectly match the received item (the color is highly dependent on lighting, so the photo will never be perfect). Or through the photographs, it’s hard to understand the size of the product. If this is the reason, then you can fix it simply by optimizing the description and pictures: adjust the colors, add the dimensions of the item in the photo, add the item’s photo next to other objects (ruler, coin, phone).

Read More:- Commonly Asked Questions About Amazon FBA

To analyze the reasons for returns in sellerboard, click on the number of returns in the dashboard. You will see a list of reasons for returns, as well as customer comments. In addition, you can use the autoresponder in sellerboard to automatically contact the buyer after he has requested a return (in the campaign settings of letters to be sent in sellerboard there is such a possibility). Ask about the reason for the return and express your willingness to do everything to fix the problem. This will help prevent negative feedback.

Packaging: often returns are returned to the warehouse in an unsellable condition only because the customer has damaged the packaging. Consider a package that can be opened and closed without being damaged. This will help increase the number of sellable returns (and therefore profit).

sellerboard can find these and many other reimbursements. 

Learn how to get reimbursed for lost and damaged inventory with selllerboard:

How to get a refund for FBA returns, which never arrived:

The reimbursement report you get from sellerboard is gold. It contains everything you need to start getting your money back. All you need to do is copy and paste the order ID from the report into a new case you open with seller support, and then use one of the templates that sellerboard provides. Just simple

sellerboard is an accurate profit analytics service for amazon sellers with additional tools: follow-up mail campaigns, inventory management, reimbursements for lost & damaged stock and other FBA errors, PPC optimizer, listing change alerts. All this starting at $15 a month with a free trial.

Read More:- All You Need To Know About Amazon PPC Campaigns

Check if amazon owes you money for free. Register for 2 months of free trial at sellerboard (no credit card required) through the following link:

Analytic Review: Online Shopping Gear Shift Amid Corona Virus!

In the last two months, almost everything has changed and so do Amazon and its shopping trends! E-commerce market and online shopping have shifted gears during this rough trip of the global pandemic which is very important for you to know as an Amazon seller to maintain the well being of your seller account.

Buyers are as yet shopping on the web for items, similar to stogies, self-care items, and cooking utensils to improve their stay-at-home understanding. In any case, a few retailers have seen buyers are moving their spending toward esteem things and away from costly items.

Since WHO updated the COVID-19 outbreak from a ‘global emergency’ to a ‘global pandemic’ earlier this month, the virus’ spread and the world’s efforts to contain it have meant some dramatic changes in our everyday lives.


What actually happened?

If the market place dropped down for any niche, it grew stronger for another niche, to improve their quarantine experiences, online retailers selling the array from cookware and self-care items to stogies report solid deals. Be that as it may, even with expanded deals, numerous retailers are seeing an adjustment in customers’ inclinations.

The accompanying investigation depends on quantitative and subjective reviews, anonymized accumulated information just as mind-boggling diagnostic models. 

We set out to answer how the coronavirus pandemic has so far influenced Amazon web-based shopping in two sections: 

Taking a gander at one of the nations most hard-hit by COVID-19, How is request creating? 
Which items are the ‘victors’ in the present circumstance? 


With the coronavirus pandemic influencing essentially China in the early piece of the year, Amazon brands sourcing items from the creation powerhouse foreseen the most huge financial effect being on gracefully. 

With incalculable industrial facilities in influenced regions closing down totally, Amazon organizations were (legitimately) worried that this hit to the flexible chain could mean a low stock and at last selling out of the item. Knowing, obviously, that one of the most noticeably terrible things that you can be on Amazon is ‘sold out’.

Indeed, even with processing plants incompletely operational, with severe confinements on outside contact influencing exchange: little came in, and little came out. 


Furthermore, in light of the fact that Amazon’s A9 calculation loads late movement all the more vigorously, lost deals imply a slipping position – one that could begin a negative force for your well-deserved spot in Amazon’s query items. 

By late February, reports showed that Chinese industrial facilities were gradually returning to business. In any case, as the worldwide circumstance has advanced, so too have the worries of groundbreaking Amazon traders and our own invitations to take action as worldwide residents. 

From a general call to rehearse social separation to class terminations and in some extraordinary cases an all-out ‘lockdown’, we are largely now urged to remain inside to protect the soundness of our networks. 

Meanwhile, Amazon has given a valiant effort to stay aware of the changing condition with the goal that it might keep on serving its clients.

By debilitating entrepreneurial gouging with unforgiving punishments, significantly expanding satisfaction limit, and organizing family unit staples, clinical supplies, and other popular items for FBA.


So what eventually do these progressions mean for the greatest (on the web) store on the planet? 

People quarantined at home are involved in home chores and cooking activities so the demands over the kitchen related stuff are so much increased. According to different kitchen product sellers, we have improved the conversion rate multiple times higher than in normal situations. The economy is collapsing for some while improving for others at the same time.

Perhaps, an expansion sought after. Some are guessing that these progressions could launch eCommerce into the future by empowering constantly in-store-buying hold-outs to traverse to online due to legitimate need. 

All things considered, customers who become acquainted with getting staples online may be probably not going to switch back to in-store purchasing when post-COVID-19 regularity is reestablished. Shopping on the web could turn into the new typical for most customers. 

Research firms likewise report blended outcomes for online deals relying upon the item class. 21% of purchasers stated they will purchase more online than typical, 60% state they will shop a similar online as expected and 18% state they will purchase fewer things on the web.

But then, confronting the truth of an evolving economy, the dangers to Amazon organizations are currently not exactly so obvious. 

While buyers have both the time and the need to shop on the web, the basics to remain inside for a long time to come will normally constrain interest for certain item classifications. 

In addition, as the financial circumstance stays unsure and is probably going to keep on declining (at any rate for the time being) concerns have moved to request. 

Regardless of whether forthcoming clients purchase pretty much by and large rely upon whether the flood in shopping on the web can make up for a far-reaching decline in purchasing power. 

We can’t resist the urge to hypothesize about what the future will bring and how the present conditions will change eCommerce as we probably are aware of it. Furthermore, since we don’t have a gem ball, we are going to the following best thing: information.


Obviously, to state anything with measurable conviction, more information is required 

While it is too soon to make any conclusive inferences now, this early information suggests the chance of an expansion sought after for commercial centers that are presently confronting comparative social separating measures. 

In any case, individuals shopping on the web is just 50% of the image. To improve comprehension of the business circumstance on Amazon and what Vendors and Sellers ought to expect, we need to jump into what individuals are purchasing on the web.


Remarkably, ‘Sports and Outdoors’ developed fundamentally in both German and Italian markets, yet Italy observed a development rate of 674% higher than the German market. 

These clues previously settled patterns are probably going to proceed while the US and Germany presently face expanded home detachment. 

Perceptible shopping patterns in the US, Germany, and Italy so far include: 

  • Food supplies and Home Basics 
  • Endurance Shopping 
  • Terrace Betterment 
  • Diversion and Activities 
  • Indoor Fitness and (Solo) Outdoor Sports 
  • Home Office 
  • Getting the Outside 

Food Supplies and Home Basics:

This can be relatable to the present situations, grocery items and home basics are utilized as replacement shopping and stocking up essentials for daily purpose and necessities. 

Endurance Shopping:

Endurance or survival shopping ultimately includes medical supplies and air purifiers.

Terrace & Backyard Betterment Supplies:

Particularly as springtime excursion plans are dropped, no uncertainty Amazon clients are concocting innovative methods of benefiting as much as possible from their time spent in their own homes. 

Customers are showing a craving to put resources into their home and lawn, by buying things like planting supplies, etc.

Diversion Activities:

Toys, Games, and Video Games are in demand due to the coronavirus homestay situations. +30% in Germany and Italy.

Indoor Fitness and (Solo) Outdoor Sports:

Understanding that social separation doesn’t carefully mean staying inside implies buys for ‘open-air’ sports that should be possible performance or require constrained contact are a mainstream alternative. 

Indoor wellness hardware is obviously likewise mainstream as shoppers are compelled to forego excursions to the rec center.

barely any felt the direness to telecommute before the thirteenth in these business sectors. Obviously, those dates are not yet spoken to in this informational collection (which is following buying patterns until the ninth of March). 

Office Products:

That being stated, it’s plain to see that in Italy, where segregation has constrained the individuals who can bring their work inside the home, equipping the space will be a characteristic spot to contribute. Office products sale increased by +43% in Italy. 

Bringing outside in:

Customers are making buys with the understanding that they are going to invest significantly more energy inside.


End: COVID-19 Economic Predictions 

Apparently the interest for eCommerce amidst the coronavirus pandemic will increase – at any rate for some item regions. What we can’t currently know for certain is the means by which changes to the worldwide economy will factor in. 

What’s more, however, we don’t have the foggiest idea what unequivocally will be done, unmistakably as the biggest online retailer in the western world, Amazon will rush to react to the emergency varying. 

In maybe one of the most exceptional changes to the stage up until this point, Amazon declared on Saturday that it will confine requests of superfluous items to two of the hardest-hit nations in Europe, Italy, and France, with an end goal to stay aware of the interest and conveyance of fundamental merchandise. 

Such changes will, obviously, speak to a transient hit for most merchants and sellers however are probably going to help more noteworthy benefit for wellbeing and financial development in the long haul, ideally promising faster national financial recuperation from the annihilation of COVID-19. 

Finally, for a week after week update summing up all that you have to know for your Amazon business as it identifies with the COVID-19 flare-up.

COVID-19 And Its Impact On Amazon Third-Party Sellers

More than 50% of the Amazon sales are made through third-party sellers and since everybody is confined to their homes with no safe alternative but to shop online, a massive surge of online supply and demand has taken place, leaving amidst its third-party sellers in unmitigated waters and much uncertainty. 

In the wake of reality-altering pandemic known as coronavirus, almost everyone has felt the wrath. From disturbed routine to limitation from the outside world, it hasn’t been easy for the most. More specifically, all those heroes out there doing their best to keep the world running by providing not only everyday essentials but also time occupying deliveries to their panic-ridden consumers whose sole purpose seems to be mass hoarding essentials like toilet paper.

Read More:- Why Inventory Management is Important for Amazon Sellers and How to Improve It

It’s an understatement to say matching the demand with supply has been only one of the many challenges Amazon FBA sellers are facing these days.  


Ban Over Non-Essential Categories

To match a smooth supply to an increased demand for products, Amazon recently restricted its FBA sellers to 6 essential categories: Baby, Health & Household, Beauty & Personal Care (including personal care appliances), Grocery, Industrial & Scientific, and Pet Supplies.

This ban was announced to be lifted by the 5th of April but it seems Amazon is still navigating on that front and there has been no relief to the sellers whose non-essential shipments are no longer being accepted by Amazon. This inbound freeze has affected about 53% FBA sellers.   

Read More:- Amazon PPC Product Targeting Strategy for Amazon Sellers in 2022

The vendors whose sole bridge to the customers is Amazon are now looking at alternatives such as FBM.

Disruption In Supply Chain

The domino effect took place long before the USA came into contact with the deadly virus. Sources report that sellers felt a serious decline in sales due to supply disruption in China, where Chinese suppliers and factories were facing serious ramifications from the COVID-19 outbreak. Unable to produce and import goods globally, the ripples could be felt around the world.

Major Delay In Shipment

Amazon is famous for its fast delivery services. With Amazon Fresh, you could get same-day deliveries on groceries and produce. The Prime users could enjoy free deliveries within two days, and the Amazon Dash could take care of necessary household items just before depletion. 

Due to the effects of CoronaVirus, Amazon’s promises have taken a great toll. Even with a temporary hold on the selling of non-essential goods, Amazon may be meeting ends but it is not as smooth as it used to. Even the regular 5-8 day delivery has taken an unsavory stretch to as long as a month! 

In a frenzy of buying, with limited workers, and health & safety measures it is proving challenging for Amazon to deliver on its previous standards. As a result of late shipments, many customers are canceling their orders after finding out their orders will take too long to arrive.

Read More:- 10 Reasons Why Your Amazon Seller Account is Suspended!

Decline In Consumer Spendings

We found out through a survey that around 80 million jobs may be lost due to the spread of COVID-19. These are mainly jobs relating to luxury services, tourism, and travel. 

The people are currently concerned with self-preservation more than anything else. The buying focus has been limited to survival at home and making life efficient within the comfort of their walls. 

Since people are spending less on items outside the essential categories, more is spent over goods like health, food, child and pet care. 

Read More:- Amazon Vendor Central Vs Seller Central

Sellers dealing with non-essential items are either facing this difficulty despite turning to other methods than FBA.

Moreover, due to delay in Prime Day (usually held around mid-July, now postponed till August) will likely also bring a major setback to sellers as mass materialism allows them to single-handedly generate a huge spike in revenue.  

How Amazon Sellers Should Combat These Difficulties?

These may be trying times and to make sure Amazon Sellers survive through this epidemic, here are a few suggestions sellers can apply to see their business through. 

Give FBM a try – With inbound shipment freeze, many sellers are already considering Fulfillment By Merchant. Since Amazon is unable to fulfill, you don’t have to sit around feeling trapped and helpless. Try fulfilling your products by yourself, if you have a storage area. A plus advantage of switching to FBM would be the buy box. Currently, Amazon has been favoring the FBM sellers who are able to meet ends better than FBA sellers for the placement in the buybox. 

Halt advertising or spend less on it  –  With the economy being at stake, many businesses are making a practice of cutting down on costs and saving up for harsher times. Since we do not know how long this spell may go on, it is a wise choice to temporarily cut down on extra costs such as advertising. Amazon itself is urging sellers to do the same. 

Change your strategies – With Chinese suppliers out of the question, you can look for other sources such as local businesses. Many sellers are showing support to their communities by sourcing from them in order to avoid further delays in shipment and communication issues. Meanwhile, the customers will likely be more pleased as well with less damage to the ecosystem. Besides that, where applicable, you can also go for homemade production of goods, or 3D print your own items! Other sellers are reaching out to suppliers outside china and the US such as  Vietnam, Mexico, Taiwan, and more. 

Read More:- 10 Mistakes To Avoid with Amazon Sponsored Products Ads

Update your inventory to hot selling products – Right now, as we have observed, there are certain categories that are hot to sell and consume alike. Products such as DIY projects, self-grooming & care kits, fitness, home office supplies, medical supplies, and pet care products are very in. Selling products such as these may prove quite beneficial to the sellers. 

Most importantly, stay informed – Staying on top of current news and updates is the way to make sure you don’t miss out on important trends and updates regarding amazon.

Amazon PPC : All You Need To Know About Amazon PPC Campaigns

You’ve either just launched a brand new product without a proper clue or have found yourself short on Amazon PPC expertise, in both cases, I hope to be of help and download you on all information you need to know about Amazon PPC Campaigns and maintaining them.

Let’s face it. It is a cutthroat competition, where you have to fight tooth to nail in order to get a better spot on page one of Amazon because no really goes beyond page one to buy what they come looking for. Approximately 80% of the consumers buy from page one and even from this selected group, 70% of the buyers don’t look past the highest organic rankings. There’s no doubt you need a successful management strategy if you want your product to rank among the winners. Otherwise, what’s the point?

Amazon PPC campaign runs parallel, in terms of achieving the end result that is: More sales, to other marketing strategies such as ManyChat, ERP (Early Reviewer Program), Deals and Coupons on Social Media Marketing or product website.

This guideline will cover learning opportunities for every level of Amazon seller, from basic to intermediate to an expert level about Amazon PPC.

But first, let’s have a look at what this post will cover.



Let us get acquainted with the basics for understanding a PPC Campaign.

What is Amazon PPC?

Amazon PPC is an attention-grabbing and a very powerful marketing platform sponsored by Amazon’s website itself. It allows professional sellers to run advertising campaigns by indexing keywords to the product for increased visibility in search results or competitor’s listing, and if you do everything correctly, higher organic rankings.

In key terms, Amazon PPC is an advertising service that can be used to run product ads so you can gain visibility on Amazon’s page one search results using certain keywords. Pay-Per-Click, as its name suggests, charges the seller every time a consumer clicks on the advertisement displayed.

When you receive orders from those keywords through PPC, Amazon indexes those keywords to your product. Hence, PPC allows you to organically rank keywords of your own choice. The goal of Amazon PPC is to boost sales and eventually attain a higher organic ranking once you’ve gained enough exposure and sales.

On a side note, PPC can be best utilized when your listing already has a few numbers of reviews.

What is Amazon PPC

How Does Amazon PPC Work?

The concept behind Amazon PPC Ads isn’t as complicated it sounds. Here is a quick review of what shows up on Amazon when millions of buyers hit enter with various searches each month. Buyers type either small search terms or most frequently a string of words entered to get specific results.

The longer string of keywords is called long-tail-keywords, otherwise just keywords.  Once they hit enter Amazon’s algorithm stirs into motion and it retrieves a list of search results that have a match to the search term as specific as it can.

The products that you will see in the results will either have two sources or let’s say reasons to be there. One is Organic and the other is paid. Amazon PPC, as I have discussed above, deals with paid sponsored products. Both types of these results have a place on the top. However, paid results may appear more than in one place.

They can not only be above organic results but also between and on either side. They can also have a place below on an organic product’s selling page. Sponsored ads, their type, and their positioning will be discussed in a while. For now, I’ll stick to the mechanisms.

Amazon PPC functions on the basis of an enhanced auction-based approach. Vendors and sellers are required to bid on keywords that the buyers will likely use to search for products. Day to day budget is set for each keyword. The keyword selection method entirely depends on you.

Either let Amazon fetch relevant keywords according to your listing or manually enter them. Your ads’ display chances go higher as you bid higher. As it works in any auction. The less you bid on keywords, the lesser chances of your ad being displayed. You always have the option of managing bids on keywords in between your campaign according to the profit you reap from them.  Once your ads are displayed, every time a customer clicks, you pay for it.

Places Where You Can Target Your Brand PPC Ad

You have seen those ads on Amazon featuring an array of products and brands. They appear in different places and styles as I mentioned above. Amazon allows three ways you can target your advertisement. Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brand, and Display Ads. Each ad style has its own positioning, costs, and varying conversion rate and CTR.

Before choosing which type you should go for keeping in mind what kind of product you have, your intended audiences and your objectives are very important. All three ad types have a purpose to fulfill. Sponsored Ads are best for targeting shoppers with purchase intent, Brand Sponsored ads are good for promoting brand image, and product sponsored ads serves both purposes.

Sponsored Products Ads – Sponsored product ads are very effective when it comes to increasing CTR and conversion rates because they camouflage themselves among the organic results, like right on page one and on the top and between, where 45% of the buyers buy from. If you don’t read the sponsor label carefully enough, you can easily mistake it with an organic result. They can also appear below organic results, on sides, and on a product detail page as well.

Integrating themselves in such a manner that it becomes almost impossible to miss them. It is important you perform deep research on keywords so you can imitate the organic results flawlessly. Once you allocate bids on carefully selected keywords it is up to amazon now to display your ad and make sure it reaches the right audience. Sponsored product ads are not only effective but comparatively cheaper x3 than Google AdWords.

Product Display Ads – When you visit a product page, you may notice ads in a similar product section. For the customers, it provides a choice to consider, for a seller it provides greater insight into customer behavior and needs. Product display ads contain a similar product to the one that is occupying the page organically and is paired to its ASIN. It serves the purpose of targeting a specific audience, categories, audience interests, and relatable listings.

Sponsored Brand Ads – Sponsored Brand Ads appear on top of the search results with brand logos and customized messages that serve the purpose of promoting brand image or awareness. They are on the very top so it makes it near impossible to miss the ad. Brand ad visibility is limited to particular product categories but it does offer the widest range of customization a seller could use.

You have the option to display your banner in the way that is most favorable to you. Pick out your own images or text to display. Banner ads allow you to display your products collectively so the customer gets a bigger impression and more choices from your brand.

Amazon PPC AdHere are some important PPC terms you should familiarize yourself with.

Impressions – An impression is when a PPC ad is viewed by the consumer.
Clicks – When a customer clicks your ad, its called a click.
CTR (Click-Through-Rate) – The ratio of how many times visitors click on your product advertisement when it’s displayed.  CTR is calculated through a division of clicks by impressions.
CPC (Cost-Per-Click) – The average amount paid for each click on an ad is called CPC.
ACOS (Advertising-Cost-Of-Sale) – ACOS is used to measure the performance of a PPC Campaign. Calculated by an advertisement’s cost that is spent divided by the sales achieved.

Prerequisites Of Running The Best PPC

Running a successful PPC campaign is not about how much money you can throw on Amazon sponsored ads and just hope for the best. It requires serious effort, proper attention, and of course certain prerequisites without which you don’t stand a chance.

There are simply two conditions you must meet before you rely on PPC to rocket your sales.

Attractive Listing

It won’t matter a dime if you spend hundreds on the promotion of your product but fail to make a quality listing. One disappointing look at a sad state of a picture, overly complicated title or poor content can discourage your potential buyer to slip back into the cracks. If you are spending money to promote something, it is obvious that it needs to be worthy, else why would the visitor turn into a customer? A strong impression needs to be made so your campaign can actually turn clicks into sales.

High Demanding And Relevant Keywords

You need keywords that would drive most traffic and sales to your listing. If you are using keywords that have fallen behind or have no relevance to your product, your listing will not appear or be visible to consumers when they search for that same product, hence rendering your PPC campaign useless.

Best Amazon PPC

How To Find The Right Keywords For My PPC Campaign?

Modern problems require modern solutions. Keyword research is a crucial step in building a strong and effective listing. This is why I will recommend that you should take assistance from some of the up-to-date, fast, and reliable keyword tools.

Keyword tools not only list down but offer various mechanisms by which you can sort out the keyword lists of your own choice. You may extract competitor keywords or keywords of your own and then proceed to filter out keywords that have high search volumes, top organic rankings, or most sales. In other words, you have to make three keyword lists that will sort the category of Keywords that are Highly Relevant, Medium Relevant and Low Relevant for your PPC Campaign.

If you wish to read more on keyword research, check out our blog on Tips for Amazon Keyword Research.

Difference Between Automatic And Manual Targeting

When you start an ad campaign, amazon charges you with the decision to either pick automatic targetting or manual targeting of keywords. If you opt for automatic targeting, Amazon will target ads to all relevant customer searches using your product’s information including its category, related products, and keywords that you have used in your listing.

On the other hand, if you go with manual targeting, you can manually select all the keywords you would like to bid on, choosing different match types for keywords. You control everything now, but it requires constant monitoring. Some keywords will go on to have low relevancy and if they are not driving traffic to your sale, you can lower your bid on it to effectively manage your campaign.

Understanding Types Of Keywords

Broad Match Keyword

Broad match scoops up everything there is related to your indexed keywords which means that your ad will show up when Amazon shopper types in anything related to your keywords. Let’s suppose you are selling coffee mugs. If you include the keyword “coffee mug” in your ad campaign, then your ad may come up if the customer types in “mug coffee,” “diner mug,” “coffee cup,” or even a synonym like “hot liquid cup,” or a misspelling like, “coffee mug.” Resulting in a broad result.

Phrase Match Keywords

Phrase Match is concerned with long-tail keywords. A longtail keyword is a keyword that is three words or longer, or at least very specific. Whenever a customer uses a highly specific search phrase, they usually already know exactly what they want to buy and therefore long-tail keywords tend to have a higher conversion rate (they result in more purchases) even though their monthly search volume is less (they are searched fewer times in a month).

Phrase match will strip out linking words but keeps the sequence of your keyword. For example, if your keyword phrase is “green coffee mugs for women,” then a customer can search “green coffee mugs women” and your listing will show up on the search results page. This is because “for” is a linking word, and phrase matches ignore those words. However, if the customer searched “coffee mugs green for women” then your listing will not show up on the results page because the sequence of your keyword was changed.

Prepositions, articles, and conjunctions like and, a, of the, in, out, for, and on would be considered linking words.

Exact Match Keywords

Exact match keywords are exactly as the name suggests: the customer’s search term must match your keyword exactly in order for your ad to populate on the search results page. For example, if your keyword is “green coffee mugs with a cartoon,” and your customer types in “green coffee mugs cartoon,” then your ad will not show up.

Be very careful when using an exact match, because one little misspell or a keyword not thoroughly planned well could result in no one typing in your exact keywords phrase and your ad will accomplish nothing.

For the same reason, when dropping in negative keywords that you do not want pulling up your ad, make sure you use an exact match, otherwise, you could be ruling out similar keywords that you want to trigger your ad.

Practical Work

How To Set Up A New PPC Campaign

1. Create a Portfolio.

Amazon PPC Campaign

2. Create a campaign.

Create Amazon PPC Campaign


3. Select the campaign type.


Amazon PPC Campaign type


4. Fill out campaign details and select manual targetting if you wish to take control of keywords.


Amazon PPC Campaign details5. Select your preference of bidding strategy, we will go with the dynamic strategy.

Amazon PPC Campaign strategy 6.


Create an ad group.


PPC Campaign group


7. Select keyword targetting as your strategy.


PPC Campaign targeting


8. Enter the bid and list down all the keywords.


PPC Campaign keywords


9. Enter negative keywords, if any, and launch campaigns.


Amazon PPC negative

How To Create A PPC Report

  1. Sellar Central> Reports > Advertising  Reports.

Amazon PPC report


2. Create Report.


Amazon PPC report


3. Select Configuration.


Amazon PPC configuration


4. Enter Report name and Delivery Timings.


Amazon PPC reporting


5. Run Report.


Amazon PPC run report


6. Download Report.


Amazon PPC download report

Why Should You Go For Amazon PPC?

There are multiple ways to achieve sales, PPC still stands to be one of the best and most effective methods. Here are a few reasons why.

There are many companies that claim to extract the Amazon data using the high to low search volume feature, etc. but in reality, PPC is the only platform through which you can get the most accurate data. PPC stands on Amazon’s very own ground, so there is no doubt that any data you use from PPC in favor of your advertising campaign, will provide the most reliable and trustworthy results.

PPC allows you to target a highly specific audience which means more control to you over who gets to see your message. Targeting the exact demographics like age, location, etc. It centers a strategic play based on what your audience wants to see.

PPC delivers faster results because amazon sponsored ads are right on the Amazon website. Buyers come straight to Amazon when they need to purchase something, having ads next to the purchasing platform makes sales rate naturally higher. Not only does it drives the sales but it also helps with branding and visibility.


If you are already familiar with the Amazon PPC basics, let us move on to other pressing matters. Even when you have sufficient information, sometimes you encounter certain mind-boggling situations which can cause a hindrance in running a successful amazon business.

Below I’ll explore all situations which may be the reasons you might be experiencing difficulty with Amazon PPC.

What To Do When:

1. When You Have Impressions But No Clicks

Amazon PPC click vs impression

If your PPC campaigns are making customer impressions but you are still not getting any clicks you must be wondering what is it that you are doing wrong. There are a couple of reasons why this mishap may be occurring. Any of the reasons or together they could be preventing clicks.

Let’s begin with a keyword bidding that’s too low. Say, Amazon recommends a keyword’s bid $2 but you go cheap and bid 0.55 cents. This will likely result in the listing to appear on the back pages, where even if someone gets an impression, they won’t click it because they want the best of the best, that is page one products.

Next up, you have to take the relevancy of the products into consideration. If you have indexed keywords with low relevancy it is pretty simple that people will have lower chances of making a search by that keyword. For example, your product ‘green coffee mugs’ is indexed with a low relevant keyword such as ‘cups’. Now first-page search results may not necessarily list all cups/mugs in green color as your keyword says.

To determine keyword relevancy here’s a quick guide.

It could also be that your listing is present in an irrelevant category or perhaps an incorrect subcategory. For example, you have listed your product ‘Green Coffee Mugs’ in the category of Kindle store or Electronics, where this product has absolutely no business being. A customer is not going to search or find this product in the relevant areas. Similarly, even with the right category ‘Home and Kitchen’, you can mistakenly end up with a wrong subcategory such as ‘bedding’ instead of ‘kitchen and dining’.

Sometimes sellers make an error with keyword usage in the title of their listing. The Exact and Phrase Match Keywords in your campaign may not be written in the exact order as in the title of your listing. To review the issue with an example, your product says ‘Green Coffee Mugs’ in the title but your exact keyword indexed is ‘Coffee Mugs’ or your phrase match keyword says ‘ Green New Coffee Mugs’.

Having low search volume keywords in your listing could be another reason why your listing is getting imp[ressons but still no clicks. The fewer people are searching using your keyword, the fewer chances of impressions and even less of getting clicks because once again your product might have been pushed back from page 1 where most of the sales occur.

You have to be vigilant of every little detail you enter about your product. It could change the entire game.

2. When You Have Clicks But No Sales

This might seem more puzzling than it actually is. When you are apparently doing everything right and even receiving clicks but still are not getting any sales, it could mean one of two things. Either your listing isn’t good enough or it is not differentiated enough.

Potential buyers may click on your listing but they could be immediately discouraged because your listing wasn’t attractive enough. Make sure to create a listing that has not only sufficient information but also a certain appeal to buyers’ lifestyles. Give shoppers a reason to buy your product over the competitors.

Include quality content, attractive images, and solid selling points. You have to make them stick long enough to agree with your offers, so they may actually buy instead of discarding it.

Sometimes, even when you have an attractive listing you don’t get sales because your product is drowning among the masses. It needs to stand out, in simple terms. Little things such as the main image could change the outcome of the sales. A listing that exclusively offers something others don’t will surely stand out and drive more sales.

3. When Your ACOS Is Too High


Your advertising cost of sale ideally should be less than your profit margin. If your ACOS is coming up to 10-20% it’s a good spend. Otherwise, it proves a more damaging result than your amount to actual sales. In the case, you are struggling with a high ACOS, here might be a few reasons to ponder through.

Your ACOS status depends on the stage you are in when launching a product. If you have just launched your product, say within 10-30 days, the ACoS should not be your concern right now. It’s too early to be worrying about ACOS being high because that’s just how it goes in the early stages. Once you’ve crossed that duration, its time to closely monitor it.

A sensible strategy is to lower your bids on low to medium relevant keywords as they may be costing you a lot of money for a very low return. If a keyword isn’t driving sales as much it should be, there is no point in pouring excessive money after it. Go for the suggested bid or lower it yourself as you might see fit.

Make sure that you have selected the correct match type for your keywords. Irrelevant selection of keyword match type can result in high ACOS because your product is being advertised in the wrong or irrelevant areas where no one is supposed to be looking or buying your product. It is kind of a waste that may slip by unnoticed. Keeping a close eye on where and how your money is spent is a start to managing effective ACOS.

CTR Scale (Click-Through-Rate)

A 0.7-1% CTR is minimum
1-2% CTR is good
2-5% CTR is excellent
5%+ CTR is exceptional.

This is a general guideline and may change with the category you are selling in.

When Can You Stop Pushing PPC And Start Relying On Organic Sales?

Shutting off a PPC Campaign is not recommended even when you have achieved high organic rankings, but rather it is suggested that we simply lower the bids. Being in the top 10 search results is a good indication that your product is doing well and you can start lowering your PPC expenses. But being in the list of top 5 is the ideal state. Again, this depends on the market for your product category.

Although you are now on the first half of page one results, PPC is still favorable to you in terms of keeping you updated about newer and highly relevant keywords that buyers are using to make purchases. Keeping a PPC campaign running, is always a good idea because it grants you not only top but double visibility on page one. The more exposure of your product on the Amazon website, the better.


Latest PPC Strategies – 3 Types Of Bidding

Dynamic bids ( Down Only)

The strategy is to opt for a setting in your PPC campaign where you only go down on the bids. Lowering your bids in real-time when your PPC ad may have fewer chances of converting sales. Once you have selected this option, there is no raising it back up again, it only goes down.

Dynamic Bids (Up and Down)

This strategy is concerned with a dynamic setting. Either you raise your bids (by a maximum of 100%) in real-time when your keyword may be likely to convert to a sale or lower your bids when your keyword is less likely to convert sales. It depends on the situation of your campaign, which strategy you should go for.

Fixed Bids

As the name suggests, your exact bids and any manual adjustments you set remains throughout the campaign, and it will not readjust your bids based on the likelihood of a sale, as it would in the above-mentioned strategies.


Time does not stand still for anyone and neither does the online market. As we enter into the new chapter of 2020, many of us are wondering ‘what’s new in Amazon?’

Now, information technology may be the obvious resource to contact, but to be honest, the sheer volume of blogs, podcasts, forums available online can quickly become very overwhelming to sort through and to keep up with. Not to forget, in order to survive in this constantly metastasizing and the ever-evolving industry, you have to stay in knee-deep knowledge about amazon or else you’ll be left behind.

This is why Kamaljit Singh, founder of AMZ One Step has taken an initiative that is more understanding and welcoming to all that are concerned with Amazon FBA. Kamaljit has previously hosted 30+ successful Amazon meet-ups. AMZ Meet-Up is a subsidiary of AMZ One Step which hosts conferences for the benefit of Amazon Sellers.

Whether you are an existing fluent seller or just a beginner looking to kick start your business, Edmonton Amazon Seller’s Conference is the right place to start looking for answers.  

What is Edmonton Amazon Seller’s Conference?

This Amazon Seller’s meet-up in Edmonton aims to bring together some of the finest amazon influencers, top amazon sellers, successful entrepreneurs, and amazon expert speakers, for the purpose of creating an excellent opportunity to meet, catch up and learn from the best.   

Attending Edmonton Amazon Seller’s Conference will not only help you recap and update the information you might have missed, but it will also download you in on the latest technologies, amazon seller tools, effective marketing strategies and all the tips you might need to expand and increase the profitability of your business. 

The Edmonton Amazon meet-up is a great platform for Amazon sellers to expand their network and discuss like-minded issues, share tips and tactics, help each other grow and form a community.

What Does Edmonton Amazon Seller’s Conference Entail?

It includes one on one coaching sessions with the experts, Networking opportunities, Masterclasses from the top-level sellers, opportunities to learn new skills, Q&A with panelists, and a Zoom group call after the event for learning more about Amazon.

All you can avail for free in a whole day’s worth of activities carefully planned to unite sellers and grow together as Amazon FBA Sellers. 

The Top Experts You Will Get A Chance To Meet With:

  • Saddam Hassan, Co-Founder of AMZ One Step.
  • Quin Amorim, Fail Fast Podcast.
  • Ken Kuebler, Canada Prep & Ship.
  • Curtis Keeping, NewTrust Corp.
  • Jonathan Proulx, NewTrust Corp.
  • Ishan Sonu, Amazon Expert

Join the experts for a session on: 

Sat, February 8, 2020

1:00 PM – 6:00 PM MST


Best Western Plus South Edmonton Inn & Suites

1204 101 Street Southwest

Edmonton, AB T6X 0P1



Identifying & Competing in a Saturated Niche

We always emphasize on the importance of the product hunting stage. We have talked about them in detail as well in 12 Tips for Product Hunting in 2019. High Demand with Low Competition, isn’t this what every Amazon seller is looking for? Experienced sellers know that if decisions are not taken on time then this equation can easily convert into High Demand with High Competition in no time, a situation which no one wanted to be in the first place while finalizing the product. Prior homework can save you from getting stuck with a product so here are some indicators that will come in handy in the product hunting stage.

Cost of Keywords. This is a major indicator to check high competition in a niche. You will have to dig into PPC campaigns and check the cost of each keyword. Anything above $2/keyword should send a chill down your spine as you should expect high competition which will be a budget buster while setting up your PPC campaign that is if you are thinking of venturing into the niche.

You can either use a sophisticated keyword tool that has an option of showing bids per keyword or create a ghost listing, listing created for testing purposes only. We recommend you to use a tool like Jungle Scout’s Keyword Scout which shows the exact bidding overbroad and specific keywords.

New Entrants. You can check the number of new sellers entering into the niche by using ‘Keepa’. Consider a listing as new if it’s there for 5 to 6 months. Lots of young listings are tidings of a price war ahead that you don’t want to get into. Before finalizing your product we recommend you pull out all listings and check the number of days Keepa shows against each to get a sense of the product category dynamics. Yes, this will require some leg work but consider this mandatory as it will eventually pay off. It’s still better to spend time here than in disposing of off inventory later when you hit the wall, your call.

Historical Price Trends. You can dig this data using Keepa again and you can clearly see the price set over a period by the merchant for individual listings. If the majority of sellers are lowering their prices with time then this is a strong indication that no one can sustain a high price point and that the niche is in the price war. This is worrisome especially if the same trend applies to mature listings that have been there for some time and are now forced to lower their prices due to high competition.

To avoid or to compete, that’s the question.

Competing in a Saturated Niche

The first step was to avoid the saturated niche but if you’ve decided to dive into the shark tank then let’s prepare and equip you for the challenge with direct guidelines. Get ready to think out of the box, this will require hard work and a big heart as you are about to pick up fights with monstrous sellers.

Saturated Niche. A situation when customers have tons of product options and sellers are found in abundance. Expect brands to give you some company along. You will have to figure out a way or combination with a hit and trial method to know what works specifically for you.

Product Differentiation/Customize. Unique features will make your product stand out prominently. Go through customer reviews for competitor’s products, see what has been bothering them and solve the issues. Negative reviews are usually more in detail than the positive ones, so you will have plenty of information scattered which you can compile and analyze. Moreover, if you are aware that some new variant has arrived in the market and that no seller is offering the product on Amazon, you might want to take a chance. The best way to try and get candid feedback is to share the sample of the product within your family or close friends and ask for candid feedback. You can later tell them the purpose of it to bring them on the same page. Please note the feedback and this will be extremely helpful before the product hits the market.

Bundling. Research which items people buy when they buy the product you are about to sell. This can be extremely powerful if you couple your product rightly with the most appropriate and relevant product(s). You can see these products on Amazon when you scroll down the product page in ‘people also viewed’ section. Add-ons attract sellers like anything and people will be quick to click to have a look. You might want to work on the packaging side to accommodate and work with your supplier on this.

Observation. Wander through similar competitive product categories where the situation is similar to yours. Be a fly on the wall and enjoy the price wars. Check characteristics of dominating sellers and how underdogs are handling them. Things will get clearer and you will quickly learn the art of fighting. You will want Keepa to be on your side for this along with Jungle Scout to get a holistic picture. We cannot emphasize more on this point as majority of sellers ignore this and rush towards procuring the products.

Pricing Strategy. Prepare mentally to price rightly with tight profit margins initially with gradual price increase gauging customer reactions on the way. You have to be extremely cautious here as your product will have fewer reviews compared with the customers and will have no social proof for customers to buy at a comparatively higher price. You can conquer this stage by experimentation and spending time on the product on a regular/daily basis.

Superior Customer Services. Amazon always places its customers first so you have to follow their lead. Respond to customer queries promptly and settle issues amicably always leaving them happy, whatever it takes. You have to maintain your account health at all times for favorable treatment from Amazon. Focus on customer care in order to get repeat orders/repeat customers. If you genuinely care for your customers and talk to them even after they have placed an order, customer loyalty will skyrocket for sure.

Generous Giveaways. This is when you inorganically or artificially increase your unit sales for Amazon’s algorithm to pick up the products’ selling trend which will bring you eventually on the first page. You need to enter with a generous mindset for at least 2 weeks. Monitor sales of your first page competitors for this either using some tool or using the well-known 999 methods. As per recent events, we do not recommend to use launch pads as Amazon is cracking down on people using them.

Optimized Product Listing. Product title, images, features, and description should be flawless with all the right keywords. Populate the most accurate keywords using an authentic keyword research tool like AMZ WordSpy and use them intelligently. Your product will find its way upwards once your listing is fully optimized from the sea of products and the conversions will increase drastically in no time.

Aggressive PPC Campaigns. Be prepared to spend loads on placing PPC bids for most sought out keywords. As discussed above $2 above for each keyword is an indication of an aggressive competition ahead. You need to be wary and prepared with deep pockets as this is financially exhausting for people usually. You will have to experiment here as well as changing your keywords and the bidding price more often or so to see what works for you the best.

Develop Alternate Channels. Place your product on other marketplaces like eBay to reach out to more online buyers and make sales through Amazon. This increases the surface area to interact and attract customers from similar platforms. You can reach out to established sellers of each platform and share your product details for them to pitch on the specific platform.

Drive External Traffic. Amazon loves external traffic and there is a drastic improvement in your ranking when external audience visits your product page. Work on the website, facebook page, blog, Instagram and youtube influencers to drag relevant audience to your product page.

Advanced Analytic Tools. You have to spend time and money in learning and utilizing updated authentic tools to have in-depth market insights. Marketing intelligence tools act as your eyes and ears and will be crucial in determining seller fate in a competitive environment you are about to enter.

10 Deadly Product Launch Mistake

hen you’re getting ready to launch into space, you’re sitting on a big explosion waiting to happen.” – Sally Ride, an American engineer, physicist, and astronaut.

So you’ve decided to sell on Amazon. You’ve taken the time to source a potentially great product set up a listing and pressed the button to go live.

It’s time to sit back and watch the money roll in. And then….<sound of chirping crickets>….nothing. The big explosion of profits you were expecting has instead become a “crash and burn” of your time, investment and effort.

Why? Because although you technically launched a product, you didn’t correctly do an Amazon product launch.
Or maybe you did attempt it the proper way, but you made some typical mistakes from a first-time seller.
Whatever you do, don’t panic!

Doing a product launch is one of the biggest keys to success when selling on Amazon. It’s all about putting your product in a position to succeed in front of the shoppers who want to buy it the most.
Position yourself to get lucky, right?

We’re going to simply break down what an Amazon product launch is, why you need to do it, and the 10 most common Amazon product launch mistakes you are making – and how you can fix them to ride the rocket of Amazon seller success.

 1. The Coupons are Not Active When Tested.

After submitting a launch, it will show as pending approval from our team. Around 3:00 pm EST in the afternoon, before the launch goes live, our team will test one coupon. If the coupon is activated and set up correctly, we will approve the launch. If there is an issue with the launch, we will deny it and send you a message with the reason as to why. When a promotion is created in Seller Central, Amazon requires a 4-hour window before activation. We strongly suggest inputting the launch after this 4 hour time frame so that there is no chance your coupons are inactive by the time we check them. Even if we check your coupons just one hour before they go live, we will have to deny the whole launch. To avoid coupon issues, we only approve launches with live coupons, so be sure that your coupons are live by the time you’ve submitted the launch for approval!

2. Wrong Launch Duration

They say time flows like a river, but if your launch is too short, it’s going to be more like a puddle. The sweet spot is 8 days. This allows you to build up your ranking, sales history, and reviews in a comfortable manner. If your launch is too short (1-4 days), it’s likely you won’t be able to make your mark and increase your ranking enough for the launch to have been worth it. With a longer period of time (10-12 days), you run the risk of hurting profitability by giving too much inventory away on the cheap

3. Using an Incorrect URL

When you redirect people to purchase your product, simply sending them to your product listing will not help your product rank for your desired keywords. You may get the sale, but not the higher page ranking (which is the whole point of a product launch).

 4. Misunderstanding How Amazon Works

Don’t treat Amazon like eBay or Google. Amazon operates on a fundamentally different structure than either of those shopping sites. Be sure your store is capable of handling selling on Amazon, and that your strategy is aligned with Amazon policies- so you get the highest ROI on the Amazon Marketplace. It’s also very important to calculate your Amazon spends, and forecast profit margins before you go full throttle on Amazon.
For more information on the Amazon seller account, and Amazon seller FAQs, visit Amazon’s Seller Account help page.

5. Using Non-Amazon Sanctioned Categories

Amazon stresses that product categories match Amazon’s ( browse tree. Review Amazon’s inventory file template for correct product information formatting, including product title information. (Templates vary based on seller inventory)

6. Poor Cost Calculation

The cost calculation is, of course, part of the preparation process. It is of such high importance that it is listed here individually. A detailed cost calculation already starts with the order quantity of the product. For most suppliers, the purchase price depends on the quantity ordered, thus precise considerations are important here. Is it better to order more and thus lower the unit costs or opt for the “safer” choice? It depends on what the preliminary analysis of the product has revealed. Is the demand high? Is it possible that the product sells rapidly? If you cannot answer these questions for sure, a smaller order is recommended.Next, you should create a cost plan. Relevant key points are:

  • Purchasing Price
  • Freight Charges
  • Customs Duties
  • FBA Fees

In order to avoid calculating these costs manually, FBA calculators are helpful. Amazon has its own FBA calculator, but it is not very extensive and does not include customs duties among other things.
With the cost statement, You can now calculate how the product price must be set in order to achieve the desired margin. Of course, later price adjustments are still possible if you start with a cheaper launch price.

7. Poor Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis provides information about the current market situation of the product. Sales and turnovers show which stock level you should begin with. An analysis of the competing listings provides information about the level of optimization and helps you with keyword research. Additionally, it makes sense to take a look at the reviews of the competing products: What kind of defects/ problems have the customers encountered with the product? Try to eliminate these defects from your product in advance to place yourself ahead of the competition.

8. Insufficient Product Test Before Launch

Before the official product launch, the product (sample) should be put to the acid test. Is the quality satisfactory? Does the packaging contain all important markings, warnings, and seals? Is the use/handling as expected? What else needs to be adjusted or changed? Ideally, you should not answer these questions yourself, but instead, ask people from your future target group. The resulting information is usually more meaningful and helpful. On the ShopDoc Deals platform, sellers have the opportunity to give prelaunch products or samples to qualified product testers to receive advice and suggestions for improvement in return. Quite often gaps in the package insert or quality defects are discovered.

9. Including Information, In your Product Titles, Amazon doesn’t allow

Amazon titles should follow Amazon’s policies to the T. Product tiles should be 100 characters (max), start with the product if possible, and include numerals.
Sidestep frequent product title formatting errors such as the ones below:

Using HTML code
Featuring ALL CAPS
Including Symbols (& ! * $)

10. Too Little or No Advertising Budget

A lot of sellers shy away from investing money into advertising. Instead, they hope that the product will sell well even without marketing. The reality often looks different: strong competition does not allow a new product to reach the top. The solution: Ads. Invest a sufficient amount into advertising at first until you reach a secured position. For this, you have a wide range of advertising options available. The internal Amazon PPC campaigns, external traffic through Facebook advertising or Google Adwords.