The Complete Guide To Amazon CTR (Click Through Rate) With Examples

According to a 2022 statistic posted by Google, the first three search results get an average of about 68.1% of the CTR when compared to the rest. As business owners or as a marketer, we understand that success on Amazon requires a clear understanding of Amazon Click Through Rate (CTR). 

Within this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know about Amazon CTR, including how to measure it and how to improve it. We’ll also provide some real-world examples to help you understand how CTR works on Amazon and the importance of Amazon PPC CTR on your marketing. So, if you’re ready to take your Amazon marketing game up a notch, then keep reading!

The Amazon Journey:

A great way to establish the importance of Amazon Click Through Rate is by understanding the journey a user has to take to purchase from Amazon.

If you brought $100 to buy something from any Brick and Mortar location, such as Forever 21 or Old Navy, you would only have a limited amount of options that you could choose from.

On the other hand, if we provide you $100 to buy anything of your choice from Amazon, you wouldn’t have to rely on the layout of the store to help navigate your shopping experience. All you would have to do is search for the item you are currently interested in – by using the Amazon search engine.

The result page comprises a list of products, either paid for their top spot on the search result page by using Amazon PPC or generated organically due to high demand, both result in the products getting high CTR due to their placement. Since there are so many choices to compare; How do you, as an Amazon Seller, ensure that potential buyers are attracted to your listing?

Within that split second, a total of 4 major things are being compared:

  1. Product title.
  2. Product price.
  3. Main product image.
  4. Product review count/rating (on a scale from 1-5).

Based on the variables mentioned above, a customer will likely decide if a product (as shown in the main image) is worth the price. They’ll decide whether they will click and continue to your product page to learn more, which will earn you a point in your click-through rate metric!

Now, if your advertisement was paid for by PPC, this will cost you. As a result, you need flawless Amazon PPC Optimization to ensure a consistent, high Click-Through Rate. There are a number of ways to optimize your PPC campaigns, i.e., using an Amazon PPC service by an agency, by yourself, or even by utilizing certain optimizing tools available in the market. However, a reputable Amazon Agency that specializes in Amazon PPC Metrics and Amazon Advertising Metrics can better assist you through this process, especially if you are just starting out.

What Is Amazon CTR?

Amazon CTR (or Amazon click-through rate) is the percentage of people who see your ad on Amazon and then click through to your product page. Knowledge of your Amazon CTR is crucial for knowing if your PPC efforts are successful.

  • How Do I Calculate My Click-Through-Rate?

The click-through rate is a measure of how many clicks are obtained for every impression. For example, if you had 5 clicks and 100 impressions, the click-through rate would be 5%.

  • How To Find Your CTR On Amazon?

To find your CTR on Amazon, all you have to do is go to your Amazon Ads Account and see how many people have clicked and viewed your advertisement. 

Why Does Click Through Rate Matter On Amazon?

The Amazon click-through rate measures how well an ad campaign, keyword, or listing performs. By understanding how clicks impact your bottom line, you can make data-driven decisions about where to focus your marketing efforts; whether it is measuring your Amazon Advertising Impressions or learning how to optimize your Amazon PPC CTR (click-through rate) on your product listings.

Referring back to the previous example, on Amazon, CTR is how people get to visit your virtual store and look at your products on sale.

However, if you have two stores on the same street; one is a run-down warehouse with high-quality products and the other is a beautiful store with the same quality of products but displayed in a pleasing and professional way. Which store do you think will get more customers?

Obviously, it will be a beautiful store with a more professional display case. This same phenomenon is applicable to your main product image on Amazon. The more high-quality and professional-looking it is, the more customers will trust your advertisements enough to click on them and buy.

This is why that main image is vital to selling, whether we are advertising digitally or just in-store, it is the secret sauce to winning the CTR game.

Another great way for Amazon sellers to make higher profits is by increasing their clicks and conversions with strategies focused on PPC Ads. As a result, you can enjoy both having higher selling rates and lower spending on advertisement optimization with top spots on result pages.

What Are The Causes Of A Low CTR Rate?

Have you ever clicked on a search engine ad, only to be taken to a website that’s nothing like what you were expecting? Chances are, your CTR (click-through rate) was low. The average CTR for search engine ads is just 2.7%.

So what contributes to this low CTR rate? Low click-through rates can result from two primary reasons; irrelevant ads and the ad position.

  • The Ad position:

The way you position your ad will have a major impact on how many people click it and, therefore, the overall conversion rate. For example, on Amazon, top-of-the-page ads get clicked by visitors, while bottom-positioned banners can go unnoticed or missed altogether. It happens because they’re hidden underneath other high-ranking content until someone scrolls down enough for them to notice!

  • Irrelevant Ads:

You can use negative keywords to exclude search terms from your campaigns and help you focus on only the keywords that matter to your customers. This will allow you more control in terms of to whom your products are being advertised.

A good example of this is when retailers add the word “free” as a negative keyword in their listing or PPC campaign. This will ensure that any customer not willing to pay for the product will not be shown their advertisement and click on it in hopes of it being free of cost. This will significantly improve the CTR rate as the advertisement will only be clicked by people willing to actually purchase the product.

What Is A Good CTR Rate?

As a business owner or marketer, you’re always looking for ways to improve your click-through rate…but, what CTR should I be aiming for?

A good CTR rate for any campaign is considered to be 0.5% and above.

A well-performing campaign, with an average of 2% click-throughs can increase a product’s ranking by hundreds of positions. You must be investing time and resources where there is potential for a return on investment.

How Do Different Advertising Placements/Positions Affect CTR?

Amazon’s click-through rate is one of the most important metrics for measuring the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. But what factors influence CTR? 

First, let’s take a look at how different advertising positions/placements affect CTR

  • Top Of Search Page:

The CTR of an ad campaign can be dramatically affected by where it’s placed on the search page. Moving from the top to lower down the search page will result in 50% fewer overall clicks, so if your goal is just to get as many people clicking on ads – then remaining at the top is crucial and you must use bid placements to increase that! 

  • How Does Organic Ranking Fit Into All Of This?

Organic searches often get sidelined due to the constant battle to stay on top of Amazon search results. Therefore, more and more businesses are turning to Cost per click Amazon campaigns utilizing PPC to increase their overall sales and advertisement performance on Amazon.

How do Different Types Of Advertising Types Affect The CTR?

Ads can be divided into three main categories based on Amazon PPC Metrics: Sponsored Products (SP), Sponsored Brands (SB), and Display Ads (DP).

The Sponsored Products have a median CTR of around 0.42%, while the Sponsored Brands have approximately 0.38%. Next up, we have Display Ads, which typically offer higher clicks than other types at about 1%. 

With display ads, these rank organically in relatively unique positions throughout Amazon (ie. on-page, off-page and on competitor listings so there is a suite of considerations when measuring things such as CTR.

Bonus Tip: If you want to increase your click-through rate on Display Ads running on competitor ASINS, use a coupon to make the listing POP out on the page. 

In the image below, you’ll see I highlighted the major locations for a display ad but the one in the bottom right has a 8% off coupon which is enabled to be shown on the ad itself. One unique way to stand out!


How To Organically Improve The CTR Rate?

Every business strives to improve its click-through rate (CTR), however, not everyone knows how to do it correctly. Here are some organic methods of improving your CTR without resorting to spammy, or deceptive tactics.

  • Title:

Product titles present an opportunity to personalize your products and make them stand out from the rest of your competition. 

Narrowly focused keywords within your captions help match online shoppers’ searches, increasing CTR percentage by indicating how a product will benefit from your product buyer, or solve a problem. 

The key is getting creative with words that appeal specifically to what users want!

Here’s a great example of a good vs bad product title image so you can have an idea. The more relevant, the better. 

Image from here:

  • Images:

High-quality front/main images will always perform better than low-quality front images. This is because online shoppers want to see exactly what they are buying, avoiding any chance of receiving something unexpected.

Another reason how this aids in improving CTR is that people tend to zoom in on the main image and inspect the product before making their decision on whether or not to click on the advertisement. 

Add an image here Francis for a front image with an upshot 

One way you can optimize your product photography is to shoot from a slightly downward angle so that your product can appear larger in size.

You can spice the rest of the images in a variety of ways like including loads of different angles, using your product packaging as the background, and even incorporating the product in a real-life setting (not on your front image as it’s against terms of service, but on secondary images). However, make sure that the product is the star of every product image you select for your listing.

The key is to look at what your competition is doing, and ask yourself “how could I do this better”?

You can also use platforms like PickFu to A/B test different images to see what works best! 

  • Badges / Coupons:

Online shoppers are used to being bombarded with coupons and badges while browsing the internet. Although it may seem cliche and overused, they have been proven to influence users into buying products more frequently. As a retailer on Amazon, you can give your customers various promo codes and coupons for up to $50 discounts on your PPC ad campaigns.

There are even certain promotions in which a limited number of discounts are offered on a product on Amazon for a short period. These promotions are called lightning deals and can range from 10% to 60% discounts products.

Add an image for Coupons on Amazon (maybe an image explaining all the options available and so forth if you can find an image like this?) 

  • Reviews:

A product with several positive feedbacks will gain more trust with visitors when compared to one that only has 1-2 neutral, or negative reviews. 

Ensuring that your buyers are left feeling satisfied will help with organic revenue moving forward. A good rule of thumb for Amazon listings is a minimum of 25 reviews per listing. 

  • Price:

Price is critical to the success of any Amazon Product Listing. Customers are drawn toward lower prices so it’s important to see what your competitors are pricing their products at when deciding your costs. 

Fulfillment Model (FBA vs. FBM):

There are two types of fulfillment models provided by Amazon.

FBA or ‘Fulfilled by Amazon means that you sell your product, and then send it to an Amazon fulfillment center for them to receive, and then ship out all your orders within two days maximum! Faster delivery improves customer satisfaction and this leads to positive customer feedback. This positive feedback, as aforementioned, will boost trust for your brand among the users visiting your advertisement to buy your product. Thus, improving the CTR rate.

On the other, FBM or ‘Fulfillment by Merchant means that the merchant handles storage, as well as all aspects of order fulfillment. The product listings are on Amazon, but they’re listed as fulfilled from another store, the store that the merchant themselves own- so you don’t need to pay for them to be stocked inside of Amazon FBA warehouse! 

This also means that the merchant handles shipping of the product as well, which can greatly affect the CTR rate especially if the merchant is making late deliveries or if the listing is well beyond 2-3 day shipping windows. 

The difference between FBM & FBA is how much responsibility you hold for the inventory/fulfillment process from start to finish. However, if you’re having issues with getting a good click-through rate on your listings, we recommend using FBA to start. This is because FBA retailers on Amazon come with a prime badge that improves CTR instantly given the relationship between customers and prime. 

Amazon Prime & Conversion – are they correlated? 

Adding to the previous section, Amazon has some of the highest conversion rates of any eCommerce marketplace, which is why so many firms choose to sell there. A good Amazon conversion rate for a non-Prime buyer is around 10-15% on average. Due to the frequency with which they are viewed, this number reduces to 3.32 percent among the Top 500 merchants. The conversion rate for Amazon Prime subscribers is much higher, at 74%.

It’s vital to note that the definition of a good conversion rate varies by product and specialty. Customers are more inclined to look around and compare these products to similar products before making a final purchase on Amazon, so items that are more expensive ($100+) will often have lower conversion rates.

Again, it all depends on the category, item, price, and much more when considering the data to be explored and how to measure success for your brand on Amazon. 


How To Use Amazon Ads To Improve The CTR Rate?

It doesn’t matter if you are a small business owner, entrepreneur, or solopreneur; Amazon PPC is an important part of your marketing strategy. The more people who see your products on Amazon with increased visibility, the better chance you can make sales online.

Here’s a recap of how to improve your CTR:  

  • Encourage reviews and ratings.
  • Target the most relevant keywords when spending money on ad placements
  • Constantly optimize your Amazon PPC campaigns for improving CTR by reviewing your advertisement campaigns once launched with a key measure on impressions vs clicks.
  • Hire an experienced Campaign Manager / Outsourced Freelancer or PPC Agency to consult once you’re spending more than $1000-$2000+ per month in ad spend. 
  • Keep an eye on your CTR on top-performing listings. 
  • Keep a pulse on competition, what their doing and where they’re pushing you out of the market in terms of what they’re doing better. 
  • A/B testing with PickFu using new images or titles every two to three months to improve the CTR constantly and try new listings


Amazon Advertising: ASIN Retargeting Explained

Amazon Advertising: ASIN Retargeting Explained

Imagine you are an Amazon Seller. You have a product that you sell on Amazon. You notice one day that your product is no longer selling as well as it used to. What do you do? Do you give up and find a new product to sell? Or, do you try something new to see if that will help increase your sales?

If you are like most Amazon Sellers, you will try something new to increase your sales, one of the things you may want to try is Amazon ASIN Re-Targeting. But what is Amazon ASIN Re-Targeting? And how can it help improve your sales

Keep reading to learn more about Amazon ASIN Re-Targeting and how it can help improve your product sales.

Retargeting On Amazon: Why Is It Important?

Retargeting on Amazon is an excellent way for marketers to retarget users who have already been exposed to their advertising content. 

With this technique, you can target people as they browse various sites or pages within an e-commerce website such as Amazon, delivering ads based on what’s being viewed. In this way, the potential customers are constantly reminded about your product offerings without interruptions from other advertisements.

Retargeting on Amazon has been a popular marketing technique for retailers to get customers back onto their product listings. In addition, potential consumers can see retargeted ads when browsing other areas, giving them another chance to purchase whatever it was that caused you trouble in converting visitors into loyal shoppers.

Retargeting on Amazon can be a powerful and effective way to boost your visibility as an e-seller. This service provides sellers with the opportunity for increased conversion rates by targeting potential customers who have already been browsing through other sites like Google or Bing but haven’t yet found what they are looking for in one place.  

Amazon Sponsored Display Ads

The Sponsored Display Ads provide a way for vendors to reach back and re-engage with lost customers for your listed products on Amazon. It’s no wonder this is one of the most popular advertising tools on amazon

If you are an agency helping your client grow their sales through sponsored ads or simply want more visibility as an established seller, you can sign up. But there’s always something special about being able to “go big” from day 1.

With Amazon Sponsored Ads, you can drive relevant and targeted audiences to your online page. And with high cost-per-acquisition rates for advertisers and an ability to bring new customers into the funnel from search engines like Google or Bing – these are just some reasons why this advertising platform is becoming so popular among marketers nowadays.

How Does ASIN Retargeting On Amazon Work? 

Retargeting on Amazon is more than just displaying ads to users who have previously viewed your product. 

To be eligible for retargeting, they must first collect data about them when viewing details of their interest in acquiring one or more items from you through online shopping channels like Amazon. 

Amazon Sellers can make use of Brand Registry when considering retargeting the audience towards their product listings.You can unlock the power of sponsored brands to promote your products. With this ad format there is always an option for one product per listing with logo and branding that helps create awareness about what they are selling.

Here’s how Amazon’s standard display placements provides different ways to target your customers: 

Product Search Queries – Keywords associated with the promoted ASIN can be set up when users enter specific keywords. Unfortunately, the marketplace does not provide any information about them, so we don’t know how they’re chosen or what Amazon’s algorithm is based on – but it works.

Number of Brand Views – If a user has viewed your products for an extended period, you can target them with special promotions. Brand Viewing is helpful if many complementary and well-matched items in the marketplace would likely interest someone who views our brand’s product listing or storefront frequently. 

Number of Brand Purchases – The user can receive ads if they have purchased a product of that particular brand and wish to promote other items from your same stable. If convincing buyers to do cross-sales or upselling is key for success, this option might just do what’s needed.

Number of Product Views Product views appear the most popular choice for retainer ads, followed by persons who have viewed an item but have not purchased it yet; these people will be advertised until they eventually buy or drop off our advertising grid platform.

Conquesting the Competitors – Take advantage of the hundreds if not thousands who are interested in competing products. By running Display ads on Amazon and on the listing itself , it allows you control over your ASINs, they should be selected by yourself rather than Amazon because their choices may change at any time – giving YOU a chance for increased sales. 

Amazon Retargeting Tips

Ready to get started with your Amazon retargeting campaign? Here are a few tips that will help.

Conversion Pixel

You can segment your audience with conversion pixels, so you know which behaviours are taking place on the website and how frequently they’re occurring during an advertising campaign.

The moment your audience interacts with the website, you can engage them and target ads to get more people engaged in what it has to offer. This will result in a win-win campaign for both parties involved – so much better than traditional advertising. 

Custom Audience Feature via Facebook

Facebook retargeting advertisements are becoming a much-needed tool for any marketer. Its Custom Audiences are specific groups of people on Facebook that marketers can designate as their target audience or lead list. 

The Amazon audience data is not detailed, but it does give you a good idea of who your target customer base might be. To acquire new customers for Facebook apps on the platform, there’s nothing wrong with extracting their information from amazon and uploading them into our database so we can tailor make future ads accordingly!.

Retargeting with Dynamic E-Commerce Ads

Programmatic advertising is an immensely data-driven approach. But, unfortunately, even the best (human) designer cannot accurately assess every persona of every ad. 

But Amazon closes this gap by providing a complex database on millions of users’ surfing and clicking behaviour to design optimal conversion experiences for them in their ads – just as it does with its products.

With the help of Amazon’s “Dynamic eCommerce Ads,” you can retarget your customers with personalised advertisements that are based on what they’ve bought before. The advertisement will have a product title, an image or video related to it (if available), reviews from other shoppers who also purchased this item, and pricing information for those interested in buying online.

Dynamic eCommerce Ads are a time-saver for advertisers. The eight different standard formats (demonstrated in the above image) of this advertising campaign type generate automatically, saving them from doing all that tedious work themselves.

With Amazon Ads’ e-commerce display creatives, you can create ads that are automatically tailored to meet a campaign’s goals. The two types of these creative formats: Dynamic and Responsive, have different rotational abilities so it will work well for certain industries or product categories in addition with specific targeting options too.

Sellers will be able to optimise the variation of e-commerce creative served through machine learning and selected line item goal type, such as click-through rate or purchase rate. Both creatives use primary product images found on Amazon detail pages with a custom background to enhance their effectiveness in attracting potential customers who are browsing for products online.

Amazon’s algorithm has been carefully designed to give you the best chance at ranking high on Amazon. It tests different creative elements, copy and layouts in order to optimise for shoppers’ experience while they’re browsing your product listings online. The above images below show some standard formats that may be used by advertisers like yourself – but these aren’t exact representations because every campaign is unique (therefore requiring its own special touch).

Real Example of Retargeting

The best way to learn how ad platforms work, especially after changing, is by doing extensive testing with your own hands. Multiple Amazon Advertising agencies do just that for their clients to explore exactly what ASIN targeting can do and if it will be effective or not on them. 

Consider this example of a microfiber duster; when retargeting the consumers, it’s better to ensure that you target them with different accessories related to your own product. 

This can be found in the campaign manager section of seller central.

For the ad group section, enter a relevant name and select products you intend on advertising. You can choose by their names or ASINs (Amazon Identifiers) if it’s an item that isn’t listed as restricted/prohibited. 

Some items such as caustic creams aren’t eligible for such ads at all! So make sure you’re aware before selecting them so there are no problems later down the road. 


In order to measure the performance of your retargeting campaign in terms of cost per click (CPC), conversion rate, or scale, it’s better to devise a strategy that is tested where each of the parameters is relevant for advertising purposes. 

Considering the example mentioned above of the microdusters, consider how well it performed against existing targeting options like keyword bidding strategies & demographic categories. Also, don’t forget to include the data that could be collected from users who clicked on these advertisements during their visit to tell us more about them specifically.

A rough estimation about ASIN targeting campaigns is that the CPC is comparable to keywords at (55-60) cents on average. This is because there are many other factors besides just price which determine how valuable an optimization becomes for your business and its competitors’ businesses; such as consumer engagement rate (how often people click onto these products).

Different researches have shown that when we retarget an ASIN, conversion rates improve by 10-15%. What do these results mean for advertisers? It means if they gain a higher ad ROI (return-on-investment), by retargeting products rather than which will give them more bang for their bucks. 

Final Takeaway

If you are looking to increase your sales on Amazon, retargeting might be the answer. Retargeting is a marketing strategy that uses online ads to show customers products they have already seen or interacted with to drive them back towards your site and hopefully convert them into an actual sale. 

ASIN retargeting on Amazon has become one of the most popular ways for marketers to take advantage of this powerful tool because it offers access to millions of shoppers at any given time without having to pay per click pricing as other platforms do. 

You can also choose from sponsored display ads, conversion pixels, and custom audiences via Facebook, which will help you target your audience more efficiently than ever before and still retain control over how much money you spend.


Amazon Main Image Optimization Strategies – Double Your CTR

Did you know that with the right strategies, you can increase the CTR on your Amazon listings? There are several ways to increase traffic including PPC advertising, improving rankings on high-volume keywords, social media, influencer marketing, or paid ads. It’s no secret or a surprise that all of these methods cost you either money or time.

It’s not enough to have a great product or listing; you need people clicking on your listings for them to be noticed by potential buyers. You could have a great product or a great listing, but if nobody is clicking on your listings, you will not get a sale.

Remember, You would never sell to 1000 customers on Amazon if you do not get 1000 clicks.

Read More:- Amazon Product Listing Optimization (2022) 

What Impacts Click Through Rate on Amazon?

What makes a shopper click? Why does the shopper stop scrolling? It’s not because they found what you’re trying to sell them, but rather how it is presented to them. To make sure shoppers click on your listing and buy from you instead of someone else who may be cheaper or have better deals than yours – Here are the 5 factors that encourage shoppers to click?

⦁ Main Image

⦁ Price

⦁ Reviews

⦁ Title

⦁ Amazon Badges

Out of these 5 factors, you can only control 2 of them.

The price of a product is determined by the market, and reviews are given according to customers’ experience. Amazon uses its system for displaying badges on amazon products, so they cannot be controlled.

However, the title and main image are the only weapons you have in your arsenal to make it more enticing. To be creative and win more clicks, you have to use the title option wisely. The main image should also grab attention with a captivating photo or design that will keep the audience interested and increase your click-through rate.

Read More:- This Is What You Should Do If Someone Has Stolen Your Listing Images On Amazon (2022)

Why is Amazon main Image so Important?

A study by 3M found that the human brain can process images in just 13 milliseconds. When shoppers are searching and clicking through search results, one thing they notice first is your main image.

Amazon main Image so Important

If you’re into marketing, you are likely to know the AIDA process.

AIDA means:





What should be the goal of your main image?

goal of your main amazon image

The main image should be eye-catching and captivating in order to get attention and pique interest!

Number 1 – it should get the attention of the shopper.

Number 2 – it should very clearly explain what your product is.

Number 3 – It should build up interest and curiosity so that the shopper wants to know more about your product.

Number 4 – Shopper clicks on your listing.

Now that the Desire and Action part of AIDA is done, it’s time to take a look at some other parts like product photography, video, and A+ Content. Enough of the introduction, and let’s get started! Before I start, let me tell you the basics of the main image.

Read More:- A Comprehensive Guide to Amazon Listing Optimization 2022 

basics of main image

Making your main image stand out from competitors has always been a challenge. Not just for the sellers but also the creative agencies.

But today, we are going deep into the main image strategies, and by implementing these strategies, you will indeed have a competitive edge, and your CTR will skyrocket.

First and foremost, Let’s consider the risk levels of the main image.

Amazon Main Image Risk Factors

Amazon Main Image Risk Factors The image on the left is the safest option; It is a pure white background and high-quality image, showing the product in use. And Amazon should not have any problem with it. However, you wouldn’t have any competitive advantage because everyone else will have the same photo style.

Now, the image in the middle is also a great hero shot but we have added a cat in the bag, making it look obvious that this is a cat travel bag. Also, it tells you how big that bag is as compared to the cat.

Finally, the Image on the right has some text and an ebook photo against the TOS. The image in the middle is a much safer option than the image on the right and gives you a competitive edge. We recommend that you stay in this zone where you are safe and also have a competitive advantage.

Images that you see on Amazon that have text or are against amazon ToS, are grandfathered in. Now, Amazon bots catch the text and would not let you upload the image. Therefore, you have to be very careful and creative with your main image.

Read More:- Amazon Split Testing : Stop Guessing What Shoppers Want



If you look at the image on your left, this is the actual packaging of the brand. Guess what? It wasn’t getting results. What we ended up doing is just adding little labels on the package, 25 grams of protein, and unflavoured because that’s what shoppers want to know about.

Check out the results, the CTR went up from 9.34% to 17.46% on their main keyword. Here is a tip for all those who are starting or launching a new product, try to come up with a packaging design that can contribute to getting more clicks.


This is the perfect example of great Amazon packaging. However, you might be thinking, my product does not come in packaging or does not have a nice packaging to show. This strategy works for almost all types of products. You just have to be creative.

custom packaging

This is a set of three cutting boards and I am sure this doesn’t come like that. The seller has used his clever label placement to make one main image stand out in all its glory. These are the BEST SELLERS!! Let’s keep going because there’s so much more…

Use The Model Strategy!!!

You can’t just provide your product as an explanation of what it is because people might not be interested in hearing about the details. You need to make them see how their lives will change if they buy this, or show off some cool advantages that only come with buying from you! You need more than just your product to capture the attention and interest of potential buyers.

Use The Model Strategy

In this case, you can show the model using your product in the pure white background and that can do the trick. Look at this image on your left and how much difference there is when we add a model. CTR went up 10.01% to 19.54% on their main keyword.

What if my product has variations? Is there any strategy to make my main image stand out?

Yes, 100%.

strategy to make my main image stand out

Instead of using color icons, show pictures that illustrate the variation in your product. This is what used to work back then and it’s still a great strategy today!

amazon image variation strategy

This is how you would design all your variations and it’s already making the main image stand out + showing other colors or variations. Isn’t that awesome?

Kaizen Strategy!

The next strategy is my favorite one. It is called the Kaizen Strategy.


You may think that you’re doing well with your main image, but there are always ways to improve it. Kaizen strategy means making continuous improvements and updating the content on a regular basis in order not to be left behind by competitors who already know what people want from them.

Kaizen Strategy

Look at this picture. It’s a masterpiece! The background is pure white and it has all of these cool shadows that make the image pop off your screen. This image has a great background and it follows all of Amazon’s policies.

If we want to make it better, what can we do?

Maybe 3d Render the Image.

Kaizen Strategy

Now that you’ve made the image look so much better, it’s time to brighten up some aspects. Kaizen Strategy

We’ve added a wallpaper that makes the main image stand out and looks 10 times better than its original form. In Kaizen strategy, you always keep working on your main image and how you can optimize to its 100% potential.

Kaizen Strategy

What’s even cooler is that you can use this as an opportunity to add some unique selling points.

“May I show off the improved main image?”

Now, let’s add some unique selling points. Even better right? Now shoppers can take a look at your main image and get additional information that you want to give them in order for their decision on buying from you or not! Pretty cool, don’t you think so too?!

Sky’s the limit!

It’s hard to believe that we can make this any better, but here is our way of further improving the main image.

Kaizen Strategy

Isn’t that amazing?

How far we have come with this picture. Now, your strategy is always going to be on top of the competition and in first place for success!

In competitive niches, you will notice or might have noticed that once one seller comes out with a great main image, everyone starts copying that idea and the search page looks something like this.

This is why it’s one of the best strategies to use in competitive niches.

Read More:- How to Increase Amazon Conversion Rates: 7 Essential Tips for 2022

Close Up Shots!

Have a look at these 3 images. We did a poll at our office, and most of the people chose option A or B, but the least amount of people chose option C. When we did a poll on pickfu, the majority of the people chose option C, and the reason was that they were able to see the product more clearly, and that’s why they chose this.

Close Up Shots

The best way to show off your product is by taking multiple angles on how it can be used. This will make the customer more interested in purchasing because they see all of its benefits! The more angles you show your product on, the better! It’s important to stress how it works for products with multiple functionalities or complex shapes.

Showing More Angles Of The Product!

Showing More Angles Of The Product

Imagine you are selling these products, do you think one angle of the product will suffice to communicate its features? Of course not, don’t forget about how much other angles can change perceptions. Customers need all the information they can get before making up their minds!

A good way around this is by making sure all aspects get covered – don’t just show off what’s best-looking or most interesting about them! If your product has something like this in store for customers, then it’s time they saw more than just what is on hand!

Well, what if your product has no color or more dimensions and looks boring. What can you do?

Do not worry, I have a solution for this.

Try Adding Color!

Add color to your photos! Here are some ways that you can do it.

If the idea of having a boring main image isn’t appealing, then get in touch with me. I’ll show how introducing different shades or hues into an otherwise monochromatic background will give them new life without sacrificing originality for creativity – just like these examples below:

Adding Color

Show The Packaging!

Moving on, If your product comes in custom packaging or a gift box. It is a good idea to showcase that in your main image. It will give the premium look to your product and you can definitely charge more if your packaging looks great. Another great way to get your product image to stand out.

When it comes to packaging and presentation, the way you package your product can have a huge impact on how much money people will spend with them. If the box is designed beautifully or if there’s some kind of special feature like an envelope insert that makes unboxing feel luxurious- then customers are more likely willing to pay more for whatever they get in return!

Show The Packaging

3D Rendering!

If we are talking about the main images, we can not miss 3D renders.
3D renders are getting popular and it’s one of the best solutions for reflective, transparent, or plastic products.

use 3d rendring

Some niches rely heavily on this technique so you will have no choice if your product has to compete at that level but go with 3d Renders instead of regular photography because they can get any angle otherwise it won’t be possible. Take a look at these beautiful images captured by professional photographers and edited by expert graphic designers who use their skills wisely!

3D renders are getting popular and are definitely one of the best solutions for reflective, transparent, plastic products.

Disclaimer:– 3D renders may look fake if they are done incorrectly.

If you need more information on 3d rendering, I will add a link in the description.

Show All Contents!

show all content

Let’s say if your product comes in multiple pieces or in a bundle. Showing all contents is a great way for your main image, but it needs to be laid out nicely. You can show off your product in all its glory by using a single image with an eye-catching main plot. If there are multiple pieces or parts to it, make sure you fill up as much space on the box itself so people know exactly what they’re buying!

Check out these two examples; you can see what comes in the package.

The design is very sharp and fun with a good layout that fills up as much space as possible!

good example vs bad example of images

Now, look at these two different images.

The first one is done nicely but it’s nowhere near the second one, which has incredible lighting and coloration to make an awe-inspiring piece of art from what could have been just another picture of your product or service on Amazon! The image on the left is done nicely, but it is nowhere close to the image on the right. For Amazon, you just don’t need good photography, but you also need good editing.

Product in Action!

product in action

Last but not least however significant one, show your product in action. The product picture is not enough to explain what your product is or does. Showing it in the main image will give you a competitive advantage.

Showing your product in action is the best way to demonstrate what it does. The pictures speak volumes, but showing people how they can benefit from using that specific service or item really drives home. It tells why you’re so confident about these products! It gets the attention, and only relevant and interested people will click on your listing.

If you look at the image on the left, it is like a scope for a cell phone. Without the cell phone, it would have been difficult to understand what that product should do.

The image on the right is showing the product on the monitor, making it very obvious that it was made for monitors vs thin laptops.

Also, this image is also showing 3 different light settings and different shapes. This product can be used in the same image.

Split Testing!

Split Testing

I would highly recommend doing a split test on your main images. No matter how great your images look, split testing different concepts can help you make better decisions. Even a few percentage increases in CTR can be a game-changer. Even a small increase in CTR could be worth it for businesses who are looking to get ahead of their competition by implementing these strategies early on rather than waiting until the last minute before launch time comes around again…

You can use an Amazon native tool called Manage Your Experiments or a third-party tool for instant results.

Split Testing

In MYE, you can split test A+ content and your title along with the main image.

You can use different metrics like Sales, Sample Size, conversion rate, and units sold per customer.

I think that’s really important.

We have a blog on split testing that I will link below.

MYE is available for brand registered sellers and you have to check first if your ASIN is eligible or not.

Use Brand Analytics!

There is one more cool way to find out what listings are getting the most amount of click share. It is using brand analytics.

Search for any keyword and choose the duration. Use Brand Analytics

You will be able to see the top 3 listings that have the most click share and conversion share.

Use Brand Analytics

This will give you a really solid starting point on how your main image and overall listing should look like.


Amazon’s main image optimization can make or break your listing. Although some of the strategies might get detected by the bots, It is a good idea to have a safe image as a backup.

Understand Amazon’s main image requirements and be creative with them.

I hope this was helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at or request a free audit.

If you need any help with your Amazon listings, schedule a call with one of the team members using this link.

Amazon Split Testing : Stop Guessing What Shoppers Want

amazon split testing

Selling on Amazon isn’t always about offering the best product at the best price — over two-thirds of shoppers “trust their gut” over rationale when making purchasing decisions, so sellers are better off appealing to their emotional side. But how can you guess what your customers really want? With Amazon split testing, you don’t have to guess at all.

Amazon split testing, or “A/B testing,” effectively takes the guesswork out of choosing the best product photos, text copy, and even pricing. Amazon’s native Manage Your Experiments (MYE) tool even lets you test different images and other variables live on Amazon to see which perform best so you can make informed decisions without a shadow of a doubt.

But how does Amazon split-testing work? What can you test? Are you even eligible? Below, we explain everything you need to know about A/B testing on Amazon so you can get started right away.

How Amazon Split-testing Increases Sales

Split-testing in general is a great aid for eCommerce, whether you use Amazon’s MYE tool or an independent service. As mentioned above, you no longer have to guess what your customers want; they tell you directly through minimal trial and error.

But how specifically does Amazon split-testing help? The minutiae and tiny details of your listing, such as price, images, and product page text, all have an enormous impact on customer opinion and conversion rates, but the effects may not always be evident at first glance. That’s where A/B testing comes in.

In split testing, two different versions of the same image or page are shown to different users, and the results are recorded. Typically, the versions are similar except for one key variable — the same image in different colors, or the same product page with different product titles — but you can also test drastically different versions if you prefer.

Split testing works best when the test-takers are your target audience. With Amazon MYE, your experiments appear directly in the Amazon marketplace just like regular products. That means they’ll show up normally when customers hit your target keywords or click your ads, appearing in front of the people they’re supposed to.

From there, you check to see which version performs better. Do your shoppers prefer a close-up product photo, or maybe one that shows everything included in the package? Is your ideal price just as ideal for shoppers? You don’t need to guess anymore, you can find out for sure.

Amazon split-testing is one of the most effective and data-driven methods of optimizing your product pages. Tailoring your pages to your specific customers’ wants not only increases conversions but also creates more satisfied customers — and satisfied customers usually come back.

Ecommerce success has a snowball effect, so the more sales you make, the easier it is to rank on page 1 of Amazon. In this way, those tiny details in your pages and pictures add up to make a big difference.

Who is Eligible for Amazon Split-testing?

Amazon’s own split-testing tool, Manage Your Experiments, still have limited access. The good news is that any Amazon seller can still use A/B testing from an outside source to improve their Amazon sales.

For starters, MYE is only allowed for sellers who:

Moreover, the variables you can test through MYE have limited as well: essentially just product images and titles, along with A+ Content for those who use it.

If you don’t meet these criteria, don’t sweat it — you can always work with an independent split-testing service like PickFu. These can sometimes be more useful than MYE; for example, they allow you to test more variables like pricing and experimental products.

Even more alluring is the safety of testing outside of Amazon. MYE uses actual Amazon users, so if one of your samples performs poorly, those real shoppers won’t know it’s just an experiment. In other words, if you’re testing something that’s truly a risk, you might make a bad impression on potential customers.

How to Use Amazon Split-testing with MYE

What can you test on Amazon MYE? Here are some of the best ways to use Amazon split testing to improve your sales strategies.

Optimize Product Photography

Split-testing has deep roots in image optimization, making it ideal for finding the perfect product photography. At its core, A/B testing is just a poll to see which picture people like better.

Because product photography is so vital to eCommerce, it requires more than just staying up-to-date with the current eCommerce photography tips. Different customers have different tastes — some prefer pictures that demonstrate how the product works, others prefer more aesthetic or “prettier” pictures. The perfect product photograph is different depending on what you’re selling and whom you’re selling it to.

Amazon split-testing answers unequivocally which product photos will work best for your brand. You can test on either a large and small scale: for example, you can test two completely different images or similar images distinguished with a single variable (like including your logo in the corner).

Maybe your product photo would benefit from an insert of someone actually using the product? Demonstration photos can show shoppers how to use a product, increasing sales by clearing up some confusion. Of course, maybe that insert would make your product photo too crowded. The only way to know for sure is through testing on your actual customers.

Better SEO Keywords and Product Titles

On Amazon, product titles work two jobs: describing the product to shoppers and hitting the right SEO keywords to show up in the right feeds. Both of these can be perfected by split-testing your product titles through Amazon MYE.

By experimenting with different titles, you can explore how well your product fits with different keywords. Want to try a risky long-tail keyword as part of your Amazon keyword research? A split-test lets you test any number of keywords and keyword phrases to see which ones your target customers actually use.

You might be surprised by what shoppers type in when searching. If you feel that your current keywords are underperforming, A/B testing your product titles lets you try new things with minimal risk.

Amazon Split-testing without MYE

Amazon MYE has its limits, but luckily you can find A/B testing independently. Outsider services allow you to test more parameters — including pricing and experimental listings — and without the risk of scaring off actual customers by testing live on Amazon. That’s worth remembering if you don’t meet the eligibility requirements for MYE in the first place.

Perfect Price Points

How much is too much? Use split-testing to try out different price points, so you know precisely how much customers are willing to pay, right down to the exact cent. Undercutting rivals is a practical necessity for a competitive market like Amazon, but you don’t want to go too low that it cuts into your profits. A/B testing reveals the perfect price points to keep both you and your customers happy (but not your competitors).

Engaging Sales Copy

Every salesperson knows the importance of persuasive phrasing, but just like product photography, different words work best on different audiences. To see which text copy best resonates with your target audience, you might try out a few different versions to see what works.

Amazon split-testing lets you optimize both word choice and text length, not to mention sampling different slogans or calls-to-action to see which work best. This can be particularly useful if you’re still trying to find your brand voice — do your shoppers want to hear a friendly casual voice or perhaps something more trustworthy and formal?

Experimental Product Listings

Amazon split-testing does more than just optimize your product listings — it can optimize your entire catalog. If you’re ever unsure whether to add a new product to your line, just conduct an A/B test.

Let’s say you’re a T-shirt seller and you want to add more clothing to your range. You could split-test different brands of hats, shoes, accessories, etc. to see which (if any) your target customers would buy. This reveals not just what types of products your shoppers want, but also which brands and styles of those products suit your existing customer base.

Every merchant wants to grow their Amazon business, but offering a product your customers don’t want will only set you back. Use Amazon split-testing to decipher what your shoppers specifically would and wouldn’t buy.

At AMZ One Step, We came up with a cool concept of split test the image and friendly competition between our design teams. Check this video out and I am sure you will enjoy it.

Prepare Your Amazon Account for Success

As effective as Amazon split-testing is, it can be challenging to conduct your own, especially for new sellers. You may not yet have found your ideal niches, keywords, or price points. You might not even know who your best customers are yet.

If you feel like you haven’t quite mastered the basics yet, something advanced like split-testing might put you off — but that’s when you most need those discoveries.

That’s where AMZ One Step can help. We offer services across the board for Amazon sellers new and old: PPC management, content creation, account overseeing, product packaging, keyword ranking — you name it. If you’re having trouble getting the sales data you need, we can help you find it.

That goes for Amazon product photography as well. Your image split tests are only as good as the images you’re testing; using our photography services ensures that your test images are already as good as can be before the finishing touches.

If you want to know how we can help, schedule a free consultation. Our customer success manager Curtis Schick will answer any questions you have from between 15 to 60 minutes, so book your free call now.

3 Steps for Managing Negative Reviews on Amazon

With reviews being so critical to your Amazon business, it’s easy for sellers to start to fret over every poor rating that comes in. 

Try not to hit that panic button just yet, though. 

A few bad reviews here and there is a normal and expected part of the selling process. It’s impossible to please everyone, and even the most popular products are going to have some critics. Occasional negative reviews also help to add some authenticity — a listing full of 5 stars and glowing comments is going to be suspicious to consumers (and Amazon). 

Managing negative reviews on Amazon comes down to mitigating the problem. There are three main steps you can take to help you do so. Let’s take a closer look at each.

Read More:- 3 Steps for Managing Negative Reviews on Amazon

How to Manage Negative Reviews on Amazon

Before we go any further, it should be made very clear that you should absolutely care about negative reviews. They impact everything from search visibility and bestseller ranking to the biggest thing of all: sales. We’re simply saying it’s unrealistic to think you won’t get them, so how can you lessen their impact or fix the underlying issue? Enter the three steps.

1) Look to See if the Review Goes Against Guidelines or is Suspicious

Amazon has strict rules surrounding reviews. While you can’t ask a buyer to change or remove a review (or offer a refund or other compensation for doing so), you can ask Amazon to remove it if it violates those rules. 

If you believe a review violates the marketplace’s Community Guidelines, you can ask to have it removed by clicking the “Report Abuse” link on the product page. You can also email Amazon Seller Support at Be sure to include your product’s ASIN, the date and time of the review, the name associated with the reviewer, a link to the review, and the suspected rule violation.

Just like you should become familiar with Amazon’s review policies, you should also know how to spot a fake review. Here’s a quick crash course in what to look for:

  • A sudden rise in negative (or positive) reviews
  • Language that is noticeably similar across multiple reviews
  • Reviews with no information about the product or are written for a different product entirely
  • Questionable reviews posted around the same time
  • Several suspect reviews on a reviewer’s profile 

Contact Amazon if you suspect review manipulation. On this massively busy marketplace, it’s often a good idea to do a little policing yourself, providing you have enough proof. 

Read More:- How to Get Your First Initial Reviews on Amazon (2021): An Essential Guide to Success for Amazon Sellers

2) Perform an Amazon Review Analysis

Once you’ve deemed the review to be legitimate, zero in on what’s actually being said. People leave reviews for many reasons. Were they disappointed in the product quality? Was the item being used incorrectly? Was it too different from the product listing? Did the wrong item arrive? Or, was it a case of someone just wanting a public stage to complain? 

An Amazon review analysis is a review of a review (that has a nice ring to it, right?). It allows you to:

Improve existing products: Look for common themes across your negative reviews. Is there a design flaw or an issue with the quality of any of the materials used? You may have to have a chat with your supplier if the problem is widespread enough.

Identify new product ideas: Amazon shoppers are pretty savvy, and you may uncover some hidden (or hilarious) gems in the comments. Do you see any “I wish this item had__” or “It would be better if __”? You may have a new product idea right at your fingertips! Another strategy is performing a review analysis on competitors’ products to look for weaknesses. A new and improved product could really take over the market share. 

Make product detail page improvements: Can the root cause of a negative review be traced back to your product listing? Does it set the wrong buyer expectations with confusing content and misleading images? Double check all of these details and consider calling in the experts for help. A full listing optimization and professional product photography (two excellent services offered by AMZ One Step!) can improve how people relate to your product and lead to more conversions. 

Negative reviews can be painful in the short term, but they can also have some long-term benefits for your business. 

Read More:- Tool Review Series : Maximizing Reviews on Amazon Using Kibly

3) Contact Buyers About Negative Reviews

For years, sellers had the ability to comment on customer reviews on the product listing. When this was retired in December 2020, you were left with no real way to contact buyers about reviews. That all changed in June 2021 when Amazon rather quietly announced on its Brand Dashboard in Seller Central that brands can now contact buyers who left critical (1-3 star) reviews with templated emails through Buyer-Seller Messaging.

The feature is exclusive to brand-registered sellers, who can access it by going to the Brands menu and clicking on “Customer Reviews.” 

The “Contact Buyer” link lets you send direct messages to buyers for two reasons: 

  1. To offer a full courtesy refund or a replacement item
  2. To attempt to clarify a product issue based on the review

Although you can’t edit either of the templated messages in any way, it’s still some good news for sellers and another big perk of joining the Amazon Brand Registry.

Read More:- 3 Steps to Earning More Product Reviews with an Automated Email Marketing Campaign

Using FeedbackFive for Managing Negative Reviews on Amazon

As you can see, managing negative reviews is a lot of work. If you have multiple product pages, this crucial task can take up a significant amount of your time. 

This is why thousands of sellers turn to Amazon review software like eComEngine’s FeedbackFive for help. The tool’s flexible product review management plans make it easy to monitor any number of ASINs for positive and negative reviews. You can choose to keep an eye on your entire catalog as well as competing ASINs. 

FeedbackFive’s product review feature delivers detailed review data for every ASIN you wish to track in an easily digestible dashboard for your analysis. You can also dig deeper into ASIN-level data to see how ratings for a product have changed over time. This insight can quickly help you identify possible issues for further exploration. 


Time is of the essence though, as you don’t want to stay in the dark about negative reviews until it’s too late. To keep you in the loop, FeedbackFive also allows you to monitor reviews through a daily summary email and text and/or email alerts. Taking action ASAP is critical on a fast-moving marketplace like Amazon!

Read More:- How To Get Product Reviews In Amazon 2020

But What’s the Best Way to Deal with Bad Reviews?

Arguably the best way to combat negative reviews is to build up your positive ones to lessen the effects of lower ratings. You’re probably thinking, “that sounds great and all, but how in the world do I get more positive reviews?” The simple answer is you have to ask for them. In fact, a popular study on review trends revealed that 72% of people who were asked to write a review then went on to do so. 

Amazon absolutely allows buyers to ask for reviews, but you must do it the right way without breaking any rules. That means no incentivizing your requests, not asking employees, friends, or family members for reviews, and following all Communication Guidelines to the letter. FeedbackFive can facilitate this task by sending Amazon compliant feedback and review requests on your behalf through Request Review automation or customizable Buyer-Seller-Messaging templates. Start a free trial today to see how powerful being proactive can be!

How We Generated 20 Thousand Dollars a Day in Sales Outside of Amazon

Amazon isn’t always the way to sell. In fact, if you’re only selling on Amazon, you could be putting your business at risk.

You’ve probably heard the saying “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket” multiple times in your life from multiple different people. Well, if you’re an Amazon seller, then this saying still holds up to this day.

At AMZ One Step, we followed that saying and helped a company to diversify its selling channels outside of Amazon.

Clearly, Amazon is a premier marketplace for buyers and sellers. We wouldn’t have based our company around it if it wasn’t, yet relying too heavily on it may be holding you back.

In order to scale and mitigate the risk of your business operations, you must diversify your selling channels.

This blog will illustrate how we helped a brand generate 20 thousand dollars in sales in a day outside of Amazon utilizing a website, Omnichannel marketing, organic marketing, email marketing, and SEO work. 


Why It’s Important to Become a Multichannel Business in the Long Term:

If you are solely selling on Amazon, your entire business relies on one channel to sell all of your goods. If Amazon were to suppress your listing for whatever reason, then your whole business is put on hold until the issue causing the suppression is resolved. This could result in huge losses for your company and could, in theory, put you out of business. Lost sales, lost revenue, shipment costs to get back in stock fast, re-ranking costs,  and PPC costs could come at you very fast if something were to go wrong with your listing.

Thus, if you are concerned about the security and longevity of your business, it’s imperative that you utilize multiple channels to generate sales. It mitigates the risk of relying on one channel and may put you onto clients that you wouldn’t have otherwise reached. Especially if a competitor is only using Amazon as their only channel, this could be another way to differentiate yourself.

Now let’s get started and see how we generated 20 thousand dollars a day in sales outside of Amazon for our client. The first tool utilized was a website.


1. The Website

Having a website for your business should be the first thing on your list when looking to generate sales outside of Amazon. A website is your home base for everything that is your business. It holds your story and your portfolio of products and or services offered. 


So how are sales generated using a website, and what benefits can we see here? 

Like any other channel of your business, you need to understand that something must be offered to potential consumers for them to land and browse your website. 

Generally, you need to offer incentives:

• A common practice is offering a sale or offering coupon codes specific to your site to entice people to come to your site. 

• Offering free shipping over a certain purchase amount is also a common tool many companies utilize.

• You could also offer free informational content like an e-book, how-to guide, or even a blog related to your brand. You could also create a gate where people have to enter an email to access this content.

• People love a good sweepstake. Offer a giveaway if people reach a certain amount on their purchase order. For example, you’ll be entered to win a free hat with purchase orders of $20 and over.

• Start a loyalty program. People who continuously buy from your site earn points to get discounts or free stuff in the future. This will encourage people to come back and give you a chance to add people to your email list.


Of course, you can use many other tactics to get people on your website, but there are just a few examples.

Once you’ve built up awareness that your site exists and orders start rolling, it’s time to streamline the process. Look at how you can increase your conversion rate.

In the case of AMZ One Step’s client (who had an existing website):

We were able to achieve a conversion rate of 2.27%; this was the result of 1809 orders for May. Although that may not seem significant, keep in mind the price for the product was around $110, so that is a purchase people won’t buy without thinking about it first.

Products over $50 are no longer impulse purchases, which generally brings down the conversion rate. So that considered, the conversion rate is good, and it will continue to increase.

In our case, we were able to generate sales of $198,704.35 for May 2021. As illustrated in the graph above, you can see how our services took the monthly average from around 5k a day to upwards of 15k. At the time of writing this, we are now averaging 20k on the site. 


How you increase conversions:

We intend to increase the conversion rate by utilizing several tactics:

1. A/B testing landing pages to see what converts better. What I mean by that is testing two or more different landing pages over a certain period and seeing which one leads to more conversions.

2. Test out different incentives like mentioned above and see which ones resonate best with your customer base. If one sticks out then, it would be wise to utilize it consistently. Having these deals specific to your site may be attractive to people if they can’t get the discount on Amazon. It gives them a reason to come to your site.


Benefits for you:

There are also several benefits for you as the seller. 

Having a website allows you to have a lot more freedom in multiple aspects of your business. You can control pricing, your terms and conditions, what goes where on your site, etc. 

Another huge feature is you can collect user data. This means maybe you collect emails so that you have a Rolodex of people to send monthly emails to with special deals. You could also potentially collect basic info like age and place your customers are coming from. 

Even these slight details that Amazon won’t provide you with can have a considerable impact.

That leads me to the idea of targeting customers. 


2. Omnichannel Paid Advertising

Omnichannel paid advertising can be an effective way to get eyes on your product or service, especially when you’re first starting and don’t have a customer base. Just as it can be very beneficial, it can also be a waste of time and money if not executed properly. 

Omnichannel paid advertising includes utilizing Facebook ads, Instagram ads, google ads, YouTube ads, Tik Tok ads, Snapchat ads, blogs, etc. I know that sounds like a lot, so you can get someone like AMZ One Step to help you manage all of this.

When it came to this client, Omnichannel marketing would be our focus from the very start (because the client had already established their website).

The target audience touchpoints are spread out through multiple platforms across multiple different types of devices. We need to make sure we are visible on all the platforms our target audience is active on. 

Next, we need to ensure that the messaging they receive is constant and consistent throughout these channels.

To put this in practice made the interaction between our brand and the target audience seamless.


What did you do to get orders?

As a digital marketing agency, we never put all our eggs in one basket.

In marketing terms, we never use one channel for advertising. We always try to integrate multiple channels while making sure messaging is constant in all channels we are using.

The channels mentioned below were used to get the desired result which even exceeded the client’s expectations:

– Google Ads

– Facebook Ads

– Snapchat Ads

– Email Marketing

– YouTube SEO

– Post Purchase Strategy

– Conversion Rate Optimization

As you can see, a majority of the ad spend was directed towards Facebook and Instagram ads. According to our analysts, that was the best platform to target and reach the audience of our client. 

Essentially, at first, you will test who your target audience will be for your products and or services. If someone asks you who your target audience is and you say, “I don’t know, everyone?” then there’s an issue.

If you don’t narrow down a target audience, you will be wasting time and money on these paid advertising channels. You may be getting a lot of people landing on your POS but are the conversions there? If you barely have any conversions, it means that the ads are either targeting too wide of a range of people or the wrong people altogether.

When it comes to paid advertising, ensure you are targeting the right people. Going back to having a website, you can use the info you collect from existing customers to understand who you should be targeting.

Let’s look at an example. If you are selling aftermarket truck parts, you are targeting a particular niche. I’ll take a stab at it and say you will generally want to target men 30+ who are established and have the money to spend money on parts upgrading their truck. Also, where are those guys located? Well, I would estimate these guys would be in places like Texas where having a truck is essential for work vs somewhere like Manhattan where many people who live there don’t even own a car, let alone own a truck. If you target the people in Manhattan, how many parts are you going to sell? The answer is none.

The more narrowed down you can get, the more effective your paid advertising can be at leading to conversions.

But you don’t always need to pay for everything.


3. Organic Channels

As you may have already guessed, organic channels are places like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. 

You can utilize organic channels to attract people to your website and or Amazon listing. If you gain a following, you will have instant access to people’s feeds when you post something. Usually, social media sites will let you link a website or place to buy your products on your account page, but it’s been getting even easier of late.

In the case of this account we handled, we utilized a lot of user-generated content to post. That way, customers felt a sense of community and emotional bond to the brand. This also encouraged other users to continue to post online, tagging the brand to get featured on the account page. 

Because we focused pretty heavily on PPC advertising, the frequency of organic posts was fairly low (around four times a month). That was the amount scheduled in the strategy, but being more active on social media could only lead to even better results.

Our specialists indicated that without a doubt, what PPC can do in terms of sales can rarely happen with organic posts, so that was the reasoning for focusing less on organic channels.

That said, just because we didn’t put a lot of emphasis on organic channels with this campaign, don’t underestimate its power. These channels are free, and you should be utilizing them to the furthest extent. You can gain a lot of info about who is interested in your products, and you can get people viewing your business without paying anything. 

If you are consistently posting interesting content that any potential buyers want to see, you should see your following steadily grow over time. Don’t expect to be an overnight success story, but it is possible.

Alright, time for the outliers.


4. Email Marketing & SEO

Email marketing and SEO work are a bit tougher to place in either of the above categories. These aspects are not necessarily paid for like the others because it’s manpower used rather than paying a service to push ads for you, but you are paying those employees, so it’s not organic either.

4.1 Email Marketing


Let’s first look email marketing side. We heavily utilized email marketing, but it’s quite a tall order to mention a defined open rate. We ran multiple automated flows to different audiences at different touchpoints on their customer journey, so we don’t usually have an average open rate as every campaign and flow has different KPIs. 

Email marketing is used for several reasons. It helped us to keep anyone who joined our mailing list informed about any future deals or information about the company. It also helped to:

• Upsell campaigns and utilize other promotions.

• If someone had items in their cart for whatever reason but left their email, we might email them asking if they want to complete their purchase.

• You can also A/B test what emails people respond to the most to better understand your audience.


4.2 SEO

In Layman’s terms, SEO ranking is how well people can find you on Google.

In the case of our client, we did:

On-Page SEO: We make sure all the content that is on the website is optimized for keywords, descriptions, meta tags, and alt tags.

Off-Page SEO: We created backlinks from those sites which were relevant and that were based on our target audience.

Anas and Abbas, our SEO Experts from Out Origin, go into more detail about the SEO experience.

“Relationships between client and SEO are quite complicated. Most clients expect SEO to be like a magic spell, implement it, and it immediately fixes everything, but it’s not like that. SEO takes time, energy, and patience… which most clients (who don’t have an understanding of SEO) are lacking, and I can empathize with that.”

“For this client, they just did SEO for three months; from their POV, there was no visible improvement. But we can see the subtle changes happening like domain authority was improving, quality of backlinks and conversion from organic search was improving.”



We have developed a formula that helps clients to reach sales goals that they never thought possible.

Every product can be sold in multiple different ways, and there are always many other factors you could add or take away to succeed in your business diversification. This is simply a reiteration of what was used and what worked for this client.

Depending on your product, you may need something else. At AMZ One Step, we’re always here to help, and we can work with you to strategize how we can help increase your sales.

I wish you the best in diversifying your business, and hopefully, it leads to even more sales!

If you would like to stay up to date on other useful blogs for Amazon sellers, connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter @nolanswriting.


Why Is My Amazon Listing Not Converting?

Ok, you launched your first Amazon listing. Orders should come rolling in soon!

Wait, where are the sales? Why is my Amazon listing not converting?

All jokes aside, if your listing isn’t converting customers even after an extensive amount of time past its launch, something is wrong. Differentiation is going to be the keyword when it comes to conversions, and you should not come to expect any success without it. Every component of your listing is an opportunity to differentiate yourself from the competitors. When there is a lack of differentiation, listings do not convert. Creating a compelling product listing is very important if you want to attract potential customers.

Having the right images, reviews, price, keywords, and prime eligibility are all factors you have to consider in order to create a successful listing that will convert.


Read More:- Lessons Learned After Creating 25,000 Amazon Listing Images

In this blog, we’ll look at the 5 most common reasons why your listing isn’t converting and hopefully identify how you can fix it.

1. Main Image

The main image is one of the most important components of your entire Amazon listing, so when your main image is not up to par, it may cause issues for your listing’s success.

The main image is like the first hurdle of getting a person into your store. Once that person is in your store (i.e. On your listing), then it is the copy, additional images, and A+ content that really sells them on the product.

That is not to say the copy and additional images should be underestimated. Although the main image gets people in the door, the copy and additional images are what finally convince the person browsing to buy.

The main image converts impressions to sessions. The additional images and copy convert the sessions into conversions.

Read More:- 10 Things You Should Not Be Doing In Amazon Listing Optimization

So what can you do to improve your main image?

1. Make sure it is professional, make sure it is desirable, and make sure it stands out.
2. Or you could simply hire an agency to do it for you. If you’re unsure how you can make your images better, you can always contact us here at AMZ One Step, and we’ll help you with every Amazon photography need you may have.

2. Reviews

Over the years, Amazon has continuously focused on improving the quality of reviews and ensuring that they are authentic. This has been happening in a bid to balance the need for quick responses and the desire to provide good feedback.

Reviews are tough because you really have no control over them. There are two types of review issues that can arise.

Issue A: It could be that you have no reviews. Everyone starts out here, so you’re not alone, nor should you get discouraged.

What I would recommend is sending your products to friends and family and getting them to review your product. You want to shoot for at least 10+ reviews to really get you off your feet, and I think it’s achievable by doing this.

That being said, don’t get your entire family in your house to order a product each. Four orders from the same location accompanied by all copy and pasted 5-star reviews will likely trigger Amazon’s algorithm. If the algorithm is triggered, Amazon may suppress your listing for artificially pumping reviews.

Reviews on Amazon are about maintaining a good momentum of reviews coming in on a regular basis. So you are going to need reviews coming in at a constant rate. If you get a massive amount of reviews and then nothing, it may trigger Amazon’s algorithm to prevent people from boosting.

Read More:- A Comprehensive Guide to Amazon Listing Optimization 2022

Issue B: You’ve accumulated a number of negative reviews.

Unfortunately this a considerably tougher position to be in compared to issue A. This means several people were dissatisfied enough with your product that they took the time to come back and leave a bad review.

It’s time to take a hard look at your product and decide whether or not it’s time to abandon the ship. Can your product be improved enough that you could start to get positive reviews?

If you can improve the item, then maybe this product is salvageable, and you can average out the bad reviews with good ones.

If it is just an extremely low-quality product and you just did it to make a quick buck while the type of product was trendy, it’s probably time to let it go.

Read More:- How to do Amazon Listing Optimization to make your product best

3. Price

Next, let’s take a look at your price. Contrary to popular belief, a price reduction isn’t always the answer.

Finding the right price is very important when it comes to optimizing your listing. There are a number of factors that go into choosing the right price, such as quality, profitability, and competition.

Price comparison is one of the most effective ways to improve your listing. It can help you find the right price for your product, and it can also help you get more conversions. Doing so helps avoid wasting your time and money.

You can attempt to split test your price for your product. For example, say your product is $5. You could try a decreased price of $4.50 and then an increased price of $5.50. See which one leads to more conversions.

It could be that your price is too high for the product, or it could be that it isn’t high enough. You need to evaluate the niche.

Niche or niche. Whatever.

And say, is a price drop going to differentiate me from the competition, which in turn will lead to conversions? If not, then a price reduction is clearly not the answer.

Increasing the price can actually differentiate you in a positive way as well. If people see your price is slightly higher, they may have a fear of missing out. By spending, say, only two more dollars, they get your slightly better product over a competitor’s, and it lives up to their expectations. Then you start getting positive reviews, and you start the momentum of more conversions.

Read More:- This Is What You Should Do If Someone Has Stolen Your Listing Images On Amazon (2021)

4. Seller Dominance

Seller dominance is when one really competitive seller in the niche takes up most of the market share. Similar to reviews, this issue is borderline uncontrollable.

There are two ways to go about this.

Let’s say your selling headphones. You are now competing with Bose, Sony, JBL, etc. How can you ever hope to compete in the market?

Option 1: If you have no outstanding differentiating factor, which, let’s be real, it’d be hard to innovate past those companies.

The solution is to pivot and target different keywords.

Say the big companies are targeting “headphones.” Clearly, you’ll never rank with that. But say you put Sustainably made headphones. Although it’s a lot more niche, if the big guys aren’t targeting those keywords, you may have a chance.

Option 2: The second situation would be where there is seller dominance to the extent that one seller basically has a monopoly over the niche. This is where someone is selling a similar product, but at a price, amount of reviews, and quality of listing you just can’t compete with.

I would try pivoting as hard as possible, but in some cases, it’s just too competitive to remain active within the space.

Read More:- 5 Things You Need to do for a Killer Amazon Product Listing

5. Prime Eligibility

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is one of the most effective ways to increase conversion rates. It’s also one of the most secure and easy ways to get your products into Prime. Having Prime badges on your inventory makes it more attractive to buyers.

Now, this point may not be as detrimental to the success of your listing, but it can play a role. When I shop for products like maybe a charger where I’m fairly indifferent on brand, and most of the specs are the same, I’ll choose the charger that has prime delivery.


There are many ways to improve your Amazon listing’s conversion rate, but each strategy has its own unique characteristics. A few different elements of your listing will help determine which ones will work for you.

The most important statistic in any business is the conversion rate. It shows how well your efforts are affecting your sales.

It’s all about differentiation because differentiation = sales. So these are the top 5 areas where people can help to increase their differentiation.

Hopefully, this blog aids you in reevaluating your listing so that you can increase conversion and make a ton of sales!

If you would like to stay up to date on other useful blogs for Amazon sellers, connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter @nolanswriting.

Will Amazon Ever Accept Bitcoin as Payment?

Cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly more mainstream, and as a result, even institutional investors are strategizing on how they can get into the game. Many are now speculating on where Bitcoin could find itself in the consumer market as a common form of payment.

With Amazon being the largest e-commerce marketplace in the US, it makes sense that people are curious as to whether the tech giant will join in on the crypto craze. So will Amazon ever accept Bitcoin as payment?

No, and here’s why.

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There’d Be a Ton of Legal and Financial Implications

As one might expect with a decentralized currency, there’s a lot of grey area. Currently, just about every country where people are trading crypto is scrambling to regulate it.

The regulations on Bitcoin vary too heavily from country to country and even state to state for Amazon to be able to manage it.

Read More:- Amazon Prime Day 2021: What to Expect


Amazon being an international enterprise, would have to essentially create a financial infrastructure so that it could buy, sell and manage Bitcoin.

The setup of said infrastructure could cost more than they could ever hope to gain with actually implementing Bitcoin.

The other concern is that no other large international company has widely adopted Bitcoin, so there is no infrastructure for them to reference. This would lead to an immense amount of trial and error, which could prove to be extremely costly in terms of time and money.

Read More:- Is it a good idea to start selling on Amazon in 2021?

The Volatility of a Non-Fiat Currency

Although the value of national currencies does fluctuate to a degree, the fluctuation is nowhere near that of Bitcoin. For example, the Canadian dollar may fluctuate 5% per year while Bitcoin may fluctuate 5% or even 10% on any given day. Needless to say, the crypto market is not for the faint of heart.

Even if Amazon had everything in place to go through with it, they’d have to have a large Bitcoin reserve. With this kind of volatility, there is always the chance that 1 billion dollars of Bitcoin could be worth 1 million the next day; the company would just never take on that much risk.

The Crypto Transaction Fees

Many crypto wallets take a cut or a fee to pay for items. In that case, the buyer might actually have to pay $62 USD worth of Bitcoin on a $60 USD priced product.

There are also transaction fees when converting crypto to fiat and vice versa. So if you wanted to change the Bitcoin you have accumulated into USD, you would have to pay a fee. Say you sell $900 USD worth of Bitcoin; you may be left with only $820 USD.

That transaction fee could remove a large margin of profit for Amazon and its sellers.

Read More:- Lessons Learned After Creating 25,000 Amazon Listing Images

Amazon Pay

Amazon is investing heavily in its financial venture Amazon Pay. In layman’s terms, Amazon Pay is essentially another version of Apple Pay or PayPal.

This discourages the chances of Amazon adopting Bitcoin because, if anything, it will lead to Amazon creating its own cryptocurrency. The reason being is that it would likely be easier to implement their own cryptocurrency into a financial infrastructure that they created rather than build a new financial infrastructure around Bitcoin.

A known issue Amazon has with Bitcoin is the demand is not high enough. If Amazon was really pressed to enter the cryptocurrency game then it would make more sense to just start an Amazon Coin or something.

I could write a whole blog on the possibility of an Amazon cryptocurrency. Maybe they could make money by selling it and having it increase in value. They could also encourage people to buy into it with deals, say maybe if you pay for your prime membership with “Amazon Coin” you save 10%.

The Average Amazon Customer Doesn’t Use Bitcoin

Although Bitcoin is everywhere in financial news of late, it still hasn’t really been adopted by the masses. Even though Bitcoin is currently hovering around $50k USD, a large amount of the population still doesn’t know what Bitcoin is.

Thus, if most Amazon customers have no stake in Bitcoin, would there be any real benefit for Amazon to implement it in their business model? Ultimately I’d say no.

Read More:- 100s of Amazon sellers donated their products to Charity!

So Why Do People Say or Think There’s a Chance?

I think people, myself included, see Bitcoin as a positive thing full of opportunities. The fact that Bitcoins went from being a few cents to 50 thousand USD within a decade is truly amazing.

So, as a result, I think that crypto investors like to believe anything is possible when it comes to Bitcoin.

To be fair, there were a few things that teased the idea.

Amazon purchased the domains,, and This certainly got people excited, but ultimately I think Amazon is just covering its bases.

Another interesting factor is that Amazon Web Services now offers blockchain solutions. AWS Blockchain Templates now allow for you to launch an Ethereum or hyperledger fabric (private) network.

As well, Andy Jassy will be taking over as CEO. He was head of Amazon Web Services, and he introduced Amazon Managed Blockchain. So people are still speculating Bitcoin adoption will have a better chance with him at the helm rather than with Bezos.


I’m not 100% sure I want to be right or wrong about the claim made in this article. As a crypto investor myself, I always want the price of the crypto assets I hold to go up. I would think Amazon buying into the Bitcoin game would increase the asset price for a period of time, but I could be wrong. In that case, maybe it’s better that Amazon doesn’t touch Bitcoin just yet.

In my eyes, Bitcoin has become more of an asset than something you would use to pay with. It’s almost like gold; it started out as a universal currency, and now it’s more of a universal investment.

Ultimately, I just don’t think it makes any business sense for Amazon to start accepting Bitcoin. I think we’re all a bit caught up in this whirlwind that is Bitcoin, and we have to take a step back and realize maybe there are still some applications where it doesn’t make sense. It is not a one-stop solution to everything.

It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out, and maybe after a year when I look back on this blog I’ll laugh because of how wrong I was. Until then, we’ll just have to keep speculating.

If you would like to stay up to date on the articles I write about Amazon, connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter @nolanswriting. 

Amazon Prime Day 2021: What to Expect

Yes people, we are nearing what one day may very well become an internationally recognized holiday: Amazon Prime Day. The company has recently announced that Amazon Prime Day 2021 will be happening, well, soon-ish. That’s right. No confirmed date; they’re just leaving us hanging in suspense. Jeff Bezos is laughing at the amount of money he stands to make, teasing us as we all prep for this behemoth of an e-commerce sale.

In this blog we’ll cover when Amazon Prime Day 2021 will occur, how you as an Amazon seller can prepare, how to take advantage of Prime Day opportunities, and what trends may pop up this year.

Now let’s get into this fast because the time is ticking.

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So When Exactly is This Happening?

The simple answer is we don’t know…but we can ballpark it.

Usually, Amazon Prime Day happens in July because it’s the month that is slowest for Amazon FBA sellers. In 2020, Prime Day was moved to October to prioritize the shipment of essential items.

To keep up with demand, Amazon imposed a 200-unit limit on products at their Amazon FBA locations. This meant that you likely had to find a third-party logistics partner to store and ship your products once they landed on US soil (or Canadian soil if you’re in Canada).

According to multiple sources, Prime Day is slated for June, with most people predicting that it will happen around June 15th to June 30th.

There are two trains of thought as to why Amazon is choosing June instead of July.

  1. The first thought is that Amazon wants to capitalize on Father’s Day gifts. Father’s Day falls on June.20th in the US, the UK, and Canada. If Amazon Prime Day were to happen around mid-June, it would allow for people to stock up on gifts for their dads while getting some sweet deals.


People buying for Father’s Day alone boosts the sales numbers on Amazon quite a bit, so if they added Prime Day right before, one can only imagine what kind of fire that would ignite for their sales.

  1. The second thought is that Amazon is choosing June because it is in Q2 rather than July, which is in Q3. The reason being is that Amazon had massive sales numbers for Q2 in 2020 because of the pandemic.

Although those numbers were an anomaly and ultimately aren’t sustainable, Amazon likely wants to get as close to that number as possible. If the 2021 sales numbers for Q2 are drastically lower than the sales from 2020, investors could react negatively, pulling their money out of the company. This could mean a significant dip in Amazon’s stock price.

Read Also:- Why Inventory Management is Important for Amazon Sellers and How to Improve It

How to Prepare

  1. Double check that your listing is optimized. This means ensuring your product photography is looking professional, your copy is written well, your A+ content is looking A+, and your Amazon storefront is set up.

I recommend going to the top-selling products in your niche and checking out what kind of images they’re using. They must be doing well for a reason, right? Also, check how they’re writing their copy. Are they utilizing certain language or ways of writing specifically to your niche? Of course, you don’t want to copy others’ listings, but it’s good to get an idea of what the top sellers are doing.

If this sounds all a little overwhelming, you can hire a professional studio to help you with all of this listing optimization.

  1. Make sure that your supply chain is set up to handle a massive increase in sales. The last thing you ever want to do is run out of stock, especially on a day when there is double the amount of people browsing Amazon.


You can replenish your stock before Prime Day to ensure that you have the maximum allowed units ready to be sold. One rule of thumb that I’ve seen several people recommend is to order an additional one week’s worth of inventory for this day. I know everyone hates this answer, but it does vary with every business, so take that rule with a grain of salt.

  1. Figure out what Prime Day deals will be best to offer with your product. At the time of writing this blog, the deadline to submit your product for lightning sales ended in April. The good thing is you still have time to submit for prime member vouchers.

  1. Get ready to manage your Amazon PPC like a pro. Time after time, people have underestimated their PPC budget, and it maxes out before the day is half over. Don’t let this happen to you.

Some people recommend just turning off your PPC until half the day is done and then activating it. The logic behind this is it is expected that the first half of the day will be flooded with “window shoppers”, reducing the need for PPC anyway.

The second option recommended is to simply increase your PPC budget by 2 or 3 times.

Also Read:- Amazon PPC : All You Need To Know About Amazon PPC Campaigns

Take Advantage of Opportunities

Now is the perfect time to become the ‘Amazon’s Best Seller’ in your niche.

How you ask? Well, if you prep everything right, you should be doubling or tripling your sales for the day. Even if you spend a lot on PPC and barely break even, but you’ve sold enough units to snatch the Best Seller badge from your competitors, I would consider that a win.

There is also an opportunity to optimize your listing via split testing. I won’t go into detail about what split testing is, but Amazon will let you A/B test your A+ content inside of Amazon.

Splitly is a great external tool that lets you A/B every aspect of your listing that Amazon doesn’t allow.

Ultimately, the most important things to split test will be your product’s price and main image. With such high traffic to the site, you’ll surely get an increased amount of data to work with.

Also Read:- Amazon PPC Campaigns | Dynamic Bidding & Bids Placement

What Trends Can We Expect to See?

At my job, I see hundreds of different products every month, so I like to think that I’m on top of what’s popular on Amazon right now. If I had to guess as to what the two hottest product categories are going to be for Prime Day 2021 I would put my money on baby products and pet products.

Here’s why:

I know you know someone who either got a pet or had a baby during the pandemic. I’d wager that you may even know several people who got a pet or had a baby during the pandemic. The sheer volume of products in these categories that I’ve seen in only a few short months must mean that there is a high demand and large opportunity.

Of course, we can expect electronics will be a big category but it always has been. That category has never wavered in its popularity, especially with Amazon promoting their own electronics like the Kindle E-Book, the Echo Smart Speakers, and Amazon Fire TV sets to name a few.

And as Prime Day might fall close to Father’s Day, you can surely expect gifts for fathers day to be a highly searched keyword as well.

That being said, things are starting to open up in the US, where a lot of you sellers reading this are selling. At the time of writing this blog, about 40% of all Americans have been vaccinated, meaning shoppers may start to return to the brick-and-mortar stores.

Of course, shopping online is easy, and many of us have become accustomed to it; but it does raise the question: “Are shoppers going to want to go out and buy after being cooped up for so long?”.

I speculate that many Americans will be returning to brick-and-mortar stores more and more as things slowly open up. So I am curious as to whether we’ll see a dip in sales in relation to people going out to shop again.

Reference Guide:-

Also Read:- Amazon PPC optimization- Understanding the Basics:


Amazon Prime Day 2021 is going to be another weird event for Amazon sellers. We can’t go back and look at past trends to estimate what’s about to happen because the 2020 pandemic threw all expectations out the window.

As mentioned, we can likely expect to see Prime Day 2021 sometime in mid to late June. There will be lots of opportunities to take advantage of, so have a plan mapped out so that you can succeed this Prime Day.

If you would like to stay up to date on other useful blogs for Amazon sellers, connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter @nolanswriting.

How To Find A Profitable Product To Sell On Amazon

If you’re thinking about becoming an Amazon seller but don’t know what you want to sell yet, you’ve come to the right place.

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling vegan cat food or healing chakra stones. If there is a big enough niche that you can enter and disrupt, there is an opportunity.

In this blog, we’ll look at how you can find a profitable product to sell on Amazon by looking at product types, differentiation, pricing, shipping, reviews, and sourcing. You can utilize research tools to gain perspective on all of these categories, and reading this blog might also help.

Also Read:- How to find a profitable product to sell on Amazon

Before we start

By reading this blog, you’re already on the right track. You’re doing your research and trying to figure out the best way to find a product to sell on Amazon.

Although profitability is the most important word in this blog, I should have mentioned that research is the second most important word. Because ultimately, profit comes as a result of research.

So where do we start with our research?

First thing’s first, go to either Helium 10 or Jungle Scout and subscribe to their service. I won’t detail a ton of the pros and cons of the services but pick one of the two at your discretion. Yes, I know, you must research even the research tools themselves. These product research tools are the premier services in the Amazon seller space, and I guarantee that a majority of sellers use one of the two.

They both provide information that will be critical to your success, such as:

  • Finding existing profitable products that will allow you to find a niche projected to do well.
  • Showing you existing products’ reviews, best seller rank, daily sales, monthly sales, and more.
  • You can also find high-ranking keywords in a niche and see what other keywords existing products are using.

These are just broad strokes when referring to what these tools can do. They are capable of much, much more, but you will just have to go to each site to see which fits your needs best.

Now that you have your product research tools let’s start looking for a product.

Ideally, you’ll want to look for a low supply and high demand niche. That is easier said than done, but it’s best to find a niche where products sell at least 10 units per day. Any lower in daily product sales and there is virtually no profit to be made.

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Product Types

For your first product, it is generally best to stick to ones that are easy to manufacture and made from cheap materials. Go for plastic or rubber, essentially products that won’t break in shipment.

I advise you to stay away from electronics and glass. The reason being is that these types of products are notorious for being broken in shipment, which leads to a lot of returns. A high return rate can lead to extreme financial burdens and can be hard to navigate for first-time sellers. phentermine online doctor texas


Product Differentiation

Now that you understand how to find a niche and what type of products are ideal, maybe you have a type of product in mind. But how are you going to differentiate yourself?

You can’t just enter the market with the same product; slap your own logo on there and call it a day. No, you need a product and listing that stands out amongst the other listings. You need a product that shines and is a guiding light for all consumers to follow.

So how can you improve the product even in the slightest?

  • Use different designs and colors.
  • Have your product solve an issue better than existing products.
  • Use different or higher quality material.
  • You could include two products in one package.
  • Offer a higher level of customizability.

That being said, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. If the product is so different, people won’t even know to search for it.

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When choosing a product, it’s a good idea to look for one that you can sell for around $15-$50 USD.

The reason being is if you are under $15, then by the time you pay for manufacturing, shipping, and Amazon FBA fees, you’ll be lucky to break even.

Now, if your product is priced at over $50, you have passed the “impulse buy threshold”. What I mean by that is people will think twice before buying your product. The average person will not buy a product that is over 50 dollars on a whim. The chances of the potential customer hitting the Buy Now button is lowered, and that person might even go back to check out competitors for a second time.

Of course, you can operate outside of the $15-$50 range but proceed with caution. It may be more difficult for first-time sellers, so I’d advise you to stay within that range.


Generally, you want to choose an item that is small and lightweight. As you might expect, the more weight and the larger a product is, the more shipping costs you will incur. Shipping can be done in one of two ways.

The first is via ocean shipping. This is the cheaper and the more widely used of the two options, but it can be very slow, so you need to plan out your inventory carefully.

The second option is air shipping, where your inventory is brought over on a plane. Usually, the merchandise can reach the Amazon FBA Fulfillment center much quicker than ocean shipping. The downside to this option is it is usually only cost-effective for small and lightweight inventory; otherwise, it’s generally better to go with ocean shipping.

Also Read:- How To Sell On Amazon FBA (A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners)


If you didn’t already know, reviews are a massive component of selling on Amazon. The top sellers within a category, usually Amazon’s choice, will have several hundred if not thousands of reviews.

Realistically you won’t be competing with those products right away. Start with analyzing the products that have 100-200 reviews. Those are the products you will be competing with once you enter the space.

Once you have 50+ reviews, continue to bid on keywords so that you can surpass the 100-200 review products within the space.


You can source your product from any number of places, but I’ll just quickly mention a very commonly used source. Alibaba is essentially the number one place people go to find a product they can sell.

The appeal is that the work of developing a product is done for you instead of you having to go to a manufacturer with an idea and have them design and develop your product.

Again sourcing is a process that you will have to research in more detail.

Also Read:- 3D Rendering vs Product Photography & Which One Is A Better Option For Amazon Sellers?

Other things to consider

The US, UK, and Germany are the three biggest Amazon markets in the world. You’ll likely want to target one of these places, if not all three, when deciding where to sell your product. You must ensure that your product will appeal to an audience from the market you intend to target. For example, hockey sticks may sell really well in Canada but in Mexico…not so much.

It’s advisable to avoid any seasonal products for first-time Amazon sellers as they can come with a number of different complications. Inventory management can quickly become a nightmare.

For example, if you’re planning on selling a Christmas product, but the inventory doesn’t arrive until December.26th, then you might find your inventory sitting there for 11 months.

Basically, this is a high-risk, high-reward niche that you shouldn’t touch.


The simple takeaway from this blog is that product research is necessary to find a profitable product. Of course, I can’t give an Amazon masterclass within one blog, but I can provide some tips. Numerous Amazon FBA sellers start out researching different aspects of Amazon on YouTube, but there is a plethora of information on other sites as well.

Starting a business always comes with risk, but product research can help to turn that blind risk into calculated risk.

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I wish you the best in finding that profitable product. If you would like to stay updated on helpful articles for Amazon sellers, connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter @nolanswriting