Amazon Vendor Central vs Amazon Seller Central : Which is Right for You?

What’s the difference between Amazon Seller Central and Amazon Vendor Central? You often hear Amazon merchants talking about both, but despite how their names sound, they are not the same. Amazon Seller Central and Amazon Vendor Central are two very different methods for selling online and cater to different types of retailers.

Below, we explain the Amazon Vendor Central vs Amazon Seller Central feud. We’ll discuss the differences between them and, more to the point, which one is better for you and your selling style. 

Read More:- Amazon Vendor Central Vs Seller Central

What is Amazon Seller Central? 

Essentially, Amazon Seller Central is an online hub for anyone who sells products directly on Amazon. It acts as a CMS for managing all your Amazon business: product pages, orders, shipment statuses, sales statistics, inventory, advertising, business reports, reviews, and much more. It’s basically your behind-the-scenes headquarters for selling on Amazon. 

You can access Amazon Seller Central as soon as you sign up as a merchant for both Individual and Professional selling plans. There’s also an Amazon Seller Central app available for managing your sales from your phone on the go—useful for time-sensitive tasks like responding to customer inquiries. 

Amazon Seller Central also has its own forum, where sellers can chat with each other online, sharing advice, asking questions, or simply commiserating. This is a valuable resource for any seller, as the community is a valuable knowledge base for new sales strategies and troubleshooting technical issues. 

Read More:- Amazon Dropshipping: Product Research

What is Amazon Vendor Central? 

Amazon Vendor Central is actually very different from Amazon Seller Central. While Amazon Seller Central is for everyone who sells on Amazon directly, Amazon Vendor Central is for people who sell on Amazon indirectly, like suppliers and manufacturers. 

This is the hub for “first-party sellers,” who don’t sell anything on Amazon themselves but rather sell products to Amazon, and Amazon in turn, sells those products under their own brand. You can recognize these sellers by the on-site label “ships from and sell by” 

Amazon Seller Central may be open to anyone who enlists as an Amazon merchant, but Amazon Vendor Central is invite-only. Unfortunately, the only way to get an invite is to prove the merit of your products; Amazon typically contacts successful Amazon sellers or off-site eCommerce retailers and sometimes exhibitors at trade shows. 

Amazon Vendor Central vs Amazon Seller Central

The Amazon Vendor Central vs. Amazon Seller Central debate boils down to a couple of factors:

  • Are you successful enough to get an invite to Amazon Vendor Central?
  • How much do you want to be involved in the sales process? 

Often the determining factor for merchants when deciding which method to use is the fact that Amazon Vendor Central is invitation-only. New and unestablished merchants are stuck with Amazon Seller Central by default because they haven’t been invited to join Amazon Vendor Central. 

If you have been invited to join Amazon Vendor Central, then the determining factor is how much you want to be involved in the sales process. If you join Amazon Vendor Central, you have less control over the price of your items and the logistical options. 

However, joining Amazon Vendor Central has some special perks that Amazon Seller Central does not. Vendors get access to more features on Amazon Marketing Services (AMS), so if you’re very hands-on when it comes to SEO keywords and search advertisements, you may enjoy the extra opportunities from Amazon Vendor Central. 

Amazon Vendors also get to use A+ content, which allows for better branding and more visibility. A+ content lets you use enhanced product descriptions on your pages and better visuals to attract browsing shoppers. There’s also the added benefit of consumer trust: Vendor products display the message “sold by Amazon,” which eases the concerns of shoppers skeptical of buying online. 

Using Amazon Vendor Central also simplifies the sales process, making it a better choice for merchants who want less to do. Vendors deal only with purchase orders, billing, and chargebacks, whereas Sellers must also handle inventory, taxation, and customer support on top of their main duties. 

Read More:- A Guide To The Best Solution Providers for Amazon Sellers

How to Improve your Amazon Sales

No matter whether you prefer Amazon Seller Central or Amazon Vendor Central, your performance selling on Amazon is vital. A strong sales record can help you attract an invitation to Amazon Vendor Central, but even if you’d rather stick with Amazon Seller Central, you still want to maximize your sales and standing for your own profit. 

While we already gave our expert advice on how to improve Amazon click through rates, Amazon PPC campaigns, and inventory management, the most fundamental way to increase both sales and your seller rating is through better visuals like Amazon product photography. 

Amazon and ecommerce in general are dependent on visuals — after all, online shoppers can’t touch or move products themselves, so they rely on high-quality visuals to determine traits like texture, size, or flexibility. The better your product visuals, the more confident shoppers feel clicking “Buy.” 

Most Amazon sellers don’t have prior photography experience, so they outsource their needs to Amazon product photography services like ours. Although we at AMZ One Step deal in a variety of Amazon services, our most popular is by far our Amazon product photography

With us, you get to leverage our stable of expert photographers and high-end studios on three continents. You receive professional-quality product photos that catch shoppers’ eyes, all without having to invest time and money into your own photo shoots. 

If you’re interested in improving your Amazon performance, schedule a free consultation now and we’ll answer any questions you might have.

Best Practices To Source And Ship Products From China To US

China is a popular sourcing destination for many businesses because of the country’s low manufacturing costs. However, shipping products from China to the United States can be tricky due to the distance and different customs regulations.

In this blog post, some of the best practices to help you source and ship products from China to the US efficiently and cost-effectively are discussed. Read on for more tips!

Executive Summary:

Table of Contents:
0. Why Should You Source Your Products From China?

The benefits of Ordering Products From China outweigh the benefits of sourcing any products from the US or any other country.

1. What Are The Requirements For Sourcing And Shipping From China?

The proper requirements for sourcing and shipping from China include proper legal paperwork, paying taxes, and certifications for being able to sell on Amazon.

2. Which Products Are Best For Sourcing From China?

Any products that are high-quality, not technological, and are not knock-offs of existing products can be sourced from China.

3. How To Find A Supplier In China Best Suited For Your Business?

In order to find the best-suited supplier, you can exhaust a number of options, including hiring a middleman company, using your competitors’ suppliers, ordering samples first, asking for Amazon Product Photography, and aiming for lower prices when negotiating.

4. Types Of Shipping Options Available In China:

There are three types; air freight, water freight, and express delivery.

5. How To Ensure You Are Getting High-Quality Products?

You should check shipments regularly and make sure to keep your supplier on their toes.

Why Should You Source Your Products From China?

The number of manufacturers in China is astonishing. According to a source, there are more than 2 million small factories with an annual production capacity of more than $100K, and another report says it’s closer to 3 million!

This means you can get your items made there at low costs. Considering this, it’s no wonder that many business owners want to import from this country, especially if they plan on selling them through Amazon. Here is a list of advantages to Ordering Products from China:

  • The profit margins of sourcing and shipping your products from China are much higher than simply Dropshipping Amazon products which means more money and fewer costs.
  • Sourcing from China and importing to the US is an easy process even for people who do not have an American Nationality.
  • You are able to develop actual, tangible products in factories.
  • No need to deal with the hassles of traveling to and from China regularly.
  • The overall costs to manufacture and ship from China to the US are lower as compared to sourcing from a US manufacturer.

What Are The Requirements For Sourcing And Shipping From China?

If you’re looking to get into the selling game, it’s important that your first move is bringing in some cash. What is the general rule of thumb? You’ll need to bring at least $500 with you. If not more than that. Ideally, an amount ranging from $2000 to $5000 will do wonders!

To sell the products you shipped from China on Amazon; it’s also necessary to have an account on Amazon Seller Central. The cost of this service is $39.99 per month. Also, make sure you have a handle on getting proper Amazon Account Management otherwise your business may be at risk of losing money.

As your business grows, you will have more responsibilities and less time, so a few other things you should consider getting are; an inspection company in China, a Freight Forwarder (i.e., a company that would receive and ship goods on your behalf), a third-party logistics/ 3PL company (i.e., a service company for distribution, storage, transport, and fulfillment), and customs broker (i.e., an expert for arranging customs clearance process during a shipment).

Paperwork And Taxes:

When shipping a small amount, it’s easy to import into America without any paperwork, and you won’t even pay any tax. Shipments more than $800 can, however, require some paperwork.

Even then, the paperwork is simple for larger value shipments. It doesn’t matter whether or not the recipient is an American citizen; they can still receive their shipment without any problems as long as there are no complications during customs processing.


The worst part about importing goods is finding out that you need certain certifications before they can legally enter your country according to certain restrictions set by Amazon. Thankfully in 2021, the Compliance Reference tool within Seller Central made this process even easier.

This tool can be accessed here if you already have a Seller Central account.

Which Products Are Best For Sourcing From China?

Importing from China is called private labeling, which means you take an existing product and put your own branding on it for better sales results. This could also mean making some light improvements like adding new colors or changing up the design slightly- but nothing too drastic!

At the time of choosing which products to sell, here are the three things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure that either there is no competition for that product on Amazon, or the competition is very poorly optimized. This means low-quality, blurry images and negligible use of paid advertisements.
  • Look for products that have the potential to sell profitably.
  • Watch out for products that can be easily improved or have a high potential for improving at low costs.

You also need to be able to identify good products from the bad ones, especially if you cannot visit the country. The problem with Chinese factories is that they make both excellent and crappy products. The best way to avoid buying a bad quality item? Import simpler products!

Technological products are a big no-no for importing from China. Instead, try to focus on labor-intensive products that don’t have any patents or trademarks.

Lastly, remember that there are a lot of knock-offs in China. You’ll find all sorts of counterfeit products that violate trademarks and copyrights. Importing counterfeit products can be a very bad idea. The reality is that they might get seized at the border, Amazon might have your account suspended, or even worse things could happen like a court case!

How To Find A Supplier In China Best Suited For Your Business?

The country of China is one that has a lot to offer when it comes to safety. Their legal system and overall honesty make scams uncommon, though you should still protect yourself by buying from reputable sources as they may not steal your money but might send you low-quality products. The most commonly used big-name supplier finding platforms include the following:

  • Alibaba/Aliexpress
  • Canton Fair Trade show
  • GlobalSources
  • Yiwu

Hiring A Middleman Company:

The sourcing and trading companies are a lot like the behind-the-scenes workers of your business. They find products for you, but these middlemen need some compensation in return; their services come at an expense. The key benefit of using them? You’ll get higher quality goods because there won’t be any lowball offers from suppliers looking only at minimum wage.

Use Competitors’ Suppliers:

Every company’s import records are public information by law unless they make a formal request to the government and pay an exhilarating fee. This means that if you want your competitors’ supplier or product info on file, all of these details can be found with just one search!

Be Wary Of Shipping Costs:

When selling on Amazon, keep the shipping costs in mind as well, especially if you are ordering your products directly from China. The Amazon Shipping Costs 650; therefore, you need to make sure that your supplier is extra careful with your products and shipments.

Types Of Suppliers:

There are two primary types of product suppliers in China; trading companies and factories.

Factories are where the products get manufactured. On the other hand, trading companies do not manufacture their own products but source them from various factories and then ship them to the US. Trading companies tend to have better quality controls and lower minimum order quantity/MOQ than factories, while the latter have lower prices.

When buying from a factory, you can expect to pay less money for the same product than if purchased through Trading Companies. However, it also has a few drawbacks, such as needing larger orders and a limited selection of products in their inventory; so it’s important that before making this decision on which type would work best with your needs, determine whether they’re primarily focusing on manufacturing or trading goods.

The prices will most likely also vary depending on who produced them because sometimes factories have lower rates while other times traders might be offering better deals – just something worth considering when choosing the right one for your business.

Order Samples First Before Agreeing To Anything:

Samples allow you to evaluate the quality of a product before making an entire purchase. You will most probably need to pay air shipping fees, but it’s all worth it for a chance to check out what overall quality of the product your supplier is offering!

Ask Your Supplier For Product Photos:

Make sure that your supplier can also provide high-quality Amazon Product Photography for your product. This will give your product the best chance of success on Amazon.

However, if you are not confident in the photos provided by your supplier, then consider employing an expert from a reputable Amazon Product Photography Service who can take pictures from all angles and produce clear, high-definition images which will show off all features of your product properly!

Aim For Low Prices And MOQs When Negotiating:

The foremost action you must take before trying to negotiate product pricing is to get multiple quotes from multiple suppliers. This will let you know the normal cost of your desired products, give you a better idea of where you stand, help ensure that your costs stay within reasonable limits, and avoid any surprises down the road!

When you see an exceptionally low-priced item, it’s important to be aware of the reasons why. A common reason for a discount is that quality has been compromised, having a higher amount of MOQs, or shipping terms are different from other items.

These days, the prices of goods in China are becoming increasingly rigid, making it more difficult to negotiate. Therefore, a 5-10% discount off the quote can make up for lost opportunities and give you that much-needed edge when selling your product or service abroad. On the other hand, you may be able to negotiate the supplier’s quoted MOQ down by 50% or more.

Types Of Shipping Options Available In China:

You can choose between three different shipping methods when ordering from China to the USA. These include air freight, shipping by sea, or express delivery services.

  • Standard air freight can take anywhere from 8 to 10 days for most shipments.
  • Standard shipping time for sea freight is between 20 and 30 days.
  • Express delivery services take less than five days for most products coming into America with proper documentation and insurance coverage in place.

How To Ensure You Are Getting High-Quality Products?

Quality standards in China are much lower than those of other countries. This is one reason why Chinese manufactured products often have a bad reputation among international buyers. However, all this can be rectified easily.

Remember that inspection is the key to quality control. Be sure you or your agent inspects every shipment on a regular basis, so no defects slip unnoticed. Make sure the supplier is aware of any defects. You can’t be too careful when it comes to quality, so do everything in order for them not only to fix these problems but also to improve their service next time around!


As a business owner and entrepreneur, if you are on the lookout for a reliable and affordable supplier in China, it is crucial to do your research first. By following the tips we have outlined in this blog post, you can be sure to acquire a supplier that meets your needs and provides high-quality products. Additionally, by using Amazon Product Photography Service, you can take professional product photos that will help increase sales and better showcase your products to potential buyers.

How We Generated 20 Thousand Dollars a Day in Sales Outside of Amazon

Amazon isn’t always the way to sell. In fact, if you’re only selling on Amazon, you could be putting your business at risk.

You’ve probably heard the saying “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket” multiple times in your life from multiple different people. Well, if you’re an Amazon seller, then this saying still holds up to this day.

At AMZ One Step, we followed that saying and helped a company to diversify its selling channels outside of Amazon.

Clearly, Amazon is a premier marketplace for buyers and sellers. We wouldn’t have based our company around it if it wasn’t, yet relying too heavily on it may be holding you back.

In order to scale and mitigate the risk of your business operations, you must diversify your selling channels.

This blog will illustrate how we helped a brand generate 20 thousand dollars in sales in a day outside of Amazon utilizing a website, Omnichannel marketing, organic marketing, email marketing, and SEO work. 


Why It’s Important to Become a Multichannel Business in the Long Term:

If you are solely selling on Amazon, your entire business relies on one channel to sell all of your goods. If Amazon were to suppress your listing for whatever reason, then your whole business is put on hold until the issue causing the suppression is resolved. This could result in huge losses for your company and could, in theory, put you out of business. Lost sales, lost revenue, shipment costs to get back in stock fast, re-ranking costs,  and PPC costs could come at you very fast if something were to go wrong with your listing.

Thus, if you are concerned about the security and longevity of your business, it’s imperative that you utilize multiple channels to generate sales. It mitigates the risk of relying on one channel and may put you onto clients that you wouldn’t have otherwise reached. Especially if a competitor is only using Amazon as their only channel, this could be another way to differentiate yourself.

Now let’s get started and see how we generated 20 thousand dollars a day in sales outside of Amazon for our client. The first tool utilized was a website.


1. The Website

Having a website for your business should be the first thing on your list when looking to generate sales outside of Amazon. A website is your home base for everything that is your business. It holds your story and your portfolio of products and or services offered. 


So how are sales generated using a website, and what benefits can we see here? 

Like any other channel of your business, you need to understand that something must be offered to potential consumers for them to land and browse your website. 

Generally, you need to offer incentives:

• A common practice is offering a sale or offering coupon codes specific to your site to entice people to come to your site. 

• Offering free shipping over a certain purchase amount is also a common tool many companies utilize.

• You could also offer free informational content like an e-book, how-to guide, or even a blog related to your brand. You could also create a gate where people have to enter an email to access this content.

• People love a good sweepstake. Offer a giveaway if people reach a certain amount on their purchase order. For example, you’ll be entered to win a free hat with purchase orders of $20 and over.

• Start a loyalty program. People who continuously buy from your site earn points to get discounts or free stuff in the future. This will encourage people to come back and give you a chance to add people to your email list.


Of course, you can use many other tactics to get people on your website, but there are just a few examples.

Once you’ve built up awareness that your site exists and orders start rolling, it’s time to streamline the process. Look at how you can increase your conversion rate.

In the case of AMZ One Step’s client (who had an existing website):

We were able to achieve a conversion rate of 2.27%; this was the result of 1809 orders for May. Although that may not seem significant, keep in mind the price for the product was around $110, so that is a purchase people won’t buy without thinking about it first.

Products over $50 are no longer impulse purchases, which generally brings down the conversion rate. So that considered, the conversion rate is good, and it will continue to increase.

In our case, we were able to generate sales of $198,704.35 for May 2021. As illustrated in the graph above, you can see how our services took the monthly average from around 5k a day to upwards of 15k. At the time of writing this, we are now averaging 20k on the site. 


How you increase conversions:

We intend to increase the conversion rate by utilizing several tactics:

1. A/B testing landing pages to see what converts better. What I mean by that is testing two or more different landing pages over a certain period and seeing which one leads to more conversions.

2. Test out different incentives like mentioned above and see which ones resonate best with your customer base. If one sticks out then, it would be wise to utilize it consistently. Having these deals specific to your site may be attractive to people if they can’t get the discount on Amazon. It gives them a reason to come to your site.


Benefits for you:

There are also several benefits for you as the seller. 

Having a website allows you to have a lot more freedom in multiple aspects of your business. You can control pricing, your terms and conditions, what goes where on your site, etc. 

Another huge feature is you can collect user data. This means maybe you collect emails so that you have a Rolodex of people to send monthly emails to with special deals. You could also potentially collect basic info like age and place your customers are coming from. 

Even these slight details that Amazon won’t provide you with can have a considerable impact.

That leads me to the idea of targeting customers. 


2. Omnichannel Paid Advertising

Omnichannel paid advertising can be an effective way to get eyes on your product or service, especially when you’re first starting and don’t have a customer base. Just as it can be very beneficial, it can also be a waste of time and money if not executed properly. 

Omnichannel paid advertising includes utilizing Facebook ads, Instagram ads, google ads, YouTube ads, Tik Tok ads, Snapchat ads, blogs, etc. I know that sounds like a lot, so you can get someone like AMZ One Step to help you manage all of this.

When it came to this client, Omnichannel marketing would be our focus from the very start (because the client had already established their website).

The target audience touchpoints are spread out through multiple platforms across multiple different types of devices. We need to make sure we are visible on all the platforms our target audience is active on. 

Next, we need to ensure that the messaging they receive is constant and consistent throughout these channels.

To put this in practice made the interaction between our brand and the target audience seamless.


What did you do to get orders?

As a digital marketing agency, we never put all our eggs in one basket.

In marketing terms, we never use one channel for advertising. We always try to integrate multiple channels while making sure messaging is constant in all channels we are using.

The channels mentioned below were used to get the desired result which even exceeded the client’s expectations:

– Google Ads

– Facebook Ads

– Snapchat Ads

– Email Marketing

– YouTube SEO

– Post Purchase Strategy

– Conversion Rate Optimization

As you can see, a majority of the ad spend was directed towards Facebook and Instagram ads. According to our analysts, that was the best platform to target and reach the audience of our client. 

Essentially, at first, you will test who your target audience will be for your products and or services. If someone asks you who your target audience is and you say, “I don’t know, everyone?” then there’s an issue.

If you don’t narrow down a target audience, you will be wasting time and money on these paid advertising channels. You may be getting a lot of people landing on your POS but are the conversions there? If you barely have any conversions, it means that the ads are either targeting too wide of a range of people or the wrong people altogether.

When it comes to paid advertising, ensure you are targeting the right people. Going back to having a website, you can use the info you collect from existing customers to understand who you should be targeting.

Let’s look at an example. If you are selling aftermarket truck parts, you are targeting a particular niche. I’ll take a stab at it and say you will generally want to target men 30+ who are established and have the money to spend money on parts upgrading their truck. Also, where are those guys located? Well, I would estimate these guys would be in places like Texas where having a truck is essential for work vs somewhere like Manhattan where many people who live there don’t even own a car, let alone own a truck. If you target the people in Manhattan, how many parts are you going to sell? The answer is none.

The more narrowed down you can get, the more effective your paid advertising can be at leading to conversions.

But you don’t always need to pay for everything.


3. Organic Channels

As you may have already guessed, organic channels are places like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. 

You can utilize organic channels to attract people to your website and or Amazon listing. If you gain a following, you will have instant access to people’s feeds when you post something. Usually, social media sites will let you link a website or place to buy your products on your account page, but it’s been getting even easier of late.

In the case of this account we handled, we utilized a lot of user-generated content to post. That way, customers felt a sense of community and emotional bond to the brand. This also encouraged other users to continue to post online, tagging the brand to get featured on the account page. 

Because we focused pretty heavily on PPC advertising, the frequency of organic posts was fairly low (around four times a month). That was the amount scheduled in the strategy, but being more active on social media could only lead to even better results.

Our specialists indicated that without a doubt, what PPC can do in terms of sales can rarely happen with organic posts, so that was the reasoning for focusing less on organic channels.

That said, just because we didn’t put a lot of emphasis on organic channels with this campaign, don’t underestimate its power. These channels are free, and you should be utilizing them to the furthest extent. You can gain a lot of info about who is interested in your products, and you can get people viewing your business without paying anything. 

If you are consistently posting interesting content that any potential buyers want to see, you should see your following steadily grow over time. Don’t expect to be an overnight success story, but it is possible.

Alright, time for the outliers.


4. Email Marketing & SEO

Email marketing and SEO work are a bit tougher to place in either of the above categories. These aspects are not necessarily paid for like the others because it’s manpower used rather than paying a service to push ads for you, but you are paying those employees, so it’s not organic either.

4.1 Email Marketing


Let’s first look email marketing side. We heavily utilized email marketing, but it’s quite a tall order to mention a defined open rate. We ran multiple automated flows to different audiences at different touchpoints on their customer journey, so we don’t usually have an average open rate as every campaign and flow has different KPIs. 

Email marketing is used for several reasons. It helped us to keep anyone who joined our mailing list informed about any future deals or information about the company. It also helped to:

• Upsell campaigns and utilize other promotions.

• If someone had items in their cart for whatever reason but left their email, we might email them asking if they want to complete their purchase.

• You can also A/B test what emails people respond to the most to better understand your audience.


4.2 SEO

In Layman’s terms, SEO ranking is how well people can find you on Google.

In the case of our client, we did:

On-Page SEO: We make sure all the content that is on the website is optimized for keywords, descriptions, meta tags, and alt tags.

Off-Page SEO: We created backlinks from those sites which were relevant and that were based on our target audience.

Anas and Abbas, our SEO Experts from Out Origin, go into more detail about the SEO experience.

“Relationships between client and SEO are quite complicated. Most clients expect SEO to be like a magic spell, implement it, and it immediately fixes everything, but it’s not like that. SEO takes time, energy, and patience… which most clients (who don’t have an understanding of SEO) are lacking, and I can empathize with that.”

“For this client, they just did SEO for three months; from their POV, there was no visible improvement. But we can see the subtle changes happening like domain authority was improving, quality of backlinks and conversion from organic search was improving.”



We have developed a formula that helps clients to reach sales goals that they never thought possible.

Every product can be sold in multiple different ways, and there are always many other factors you could add or take away to succeed in your business diversification. This is simply a reiteration of what was used and what worked for this client.

Depending on your product, you may need something else. At AMZ One Step, we’re always here to help, and we can work with you to strategize how we can help increase your sales.

I wish you the best in diversifying your business, and hopefully, it leads to even more sales!

If you would like to stay up to date on other useful blogs for Amazon sellers, connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter @nolanswriting.


Why Is My Amazon Listing Not Converting?

Ok, you launched your first Amazon listing. Orders should come rolling in soon!

Wait, where are the sales? Why is my Amazon listing not converting?

All jokes aside, if your listing isn’t converting customers even after an extensive amount of time past its launch, something is wrong. Differentiation is going to be the keyword when it comes to conversions, and you should not come to expect any success without it. Every component of your listing is an opportunity to differentiate yourself from the competitors. When there is a lack of differentiation, listings do not convert. Creating a compelling product listing is very important if you want to attract potential customers.

Having the right images, reviews, price, keywords, and prime eligibility are all factors you have to consider in order to create a successful listing that will convert.


Read More:- Lessons Learned After Creating 25,000 Amazon Listing Images

In this blog, we’ll look at the 5 most common reasons why your listing isn’t converting and hopefully identify how you can fix it.

1. Main Image

The main image is one of the most important components of your entire Amazon listing, so when your main image is not up to par, it may cause issues for your listing’s success.

The main image is like the first hurdle of getting a person into your store. Once that person is in your store (i.e. On your listing), then it is the copy, additional images, and A+ content that really sells them on the product.

That is not to say the copy and additional images should be underestimated. Although the main image gets people in the door, the copy and additional images are what finally convince the person browsing to buy.

The main image converts impressions to sessions. The additional images and copy convert the sessions into conversions.

Read More:- 10 Things You Should Not Be Doing In Amazon Listing Optimization

So what can you do to improve your main image?

1. Make sure it is professional, make sure it is desirable, and make sure it stands out.
2. Or you could simply hire an agency to do it for you. If you’re unsure how you can make your images better, you can always contact us here at AMZ One Step, and we’ll help you with every Amazon photography need you may have.

2. Reviews

Over the years, Amazon has continuously focused on improving the quality of reviews and ensuring that they are authentic. This has been happening in a bid to balance the need for quick responses and the desire to provide good feedback.

Reviews are tough because you really have no control over them. There are two types of review issues that can arise.

Issue A: It could be that you have no reviews. Everyone starts out here, so you’re not alone, nor should you get discouraged.

What I would recommend is sending your products to friends and family and getting them to review your product. You want to shoot for at least 10+ reviews to really get you off your feet, and I think it’s achievable by doing this.

That being said, don’t get your entire family in your house to order a product each. Four orders from the same location accompanied by all copy and pasted 5-star reviews will likely trigger Amazon’s algorithm. If the algorithm is triggered, Amazon may suppress your listing for artificially pumping reviews.

Reviews on Amazon are about maintaining a good momentum of reviews coming in on a regular basis. So you are going to need reviews coming in at a constant rate. If you get a massive amount of reviews and then nothing, it may trigger Amazon’s algorithm to prevent people from boosting.

Read More:- A Comprehensive Guide to Amazon Listing Optimization 2022

Issue B: You’ve accumulated a number of negative reviews.

Unfortunately this a considerably tougher position to be in compared to issue A. This means several people were dissatisfied enough with your product that they took the time to come back and leave a bad review.

It’s time to take a hard look at your product and decide whether or not it’s time to abandon the ship. Can your product be improved enough that you could start to get positive reviews?

If you can improve the item, then maybe this product is salvageable, and you can average out the bad reviews with good ones.

If it is just an extremely low-quality product and you just did it to make a quick buck while the type of product was trendy, it’s probably time to let it go.

Read More:- How to do Amazon Listing Optimization to make your product best

3. Price

Next, let’s take a look at your price. Contrary to popular belief, a price reduction isn’t always the answer.

Finding the right price is very important when it comes to optimizing your listing. There are a number of factors that go into choosing the right price, such as quality, profitability, and competition.

Price comparison is one of the most effective ways to improve your listing. It can help you find the right price for your product, and it can also help you get more conversions. Doing so helps avoid wasting your time and money.

You can attempt to split test your price for your product. For example, say your product is $5. You could try a decreased price of $4.50 and then an increased price of $5.50. See which one leads to more conversions.

It could be that your price is too high for the product, or it could be that it isn’t high enough. You need to evaluate the niche.

Niche or niche. Whatever.

And say, is a price drop going to differentiate me from the competition, which in turn will lead to conversions? If not, then a price reduction is clearly not the answer.

Increasing the price can actually differentiate you in a positive way as well. If people see your price is slightly higher, they may have a fear of missing out. By spending, say, only two more dollars, they get your slightly better product over a competitor’s, and it lives up to their expectations. Then you start getting positive reviews, and you start the momentum of more conversions.

Read More:- This Is What You Should Do If Someone Has Stolen Your Listing Images On Amazon (2021)

4. Seller Dominance

Seller dominance is when one really competitive seller in the niche takes up most of the market share. Similar to reviews, this issue is borderline uncontrollable.

There are two ways to go about this.

Let’s say your selling headphones. You are now competing with Bose, Sony, JBL, etc. How can you ever hope to compete in the market?

Option 1: If you have no outstanding differentiating factor, which, let’s be real, it’d be hard to innovate past those companies.

The solution is to pivot and target different keywords.

Say the big companies are targeting “headphones.” Clearly, you’ll never rank with that. But say you put Sustainably made headphones. Although it’s a lot more niche, if the big guys aren’t targeting those keywords, you may have a chance.

Option 2: The second situation would be where there is seller dominance to the extent that one seller basically has a monopoly over the niche. This is where someone is selling a similar product, but at a price, amount of reviews, and quality of listing you just can’t compete with.

I would try pivoting as hard as possible, but in some cases, it’s just too competitive to remain active within the space.

Read More:- 5 Things You Need to do for a Killer Amazon Product Listing

5. Prime Eligibility

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is one of the most effective ways to increase conversion rates. It’s also one of the most secure and easy ways to get your products into Prime. Having Prime badges on your inventory makes it more attractive to buyers.

Now, this point may not be as detrimental to the success of your listing, but it can play a role. When I shop for products like maybe a charger where I’m fairly indifferent on brand, and most of the specs are the same, I’ll choose the charger that has prime delivery.


There are many ways to improve your Amazon listing’s conversion rate, but each strategy has its own unique characteristics. A few different elements of your listing will help determine which ones will work for you.

The most important statistic in any business is the conversion rate. It shows how well your efforts are affecting your sales.

It’s all about differentiation because differentiation = sales. So these are the top 5 areas where people can help to increase their differentiation.

Hopefully, this blog aids you in reevaluating your listing so that you can increase conversion and make a ton of sales!

If you would like to stay up to date on other useful blogs for Amazon sellers, connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter @nolanswriting.

2 Million Pakistani Sellers Expected to Start Selling on Amazon in the Next 6-12 Months

News has recently been announced that Amazon will be adding Pakistan to its approved sellers list. This is fantastic news for existing Pakistani sellers and many who have wanted to start selling on Amazon but couldn’t because of existing regulations within the country.

The relationship that Amazon and Pakistan have had over the last 10 years has been a rocky one to say the least, but now they’re giving it another go. So how are 2 million Pakistani sellers expected to start selling on Amazon in the next 6-12 months?

Well, with immense pent-up demand from 10 years of being blacklisted, the people of Pakistan are ready to take advantage of the opportunities that being back on the Amazon sellers list has to offer.

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In this blog, we’ll look at the history of Amazon and Pakistan, the Pakistani Amazon situation right now, how the situation is changing, what impact this will have on Pakistan, and what this will mean for sellers around the globe.

The History of Amazon and Pakistan:

Although Amazon has never officially stated why Pakistan was not on the registered sellers list until this point, we can speculate as to why this is the case.

Supposedly, Pakistanis were able to sell on Amazon up until 2011. What ended up happening was many Pakistani sellers were dropshipping. The issue with the drop shipping was that products would often arrive at a buyer’s home, and then they would come to find the product was not at all how it was advertised on Amazon. These sellers were not involved in the quality control of these products, so buyers were at the mercy of the manufacturer. Packages were getting lost, and there was no real way to hold the seller accountable.

Pakistani Sellers

Not only did this make the Pakistani sellers look bad, but it put Amazon’s reputation in question. Why would anyone want to shop on a site where you don’t get the product that was described to you? The trust in Pakistani based sellers and their supply chains began to crumble.

Pakistani Sellers

Mix in the other factors like no e-commerce laws, no government support and an unstable currency, and you have a recipe for e-commerce disaster in Pakistan. It got so bad that ultimately the country was blacklisted from the Amazon sellers list because of such a high concentration of low-quality drop shippers in the country.

As a result, no one from Pakistan has been able to directly sell on Amazon since 2011.

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The Pakistani Amazon Situation Right Now:

Pakistani Amazon Situation

In recent years, Pakistani Amazon sellers have had to work around the fact that Pakistan hasn’t been on the approved sellers list. They’ve also been working with a chip on their shoulders to show the world that Pakistan can produce quality goods.

But how do they work around not being on the approved sellers list?

A Pakistani seller would have to find a business partner in a country on the Amazon sellers list. They would then have to register their account in that country.

So the Pakistani sellers and products are available on Amazon, but they are registered in other countries.

Unfortunately, finding these partners can be an extremely exhausting and costly process. The current barriers to entry are incredibly high, and only those with connections and capital can sell.

Changing the perception of the quality of Pakistani products will depend on the quality that the seller is able to present with their product. If I had to guess, I’d assume Amazon will keep a close eye on the Pakistani products and sellers that will be registered on the Amazon sellers list. They will ensure that no other dropshipping incidences happen and that the sellers can provide a product that will be up to Amazon’s standards.

How It’s Changing:

Advisor for Commerce and Investment Abdul Razak Dawood said that Pakistan would soon join the list of approved countries for selling on Amazon. He attributed the achievement to the collective efforts of various individuals and organizations globally.

A list of Pakistani companies belonging to the sports, surgical goods, and textile sectors are being given the green light to sell in what is essentially a trial run. Should the companies in these categories meet the standards agreed upon by Amazon and Pakistan, then the opportunity to sell goods from other categories will then open up.


What Impact Will This Have on Pakistan?


Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday said that Pakistan had joined the international market, which will result in huge investment and employment opportunities. He was referring to the country’s decision to register its exporters with Amazon to explore new markets.

With the entry of Pakistan into the international market, it will create immense opportunities for investors and provide employment opportunities to the locals. This is also beneficial for the country’s infrastructure. He said it would provide an opportunity to the country’s youth and SMEs.

The Pakistan services export industry does an estimated $20 billion per year. Pakistani Amazon sellers entering the market are expected to increase that 20 billion dollar mark by 15% or 3 billion dollars. The increase will be a result of the estimated 2 million Pakistani sellers that are set to sell on Amazon in the next 6-12 months.

What Does This Mean for Sellers Around the Globe?

As a seller from another country, you may be questioning what this has to do with you.

Well, a lot actually.

Pakistan is not only a massive country of around 223 million people; it is a country that is ripe to finally enter the e-commerce market as a competitive player. (an company) suggests that Amazon is the 4th most visited website in Pakistan, and keep in mind, that number is only made up of sellers and service people. This is mind-boggling, considering that you can’t buy or sell directly through Amazon in Pakistan.

It begs the question – how many people will be visiting once the general Pakistani population has access to buy from Amazon directly?

Currently, China dominates 3rd party sellers, but with the pent-up demand that Pakistan holds, we may see the tides change.

This amount of knowledge and human resources could produce extremely successful Amazon sellers who were once an Amazon Virtual Assistant or Customer Service Rep. There will be specialized people at cheaper costs who can get your product ranked faster than a lot of existing listings. So prepare for an immense increase in competition in years to come.

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First and foremost, I would like to thank Ahsan Saleem from AMZ Chain for providing info that helped me to write this blog. He was able to provide phenomenal insight into what it has been like being an Amazon seller in Pakistan. Please check out his business if you have the chance.

I think this is a significant step forward for e-commerce in Pakistan, and I think we will see them become a major third party seller country in the near future. Although China has a tight grip on the third party selling space, I would guess that Pakistan will become heavy competition. The reason being is that there are already so many people in Pakistan who understand how to sell on Amazon but just haven’t been able to because of restrictions. On top of that, Pakistan has a language advantage over Chinese sellers. Almost half of all Pakistanis have some level of English speaking abilities. This will help them to progress their business faster in a world where many of the consumers they are targeting are speaking English.

To the existing sellers reading this from other countries, I urge you to always be looking at how you can improve your listings. Although the Pakistani sellers will not be polished sellers right away, they nevertheless will be competition in the years to come. I look forward to seeing how this changes the Amazon seller landscape and how this will hopefully positively impact Pakistan.

If you would like to stay up to date on the articles I write about Amazon, connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter @nolanswriting. 




10+ Easy & Effective Strategies for Amazon Product Ranking

Any online seller who’s looking to sell more and grow his business understands that Amazon is a great marketplace. The only problem is, it’s highly competitive.

Can you imagine competing against thousands of other businesses for that coveted spot on the search page? If you want a high product ranking, you should understand Amazon’s ranking aspects. Once you understand the factors that generate a high ranking, you can optimize your product listing and generate better results.

We must equally understand that the way Amazon establishes seller ranking is constantly changing. Therefore, what got you on the first page on search results some months ago might not work for you today.

So, how do you attain higher rankings from Amazon’s search engine? Here’s a list of strategies you may want to consider.

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  • Optimization of Product Listing

Before you can even promote organic search, you’ll want to optimize product listings; this is highly crucial to your search ranking. If you think about it, you wouldn’t click on a product if the listing appeared confusing, inaccurate, or amateurish.

If users don’t click your products, you can forget about ranking and selling. You might wonder, what constitutes an effective listing. You might want to read my recent blog on what not to do in listing optimizations.

To begin with, potential customers will use keywords to search for your product. While it’s important to incorporate the right keywords, ensure you write the description with the buyer in mind, not the algorithm. You’ll want to ensure you’ve answered all the essential questions regarding your product. For instance, potential customers should know what the product is, what it comprises, the benefits, etc.

Together with the description, you’ll want to make sure you optimize the product page and align it with Amazon’s guidelines.

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  • Maintain Relevancy in Keywords

The first thing Amazon looks at is keyword relevancy. The objective is to offer relevant products that match the keywords searched.

Amazon aims to incorporate pertinent search results that prompt users to click and purchase. You must select the appropriate keywords for your products to show up in searches. There are some great keyword research tools that can help with this. Or consider taking the help of an expert.

With Amazon, you just need to incorporate keywords once for them to rank. This implies that you need to include the most significant keywords in strategic places like in the title and product description. This way, your product will rank for those keywords.

Incorporating keywords will ensure your product emerges in pertinent searches. The last thing you want to do is adopt keyword spamming. Rest assured, this won’t rank you on Amazon’s first page. Strategic keyword positioning will however increase the visibility of your listings.

  • Backend Keywords

As a seller, you have the choice to provide the marketplace with extra information regarding your listing. These hidden keywords inform Amazon that you’re targeting a particular niche or customer. They’re similar to Google’s meta tags.

If you’re a seller, you’ll receive five fields for these keywords with each field having a limit of 50 characters. Amazon uses backend keywords to rank your products and disregards any keywords used in the bullet points or product title. This isn’t your chance to spam the platform with unrelated keywords in the hope that you’ll rank higher in the search results. This will do you more harm than good.

Previously, Amazon had a 5,000-character limit while including backend keywords to product listings. Therefore, you could add countless keywords to rank your products. They have since reduced the limit to merely 250 characters. This means you’ll need to be cautious when choosing the keywords that you want to be included in the backend.

Beware that Amazon won’t index past the character limit and typically punishes sellers that surpass the permitted character limit. You want to ensure you cut your keywords and stay ahead of your competitors by staying abreast of Amazon’s changing rules and regulations. Remember these tips when developing your backend keywords:

  • Avoid repeating keywords
  • Don’t use quotation marks
  • Don’t incorporate too many variants of a similar word

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  • Pricing

As customers, we all seek the best product deals, so you need to price your products appropriately if you want high product rankings on Amazon. To get a clue on pricing, you’ll want to run a comparison check with your competitor’s product listings for your keywords and proceed from there.

Don’t overprice your products because Amazon won’t consider products that are more costly than the competition. You’ll be surprised to know that Amazon’s algorithm will ensure that you have a low conversion rate because of a higher cost point and your product will rank low as a result.

You can decide to select a comparable price point to remain competitive or lower your price slightly to entice customers. Nevertheless, implementing a successful pricing strategy doesn’t necessarily mean you will be the cheapest seller. You simply need to use intelligent pricing software to monitor your competitors’ costs and seller metrics and ensure that your prices increase your sales.


Stock Supply

If you want to secure and maintain high rankings, you should stock your products. Amazon won’t rank your products highly if users can’t purchase them immediately. If you were a customer, imagine how frustrated you would be if you were to click on a listing only to see that you can’t access the product for some days because it’s out of stock.

Your next step would be to click a different listing with a comparable product in stock. If you’re a seller without stock, this will damage your ranking. To avoid this, keep track of your inventory. If you’re generating numerous sales, make sure you restock your products beforehand from running out of stock.

Read More:-  Amazon: 6 Selling Hacks To Crush Your Competition & Achieve The Number #1 Ranking For Your Products

  • Obtain Authentic Customer Reviews

Reviews matter a great deal to Amazon, not just because shoppers use them as a reference before purchasing but because they influence rankings.

Amazon knows that customers depend on reviews to make informed buying decisions. Reviews provide the social proof that you’re a dependable seller whose products correspond with their description. Nevertheless, customers aren’t likely to leave a review unless you ask for it in the right way and at the appropriate time.

To save time and increase your likelihood of obtaining positive product reviews, you can use Amazon’s feedback software to email customers automatically once they make a purchase. Remember, your aim as a seller is to convince Amazon, that every prospective buyer they’re recommending your product to, will obtain exceptional service.

In recent times, Amazon has dealt with false reviews to ensure integrity, so don’t even think of cheating the algorithm. If you notice negative Amazon reviews, establish the reason behind the complaints, and address the problems associated with your product.

  • Product Title

Customers typically use Amazon the same way they do search engines. Even if you know the precise product you’re looking for, I’m sure you’ll type it in as a search query instead of trying to browse through categories and sections to locate it. That’s why you must optimize product titles. You just need the appropriate keyword combinations to enhance your relevancy, giving users a greater chance of discovering your product page.

Your listing will also stand out among competitors, increasing the likelihood of getting customers to click on your listing.

Read More:-  3 Steps to Earning More Product Reviews with an Automated Email Marketing Campaign

  • Unique Content

Whatever you sell must have a distinct description and details that appeal to your target audience directly. A common mistake that sellers make is using the manufacturer’s default description. You’ll notice this poses various issues, including:

  • Other vendors are likely to replicate manufacturer content, resulting in duplicate content
  • It yields poor optimization for search queries
  • It merely contains basic specs and features without stating the value accurately

You’ll want to take the time to describe the features and reveal benefits that your audience may find most relevant. Once you recognize the grounds behind their need for your product, you’ll be in a position to write comprehensive and important product pages that inform your customers and generate more conversions.

  • Listing Images

Amazon has strict requirements on how to use images and display them in listings. You probably know all too well that images influence visibility and conversion. That’s why they’ll even restrict the listing of product pages in some categories if you don’t have at least a high-quality image.

To improve conversions, you should offer as many high-quality images as possible. On the same note, your images must highlight your product from all angles to give customers a feel for your product since they cannot hold it physically. Amazon permits you to include videos as well, so offer additional videos and images when possible. This type of image optimization can yield higher conversions.

  • Invest in Sponsored Ads

If you’re launching a new product or are a new seller, you’ll agree it can be difficult to obtain organic reach on Amazon’s search results because you’ll lack reviews or sales for the product. We know Amazon SEO takes time but the fastest way of jump-starting your ranking is by investing in sponsored ads until your ranking catches up.

  • Perform a Category Audit

A very common mistake most new Amazon sellers make is placing the wrong product in the wrong group. Amazon’s search engines operate based on stringent indexes; if your products aren’t within the correct indexes, in other words not where they belong, it will affect your relevance and rank.

Read More:- Writing Balanced Product Title, Features & Descriptions

Bottom Line

Like any SEO, the key to succeeding with Amazon’s ranking is to make sure you use relevant images, keywords, product descriptions, and images while offering good service. At the end of the day, it’s not about just getting the traffic to your listing. It’s about getting the right and relevant traffic.

Bottom Line


Amazon Buyers Fraud and How to Deal with It

When it comes to selling on Amazon, there are some issues that won’t impact you until your business becomes more established. Learning about starting an Amazon business is a challenge all on its own. However, there are many other challenges that lie ahead as you mature as a seller, such as dealing with return and fraudulent buyers. 

It’s no secret that Amazon has a return policy that is way too lenient. Any buyer can return most items from most categories within 30 days of purchase for a full refund without any particular reason. It’s extremely easy to do from the perspective of the customer. They can easily get a label from Amazon that they can use for shipping the item back or simply dropping it off with UPS. Amazon returns are so easy because the company is obsessed with customer satisfaction and will do everything in their power to make their customers happy. 

The logic behind their return policy is that the customer needs to be happy with Amazon even though they might not be happy with the purchase. They are either happy with the product or they are happy with the fact they can return it easily. This means that “spoiled” customers can make purchases knowing full well that they can undo any choice they are remotely unsatisfied with.  This lenient policy leaves a lot of room to be exploited. 


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What kind of Buyer Violations do Amazon sellers face?

There are a number of ways that Amazon’s return policy can be exploited by customers to the detriment of the seller:

Returning The Product Packaging Filled With Something Else

Packages get weighed on their way into Amazon FBA warehouses. This is one of the ways that Amazon “checks” the return. Buyers have been known to put dirt,  rocks, or potatoes into the original packaging instead of the original item. This way the package weighs the proper weight so that the return goes through, but they also get to keep the product that they originally ordered. 

Returning A Different Product

Similar to the example above, buyers purchase a new model of a product from Amazon. Then they do a return and simply repackage an old model or an entirely different but similar product and keep the one they originally ordered. 

Returning A Broken Product

Since buyers can return a product with impunity, they can often be careless in opening the packaging, or too rough with the product, breaking it. Then they return it to Amazon, claiming that they received it in that condition. 

The Package Did Not Arrive

Sometimes this does happen, and in this instance, Amazon will issue a refund. This is also something that can be taken advantage of easily by the buyer as well.

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The Buyer Uses An Excuse Not To Pay The Postage Back

By simply entering  “not as described” in the comments field, the buyer won’t be charged return shipping fees. A customer might not be satisfied with their purchase and simply use this excuse in order to save the postage money. This can be particularly damaging since this does affect your account health. 

Putting A Counterfeit Item Into The Packaging

This is a particularly dangerous situation. If you try and dispute a return, the customer can simply say that they originally received a counterfeit product from you, which can cause significant trouble for you.

Clothing Returns

This is a very common issue sellers of clothing or footwear have to deal with. Sometimes, customers will buy an item simply to wear it for a while and return it before the 30 days are up. It’s also common for people to order several sizes of the same product to see which one fits them best, and then return the other sizes. 

When you get a return the package gets received and inspected by the employees at the FBA center. They are expected to make a judgment as to whether or not the product can be resold (returned to the warehouse back into your available inventory) or if it is unsellable.  It is up to the employees to decide whether or not something fraudulent is going on or not. 

If the buyer has been meticulous and careful enough in resealing the box, their return (containing whatever they choose to put into the box) will be returned into inventory, and eventually, someone else will receive the potatoes that were originally returned instead of your product. This can cause a lot of issues for your seller account and create trouble for you with Amazon. 

Read More:-  10 Reasons Why Your Amazon Seller Account is Suspended!

What can you do?

Let Potentially Fraudulent Shoppers Know That You Have No Tolerance When It Comes To Fraud

You can actually do this in several ways:

  • You can use contact emails that notify the customer that their order has been shipped. In these emails you can state that their item has been inspected and weighed and confirmed to be in new condition prior to being sent. This alone might dissuade any potential fraudulent activity. 
  • You can use your packaging and contact emails to state that you have zero tolerance for any fraudulent activity. 
  • You can also include a sort of “safety seal” that states that the product is marked and inspected. 
  • Contact Your Customer If You Are Able To And Ask For More Information

When you receive an email notifying you that a return has been made, Amazon will provide you with the number of the order that resulted in a return. You can use this to look through your orders and see if it’s possible to contact the customer. It’s not always an option, however if you can see the customer’s name you can click on it and you will have the option to contact the buyer. 

You can then directly ask the customer what the issue was with the product. Try to be as courteous and forthcoming as possible. Your priority should be receiving feedback from the customer in order to possibly improve your product. You can ask for a reason for the return or ask for photos. If you receive satisfying or suspicious answers, you can then take action from there. 

Report A Buyer For Abuse

If you have reason to believe that you are dealing with a buyer that is either committing fraud or is in another way abusing Amazon’s return policy, you can contact the seller central and report them. If you have reason to believe that there is abuse happening you should very carefully list your suspicions and provide any additional information you have in the form of attachments and screenshots. 

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There is no foolproof way to avoid buyer abuse as a seller. The more you sell the more likely it is that it’s going to happen to you. The fact that Amazon is so lenient with their shoppers in combination with the fact that FBA warehouse employees need to quickly decide what to do with a return makes things difficult.

However, there are things you can do to minimize the damage, and the overall risk of it occurring. When it comes to selling on Amazon, pay attention, and keep track of things. Keep an eye out for potential return customers that perform frequent returns and report any suspicious behavior. Good luck sellers!

About the author

This post was written by the AMZScout Amazon Expert Team. AMZScout is one of the top Amazon research tools for online sellers, and has been in the field for more than four years now. We love to share our expertise and identify trends to guide sellers to success.

Commonly Asked Questions About Amazon FBA

Why do people start selling on Amazon? If you ask the majority, they would say the golden word ‘Financial Freedom’.

To be financially free is the ultimate dream for many people. You can become your boss, set your hours, and work from wherever you want with Amazon as the platform to make it happen! But take note: success on this website does not come easy, and requires a lot of hard work.

Back in the days, when there was no FBA, selling on Amazon was a whole new thing. From managing the tedious logistics tasks to delivering it to the customers on time, selling wasn’t easy at all.

With Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon), things have changed.

Amazon FBA, known as Fulfillment by Amazon, is a selling method in which Amazon does most of the job, from holding and managing the inventory to delivering it to the customer. At the same time, the seller focuses on the advertising part of his products.

The process of Amazon FBA is quite simple:

Deliver Products to Amazon – Upload products on Amazon – Consumer buys the product – Amazon Picks up the product – Shipped by Amazon

I am here to answer the commonly asked Amazon Seller questions concerning Amazon FBA.

How much Capital Should I have to start with FBA?

How much Capital Should I have to start with FBA?


It depends – on your goal and your target market. You can even start selling your used books with little to no investment.

But, for a nice start, $1000 is a good bet.

To make full use of your investment, I recommend sellers do product research before launching the product in the market. And with $1000, you can conduct product tests and leave some money for marketing and building a listing.

Moreover, the best technique for successful Amazon selling is to launch multiple products so that you’re never out of the race and can build a strong storefront.

Therefore, in the beginning, you don’t need a huge investment. Instead, you can start with an easy niche that has a demand in the Amazon market and is cheaper. But I repeat, $1000 is a good bet.

Should I sell on other alternatives besides Amazon?

Should I sell on other alternatives besides Amazon?

Well, a multi-channel selling strategy would always prefer selling products on different e-commerce platforms as that would enable you to grab a larger portion of the market. One may ask; should I ignore Amazon? To be real, Amazon is too prominent to ignore because of the audience size.

Whether you’re selling dog whistles or expensive electronic items, there’re always people turning to Amazon to find the products you sell.

Here are a few reasons you should look for alternatives to selling besides Amazon.

  1. Since selling on Amazon is expensive and competitive, there is a need for alternatives to help you sell more with more profit margin. The other alternatives relatively charge less than what Amazon does.
  2. You can definitely target a unique audience that isn’t on Amazon.
  3. If you sell handmade items, then ETSY is the best platform for you, where you only need 20 cents to get started.
  4. Many e-commerce platforms like Walmart don’t charge you anything extra other than the referral fees. Moreover, you have a free seller account which makes it worthy of selling products with less budget.

Above all, there isn’t any disadvantage in covering a larger portion of the market and increasing your sales.

Is it necessary to have a custom Package of my own brand on Amazon FBA?

Is it necessary to have a custom Package of my own brand on Amazon FBA?

No, you don’t need a custom package to sell on Amazon FBA. A simple polybag would do the job.

Well, it’s good to have a custom one printed, but it isn’t something that Amazon imposes on you. At times, when you’re just testing your product to see the market, all you need is a simple polybag for your product.

Can I sell or Buy FBA Account?

Can I sell or Buy FBA Account?

Not very common, but it is a practice used by sellers to transfer ownership of their business.

For sure, it’s 100% legal to sell or buy an FBA account.

If you’re willing to sell your Amazon FBA account, all you need to do is seek approval from Amazon to ensure a smooth transaction of the listings. Once you get the approval, you’re all set to hand over your business to the new owner.

How to transfer ownership of my FBA Account?

How to transfer ownership of my FBA Account?

This is among the most vital Amazon Seller questions that I constantly receive from sellers.

You can do that in 3 simple steps:

  • Being an account owner, you have to call seller central for transfer details. Once they confirm that it can be transferred, you simply have to change the login details and hand it over to the new owner. Remember! You should contact seller central before listing your FBA Account on Flippa.
  • Now, you have to update the buyer details at the backend to enable them to update the new payment details.
  • And it’s all done; your brand is transferred.

How Much Amazon FBA Cost to a Seller?

How Much Amazon FBA Cost to a Seller?

Amazon charges about 15% of the product’s selling price (the referral amount could change for certain categories) along with 2 other fees which include fulfillment fees and inventory management fees.

As the name suggests, the fulfillment fees include the cost of picking, packing, and shipping process for each item sold. It varies on the basis of product category type and product size.

While the inventory fees are solely for the storage of your products in the Amazon warehouse.

If you’re selling a product for $50, Amazon will take the 15% which would be $7.5 in this case.

How many days would it take for Amazon to stock my product in their warehouse and make it live?

How many days would it take for Amazon to stock my product in their warehouse and make it live?

Typically, it takes 3 to 7 business days for amazon to stock your product and shows it to your inventory. However, it can take much longer if the product hasn’t been packaged or prepared according to Amazon guidelines.

So what are the Amazon guidelines for FBA Product Packaging? Here are the most important ones.

  • Deliver your product in a six-sided box. If you’re reusing the old boxes, remove the old shipping labels or markings.
  • Use a single and precise address with accurate delivery and return information.
  • Every box you deliver should have the printed FBA shipment label
  • You need to wrap all the items separately. Don’t ever make the mistake of wrapping different items together.

Does Amazon FBA help in increasing sales?

Does Amazon FBA help in increasing sales?

To a certain extent, yes.

Sellers, who are a part of Amazon FBA (Prime sellers) and uses the monthly subscription to enjoy great perks, are benefitted in many ways. From fast shipping (1-2 days) to solving the delivery issues while responding timely to the customers are few of the leverages that Amazon prime sellers get from Amazon.

This helps the sellers earn trust and reviews from the customers, which ultimately increases their CR (Conversion Rate) and sales.

Due to low or minimal sales on Amazon, can I request my products to be returned?

Due to low or minimal sales on Amazon, can I request my products to be returned?

Of course, you do.

If your products aren’t getting the right sales or attention, you have always the option of demanding their return.

What is the Amazon Buy Box?

What is the Amazon Buy Box?

As the name suggests, it is a reward given by Amazon to its sellers who have their products listed at the best prices along with other factors such as FBA/Prime shipping offered, availability of stock, and the seller’s performance.

Note only 1 seller can win the buy box for a given product.

Why is it important?

For that, you need a closer look at the listing page

On the right side, there are 3 portions.

  • Product Details
  • Buy Box
  • Other Sellers selling the same product

Here is how the buy box looks: It is simply a white box placed on the right side of the product detail page where the checkout process takes place for the customers. The customer makes a purchase from the seller who has ‘won’ the buy box. According to statistics, 82% of Amazon sales go through the Buy Box.

Amazon Seller questions

I repeat, each product has the buy box, but not every seller owns it.

Let’s look at the 3rd option, which shows the seller who won the buy box.

Amazon Seller questions

As a matter of fact, Buy Box can be the primary reason for the success or failure of any Amazon business.

Can I run PPC Campaigns If I don’t own the Buy Box?

From all the important Amazon Seller questions, this one is always in the headlines. No, you can’t run any sort of paid advertisements if you don’t own the Amazon Buy Box.

Will lowering the price of the products make me lose the Buy Box?

Well, No. The opposite is truer.

Lowering the price of the products will eventually increase your chances of getting the Buy Box, so it’s a ‘No worry sign’ for the sellers.

Is there a way to connect my store and inventory to Amazon?

With the help of Shopify, you can connect your store and inventory to Amazon.

Can I make a living using Amazon FBA?

You can if you do things the right way while knowing what you’re doing.

Don’t be fooled by the negative people who will spend hours and hours lecturing you about the ugly sides of Amazon FBA. They’re all just misleading you!

Think of Amazon FBA as an employee. You will need to pay its share as well on your product price.

Amazon is the place where you can earn a lot. Climb your ladder on Amazon FBA with these few quick steps:

  • Don’t mess up on Product Research. This is the most crucial aspect of Amazon FBA selling, as this is where you need to find profitable products that can earn you a good margin. Instead of finding what to sell, focus on who to sell.
  • Calculate your profit margin by deducting your initial cost and Amazon fees. Keep the margin moderate!
  • When shipping products to Amazon, there is a possibility of a few items getting damaged. Therefore, while you consider pricing, you can expect 3-5 items to be returned by Amazon. In short, have a clear-cut plan for return or damaged items!
  • Have the budget to advertise! I always recommend sellers to have some amount to run PPC Ads which can boost initial sales and product rankings. Remember, a little exposure can earn you quite a lot on Amazon.
  • Gather reviews for your products! In case you don’t know, reviews are the main thing the seller notices when making a purchase. A product with more reviews is more likely to get sales than one with little to no reviews.

Never play the king in fear of someone playing the ace! If you’re going to follow that strategy, you will end up losing. From a selling perspective, don’t panic or consider lowering your price just because of high competition or not getting the sales. There are 100 other things to try before lowering the product pricing.

When entering Amazon, be prepared. And the last thing I or anyone else can advise you is to be ‘optimistic’.

Would Any Sales Tax be collected for FBA Sellers?

Well, this may not be quite explicitly handled before, but the answer is a definite ‘Yes’. It is, in fact, true for every state except Virginia that if you are selling products through FBA, then you have to pay sales tax according to the legislation of the state where your actual inventory is located.

What is a “Sales Tax Nexus” Exactly?

As a business entity, you have undeniably a responsibility and a relation with a state. This bond is presented within the sales tax nexus. It is primarily defined through ‘physical presence’. However, it does not only mean that your business has to be located within the state, but it can also be termed as a nexus if your employee, warehouse, stored inventory, affiliate, or office location is found to be within that state. Hence for bigger companies, they might trigger state and local taxes due to their physical spread.

In the end, the burden of circulating the right sales tax falls on your shoulder entirely.

How to Find out about Where My Inventory is Located?

Your Amazon Fulfillments reports and Inventory Event Detail document can offer you the assistance you need to find out where your inventory is located. You can get this information by simply visiting the Amazon Seller Central platform. In order to look for nexus locations, all you need to do is look for the “Fulfillment Center ID”. There, you can also find abbreviations for the closest airports, such as a storage facility in Phoenix will be labeled as ‘PHX’.

What to Do If I Want To Register For Sales Tax Permit?

For all the nexus that you have within several states or a single state for that matter, you must register for a sales tax permit. Hence if you are found collecting sales tax without a permit, then many states can end up taking lawful actions against you. It is considered reasonable to preemptively register for a sales tax permit for all the FBA states. Many also consider this a waste of money; however, it still seems like a fine idea for bigger businesses.

Is it Possible for Me to Collect Sales Tax in Other States?

When it comes to collecting sales tax via the platform provided to you through Amazon, then yes, you can collect sales tax. Whereas Amazon on its own collects sales taxes for all the fifty states of the United States as well as Washington DC and some other local jurisdictions.

Bottom Line:

That’s all for now! We hope that this article answered most of your questions about Amazon FBA. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, and we would be happy to help. Let me know if we have missed out on some Amazon Seller questions.

In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more about Amazon FBA or want to get started with our services, contact us today.