How to Drive External Traffic to Your Amazon Listing

The key to a successful Amazon listing is getting people to actually see it. That means you need traffic, and a great way to do that is by figuring out how to drive external traffic to your Amazon listing.

That being said, it is easier said than done. Developing and executing an external marketing strategy can be intimidating, and, I won’t lie to you, it’s not exactly easy, but it can render spectacular results if done correctly.

External traffic directed towards your Amazon listing can improve your Best Seller Rank, help your listing rank higher, drive sales, and help you establish a relationship with your customers outside of Amazon.

So let’s simplify this “external traffic situation” and figure out how your business can benefit from it.

Before We Dive in:

Although I talk about listing optimization all the time, if you’re a first-time Amazon seller or a first-time reader, let me just mention that your listing should be optimized before we proceed. I’ve written a blog that you can check out here to make sure you’ve done that.


One way that you can get traffic to your listing is by having backlinks in blogs.

Whatever niche your product falls into, I can guarantee a content creator is blogging about it. Connect with those content creators ask them if they would be willing to review your product in a write-up. You can set up affiliate links for them so that if someone buys your product as a result of them being directed from the blog, then the content creator will earn a cut.

Say you’re selling headphones. Look for blogs that say “Top 10 Best Headphones of the Year”. Ask the writer if you can send them your product, and hopefully, they’ll change that list to include your product.

Facebook Ads:

Arguably the best place to advertise your Amazon product (other than on Amazon itself) is on Facebook. If you listen to many of the major Amazon influencers, they will all tell you that any successful external marketing campaign needs Facebook ads in place.

When you’re able to target people with specific interests within a particular demographic, you are giving yourself a better chance to make sales.

Facebook ads let you A/B test which ads are leading to conversions. As a result, you can gain valuable data about who is buying your product, which can be helpful information in the future.

Landing Pages:

When utilizing those Facebook Ads, instead of the link sending the person right to your listing, it may be a good idea to send them to a landing page first.

A landing page is a webpage that you set up to educate the customer about your product and warm them up to the idea of purchasing it. If they are continuing to click through your landing page to your Amazon listing, chances are they are committed to buying the product. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have gone this far.

Additionally, you can use the landing page to collect customer data, the most common information being collected is an email. This way, you can develop your email list for future marketing endeavors and information that Amazon won’t let you collect through Seller Central.

Keep in mind for them to want to share their email, you will need to offer them some additional value, such as a coupon code to purchase the product with.

Email Lists:

That segues into the next segment nicely, email lists.

Email lists are extremely powerful and extremely underrated. By developing this list, you have direct communication with people who have clearly shown interest in your business.

You can send them information about new products, sales, or coupons and begin to develop a more direct relationship with your clientele.

Social Media

Take advantage of the opportunities that sites like Instagram and TikTok offer. Developing your brand and interacting with your audience in a more organic way can do wonders for your business.

Utilize social media influencers as well. Lots of social media influencers have extremely loyal followings, so if you can get them to promote your product, you may see an influx of external traffic.

Although paid ads will be the more effective solution at first, overtime, social media accounts for your brand can become very valuable.


If your product solves a specific problem, see if anyone has been asking questions about that problem on Quora. If you can initiate some natural dialogue and suggest your product as the solution, that post may lead multiple people to your product.


Running an Amazon business is complicated, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed, so, understandably, many sellers put external traffic on the back burner.

Hopefully, this blog has helped you to realize that it isn’t all that complicated, and you are totally competent enough to add it to your business strategy. It can immensely grow your business.

If you have any questions, contact us via our website! And if you would like to stay up to date on the most relevant Amazon seller content feel free to get in touch with me on LinkedIn or on Twitter @nolanswriting.

How to Rank Your Product on Page 1 of Amazon

Product ranking is a crucial part of selling on Amazon. Without high rankings, your products will languish, and sales will suffer. Many factors go into getting your product ranking, and it can be tricky, but there are a few things you can do to give yourself an edge over your competition.

This blog will cover some of the basics and more advanced techniques on how to rank your product on page 1 of Amazon. We’ll look at how listing optimization, fulfillment strategy, click-through rate, conversion rate, reviews, external traffic, and sales velocity as all of these things contribute to you reaching that top spot.

Now let’s give your listing the best chance to succeed.

Listing Optimization

amazon listing optimization

Let’s first look at listing optimization and ensure that your listing is at its full potential to succeed. What do I mean by listing optimization? Well, I want you to check out these aspects of your listing and make sure you check these off.

• Title: Ensure it accurately describes your product and contains your targeted keywords.

 Bullet Points: Have them highlight your 5 key features and or competitive advantage points. Include around 250-300 characters per section. Be sure to include more relevant keywords in each bullet point.

• Description: Your description should include any additional information that has not been included in the title or bullet points. You can use this space to potentially tell your company’s mission, the items included in the set, the product’s dimensions, etc. Oh! And make sure you’re still adding those keywords.

• Photos: Make sure to use all 7 image spaces. Get professional photos done that showcase your product in the best possible way and abide by Amazon’s TOS.

• A+ Content: A+ content has become almost a necessity for all serious sellers but is technically optional. I would highly recommend utilizing it but focus on the other points if you aren’t brand registered yet. You do have to be brand registered, so be aware of that.

So there’s a brief summary. If you’d like to know all about listing optimization, there’s a blog here that you can check out.

Let’s now look to the second aspect that you, as the seller, can fully control.

Fulfillment Strategy

amazon fulfilment

The key is knowing the best fulfillment style that works for your niche or type of product.

If all of your competitors are offering Prime shipping with their products, it’s probably in your best interest to offer that.

My suggestion would be to do Fulfillment by Amazon or FBA for short. This way, you ship your products to an Amazon warehouse, and they store, package, ship your products. They’ll also handle returns.

Doing FBA will allow for you to offer Prime with your products (I do believe Amazon is letting select brands offer it even if they are FBM now, but it’s a very minimal amount).

If you want exposure for your product, offering free shipping through Prime will help. You must differentiate yourself. If your competition isn’t offering Prime, doing FBA and offering Prime may be a substantial competitive advantage.

Offering Amazon Prime shipping with your items can lead to more sales on Amazon. Customers are more likely to buy things if they know that shipping is free and it will arrive in 2 days or less. In addition, listings that offer Prime delivery are two times more likely to convert someone than a listing without the option of Prime Delivery.

Click-Through Rate

Amazon CTR

Click-through Rate (CTR) is the number of people who click on a listing the number of people who see the listing.

CTR is the rate at which users click a link to a product detail page, so if your product has a high CTR, then it will rank higher. Amazon also ranks products by relevance, so if your product is relevant to other products in the same category, it will be ranked higher.

For example, if 100 people see your listing and then 10 click on it, your CTR is 10%.

The more people pass by your listing, the more Amazon thinks your product isn’t relevant to that search term.

The Click-through rate can be increased through PPC campaigns or email marketing tactics.

Conversion Rate

Amazon Conversion rate


Conversion Rate (CR) is the number of people who purchased/number of people who clicked on the listing.

One of the more important factors is the conversion rate. When people visit your Amazon product page but don’t buy the product, this will hurt your ranking.

It is important to think about why they aren’t buying and then try to fix the issues that may be dissuading them from making a purchase. If you improve conversion rates, then this will result in higher rankings.

Conversion rates are impacted by factors like price, shipping time, and customer service.


amazon product review

It’s hard to get your product ranking up on page 1 without reviews. Amazon is not going to rank a product with zero reviews high on their website, and the higher you are in the search results, the more likely you are to have people clicking through and buying from you.

Therefore, it is crucial that you provide reviews for your products as soon as possible after getting them to customers (you should be getting reviews at least every few weeks, if not sooner). By providing reviews, you are also generating feedback from your customers, which Amazon will consider when ranking your product.

Amazon wants to provide its customers with reputable and well-reviewed products, so the more reviews you have, the higher your ranking will be. Even if you’re just starting, you can still rank higher by getting your product reviewed.

A way to get more reviews is to run short sales with incentives like discounts, gifts cards, or promo codes that are limited in availability.

External Traffic

amazon external traffic

You can also try directing external traffic to your Amazon listing. Amazon’s algorithm loves to see traffic coming to your listing because it means lots of people are interested in it and that Amazon should probably rank it higher.

For example, if you have a blog, include links back to your product. If you’re a member of a forum and make an interesting post, take the time to update your signature with a link back to your product on Amazon so people reading the forum thread can click and see what you’re talking about.

External traffic from sources outside of Amazon can impact your ranking position as well, so try using social media ads or blog posts mentioning your products to drive interest there!

Make sure that you’re investing in building up an audience of human followers, not bots or automated tools. Bots aren’t good for promoting your product, as they never really have a chance to tell their friends about it after visiting the Amazon page.

Sales Velocity

amazon sales velocity

Sales velocity is how many units of your product are you selling a day.

Probably the biggest factor that contributes to your ranking on Amazon is your sales velocity.

The more sales you make, the more inclined Amazon will be to rank your listing higher, especially if they see that people search for a specific item and consistently choose yours. It all adds fuel to the fire.

Sales velocity is going to be more or less dependent on the aspects mentioned above. But, at the end of the day, sales/conversions are king.




In order to rank your product on page 1 of Amazon, you’ll need to consider listing optimization, sales velocity, click-through rate, conversion rate, and more. I hope this blog has helped give you some insight into how these metrics contribute to ranking your products on the site’s first page.

If you have questions about what we covered in our post today, please reach out!

Amazon SEO – The mastermind behind Amazon – A9 algorithm

Ultimate Amazon a9 Algorithm Seo Guide

Amazon Sellers could have come across the word called” A9 Algorithm”. If you are new to Amazon Sellers Central, Amazon’s A9 algorithm is the brain of Amazon which transforms the user queries into results effectively. Even if the user makes mistake in spellings, the algorithm finds the closest search result based on the keywords typed.

Let’s know about how the Amazon A9 algorithm works in detail:

Amazon’s A9 algorithm sets the base for Amazon ranking service. It ranks the products based on the user searched keywords and provides results in a particular order. The A9 algorithm makes the user list the results based on alphabetical order or based on pricing ranging from high to low or low to high. The A9 algorithm ranks the products based on price, matching text, sales performance and product availability. In addition to these, there are also some that the A9 algorithm uses to rank the products. They are reviews, images, added content, advertising and promotion methods. The rank can also be affected by the method of Fulfilments and availability of stocks.

The A9 algorithm changes every now and then without giving any prior notification. Even the Amazon SEO experts and Amazon SEO consultants won’t know about the changes made easily.  Amazon SEO must be done in such a way that all the keywords for the products are effectively used in the contents. Before going on with the Amazon SEO, you must carry out the Amazon Keyword Research to know about what are all the keywords that can be used to search the products on Amazon. Amazon SEO can be done by optimizing the contents based on the keywords researched. You can also make use of some Amazon SEO tools or an Amazon Keyword Research tool to find the best matching keywords for your products. Amazon SEO is similar to that of Google SEO, you need to have the user typed keywords in the title, meta description and URL of the website in order to have your website on the top of the search results. So, try to optimize your content based on the keywords.

The A9 algorithm changes every now and then without giving any prior notification. Even the Amazon SEO experts and Amazon SEO consultants won’t know about the changes made easily.  Amazon SEO must be done in such a way that all the keywords for the products are effectively used in the contents. Before going on with the Amazon SEO, you must carry out the Amazon Keyword Research to know about what are all the keywords that can be used to search the products on Amazon. Amazon SEO can be done by optimizing the contents based on the keywords researched. You can also make use of some Amazon SEO tools or an Amazon Keyword Research tool to find the best matching keywords for your products. Amazon SEO is similar to that of Google SEO, you need to have the user typed keywords in the title, meta description and URL of the website in order to have your website on the top of the search results. So, try to optimize

What is Amazon SEO??


Amazon is one of the wealthiest companies in the world making hundreds of billions every year. It doesn’t make billions alone; the Amazon sellers get the opportunity to make money. This just needs some modifications to the method of selling products in the e-commerce market. Knowing about how it works can make you master in the Amazon sales. Amazon SEO is one of the fields every Amazon seller must know about. There are many Amazon SEO services in the market, spending money on those services is not the effective choice. With a little effort, anyone can learn about it.

Amazon SEO experts suggest getting started with Amazon ranking service in order to know about Amazon SEO. Amazon Search Engine makes use of the algorithm called A9. Let’s see on how to optimize Amazon SEO to increase the sales:

The three important metrics to keep an eye on in order to improve AmazonListing are:

  • Amazon Product Photography
  • Title tags
  • Amazon Keyword Research.

The A9 algorithm is specially etched for Amazon Sellers and it changes every now and then. Amazon’s A9 algorithm provides the Amazon ranking service. Here are some tips by leading amazon SEO consultant from the leading Amazon SEO company and Amazon SEO agency, USA:

  1. Carry out the Amazon Keyword Research and find out the keywords suitable for your product.
  2. Optimizing Amazon Listing: Make sure that the product title contains elements like the brand, product line, the material used, colour, size and quantity. Try to add some eye catchy keywords in between.
  3. Formulate a storytelling product description.
  4. Make sure that the Keywords are in the title and description.

If you are not able to find the best keywords for your product, make use of Amazon Keyword Research tool to find the best keywords based on any product that you sell.