What Is The Best Funding Option To Scale Your FBA Business?

As an Amazon FBA seller, you know that scaling your business and increasing Amazon sales rank is essential to growth. But what is the right funding option to help you reach your goals?
This blog post will explore the standard funding options for Amazon FBA businesses and highlight the benefits and drawbacks of each. By understanding the different funding options available to you, you can make an informed decision about which one best suits your needs. So, let’s get started!

The Best Funding Options For Scaling FBA Businesses:

With the growth of your Amazon business, you may find yourself in need of seeking additional funding to scale your operations. While many funding options are available, not all of them are good for scaling FBA businesses. We will provide tips on choosing the right funding option for your needs and the best funding options for growing your FBA business.

  • Amazon Lending:

This program is an invitation-only service offered by Amazon to help small and medium-sized businesses grow their business on the platform. The various financing options are both short-term and tailored for each seller’s needs. If you meet all the criteria, then you will be notified that you are eligible for the loan on the Seller Central dashboard.

The eligibility requirements are that sellers have an account in good standing with positive customer metrics with a steady increase in Amazon product sales over time and are also active sellers on Amazon.

This program is best for Amazon businesses already having a steady increase in sales. However, it might not be worth taking out a loan if your inventory isn’t moving quickly enough since you won’t have the means to pay it back on time.

The loan range is around $1,000 to $750,000, and the term loan length ranges from 3, 6, 9, or even 12 months, having fixed monthly payments. Additionally, you can expect your interest rate to vary depending on what kind of account you have and how much money is made. Sellers report receiving a 3% to 17% annual payment rate.

  • Business Term Loan:

If you are looking into getting a business loan for the first time, it is always best that your bank or credit union offers term loans. This type of finance works well with people who have annual revenues over $50k and good credit history because they can take out amounts up to about 5 million dollars.

This type of loan is potentially composed of interest plus fees in fixed monthly payments over time periods of anywhere from 5 to 20 years. Apply through an online direct lender who requires less stringent eligibility requirements to avoid paying more than you should. Some lenders may even factor in your amazon listing quality, so be vary of listing optimization.

  • SBA Microloan:

The Small Business Administration or SBA offers a microloan for those who want to start their own business or expand an existing one. The designated lenders make funds available, then qualified applicants can take out up to $50k in loans.

It may be surprising for you to find out that you can get a loan for business purposes if your company does not meet specific criteria. Microlenders focus on small for-profit businesses with no bankruptcies or foreclosures in the last one to two years, and they offer loans regardless of personal credit scores.

If you’re a business owner with limited experience or funds, this option can be great for your company. It’s also good if credit is an issue and/or finances aren’t recorded anywhere else, as it will help establish credibility in case any future creditors come looking.

The SBA provides financing to small businesses through designated intermediaries. The requirements for each intermediary lender are different, but generally, they require collateral and personal guarantees from you as the business owner.

The loan range is around $500 to $50,000, and the term loan length is up to 6 years max. Additionally, you can expect your interest rate to vary from 8% to 13% annual payment rate.

  • Personal Savings:

While it is uncommon for top amazon FBA sellers to recommend using personal savings when investing in their own company, this may be your only option if other avenues fail.

You could easily make back quickly as long as you are selling at a good rate and have enough money set aside for inventory purchases. Thankfully, the process is very simple, and you don’t need any kind of qualifications like credit checks or paperwork.

  • Fintech Lenders:

These days, the main challenge in getting a loan is that it’s not just your regular old banks or credit unions who offer them. You have to go through all sorts of electronic channels, which can be difficult if you need assistance from a bank or a credit union.

Why would you choose a traditional lender when there is an easier way? Fintech lenders provide the same services as your favorite bank but with some key differences. They offer loans or lines of credit that are much faster to receive and have less rigorous criteria for approval than other lending institutions, all while being more flexible and having inventory deals, so it works out better overall!


Two examples of such vendors include Payability Capital Advance and Kabbage, which can give up to $250,000 in less than 24 hours.

  • Merchant Cash Advances:

Merchant Cash Advances or MCA is an easy and fast way to get funding for your Amazon FBA business, even if you don’t have collateral. You can find a lender online with little or no paperwork required – so it’s very convenient.

Be wary of high-interest rates, especially if you have top amazon FBA sellers in place, since your half funding may go to your PPC campaigns. It’s an unregulated industry, and some companies may charge you fees while others don’t. Ask what they are before taking out any loans because it could vary widely from one lender to another.

Loans of all sizes are available, with the typical lump sum being based on credit card sales and repayment through an added fixed fee plus percentage. Loans between $2,500 to $250k tend to be more popular.

  • Peer-to-Peer Loans:

The first step in getting a peer-to-peer loan is filling out an application on one of the P2P websites. For investors to be comfortable with lending money, you need information about your credit score and debt to income ratio and why your business requires this financial aid. This is so the investors feel secure about investing in your business.

The P2P lending website has a few strict guidelines to follow if you want your loan approved. It can take up to a few weeks. You can help speed up the process by reviewing all of the details carefully beforehand on their site or talking with a professional who can answer any queries you may have.

  • Amazon Line of Credit:

Goldman Sachs has teamed up with Amazon to provide sellers the opportunity for a flexible and convenient way of taking out loans. Amazon Business Line of Credit is a new service that offers sellers the opportunity to access funds when they need them. This differs from lending a loan as you can request money when the need arises rather than taking one large sum.

The process of getting funding by Goldman Sachs line of credit is an invite-only one, with no general information about how it works. When you click on the invitation, you’ll be redirected to Marcus’ website to verify your eligibility. Amazon will share your data with Goldman, which is then used to underwrite a line of credit.

The option of a line of credit can be more beneficial for your business than taking an Amazon Lending loan. The ability to use the money when needed and not having any monthly obligations makes it worth considering other options available on their website.

The loan range is up to $1M, and you can expect your interest rate to vary in a range of  6.99% to 20.99% annual payment rate.

  • SellersFunding:

SellersFunding is the ultimate tool for sellers who want to take their Amazon FBA game up a notch. It uses an artificial intelligence algorithm to qualify your store, looking at performance metrics over six months of consistent selling at $30K or more per month.

In just 5 minutes, it can tell you if you are qualified, and to find out whether you are able to get your desired amount takes up to 1 to 2 days only.

SellersFunding offers attractive interest rates of 15% to 24% without any hidden fees or pre-payment penalties. The biggest advantage to this option is that you can take out another loan as soon as 50% of your current one has been paid back. However, be careful because getting too far into debt could quickly become overwhelming.

  • Personal Loans:

You can get a personal loan for any purpose you need, with many banks and fintech lenders offering both secured (collateral required) and unsecured loans. Many people turn to personal loans when they’re just starting, as these can be a good option for those without any sales history.

The internet is a great place to find personal loans, but not all of them will work for you. Your eligibility for a personal loan is contingent on your credit score, debt, and income- so take some time to evaluate before making any decisions.

This is the perfect option for individuals just getting started and who aren’t eligible to take out a business- or sales-based eCommerce loan. They allow you fast access to cash for prompt startups.

The loan range is around $1,000 to $35,000, and the typical term loan length ranges from 2 to 7 years. Additionally, you can expect your interest rate to vary based on your credit.


Now that you understand the different funding options available to help you scale your FBA business, it’s time for you to decide which option is best. Depending on your specific needs and situation, one of these funding sources may be a better fit than the others.

Keep in mind that no single option is suitable for everyone, so it’s essential to do your research and compare your choices before making a final decision. However, most sellers will be able to find a suitable funding option from among the many available choices.

We hope this blog has aided in giving you a better understanding of what’s out there and how to choose the best funding source for your business. Please contact us if you’re looking for help getting started with an Amazon PPC strategy or want more information about any of the funding options we’ve discussed here. We’re happy to help! 

A Guide To The Best Solution Providers for Amazon Sellers

Being the irrefutable leading e-commerce website. Amazon is undoubtedly the current holy grail when it comes to online shopping. With approximately 2.45 Billion monthly visits (As of June 2021) to the website alone), Amazon as a platform is something that sellers can no longer simply look on to. That being said you can’t just go all in without doing proper research and learning about your options. The increase in monthly site visits has also increased the competition and hurdles that a seller must go through in order to successfully sell on Amazon

After working with thousands of clients on small and big projects. We at AMZOS have recognized some similar reservations that almost all sellers have during our one-on-one meetings with our increasing client list. 

AMZOS has collaborated to create this guide to help you find the best solution for any service that you may require as an Amazon seller. We hope to impart what we have learned in hopes that it may provide anyone looking to delve into Amazon as a seller with an extensive guide so they can familiarize themselves and learn about different solution providers like AMZOS whose sole job is to help you find success on Amazon.

With the continuous increase in website traffic, Amazon itself is also continuously making algorithmic changes every now and then in order to provide a better experience to its customers. Therefore, familiarizing yourself with these changes and adapting your product listings to cater to those changes is crucial as well. These changes can be determining factors in whether your listing remains successful or not. 


Before you can sell on Amazon you will need to have a product that you can not only sell but is actually something that people are interested in buying. Without any doubt, one of the easiest tools that allow you to conveniently do market research on your own even if you are a novice e-commerce seller is Helium 10. The single platform not only allows you to manage your business but includes easy-to-use tools that help you stay in the loop about changing consumer trends especially related to your specific product.

This is important because thorough product research done keeping market viability in mind is one of the first stepping stones that is needed to be done by any hopeful Amazon Seller (if they wish to be successful). After you are content with product research and have picked a product that you wish to sell. You must follow the following steps to ensure 

*It should be noted here, that Amazon does have certain special categories (restricted) for which you need permission and rules you have to follow before you can start selling your product. So you need to keep this in mind when selecting the product that you wish to sell. For more info click here

Where to Source Your Product From?

The first step is to select where you source your product from. This is important as it can set the tone or influence the trajectory of how you will do as a seller. 

The best sourcing website for Amazon include:

Alibaba – like its namesake the website is a treasure trove for finding bulk products that can be sold on Amazon. It is also the biggest marketplace that helps connects business owners with suppliers (manufacturers and not resellers) through the website you can make product altercations to customize it to your liking or need. 

Some other sourcing websites include

AliExpress – an extension of Alibaba that is more geared to providing better quality products at factory pricing. This might be the option if you only plan to sell limited products easier to navigate. However has a lower number of named brands, and meaningless options.

ALLTIMETRADING – A good option if you want to sell a niche hard-to-find merchandise sourced domestically within the USA. 


Once you have your product selected it is highly recommended to use a company that offers inspection services for Amazon FBA. Amazon does have certain criteria that are required to be fulfilled before you can list your product on the website store. Therefore, getting your product professionally inspected allows you to keep the quality of your product in check.

Make sure that the product you are delivering does not get rejected due to something as simple as the packaging weight and dimension as well as other Amazon criteria.. Seeing how comprehensive the Amazon requirements are is better if you choose a company that specializes and is well versed when it comes to what Amazon allows and doesn’t allow. Doing this will not only save you time and money now but also any future trouble that may arise if you decide to carry out your own inspection.
Some companies that do offer Amazon FBA inspection services at varying prices include


Select A Shipping Carrier

The next step is finding a reliable shipping service for your deliverables. If you want to remain successful in the long run you need a shipping carrier partner that will not only deliver your product on time but also handle the packaging in such a way that it remains intact. Although the quality of the packaging you select also matters in this regard. Two of the supplier companies that have a reliable image when it comes to offering reliable quality packaging include

Uline – They have an easy-to-navigate online ordering system and also provide the option for branding if you want to go that route.

Global Industrial – Being in the industry for over 70 years they are also a good option to consider.

Now, when it comes to the actual transportation, you want a shipping partner that fulfills the assurance that the product will be delivered as promised (not be broken due to mishandling). This is why it is better to research all of the shipping carriers that you can find and go with the one that you think fits best with your brand. Some of these include USPS, UPS, and FedX. However, feel free to do your own research and go with the one that you think fits best with your business model. 

You can also go the Amazon FBA route. However, you do need to become an Amazon FBA seller for that and Amazon will take care of the rest. Since Amazon will charge you for storage make sure to calculate and know how much exactly will you be spending beforehand. 

If you have a high enough product volume and are doing FBM you might want to look into

ShipWorks – a scalable shipping software for e-commerce merchants. The software might be exactly what you need to help you ship smarter and also save cost.

Optimize Your Landing Page 

Now that you have a product that you want to associate with your brand on Amazon. The next step would be to get in contact with a company that specializes in optimizing your product landing page. Since the product landing page will essentially be playing the role of a salesperson you need to make sure the page has answers to any query that your customer may have. To ensure that your product landing page (aka your sales representative) represents your brand well you should think about hiring professionals that offer the following services.

Best Copywriting Service

A well-written product copy can help elevate your product listing from a good one and make it great. A lot of sellers put only generic information in their product copy. This is why when you as a seller have a copy that not only includes all the necessary information but also presents it in such a way that creates a mental image of the product as well as answers most of the queries that one might have regarding any certain product. In short, a good copy is written from the perspective of a prospective buyer instead of the seller. Visit amzonestep.com to get the best copywriting services available in the market. 

Best Product Photography Service 

Good product images are those that go hand in hand with the rest of your product listing. They allow you as a seller to provide visual cues that help deliver any necessary information that the buyer might miss in the listing copy. To learn why you should incorporate some visual references in your product images, to learn how you can take good product photos: click here. 

Videography Service to set your product apart 

A Product Video can help you summarize all the benefits mentioned within the listing along with visuals vastly improving the customer experience. Since the customer can’t physically experience the product. The product video acts as a visual aid that adds more to the info presented in the images as well as the listing copy. 

A+ content service for better conversions 

Speaking of improving customer experience the other feature offered is the Amazon A+ content. This advanced tool allows a seller to incorporate all three of the above-mentioned things and present it all in an advanced way within the overall listing. However, in order to take advantage of this feature, your brand needs to be registered and approved by Amazon Brand’s Registry

AMZ One Step can help you sell more on Amazon by offering the best A+ content services. High-quality A+ content ensures, 

  • Appealing and attractive  look to your listings
  • Increased Conversion Rates.
  • Confident purchase 
  • Reduction of immediate bounce-offs.

All of the above-mentioned things might seem not as important on their own. But when combined together they do make an impact and can be the reason that sets your product apart from the rest of the competition. If all of this information feels overwhelming no need to worry as there are countless reliable companies that specialize in creating top-notch product listings for your products. You can either select different service providers for each individual service that you require or go with someone like AMZ One Step which offers all of these services on their own as well as together. It is recommended to go with a company that specializes in most of the services that you need as this will help you stay within budget. By selecting a single company that provides all these services you will also only be dealing with a single company instead of having to manage and do the back and forth with multiple ones saving you time as well. 

RUN A Successful PPC Campaign

After your product listing is live. You will initially need to run a PPC campaign for those initial clicks and traffic. Running a successful campaign in the beginning; especially when you are launching a new product, will help you rank higher later on. For this, you will need to invest in reliable Amazon PPC software as it will make it easier to manage your campaigns. Some of the best Amazon PPC software tools on the market right now are

Adtomic – The Helium10’s PPC software like the rest of Helium10’s other features is well thought out and easy to use. It covers all of your needs with predefined campaign strategies and easy-to-follow templates that help you set your campaigns according to your goals. 

Some of the other multi-featured software include





There are also some companies that specialize in running successful PPC campaigns on your behalf, making them an option that you can also consider. Two of the best ones include

Better AMS – They have a very well-designed system named the CYBORG system that is specifically designed to a. increase your sales and b. control ACOS
AMZ One Step – A fairly newer company that due to its team of experts has made a name for itself in a short amount of time. They are a good option to consider if you want a top quality and fast turnaround for better ACOS, high conversions, and increase revenue at an affordable cost.

Get In Touch With An Amazon Product Ranking Service Provider

This could be one of the best decisions that you can make if you want to experience long-term success on Amazon. There are many service providers that use their expertise and knowledge of the field to help optimize your listing for success.  Essentially there are three things you need to optimize your product listing for:

  • Visibility.
  • Relevance
  • Conversion

Some service providers that have an astute understanding of the A9 algorithm include

AMZ One Step – with team members whose only purpose is to re-understand the A9 algorithm and how it works after every time a change is implemented and pass the information along to the rest of the team. 

ProAmazon “Service (Aka ADI Infosys) with 7+ years’ experience under their belt will have to look further since all the top results websites are either unprofessional looking or look sus)

Hire a Service Provider to Manage Your Amazon Account

Once your product page is up and running. There are multiple reasons why you may need to hire someone to take over and manage your seller account.

  • You want to expand your operation. 
  • You want to focus your time and energy on a new project.
  • You need help due to the increased number of daily sales

Some companies that provide reliable account management services that you can look further into include
AMZ One Step
Seller Interactive
Velocity Sellers 

Other steps that you can also take. 

Invest in An Amazon Review Software 

With the introduction of the customer satisfaction rate metric, it is wise to invest in a good review software tool that can help you not only request reviews but also help you act on negative feedback by sending you a notification or reminder. One such tool is FeedbackExpress which has become a synonym for managing Amazon feedback and product reviews. With their basic plan starting at only 69$/month.

Some other ones you can use are 

AMZFinder is particularly helpful if you are selling globally thanks to its multi-language option.
FeedbackFive – if you wish to use emojis or images along with your emails for a friendlier tone. 

Hire a Virtual Assistant

You can either choose our expert virtual assistants at AMZ One Step or you can try FreeeUp for pre-vetted freelancers who specialize in the e-commerce sector.

In Conclusion

With the ever-increasing popularity of Amazon. It has become one of the most important platforms for any seller. However, due to its constant rising popularity, it is also one with the most competition. To provide a positive customer experience Amazon has been constantly updating and making changes to its A9 algorithm. This is why in order to sell on Amazon in 2022 you need to familiarize yourself with the new algorithmic changes every time they happen. Not only had that but you also periodically made the necessary changes to your product listing; unless you want it to become lost in the competition. Taking all of this on your own may feel overwhelming or too much for a single person. This is why it is a good idea to hire the services of certain service providers who specialize in everything Amazon. By doing so you will not only save time but also potential future revenue that you might earn. 

Amazon May Owe You Money with Amazon Refunds?

Get FBA Reimbursement You Are Owed But Amazon Hasn’t Paid

How confident are you that Amazon is paying you the FBA reimbursement you are owed? Are you even sure of what FBA reimbursement you are owed?

Amazon is a humongous global platform, shipping some 1.6 million packages worldwide every day. Mistakes happen. But as an Amazon FBA seller, these mistakes aren’t your fault. Unfortunately, Amazon doesn’t always issue FBA reimbursement for the mistakes it makes in handling your products.

In fact, for the most part, it is left up to you to discover the mistakes and file claims for FBA reimbursement.

Don’t think that unrecoverable FBA reimbursement can’t cost you. Unrecoverable FBA reimbursements can amount to anywhere from 1% to 3% of your annual revenue. If your annual sales are totaling in the million-dollar range, that’s not chump change. Whatever the amount, it’s money that is rightfully owed to you as FBA reimbursement.

Read More:- How To Get Reimbursed With The Money That Amazon Owes You? 

Let’s take a look at how you can be sure you are getting the FBA reimbursement Amazon owes you:

  • What qualifies for FBA reimbursement
  • How to find your FBA reimbursement
  • GETIDA for FBA reimbursement
  • How to start using GETIDA

What Qualifies for FBA Reimbursement

There are a number of reasons why you might be owed FBA reimbursement. Inventory gets lost. This could happen during shipping, or because it is misplaced in the warehouse or the package has incorrect barcoding. Regardless, it’s not your responsibility.

Nor is it your fault if Amazon fulfillment employees damage your inventory, or if they misplace inventory. Amazon can also destroy or dispose of your inventory without your permission if it deems items no longer in an acceptable condition to sell. In addition, you might be overcharged if product dimensions are recorded incorrectly as larger than they actually are; inaccurate high package sizes result in higher storage costs than you should be paying.

Amazon does sometimes issue FBA reimbursement for any of these actions or errors. But you can’t depend on that happening.

How to Find your FBA Reimbursement

Finding your FBA Reimbursement isn’t the simplest or easiest of tasks. You have to continually review all your shipping reports for discrepancies as well your Damaged Inventory Report in Seller Central. Once you’ve identified potential issues for FBA reimbursement, you have to make sure you submit to the correct Amazon FBA reimbursement department and submit the claim within 18 months of its occurrence.

Does this sound like a time-consuming hassle? It is. But the alternative is to let Amazon keep the FBA reimbursement it owes you. Remember that 1% to 3% of your annual sales revenue owed FBA reimbursement potentially represents.

If you don’t have the time to continually audit your shipping data, seller information, and inventory reports, you could hire someone. But that adds salary overhead. Perhaps a less expensive route is to hire a virtual assistant at a flat rate to work through your Amazon data. But in either case, you still have to find someone who has the experience in looking for FBA reimbursement or to train someone on how to look for FBA reimbursement, assuming you know exactly how to do this. This is also a person you have to trust by granting access to your Amazon seller account.

There is a better way.

Read More:- 3 Steps for Managing Negative Reviews on Amazon

GETIDA for FBA Reimbursement

You can get the FBA reimbursement you are owed without committing to upfront expenses or time.

GETIDA is a full-service end-to-end solution to identify, submit, and follow-up claims for FBA reimbursement

GETIDA (GET Intelligent Data Analytics) was founded by former Amazon sellers to recover their own FBA reimbursement. It combines a software platform with a team of experienced experts in Amazon FBA reimbursement. GETIDA is the largest provider dedicated to Amazon FBA auditing and FBA reimbursement, analyzing literally billions of dollars of transactions daily.

GETIDA auditing software tracks your Amazon FBA inventory transactions, FBA refunds, seller data analytics, and FBA reimbursements. A dedicated account team submits claims on your behalf and follows for as long as it takes to get you the FBA reimbursement you are owed.

You get real-time visibility with an online dashboard that displays all open cases, case status, and received reimbursements, as well as FBA inventory transactions, refunds, and seller data analytics. You also receive detailed monthly reports.

If you are thinking this must cost a pretty penny, or that GETIDA wants an ownership stake in your business, think again. GETIDA is free to use. You are only charged a percentage of a successful FBA reimbursement claim. Considering that otherwise, you may be letting a lot of FBA reimbursement go unclaimed because you don’t have the time or resources to devote to it, it’s a relatively small price to pay. And if a claim is not successful, you don’t pay anything.

To sign up for free at GETIDA, go to the website and click the “Free Signup” button. Provide your contact and account details, and GETIDA reviews the previous 18 months of data. You get a report estimating the potential FBA reimbursement owed in as little as a few hours.

There’s no obligation to proceed. And if the potential FBA reimbursement is attractive, there’s nothing you have to do. GETIDA handles the entire claim process on your behalf. And charges only for a successful FBA reimbursement claim.

To make it even more appealing, you can get $400 in free FBA Reimbursements to try them out with zero risk.

If Amazon may owe you money for Amazon refunds, GETIDA can help you get your money back.

Get an Accurate Valuation for your Amazon Business in Just 10 Mins

Each month, more than 197 million people across the globe visit Amazon.com.

If you’re an Amazon business owner looking to sell your eCommerce business or an entrepreneur wanting to purchase an Amazon business, it’s important to note that the market is already in your favor: there’s no sign of its velocity slowing down anytime soon.

Read More:- Top 6 Amazon Conferences in 2022 ‘s Upcoming

It’s no surprise that you may be looking to sell your online business. Or perhaps you’re just curious about what it’s worth so that when it comes time to sell, you’re confident.

With an Intelligent Valuation Engine Machine like Flippa’s, you’ll receive an accurate assessment of your Amazon business in just 3 minutes or less.

Here’s How It Works.

Flippa’s Intelligent Valuation Engine Machine is powered by 5 top-performing models called “Light Gradient Boosting Machine“, “Gradient Boosting Regressor“, “Random Forest“, “Extra Tree”, and “Linear Regression”.

Read More:-  Amazon Product Videos (A Comprehensive Guide for Amazon FBA Beginners)

These regression models find the relationship between the input variable like the age of your Amazon business, its domain authority, growth rate, competition, niche, and more.

The great part about your Amazon Intelligent Valuation Engine Machine?

It’s 100% backed by over ten years of transaction data.

This means all data from previous sellers who have successfully sold their Amazon business in the past and valuated their eCommerce store on Flippa’s marketplace is stored in our system.

This data allows us to provide you with an accurate assessment of your Amazon business.

It’s simple and completely free.

To get started, visit flippa.com.

On the homepage, click on “Get a Valuation”.


You’ll then be taken to the valuation page at flippa.com/online-business-valuation.


As you can see, you’ll be presented with an integrated chatbot that will be readily available to assist you.

Read More:- DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography: 7 Need-to-Know Tips

Congratulations! You can now evaluate your Amazon business. Finding out how much your business is worth has never been easier.

Amazon Opportunity Explorer : We Explain Amazon’s Newest Tool

In their latest bid to give third-party sellers an edge in their marketplace, Amazon recently unveiled a brand new feature: the Product Opportunity Explorer, or simply the Amazon Opportunity Explorer. 

The tool shares valuable data and insights into which products, categories, search keywords, and niches are on the rise (and which aren’t), so sellers can better choose what to sell. But how does it work, how effective is it, and — more to the point — will it be useful to you

Read More:- How to Scale Your Amazon Business: Effective Strategies for Growth

In this quick guide, we run through the necessary details of the Amazon Opportunity Explorer so you know what to expect. There’s still a little confused about it because it’s new, but this article clears everything up so you can decide whether or not to fold it into your strategy. 

What is Amazon Opportunity Explorer?

The Amazon Opportunity Explorer is an interactive tab in Seller Central that reveals sales and search data for certain product niches, and also recommends some lucrative new niches to try. If you’re unfamiliar with the term “niche,” think of it like a specialized submarket or product type that appeals only to a certain group of shoppers — for example, Red Sox merchandise, CBD oils, or home gym equipment. 

The aim of Amazon Opportunity Explorer is to help third-party sellers find newer and better niches, or “opportunities” for types of products to sell, backed by actual data from Amazon. 

You’ll find plenty of useful statistics there organized by niche, including: 

  • Search terms (i.e., the most popular searches for that niche)
  • Search volume
  • Search volume growth
  • Search conversion rate
  • Units sold (based on the search terms)
  • Average price (of all products within the niche)
  • Top 3 clicked products (per niche)
  • Percentage of products using Sponsored Products
  • Percentage of Prime (i.e., percentage of products that were Prime eligible for at least half of page views)
  • Average brand age for the niche
  • Number of new products launched
  • Average product listing quality

You can also view data on individual products, such as: 

  • Click count
  • Click share (within the niche)
  • Average customer rating 
  • Average Best Seller Rank (BSR)
  • The average number of sellers

As useful as these statistics are for third-party sellers deciding what to sell, unfortunately, the tool is not yet complete. As of this writing, Amazon Opportunity Explorer is still in beta, with a limited release in only the U.S. and Germany. However, Amazon plans to expand the rollout in 2022, gradually releasing it to more and more sellers. 

To see if you have access, click here or find the tab in your Seller Central dashboard at Menu > Growth > Product Opportunity Explorer.

Read More:- Amazon Product Listing Optimization (2022)

The Advantages of Amazon Opportunity Explorer

For choosing which products to sell, the value of the Amazon Opportunity Explorer is clear. The aggregated data on individual products, niches, and search terms can be indispensable — not only in predicting which products will sell but also in setting prices and assessing competition. 

Amazon Opportunity Explorer is incredibly data-driven, so you no longer have to rely on guesswork or intuition alone. It’s a great help for sellers who prefer informed decisions over stabbing in the dark.  

The new tool also comes in handy for managing PPC campaigns like Sponsored Products. The Amazon Opportunity Explorer shows plenty of search data, which sellers can use to find the perfect keywords to target with their ads. 

All in all, the Amazon Opportunity Explorer reveals great insights into customer behavior and shopping habits — in the right hands, that information can potentially turn an entire business around. 

Read More:- Why Is My Amazon Listing Not Converting?

The Disadvantages of Amazon Opportunity Explorer

For starters, there’s no guarantee that following the recommendations in Amazon Opportunity Explorer will lead to success. While the data speaks for itself, the Amazon market and eCommerce, in general, have plenty of unpredictability. The statistics should be seen as more of a guide or aid than a law written in store.

Moreover, there are some concerns for sellers who have already found their perfect niche — the new tool could bring in more competition and unwanted attention. Although it’s just fair play, it still sours some sellers’ outlooks, especially if they built themselves a successful Amazon brand without the assistance of the new tool. 

Is Amazon Opportunity Explorer Right for You?

The prospect of using a new, data-driven tool from Amazon is exciting, but how much can it help you in particular? To see how much use you personally can get out of the Amazon Opportunity Explorer, you first have to ask yourself, what issues are you having with Amazon?

If you’re having trouble deciding what products to sell, the Amazon Opportunity Explorer can certainly help. Its goal is to recommend highly profitable products to sell, so if that’s your weak point, it’s a good fit for you. 

New sellers don’t always know the best niches to target, or maybe they miscalculate the demand for a niche they’ve already started in. In either case, if you’re not sure which group of shoppers is the best match for your brand, Amazon Opportunity Explorer can give you some suggestions to start off. 

In the same vein, if your audience is too broad or general, the Amazon Opportunity Explorer can help you hone in on a particular group. Specializing in a specific niche or submarket reduces your competition and allows for more focused marketing campaigns, ultimately saving you money in ad spend and increasing conversions with a more focused game plan. 

Likewise, if the products you sell aren’t popular, to begin with, it’s good to check with Amazon Opportunity Explorer to gauge demand. If no one is searching for these products, you might want to abandon them. 

However, what if the products you’re selling are popular, but for some reason, people aren’t buying them from you? Then, the Amazon Opportunity Explorer can’t help you much — it can reveal the problem for you, but won’t solve it. 

In this case, the trouble isn’t the product, it’s something else: listing optimization, marketing campaign management, product photos/videos, reviews, your seller rating — any myriad of factors besides the actual product. The Amazon Opportunity Explorer won’t be able to help you… but we can. 

If your Amazon troubles run deeper than product selection, our team of expert Amazon specialists can both isolate and resolve the problem. Our services run the gamut from perfecting your product pages to managing your ad campaigns with a skilled eye. We can optimize product photos, videos, 3D renders, and even product packaging

How to Increase Amazon Conversion Rates: 7 Essential Tips for 2022

Want to boost your Amazon conversion rate and enjoy a higher unit session percentage? It’s not all about pricing and product types — although that helps! To increase your Amazon conversion rate requires a little finessing, and some techniques aren’t exactly obvious unless you understand the inner workings of Amazon.

So what’s a seller to do? Below, we’ve compiled a checklist of the 7 best tips to increase your Amazon conversion rate, drawn from our own experience and industry know-how. Whether you’re new to Amazon or have been selling for years, the advice here is sure to improve your sales and boost your conversion rate.

1. Demonstrate how the product works with videos

Why are so many shoppers hesitant to buy online? One of the biggest obstacles in e-commerce has always been the absence of actual products. Online shoppers can’t touch or pick up the items as they can in brick-and-mortar stores, which leads to more insecurity and risk in purchasing decisions.

The best way to win over hesitant shoppers is to show off your product as best you can with what’s available. High-quality product photos are a big help in showing aspects like texture and detailing, but they can only go so far.

Video, on the other hand, can show a product in motion. For starters, this gives shoppers a better idea of what the product looks like in a three-dimensional space. Moreover, it also allows you to demonstrate how to use it, stemming any confusion before it starts.

As an added bonus, product videos also decrease the number of returns because customers have a better understanding of what they’re buying before they get out their credit cards. The only downside is that videography is quite a specific skill set, but you can read our Amazon product video guide to help you get the hang of it.

Amazon Videography

2. Use split-testing to find the perfect product photos, phrasing, and pricing

Data-driven business decisions always beat out the guesswork, but some metrics — like shopper preferences — are rather difficult to measure. When it comes to understanding your eCommerce customers, Amazon split-testing can be your best friend.

Split-testing, or A/B testing, is when you show two versions of a similar image to different people and record which one performs better. In this case, you could show two different variations of a product photo to see which one your customers prefer.

Some shoppers prefer minimalist and nice-looking photos, while others prefer to see everything that’s included in the package, even if it makes the image look cluttered. The ideal way to find out which one your customers are is through split-testing. Just make sure your test audience falls into the same category as your customers.

You can use split-testing to optimize more than just product photos. Feel free to test how customers react to different product titles, page descriptions, or even pricing.

conversion rate

3. Become an Amazon Prime seller

Amazon Prime members make great customers! They tend to buy more often, and in bigger quantities, so targeting them specifically is a great way to increase Amazon conversion rates. But if you want that coveted Amazon Prime badge on your product pages, you need to jump through a few hoops to become eligible.

The easiest way to qualify as an Amazon Prime seller is to join Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), Amazon’s own service that stores and ships your items for you. However, FBA has its own drawbacks, including pricy fees, not to mention how it interferes with your existing fulfillment methods.

As an alternative, you can also choose Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP), but this has even more gatekeepers. Requirements include an order cancellation rate of less than 0.5% and the ability to handle “zero-day” orders.

Option 1:

Amazon Prime seller

Option 2:

Amazon Prime

4. Get a higher unit session percentage by optimizing listings

Sometimes the best way to boost Amazon conversion rates is to get back to basics. Mastering the fundamentals of your product listings and pages has a great effect on sales — that’s what makes them fundamental.

Optimized listings hit all the right cues for shopping, leading to a higher unit session percentage, which then leads to more exposure from Amazon. The trouble is that a lot of sellers create their early listings before they know what they’re doing and never bother to update them. Just as common, sellers never learn some vital techniques just because they fell through the cracks.

If you want to boost your Amazon conversion rate, a good place to start is reevaluating your current listings. If you want to touch up on all the latest and most effective techniques, check out our guide on Amazon Product Listing Optimization for 2021 (UPDATED FOR 2022).

(Note: we have used this image before but it’s relevant here too.)


5. Perfect the SEO keywords in your product title and page copy

SEO is crucial for getting traffic to your product pages. Not just any traffic either, but the right kind of traffic: shoppers with an intent to buy. You can easily increase Amazon conversion rates just by attracting people who are already in the late stages of the sales funnel.

Shoppers prepared to purchase already know what they’re looking for. To get them on your pages instead of your competitors, use the right SEO keywords and search terms in the right places.

The most important area for SEO on Amazon is your product title. In addition to being the first thing your shoppers see, product titles are also prioritized in the Amazon search algorithm — that means keywords in the title carry more weight than elsewhere.

If you want a refresher on Amazon SEO, here’s what you need to know to master Amazon keywords.

6. Improve branding with A+ Content

Amazon knows some shoppers want to hear the story behind the products they buy, and that’s why they created A+ Content. Formerly known as Enhanced Brand Content (EBC), A+ Content lets sellers display extra content such as additional product details, brand carousels with more of your products, and higher-quality photos and videos.

Because of the extra benefits it provides for shoppers, A+ content can boost Amazon conversion rates up to 15%, not to mention how it helps generate positive ratings and reviews. Unfortunately, it’s only available to sellers who have completed the Amazon Brand Registry process, but once you’re approved there’s a lot you can do with it.

7. Get as many (good) reviews as possible

Last but not least, you can increase Amazon conversion rates just by increasing your reviews — specifically, good reviews.

Good reviews, and plenty of them, are necessary for Amazon’s success. From the shopper’s perspective, they provide trustworthy guidance and social proof, encouraging prospective buyers to “join the club.”

From a more technical point of view, a lot of good reviews improve your listing’s performance. The Amazon algorithm favors listings with a high volume of good reviews, meaning your products will get featured more on other pages, and with better placement.

Of course, bad reviews will still hold you back, and they’re more or less inevitable at some point in your selling career. On the bright side, if you know how to manage negative reviews on Amazon, they won’t be a problem.

amazon negative keywords

Extra tip: Work with a profession

It’s one thing to follow the advice from a seasoned expert, but it’s a whole other thing to have them do it for you. If you really need to increase Amazon conversion rates, reach out and we can help.

We offer a suite of services for Amazon sellers, ranging from listing optimization to videography/photography to general account management. If you’d like to learn more, schedule a consultation of up to 60 minutes now — for free!

Want to boost your Amazon conversion rate and enjoy a higher unit session percentage? It’s not all about pricing and product types — although that helps! To increase your Amazon conversion rate requires a little finessing, and some techniques aren’t exactly obvious unless you understand the inner workings of Amazon.

So what’s a seller to do? Below, we’ve compiled a checklist of the 7 best tips to increase your Amazon conversion rate, drawn from our own experience and industry know-how. Whether you’re new to Amazon or have been selling for years, the advice here is sure to improve your sales and boost your conversion rate.

3 Steps for Managing Negative Reviews on Amazon

With reviews being so critical to your Amazon business, it’s easy for sellers to start to fret over every poor rating that comes in. 

Try not to hit that panic button just yet, though. 

A few bad reviews here and there is a normal and expected part of the selling process. It’s impossible to please everyone, and even the most popular products are going to have some critics. Occasional negative reviews also help to add some authenticity — a listing full of 5 stars and glowing comments is going to be suspicious to consumers (and Amazon). 

Managing negative reviews on Amazon comes down to mitigating the problem. There are three main steps you can take to help you do so. Let’s take a closer look at each.

Read More:- 3 Steps for Managing Negative Reviews on Amazon

How to Manage Negative Reviews on Amazon

Before we go any further, it should be made very clear that you should absolutely care about negative reviews. They impact everything from search visibility and bestseller ranking to the biggest thing of all: sales. We’re simply saying it’s unrealistic to think you won’t get them, so how can you lessen their impact or fix the underlying issue? Enter the three steps.

1) Look to See if the Review Goes Against Guidelines or is Suspicious

Amazon has strict rules surrounding reviews. While you can’t ask a buyer to change or remove a review (or offer a refund or other compensation for doing so), you can ask Amazon to remove it if it violates those rules. 

If you believe a review violates the marketplace’s Community Guidelines, you can ask to have it removed by clicking the “Report Abuse” link on the product page. You can also email Amazon Seller Support at community-help@amazon.com. Be sure to include your product’s ASIN, the date and time of the review, the name associated with the reviewer, a link to the review, and the suspected rule violation.

Just like you should become familiar with Amazon’s review policies, you should also know how to spot a fake review. Here’s a quick crash course in what to look for:

  • A sudden rise in negative (or positive) reviews
  • Language that is noticeably similar across multiple reviews
  • Reviews with no information about the product or are written for a different product entirely
  • Questionable reviews posted around the same time
  • Several suspect reviews on a reviewer’s profile 

Contact Amazon if you suspect review manipulation. On this massively busy marketplace, it’s often a good idea to do a little policing yourself, providing you have enough proof. 

Read More:- How to Get Your First Initial Reviews on Amazon (2021): An Essential Guide to Success for Amazon Sellers

2) Perform an Amazon Review Analysis

Once you’ve deemed the review to be legitimate, zero in on what’s actually being said. People leave reviews for many reasons. Were they disappointed in the product quality? Was the item being used incorrectly? Was it too different from the product listing? Did the wrong item arrive? Or, was it a case of someone just wanting a public stage to complain? 

An Amazon review analysis is a review of a review (that has a nice ring to it, right?). It allows you to:

Improve existing products: Look for common themes across your negative reviews. Is there a design flaw or an issue with the quality of any of the materials used? You may have to have a chat with your supplier if the problem is widespread enough.

Identify new product ideas: Amazon shoppers are pretty savvy, and you may uncover some hidden (or hilarious) gems in the comments. Do you see any “I wish this item had__” or “It would be better if __”? You may have a new product idea right at your fingertips! Another strategy is performing a review analysis on competitors’ products to look for weaknesses. A new and improved product could really take over the market share. 

Make product detail page improvements: Can the root cause of a negative review be traced back to your product listing? Does it set the wrong buyer expectations with confusing content and misleading images? Double check all of these details and consider calling in the experts for help. A full listing optimization and professional product photography (two excellent services offered by AMZ One Step!) can improve how people relate to your product and lead to more conversions. 

Negative reviews can be painful in the short term, but they can also have some long-term benefits for your business. 

Read More:- Tool Review Series : Maximizing Reviews on Amazon Using Kibly

3) Contact Buyers About Negative Reviews

For years, sellers had the ability to comment on customer reviews on the product listing. When this was retired in December 2020, you were left with no real way to contact buyers about reviews. That all changed in June 2021 when Amazon rather quietly announced on its Brand Dashboard in Seller Central that brands can now contact buyers who left critical (1-3 star) reviews with templated emails through Buyer-Seller Messaging.

The feature is exclusive to brand-registered sellers, who can access it by going to the Brands menu and clicking on “Customer Reviews.” 

The “Contact Buyer” link lets you send direct messages to buyers for two reasons: 

  1. To offer a full courtesy refund or a replacement item
  2. To attempt to clarify a product issue based on the review

Although you can’t edit either of the templated messages in any way, it’s still some good news for sellers and another big perk of joining the Amazon Brand Registry.

Read More:- 3 Steps to Earning More Product Reviews with an Automated Email Marketing Campaign

Using FeedbackFive for Managing Negative Reviews on Amazon

As you can see, managing negative reviews is a lot of work. If you have multiple product pages, this crucial task can take up a significant amount of your time. 

This is why thousands of sellers turn to Amazon review software like eComEngine’s FeedbackFive for help. The tool’s flexible product review management plans make it easy to monitor any number of ASINs for positive and negative reviews. You can choose to keep an eye on your entire catalog as well as competing ASINs. 

FeedbackFive’s product review feature delivers detailed review data for every ASIN you wish to track in an easily digestible dashboard for your analysis. You can also dig deeper into ASIN-level data to see how ratings for a product have changed over time. This insight can quickly help you identify possible issues for further exploration. 


Time is of the essence though, as you don’t want to stay in the dark about negative reviews until it’s too late. To keep you in the loop, FeedbackFive also allows you to monitor reviews through a daily summary email and text and/or email alerts. Taking action ASAP is critical on a fast-moving marketplace like Amazon!

Read More:- How To Get Product Reviews In Amazon 2020

But What’s the Best Way to Deal with Bad Reviews?

Arguably the best way to combat negative reviews is to build up your positive ones to lessen the effects of lower ratings. You’re probably thinking, “that sounds great and all, but how in the world do I get more positive reviews?” The simple answer is you have to ask for them. In fact, a popular study on review trends revealed that 72% of people who were asked to write a review then went on to do so. 

Amazon absolutely allows buyers to ask for reviews, but you must do it the right way without breaking any rules. That means no incentivizing your requests, not asking employees, friends, or family members for reviews, and following all Communication Guidelines to the letter. FeedbackFive can facilitate this task by sending Amazon compliant feedback and review requests on your behalf through Request Review automation or customizable Buyer-Seller-Messaging templates. Start a free trial today to see how powerful being proactive can be!

How to Drive External Traffic to Your Amazon Listing

The key to a successful Amazon listing is getting people to actually see it. That means you need traffic, and a great way to do that is by figuring out how to drive external traffic to your Amazon listing.

That being said, it is easier said than done. Developing and executing an external marketing strategy can be intimidating, and, I won’t lie to you, it’s not exactly easy, but it can render spectacular results if done correctly.

External traffic directed towards your Amazon listing can improve your Best Seller Rank, help your listing rank higher, drive sales, and help you establish a relationship with your customers outside of Amazon.

So let’s simplify this “external traffic situation” and figure out how your business can benefit from it.

Before We Dive in:

Although I talk about listing optimization all the time, if you’re a first-time Amazon seller or a first-time reader, let me just mention that your listing should be optimized before we proceed. I’ve written a blog that you can check out here to make sure you’ve done that.


One way that you can get traffic to your listing is by having backlinks in blogs.

Whatever niche your product falls into, I can guarantee a content creator is blogging about it. Connect with those content creators ask them if they would be willing to review your product in a write-up. You can set up affiliate links for them so that if someone buys your product as a result of them being directed from the blog, then the content creator will earn a cut.

Say you’re selling headphones. Look for blogs that say “Top 10 Best Headphones of the Year”. Ask the writer if you can send them your product, and hopefully, they’ll change that list to include your product.

Facebook Ads:

Arguably the best place to advertise your Amazon product (other than on Amazon itself) is on Facebook. If you listen to many of the major Amazon influencers, they will all tell you that any successful external marketing campaign needs Facebook ads in place.

When you’re able to target people with specific interests within a particular demographic, you are giving yourself a better chance to make sales.

Facebook ads let you A/B test which ads are leading to conversions. As a result, you can gain valuable data about who is buying your product, which can be helpful information in the future.

Landing Pages:

When utilizing those Facebook Ads, instead of the link sending the person right to your listing, it may be a good idea to send them to a landing page first.

A landing page is a webpage that you set up to educate the customer about your product and warm them up to the idea of purchasing it. If they are continuing to click through your landing page to your Amazon listing, chances are they are committed to buying the product. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have gone this far.

Additionally, you can use the landing page to collect customer data, the most common information being collected is an email. This way, you can develop your email list for future marketing endeavors and information that Amazon won’t let you collect through Seller Central.

Keep in mind for them to want to share their email, you will need to offer them some additional value, such as a coupon code to purchase the product with.

Email Lists:

That segues into the next segment nicely, email lists.

Email lists are extremely powerful and extremely underrated. By developing this list, you have direct communication with people who have clearly shown interest in your business.

You can send them information about new products, sales, or coupons and begin to develop a more direct relationship with your clientele.

Social Media

Take advantage of the opportunities that sites like Instagram and TikTok offer. Developing your brand and interacting with your audience in a more organic way can do wonders for your business.

Utilize social media influencers as well. Lots of social media influencers have extremely loyal followings, so if you can get them to promote your product, you may see an influx of external traffic.

Although paid ads will be the more effective solution at first, overtime, social media accounts for your brand can become very valuable.


If your product solves a specific problem, see if anyone has been asking questions about that problem on Quora. If you can initiate some natural dialogue and suggest your product as the solution, that post may lead multiple people to your product.


Running an Amazon business is complicated, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed, so, understandably, many sellers put external traffic on the back burner.

Hopefully, this blog has helped you to realize that it isn’t all that complicated, and you are totally competent enough to add it to your business strategy. It can immensely grow your business.

If you have any questions, contact us via our website! And if you would like to stay up to date on the most relevant Amazon seller content feel free to get in touch with me on LinkedIn or on Twitter @nolanswriting.

How to Scale Your Amazon Business: Effective Strategies for Growth

You’re an Amazon seller, and you’re looking for advice on how to scale your business. Well, look no further because in this blog we’ll cover some effective growth strategies that can help you scale your Amazon business by growing traffic and increasing revenue.

We’ll explore how managing inventory, selling in new markets, adding more products, expanding outside of Amazon, advertising, and staying on top of the latest policies can all contribute to growing your business.

Now let’s dive in and see which one of these strategies will take your business to the next level!


1. Inventory Management

Understandably, inventory management can be a real pain point when scaling your Amazon business. It can require a lot of work to figure out how to manage everything effectively and efficiently while making sure nothing falls through the cracks.

If your product sells out on Amazon, it can fall down in the search results so that other customers who are searching for the same type of product as yours see your competitor’s products instead of yours. So you don’t want your sales to suffer or your listings to fall off the first page.

That is why it’s imperative that you ensure your inventory management system is set to take the additional orders that you intend to receive when scaling up.

Many Amazon sellers use inventory automation services such as sellbrite and Orderhive to aid them in this process.

Once you’ve set up this system, it’s essential to monitor the results and make sure everything is working as intended because you don’t want to lose sales unnecessarily.

2. Selling in New Markets

If you’ve already established yourself in one country, why not another? Selling internationally on Amazon can help you grow your business exponentially and make more money off your products in the process.

Before attempting this, be sure to research the country whose market you intend to enter. Does your product have a legitimate chance to succeed, or will it be like selling winter jackets in the desert?

Think about which countries might be a fit for your Amazon business and if you can meet the needs of the consumers in those countries.

If you see a legitimate demand for your type of product in the market, then you’ll be able to scale by accessing a customer base that you have never had access to!

By expanding your horizons and selling your products to new countries, you can are casting a wider net for success.

3. Add More Products

Adding more products to your Amazon store can be a great way to grow your online business.

You can add related items to your store, expanding the categories you offer, or you may want to introduce new lines and other types of merchandise.

Adding more products can mean that you are able to increase the number of reviews, sales, and revenue for your business.

For example, say you sell shoes. It may be a good idea to introduce a shoe shining kit to your product line because they can be paired together. It would also be consistent with your brand and can pose as an opportunity to gain more sales.

4. Expanding Outside of Amazon

Many Amazon sellers have found success scaling their business by operating through multiple channels in addition to Amazon. Other online marketplaces like eBay and Walmart are among a few different sites that brands choose to target.

You can also utilize a company website to diversify your selling channels.

It’s never a bad idea to diversify your selling channels; not only can you access a new audience, but you also bring down the risk of your business surviving solely on Amazon.

For this, of course, you will need an existing brand. If you are just selling on Amazon without establishing your brand, the person buying your product is Amazon’s customer, not yours.

This strategy reduces the risk of selling on only one channel and introduces your brand to customers who don’t shop on Amazon.

5. Advertising

Be ready to ramp up your advertising when you’re looking to scale up.

If you’re entering a new market, you have to ensure that this new audience knows your product is available.

If you’re launching on a different eCommerce marketplace, they will surely have ways to rank your product.

As mentioned earlier, if you launch your own brand website, you have to make people aware of it so that they’ll actually visit it.

You may want to advertise through paid ads, but don’t sell organic social media channels short. Building a following on Facebook or Instagram can have a massive impact on getting customers to your listing.

I’ll also mention influencer marketing. Getting an influencer to promote your product to a relevant audience can be great when launching a new product or when launching in a new country.

People in a new market may see your product as being foreign, but if you work with influencers from that country, people are more likely to receive your product in a positive light.

Whether you’re introducing new products or introducing existing products to a new audience, you need to communicate why someone should buy it; and advertising is how you can do that.

6. Stay on Top of Amazon’s Changing Landscape

As you scale up, ensure you stay up to date on the latest Amazon changes, as they can directly impact your trajectory on your path upwards.

This will be more important than ever if you expand into new markets because rules and policies may vary from country to country.

Amazon’s landscape is constantly changing, so make sure you understand what’s going on and how it will affect your business. The more informed you are, the easier it will be for your business to adapt and to keep scaling up.


If you’re looking to grow your Amazon business, there are a number of strategies that can help. From adding more products and expanding outside of Amazon to staying up-to-date on the latest changes in policies, each strategy will build upon what you’ve already done and drive new revenue opportunities for your company.

I hope that one of these strategies will aid you in your journey of scaling your business to the next level.

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out! You can reach me on LinkedIn or on Twitter @nolanswriting.