Build Your Brand on Amazon with Short Product Videos

Product videos are a great way to display your products in reality and educate potential customers on what they’re buying before they buy. With over 2.5 billion sellers on Amazon, it has become even more difficult to stand out from the competition with your product, but this is where an effective video can help you capture potential buyers’ attention and convert them into customers! The Amazon Product Videography will ensure that people see what they’re looking for in just seconds, so all those hours spent filming footage pay off when there are sales made by viewers like yourself who found something worth buying right away.

Read More: Amazon Product Videos (A Comprehensive Guide for Amazon FBA Beginners)


Video marketing is unquestionably one of the most powerful marketing strategies you can employ. It gives your customers an immersive experience with every detail, allowing them to better visualize themselves using it and increasing conversion rates! Not only will this make people more likely to purchase from YOU instead if their current supplier doesn’t have any product videos up yet (as seen by how quickly those buyers clicked away), but also because we’re so used to adult entertainment these days, no matter what kind of personality or mood someone may be in when browsing online stores, we want something visually stimulating before making decisions regarding.



Videos help sellers build relationships with customers by explaining more about the benefits of the products they sell. By highlighting all important details such as values or USPs! And answering all those questions you might be wondering about before making any purchases, a product video can change how people view one of these products!

Amazon has made it easy for sellers with innovative tools such as Amazon Product Videos, which provide excessive information so that viewers do not need to go elsewhere when they watch them. The Amazon Product Video is a good way to optimize your product listings.

Read More: Amazon Product Listing Optimization (2022)


Promoting your goods on social media or an e-commerce website is an excellent technique. Customers are much more willing to make purchase decisions as they find videos more helpful than reading text on a page, which may be difficult for some individuals with vision issues. In addition, they are much more likely to buy something when they see the video than when they read a text about what you have for sale! With these statistics, conversions will increase by up to 80% with a well-made product launch video.


360-degree product videos are the perfect way to boost your sales. These immersive and accurate visuals can show off the true beauty of each item. And with complete transparency comes confidence in customers who have every right (and expectation) that they will get an honest assessment on whether or not this purchase makes sense based on viewing only one angle from their perspective—but now there’s no excuse because all angles are displayed equally throughout these short films, so nothing goes unnoticed.


Product descriptions are a great way to make your products stand out. They can be seen as an extension of what you would say in person, so they’re bound to engage customers more than just text alone! These videos should highlight all the amazing features and benefits of using this particular item or service; after watching them, consumers will feel like experts because their knowledge has been extended by watchful professionals who know exactly what they say.

Read More: 5 Ways You Can Make Your Amazon Product Videos Stand Out



How-to videos are a great way to show off your product and make it easier for customers. By demonstrating how simple or effective the item is, you can reduce customer service calls by eliminating confusion about what they need help with and instead creating confident buyers who will rave about their purchase!



Include customer testimonials in your product video for a professional, trustworthy image. The best way to do this without breaking any Amazon rules is by using footage from recent reviews that were published within the last year and included only verified positive comments about your company’s products or services to avoid being disqualified, as fraudulent activity often occurs these days with people creating fake accounts so that they can post bad stuff online!

Read More: A Comprehensive Guide to Amazon Listing Optimization 2022


For a video to be successful on Amazon, it needs the right length. Data suggests that viewers click off after 60 seconds of watching and will only stay tuned if your product or service has some entertainment value in its content, which can make things difficult when trying to set up an informative seller account! If you’re looking for ways around this problem, consider shortening any future promotional clips by 45%. In addition, the Amazon provider recommends videos under 5GB in size, so don’t worry about going over capacity! Finally, the resolution should also be at least 1920 x 1080 pixels since this higher standard makes for better viewing quality when browsing products on their website or app store listings.


Is your product better than your competitors’? Show it with a comparison video. It’s as basic and straightforward an idea to shoot, edit, or create for marketing purposes: show what features they offer that you don’t have on yours, along with any improvements over theirs (if applicable). If not having all those extra bells and whistles doesn’t matter, then make sure this type fits the bill; otherwise, try another one.

Read More: Amazon A+ Premium Content: Why Do You Need It For Your Amazon listing?

Non-brand registered sellers can now upload videos to their listings!

Yes! Amazon has now officially allowed non-brand registered sellers to upload videos on their listings. In September 2020, these new guidelines were sent out via email, saying that you could indeed use this feature if your account is eligible for it—so make sure and check under the Inventory tab, just above where the products are listed at all times, because there might be some extra steps involved, but don’t worry too much about them since everything should go smoothly once we’ve figured our way through these hurdles together.


Amazon is making video content easier to find on its platform by adding the ability for users and brands to search, regardless of their size or popularity. With TikTok being such a popular app among millennials, it’s no surprise that they would take advantage of this form of media while building up an audience base that can then be marketed towards more mature consumers who may have grown out of social networking sites like Instagram but still want access to quality products from smaller businesses locally based near where you live!

Product videos are a great way to capture attention, especially on YouTube, where people love watching them. Uploading your Amazon product videos so you can share them on other platforms will expand their reach and increase awareness of what’s inside!


The new trend in online shopping is to have a video that unpacks the product and shows viewers exactly what they will get. This kind of informative clip can give customers satisfaction when their purchase comes without having seen it before, as well as allow them an opportunity for a vicarious experience with tips on whether or not this would be worth buying!



The next generation of consumers has spoken and is choosing video over text or images. This is apparent in the rise in popularity of TikTok, which now dominates America’s Snapchat-sized WhatsApp demographic (WhatsApp had around 200 million monthly active users as opposed to Instagram Stories’ claimed 100). Amazon also saw this trend coming when it launched its “Video Ad” feature on storefronts last year; these ads can be up to 1 minute long, whereas others may only show 15 seconds at most before automatically fading out–a much.

Read More: 20 Stats to Drive Your Amazon Video Marketing Strategy


  • Keep your videos short to keep people engaged! Avoid fluffy or unnecessary information that could turn off potential customers; we recommend keeping them under one minute in total length (including titles/logos). 
  • To make sure all our sponsored brand ads look professional on film with clear sound during voiceovers, we must use excellent audio quality when shooting these.
  • You can use a comparison or product highlight video to address your customer’s problem quickly and efficiently. 
  • The key to creating high-quality videos for your product is ensuring that you have professional equipment and know-how. If not, use free video editing software like iMovie or Windows Movie Maker.
  • If you want to create a video for your product, ensure the lighting is good and easy to use.
  • The best way to ensure your customers get the most out of watching a video is by focusing on its main features and benefits. Customers are much more likely to watch product videos if they can see what’s being demonstrated.
  • To make your video more engaging and aesthetically pleasing, use on-screen text to point out important features or benefits of the product. This is especially helpful if someone watches it with the sound off. 
  • You should also provide royalty-free music for viewers with preferences that don’t match this tone but still want some ambiance. At the same time, those watching will be able to get their desired effect from it too.

7 Creative Amazon Product Photography Ideas To Stand Out

Even with the best products at the best prices, shoppers will still pass you by unless you have eye-catching photos. Mesmerizing Amazon product photography is the best strategy to increase Amazon sales, but for most sellers with backgrounds in retail, photography is not a skill that comes naturally. 

We’ve already explained the basics as they apply to amateur photographers with our DIY guide to Amazon Product Photography, but sometimes the basics aren’t enough. So in this guide, we share 7 expert ideas on creative Amazon product photography styles that you can use to stand out. These ideas aren’t your average run-of-the-mill product photos, so their unique imagery is sure to get your products noticed and increase sales on Amazon.

                                            Read More: How to Hire the Best Amazon Product Photographer

1. Blurry Outdoor Background

Blurry Outdoor Background


Amazon product photography on a white background is a requirement for your main image, but your other images have more leeway. In addition to doing a standard product-in-use photo or infographic, you can also showcase your product against a blurry outdoor background. 

These photos work because they help the shopper imagine what it’s like to use the product without the risk of distracting them with background images. It’s also easy to shoot: just set your camera to a wide aperture (a low F-stop number). You don’t even need to worry too much about where the background is because the shopper won’t see much of it.

                              Read More: The Last Guide To Amazon Product Photography You Will Ever Need!

2. Floating over White Background

Floating over White Background



If you want some homemade special effects, you can shoot your product against a white background so that it looks like it’s floating. This not only satisfies Amazon’s main image requirements for white backgrounds, but it also creates an interesting effect that your customers are more likely to remember. 

There are essentially two approaches to get this effect: 

  • suspend your product with a fishing line or use invisible adhesive to keep it upright in front of a white background
  • take a normal picture against a white background and edit out the floor with photo editing software like Photoshop

Regardless of which approach you choose, consider keeping in the floor shadow to leave some realism for the shopper. 

3. Infographic with Labeled Parts

Infographic with Labeled Parts


Infographic images are great for when you want to both show and tell. Some products require a little explanation about how they’re used, and infographic images are more likely to be seen than the instructional text in the product description. 

But instead of listing the features of your product, try labeling each part to explain what it does. For one thing, this is another excuse to show a detailed close-up of your product. More importantly, it gives you the opportunity to explain all the beneficial parts of your products, such as interesting features the shopper may not have noticed from your other pictures. 

This type of Amazon product photography works twice as well with control panels and interfaces where the buttons are not self-evident.

                              Read More: DIY Guide to Amazon Product Photography: 7 Need-to-Know Tips

4. Visual Effects To Show Movement

Visual Effects to Show Movement


Moving parts can be a huge advantage to some products, especially if competing products aren’t as flexible. But how can you show movement in a still photo? 

Using basic photography or photo-editing techniques, you can depict movement in still photos by either of these two methods: 

  • Set a low shutter speed on your camera to create a motion blur in the actual photo. (This can be difficult without photography experience, as you risk blurring the parts of the photo you actually want the shopper to see.)
  • Take a sequence of photos with the moving parts in different positions. Then, in photo-editing software, overlay all the photos on top of each other, with some transparency (as in the example). This shows the shopper the range of motion your product has. 

These techniques can get a little advanced, especially if you don’t have much experience in either photography or photo editing. If you don’t feel confident in your photography abilities, you can always use Amazon product photography services. Here’s how to hire the best Amazon product photographer

                                      Read More: Amazon Product Photography Tips To Adopt In 2022

5. Glass Floor

Glass Floor


Although this Amazon product photography idea won’t work with all products, for some, it’s the perfect way to show off some hard-to-notice features. If your product has an interesting bottom, such as shoes with special treads or an appliance with gripped feet, you can display them with a glass floor angle. 

The easiest way to do it is to place the product on its side and shoot from an angle that looks like it’s underneath. If that’s not possible, you can also set the product on top of a pane of glass and take the picture from below. This gives shoppers a view of the product they would never see otherwise and can verify the safety or sturdiness of certain products. 

6. Testimonial Cards


Testimonial Cards


Just like our idea for infographics with labeled parts, you can use your images to communicate certain benefits that the shopper might not bother reading in your product description text. In this case, you could use the product images to feature any famous brands or publicity your product received. 

While this Amazon product photography is not exactly about the product, you can still use the image to feature a brand logo or testimonial quote of a famous or noteworthy supporter of your product. Shoppers respond to social proof, so if they see another famous brand logo in your images and read that they endorse you, that’s a big step to make a purchase or even increase FBA sales.

                                             Read More: Amazon Product Photography Tips You Should Know

7. Silhouettes of People

Silhouettes of People

Brick-and-mortar stores use mannequins because the shopper can imagine themselves wearing the clothes. That same principle can be applied to Amazon product photography by using nondescript silhouettes of people. 

Keeping the person in the photo vague — such as an outline, shadow, or cartoon — has two main advantages. First, like the traditional mannequins, an ambiguous person in the photo makes it easier for the shopper to imagine themselves in action, as opposed to a more intricate model. Second, using silhouettes minimizes the details that aren’t related to the product, so the shopper can focus more on what you’re selling and less on who’s in the picture. 


Amazon A+ Premium Content: Why Do You Need It For Your Amazon listing?

The internet is a magical place that has given people access to everything they could ever want, but it also comes with some challenges. One of the biggest problems for sellers on Amazon are competitors who have raised their game and made competition fierce-especially when you’re just starting out in this marketplace. The world of selling is becoming more competitive, and customers are wiser than ever before; they know how important their feedback can be when choosing between two sellers with similar products!

                                          Read More: Everything You Need To Know About A+ Content

The Amazon platform offers a number of features to help you sell more products. One such feature is A+ Premium Content, which provides your products with an eye-catching pitch and grabs customers’ immediate attention. This can be used as another way to generate leads and increase revenue on the site!

This article will tell you about the following:       

-What is Amazon A+ Premium Content?

-How to qualify for A+ Premium Content?

-What are the features of A+ Premium Content?

-Benefits that Amazon A+ Premium Content offers

-How does Amazon A+ Premium Content help Amazon listing?

Amazon A+ Premium Content is a way for brands to create richer, more engaging product pages on Amazon. By including descriptive text, high-quality images, and helpful videos, brands can give shoppers the information they need to make an informed purchase decision. In addition, A+Premium Content can help improve a product’s organic search ranking on Amazon

A+ Premium Content is not mandatory for all sellers, but it is strongly recommended for those who want to create a stand-out product page that will boost their sales. In order to participate in the A+ program, brands must submit an application to Amazon and be approved. Once approved, brands will have access to a range of tools and resources that will help them create their A+ premium content. 

What Is Amazon A+ Premium Content?

Amazon A+ premium content, also referred to as A++, is an updated version of A+ Content and has many more features to offer on Seller central for which an FBA seller must meet the eligibility criteria; the criteria will be discussed later. Premium A+ content enables the Seller to interact more with the targeted audience with minimum to say and maximum to show. Customers these days are more interested and engaged with information coming along with graphics. 

This feature also includes video modules, carousel modules, and comparison charts. Conclusively, A+ premium content is an update or premium version of the A+ content available for the Brand Registered sellers. Previously, this feature was only available through Amazon Launchpad or to the Vendors.

                        Read More: What’s An Amazon FNSKU? How To Create An FNSKU For FBA Sellers?

How To Qualify For A+ Premium Content?

Qualifying for an A+ premium content feature is easy and free in Seller Central; for now if you meet the following two criteria:

  • The ASINs in your catalog must have published an A+ brand story.
  • An Amazon seller should at least have 15 A+ content projects with “Approved Status” in the last 12 months.

What Are The Requirements For Amazon A+ Premium Content?

To create A+ content, brands must meet the following requirements: 

-Have an existing Professional Seller account on Amazon 

-sell branded products in new condition 

-have a UPC or EAN code for each product 

-provide high-quality images (1000×1000 pixels) with sRGB color profile 

Creating A+ Premium Content can be time-consuming and requires adherence to strict guidelines, but the rewards are well worth it. For brands serious about boosting their sales on Amazon, A+ Premium Content is a must. 
If you’re selling branded products on Amazon and looking for ways to increase your sales, creating A+ Premium Content is a great option. With A+ content, you can showcase your products in greater detail, improve your organic search visibility, and boost your sales and conversions. While creating A+, there are a few requirements you’ll need to meet, but overall, it’s a great way to improve your brand’s presence on

What Are The Features Of A+ Premium Content?

Amazon understands how customer attraction can be gained; this is why this marketplace is continuously evolving and bringing more business to its Sellers. 

A+ Content works just fine but to make the customers and Amazon FBA Sellers more interactive with each other A+ premium content feature was introduced.

Amazon A+ premium content allows the Seller to add:

  • Video modules (Full-width imagery and with text)
  • Hover hotspot modules 
  • Enhanced Brand Content
  • Carousel modules
  • Charts for comparison
  • Clickable Q&A
  • Mobile-friendly product pages
  • Testimonials and more

From image size to module selection, Amazon Sellers with A+ premium content features have more options than the basic A+ Content

Now you can enable your customers to be more engaging and interactive on your Product Page through Amazon Product Photos, infographics, and much more.

Benefits That Amazon A+ Premium Content Offers

Amazon A+ Premium Content is very helpful for your Amazon listing, not just for some specific products but for your overall brand image. It is one good way to stand out from your competitors through attractive visuals, catchy texts, and infographics that are enough to describe your product’s details. 

Amazon A+ Premium Content not only gives you a competitive edge, but it also serves many other benefits like

  • A+ Premium Content gives your page more ranking and more sales with an escalated conversion rate. This feature works best for your best-sellers but cannot work the same for slow ASINs moving products.

  • A+ Premium Content allows your potential customers to make more informed decisions with Enhanced Brand Content, leading to fewer returns and fewer negative reviews. If you wish to reduce returns and negative reviews to the maximum, apply a positive review strategy.

  • You can now add more infographics to your Product Description and enable your potential customer to turn into your actual one. Sellers can now be as creative as they can be in keeping the needs of their customers to have a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

  • A+ Premium Content is not just there to make a specific product from your brand range stand out. This feature enables Amazon Sellers to share their Brand Story with their customers and make them more involved, aware, and educated about your Brand. Loyal customers are very important, and only trust can build that loyalty. The more Sellers engage with their customers, the more commitment they can expect.

  • You can categorize A+ Premium Content as amazing for Amazon Sellers for visibility and attraction. Everything a shopper needs to know about a product is in a glimpse of an eye; you do not have to go through those long paragraphs to learn about the product specifications.

  • The ability to showcase your product in greater detail than with standard Amazon product pages.

  • Increased organic search visibility.

  • The potential to boost sales and conversions.

  • Amazon A+ content can look as the Seller wants it to look. But, of course, the Seller has to prioritize the customer’s attraction and mentality to gain more attention, more sales, and increased revenue.

  • This tool by Amazon empowers the A+ content manager to be as creative as possible. Much can be done with infographics, product photos, and descriptive text to enhance brand awareness and customer engagement.

How Does Amazon A+ Premium Content Help Amazon Listing?

Amazon A+ Premium Content helps increase brand awareness and customer engagement through eye-catching product detailing. It helps the Brand altogether in lead generation and increased revenue. For the customers, this feature allows them to make an educated decision, enabling lesser returns, fewer negative reviews, and more customer loyalty.


Amazon A+ Premium Content is now in its promotional phase and is free for third-party Vendors if they meet the criteria. Amazon A+ Premium Content is an upgraded version of Amazon A+ Content that lets shoppers know more about the product and the Brand itself.

The creative way that Amazon A+ Premium Content enables products to show off their features and benefits makes them more attractive. Additionally, the eye-catching descriptions make it easy for customers who are looking at your product page to decide which one they want without any hassle or confusion!

Why is Amazon Brand Story Significant For Your Brand?

Amazon sellers are looking for ways to improve their sales and stand out from the competition. Creating a strong brand story can help you connect with customers and make your business more memorable. Amazon updated their A+ content manager with a new feature that allows you to create your own Amazon Brand Story. This is great for brands who want more authentic stories on the site!

                                                Read More: What is the Amazon bestseller badge and how to get it?

Amazon Brand Story – Taking Your Brand Image To The Next Level.

The brand’s story is brought to life with a custom-built module that allows for scrolling through content and products. With this innovative design, customers can easily find what they are looking for while being guided by an elegant carousel highlighting key narratives in the company’s history and other interesting facts about them!

Your brand story differentiates you from your competitors and helps customers understand why they should buy from you. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what makes a good brand story and give some tips for creating one that will help you succeed on Amazon. Stay tuned!


How Can Amazon Brand Story Help Sellers?

The quality of your content is the most important thing to keep visitors interested when searching for a product and landing on a product page. Amazon brand stories are beneficial because they make a product page look more appealing. Here are some of the noteworthy benefits of Amazon Brand Story,


                               Read More: What is the Amazon bestseller badge and how to get it?


Builds Brand Reputation:

Introducing Amazon Brand Stories-a new way to connect with customers and distinguish your product! By using the power of storytelling, sellers can reduce return rates while building a stronger reputation for the brand. Hence, we can say that one can reduce the number of returns and negative reviews by using Amazon Brand Stories to forge connections with your customers. This will help you distinguish products and establish brand awareness–all benefits that increase conversion rates!


Increase Conversions:

The Amazon Brand strategy is about building a strong brand that shoppers can trust. Increasing awareness and establishing your credibility as an authority in the marketplace makes it easier for potential consumers to make informed decisions with their dollars. So you’re more likely to be thought of when they need another product or service!


                            Read More: 3 Ways to Measure the Performance of your Amazon PPC Ads


Set You Apart From The Competition:

One of the most powerful features of Amazon’s branding system is its “Amazon Brand Story,” which allows you to differentiate yourself from other sellers by highlighting how often shoppers buy your products. It also showcases what kinds of products people like best and helps drive more sales! Amazon brand stories increase average cart value and can add to big-time profits, especially if shoppers only click on one ad but purchase multiple products. A big percentage of shoppers will buy your multiple products because of a convincing brand story. 


What Can You D0 With Your Brand Story? 

Amazon’s brand story feature lets brands connect with potential buyers and share more information about themselves. This allows customers to become more familiar with your brand and product. It also allows you to talk more about your brand and build better customer relationships.


How To Create A Brand Story That Sells?

You’ve built a great product, and now it’s time to sell it on Amazon. But before you can start raking in the sales, you need to create a brand story that will capture the attention of potential buyers. Only sellers who have Amazon Brand Registry can use the Brand Story feature. To qualify for Amazon Brand Registry, you must have an active registered trademark.  A good brand story will tell customers who you are, what you’re about, and why they should buy from you. Here’s how to create an Amazon brand story that sells.

  • Know Your Customer
  • Before you can start writing your brand story, you need to know your customer. 
  • Who are they? 
  • What do they care about? 
  • What problem are they trying to solve? 

Knowing the answers to these questions will help you craft a brand story that resonates with your target audience.

Start with Your Origin Story

Every company has an origin story, and yours is likely no different. Whether it’s how you started in your garage or the “Eureka!” moment when you came up with your product idea, your origin story is a great way to introduce customers to your brand. Use it to tell customers who you are and what inspired you to create your product.


Highlight Your Differentiators

What makes your product different from everything else on the market? This is something you’ll want to highlight in your brand story. Why should customers buy from you instead of your competitors? Is it because of your unique ingredients or manufacturing process? Or maybe it’s because of your outstanding customer service. Whatever it is, make sure to emphasize what sets you apart.


Convey Your Brand Values 

Your brand values should be woven into your story. For example, are you committed to sustainability or fair trade practices? Do you give back to the community? Customers want to know they are supporting a company with values aligned with their own. So make sure to communicate what stands for loud and clear. 



Your Amazon brand story is one of the most important tools in your marketing arsenal. It’s how you introduce yourself to potential customers and persuade them to buy from you instead of your competitors. By starting with your origin story and highlighting what makes you different, you can create a brand story that sells.

What is the Amazon best seller badge and how to get it?

Executive Summary

What is the Amazon Best Seller Badge and How to Get it?
1. Amazon Best Seller Badge: It is an icon that appears on the product listing and thumbnail of products in the search results.
2. Why Do You Need it?: The badge is a sign of trust and credibility. Buyers trust the listings that have the best seller badge.
3. Listing Optimization: Listing optimization increases conversions and only brings relevant traffic to the listing.
4. List Your Product in the Right Category: Miscategorizing products for an hour of the Amazon bestseller badge does nothing for your listing. It damages the product rank and makes it irrelevant in its respective category.
5. Pricing Strategy: Competitive pricing with a good profit margin can bring sellers close to the best seller badge. 
6. Amazon PPC Advertising: PPC advertising makes the search rankings irrelevant and is an innovative way to increase sales velocity.

Amazon badges can get a little confusing at times. We are here to tell you everything about the best seller badge. Sellers need every single advantage they can get on Amazon. However, it can get challenging to understand different badges and how they affect sales. FBA sellers are bombarded with new knowledge every day. So, we are here to help you learn about the best seller icon and why you need it to succeed.  The Amazon algorithm determines if a product qualifies for the best seller badge. It uses sales volume and history to analyze the Amazon product listing. Now, you can take four steps to get the best seller badge. After you read our guide, you will know everything about the best seller badge.


Amazon Best Seller Badge

Amazon bestseller badge is an icon that appears on Amazon product listing pages and search results. The Amazon bestseller badge is a symbol of high-quality products on the market. It indicates to buyers that this specific item has been selling well and received positive feedback from other shoppers, making it easier for them to make their purchase decision without having too many options available at once! It informs buyers that a product has high sales rankings but also indicates which sellers are most trusted. As such, it makes research easy for consumers by giving them access to information about what others prefer in their searches – even before they go any further with those purchases!

At the start, Amazon only awarded the best seller badge to the #1 seller in the entire category. However, the system was changed, and more products were awarded the best seller badge in sub-categories of the primary category. Buyers always prefer picking the best seller product from the search results. Therefore, it has a massive impact on sales.


Another daunting question is, how does the a9 algorithm determine Amazon’s best sellers rank? It seems they use the Amazon algorithm to determine search results. Two metrics play an essential role in finding the BSR Amazon, and these metrics are sales velocity and history. The products with a high sales volume and consistent sales history snatch the Amazon bestseller badge in their respective categories. Once a product has this badge, Amazon even shows the product in irrelevant search results within the category. So, you must have a consistent sales history and high sales velocity to win the best seller badge.


  • The best seller badge is an icon that appears on product listings and shows that a high product has a high sales volume (see the image above for reference). It is one of the best Amazon badges.
  • Most buyers pick the best sellers due to their perceived value. 

Read More: The Complete Guide To Amazon CTR (Click Through Rate) With Examples


Why Do You Need It? 

The best seller badge is a sign of trust and credibility. Buyers instantly trust products that have the best seller badge. They may also skip their research process if they see the badge. So, it immediately affects the buying decision of consumers. The badge is about perceptions, and sellers want to influence consumer perception. Thus, the badge ensures high conversions, sales consistency, and high sales velocity.

Do you want to be the best seller in your category? If you do, you need the best seller badge. There are dozens and hundreds of product choices on Amazon. Your product listing can never rise above others if it does not have a best sellers badge. However, it is not always beneficial to aim for a best seller badge in competitive categories. Some categories have a lot more buyers and sellers than others. Big brands already have the best seller badge in those categories. So, you may find it hard to earn the badge. What you can do is improve the amazon product ranking of your listing. Other than that, it is almost impossible to snatch a best-seller badge from one of the big brands. 


  • Buyers are attracted to best-seller product listings.
  • Buyers are likely to open the best listings from search results.
  • The best seller badge affects the buying decision.

How to Win the Best Seller Badge

By now, you may be wondering, what do I need to do to earn the best seller badge? Optimization, pricing, category, and advertising are the critical elements for winning the best seller badge. Let us explain the specific actions you need to take to win the best seller badge. Remember, you need a high sales volume to earn the badge. So, these steps will help you to increase your sales.


  • Optimization, pricing strategy, category, and PPC advertising will increase your sales, paving the way towards the best seller badge.

Optimized Product Listings

Amazon listing optimization is necessary if you want a high sales volume. Use search autofill to find the best keywords for your product. Extensive Amazon keyword research and long-tail keywords are essential for increasing your conversions. Study your competitors and use tools such as Helium 10’s “Xray Product Research” to find the keywords of other listings. Analyze the keywords and incorporate them into your product title and bullet points. Relevant keywords bring in more conversions than high-volume keywords. So, do not just fill your page with high-volume keywords. Find the keywords that are most relevant to your product. An optimized listing only reaches the relevant buyers looking to buy that product. You must offer the right product to the right people to have a high sales volume!


  • Amazon listing optimization>>> High sales, more relevant traffic.
  • Perform Amazon keyword research with tools such as keyword planner and Helium 10s “Xray product research”.
  • Incorporate relevant keywords into your product listing.

                                                               Read More: Tips for Amazon Keyword Research

List Your Products in the Appropriate Category


Which choice looks better?

Appear as the best seller in a small niche, or rank well without the badge in a competitive category?

Since every sub-category has a quota of 100 best-seller wards, you may think that miscategorizing your product is the best way to go. Well, that is a one-way ticket to a low-conversion listing. You might get the best-seller award because your sales volume is higher than others in a less competitive sub-category. However, it will lead to horrible conversion rates. Most buyers will arrive at the listing due to a mistake and leave after seeing the product. As we mentioned, relevancy is much more relevant than badges and volume. If you are not listing your product in an appropriate category, there is no point in selling the product. It is equivalent to selling goat meat in a fish market.


Find a relevant sub-category but do not try to miscategorize your product in hopes of earning the best seller badge. Moreover, the Amazon ranking of your product will be poor if it is listed in an irrelevant category. Do the hard work and stop looking for shortcuts!


  • Do not miscategorize your products.
  • Earning a best seller badge for an hour in a small niche has no advantages.
  • Relevant categories will always result in higher conversions. 


Competitive Pricing

Competitive pricing does not mean you need to sell your product at the lowest price. That might send the wrong message to buyers. Ultra-low prices are often perceived as low-quality offerings. Also, the BSR depends on profitability, and you cannot make a big profit if you sell your product at the lowest rates. Keep your prices close to your competitors but slightly decrease the prices if you want to attract more buyers. Other than that, there is no need to lower the price. Competitive pricing always leads to high sales, which improves product rank, taking you one step closer to the best seller badge. comprar alprazolam online chile xanax recepta online forum Prices are not static, and competitors often adjust prices to throw you off. Always keep a close eye on competitor prices and adjust your pricing accordingly.


  • Keep your price near your competitors.
  • No point in selling at the lowest price, as the Amazon best sellers rank also considers profitability.
  • Adjust the prices according to the market trend and competitors. 


Advertising Strategy

Active advertisement is the way forward toward high-conversion listings. You cannot just sit around waiting for people to search for your products. Reach out to the right demographic through Amazon pay-per-click advertising. Make the first move, and advertise your product to people searching for similar products. High-ranking competitors often get complacent and stop using PPC advertising. Well-timed PPC campaigns can make Amazon product ranking irrelevant. If people see adverts they like, the search results will not matter. The organic ranking will also improve as your sales increase. Get ahead of the game with Amazon PPC advertising. 


  • Amazon PPC advertising can help you overgo ranking results.
  • Reach out to buyers rather than waiting for them to search for your product.

Read More:3 Ways to Measure the Performance of your Amazon PPC Ads


Earning the best seller badge can do wonders for your product listing, but you shouldn’t get too focused on the badge. The purpose of every product listing is to sell items. As long as you keep focusing on sales, you will automatically get the best seller badge. Sellers must focus on four aspects to raise their sales and get the badge. Keep your listings optimized to attract relevant traffic and put the listing in the appropriate category. Active PPC advertising and competitive pricing strategy are your friends if you want to raise conversion rates. Outsmart your competitors with marketing, keyword research, and pricing strategy. If you do that, you can get the badge without an issue!

How Amazon Sellers Should Respond to Lawsuits

No business is safe from lawsuits, not even Amazon sellers. Lately, more and more Amazon sellers are getting sued—and many weren’t even aware they were doing something wrong until it was too late! 

So, this guide clears some things up about the legal risks of selling on Amazon. First, we’ll cover the most common reasons Amazon sellers get sued so you can protect yourself and avoid making those mistakes. Then, we’ll explain the best ways to respond if a lawsuit is already brought up against you.

                                 Read More:   A Guide To The Best Solution Providers for Amazon Sellers

Top 3 Reasons Amazon Sellers Get Sued

1. Patent Violation

In retail, a patent is the legal ownership of a product design: only the patent holder can manufacture and sell that product. So if you see some new product being sold online and think, “I can make that myself and sell it,” the truth is you can’t—at least not legally—because you don’t own the patent.  

That’s all well and good because most sellers acquire their products legitimately and don’t consciously copy another patented design. But sometimes, people end up selling patented products without even knowing it

This is especially true for products manufactured in China. The patent and copyright laws in China are not as rigorously enforced as in other countries (and there’s also a cultural component that encourages “sharing”). 

What frequently happens is a U.S. patent is copied in China, where U.S. patent law doesn’t have enough power to intervene fully. Those products are then shipped back to the U.S. to third-party sellers, often through a white label or drop shipping. But when those products are sold under U.S. jurisdiction, they become patent violations. 

So always double-check the legality of what you’re selling, especially if you’re importing it.

                                     Read More: 100s of Amazon sellers donated their products to Charity!

2. Copyright Violation

Just like patent laws protect product designs, copyright laws protect creative works like images, music, writing, etc. And just as patent violations are a risk for Amazon FBA sellers, so too are copyright violations. 

One of the most common copyright violations involves using copyrighted images on unlicensed merchandise. For example, illustrations of Marvel’s Iron Man are copyrighted; if you were to sell children’s shoes with images of Iron Man on them without permission, that violates the copyright. Only authorized merchandise has a license to legally use those images for commercial purposes. 

Again, most of the time, this is common sense except when importing products. Manufacturers in China are typically less concerned with copyright images, but the U.S. legal system may not intervene until those products are sold in America by a third party. So if you’re importing products, double-check where the visuals came from.            

3. Physical Injury

Amazon does not have a buyer-beware policy. The most dangerous products like firearms and chemicals are prohibited from the Amazon marketplace, but there’s still a gray area of products that have a chance to harm someone. Products with blades, pointy edges, or dangerous levels of heating can be potential health risks and, therefore potential legal risks. 

For starters, sellers must follow the Amazon protocol for selling safety-risk products. This involves submitting both an application and the proper documentation on the safety of the product. 

Moreover, it’s recommended that sellers insure themselves. In fact, Amazon requires that sellers who earn over $10,000 in three months get at least $1,000,000 in insurance coverage. Even if you don’t meet the minimum requirement, if you’re selling risky items it’s worthwhile to insure yourself as much as you can afford. 

The safest alternative, however, is to avoid risky products and stick with simple, harmless items.

How Amazon Sellers Should Respond to Lawsuits

In the event that you’re already being sued, there are two main options open to you: file a response or get it dismissed.  

File a Response

First off, if you are selling as a corporation or LLC (or other business entity), you must be represented by a lawyer. Sole proprietors have the option to represent themselves, but even so, it’s not recommended unless you’re experienced in legal matters—otherwise, the professional lawyers on the other side will take advantage. 

In your official response, you’ll have to reply to each allegation separately. You can either admit wrongdoing, deny it, or claim you do not have enough information to confirm or deny the allegations. 

Whether your response has the outcome you desire depends on the particular allegation and the circumstances surrounding them—again, partner with a good lawyer and they’ll suggest the best course of action.

Dismiss the Lawsuit

Often, getting the lawsuit dismissed is your best option, although it’s not always applicable. There are two main ways for an Amazon seller to get an Amazon lawsuit dismissed. 

First, you can have the lawsuit dismissed on the grounds of jurisdiction. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, jurisdiction simply refers to a specific court, usually a geographical area. So if you’re being sued in New York state, but you don’t have any business connection to New York, you could try to get the lawsuit dismissed because the jurisdiction of New York doesn’t apply to you. 

Second, you could request the case against you be dismissed “on the merits.” This refers to lawsuits involving multiple defendants, where the claims are aimed at other parties and not you specifically. In this case, a good lawyer will be able to review the wording and individual claims to see if this approach could work for you. 

What’s An Amazon FNSKU? How To Create An FNSKU For FBA Sellers?

Executive Summary

What’s an Amazon FNSKU? How to Create an FNSKU for FBA Sellers
1. What is an Amazon FNSKU?: Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit (FNSKU) is a unique term used on barcodes to identify products of FBA sellers. Sellers get a unique FNSKU for every product they sell, even if other sellers have the same ASIN. 
2. Difference Between FNSKU and ASIN: Many sellers can use the same ASIN if they sell the same product. In contrast, each seller gets a different FNSKU for the product they send to the fulfillment center.
3. How Can I Create an FNSKU?: Log in to Seller Central and navigate to the settings drop-down option. In the drop-down menu, select fulfillment by Amazon. Keep scrolling until you see FBA Product Barcode Preference, and click edit. After that, select the Amazon barcode and click update. Select Manage FBA Inventory and upload the product for which you want the FSKU. Upload the product listing, and go back to Manage FBA Inventory to see your FNSKU.
4. How to Print FNSKUs?: Log in to Seller Central and choose the Manage Inventory option. After that, select the product for which you want to print the FNSKU labels. Click on Print Item Labels, and adjust the label size and settings per your preference. The next step is to print the labels.

Lastly, stick the labels onto the packaging of every product that goes into the Amazon warehouse. If you do not place the FNSKU label, your product will never make it to the buyer. 

5. Is FNSKU Better than a UPC?: Hundreds of sellers use the same product from the same manufacturer. So, they all have the same UPC, but Amazon assigns unique FNSKUs to every seller. It means FNSKU is better than a UPC.
6. Why Do I Need FNSKUs?: FBA sellers need FNSKUs to fight against counterfeiting, and it also helps in managing inventory.


Amazon sellers are often overwhelmed by confusing terminologies and abbreviations. It is hard enough to create an Amazon product listing without having to understand these terms. ASIN, UPC, FNSKU, what do they all mean? Why do you need to learn about all of these terms? Most sellers assume these are the same product identification terms and do not serve any unique purpose. However, the truth cannot be further than this assumption. Amazon FNSKU is entirely different from ASIN and UPC. It is a unique identifier that connects Amazon FBA sellers to their products. Our guide will teach you everything about FNSKUs.


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What is Amazon FNSKU?

Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit (FNSKU) is a unique barcode that identifies the products of FBA sellers. It is slightly similar to ASIN and UPCs, but every seller has a different Amazon FNSKU for every product. The fulfillment process becomes much easier if a product has an FNSKU. After a buyer places an order, Amazon can easily find the right product through this unique barcode. More importantly, Amazon FBA sellers can track their products in transit. FNSKUs provide complete transparency to sellers and make it easier to manage the inventory. 

In many cases, Amazon demands that FBA sellers put FNSKU barcodes on their products. ASINs with multiple sellers cause a severe problem for the warehouse staff as these products have the same universal product codes for amazon. Therefore, a unique identification code or number is necessary for finding the specific product.


Difference Between ASIN & FNSKU


Here is the explanation for everything from ASIN to UPC.

ASIN, FNSKU, and UPC can get a little confusing for most people. What is the reason for different codes and labels? Do they all mean the same thing? No, Amazon ASIN is a product identifier, and every product on Amazon has an ASIN. The problem with ASINs is that multiple sellers can associate themselves with the same product. As a result, Amazon can not differentiate between sellers of the same product. 

FNSKUs are unique and remove any confusion at the warehouse. Every seller gets a different FNSKU for each product. As a result, even products with the same ASINs have different FNSKUs. It allows Amazon to connect every product to a specific seller. Therefore, buyers do not receive products from the wrong sellers. It makes a significant difference in customer perceptions. Imagine that you order a product from a specific seller but receive a faulty one from another Amazon seller. You would blame the seller you chose. So, FNSKU helps Amazon sellers to distinguish their products with a unique marking.


                                                          Read More: Amazon Advertising: ASIN Retargeting Explained

How Can I Create An FNSKU? 

Creating an FNSKU only takes a few minutes. Let us guide you through the process of creating an FNSKU. Please be advised that it will only work if you are an FBA seller. 

  1. Log in to Amazon Seller Central and navigate to the settings drop-down option.
  2. In the drop-down menu, select fulfillment by Amazon.
  3. Keep scrolling until you see FBA Product Barcode Preference, and click edit (see the image below for reference)
  4. Select Amazon barcode and click update.
  5. Open the inventory drop-down menu, and select Manage FBA Inventory.
  6. Upload the product for which you want to create the FNSKU.
  7. After you create the listing, go back to Manage FBA Inventory and viola! Your product would be there with its newly created FNSKU.

Follow these steps to create FNSKUs for your products.


How to Print FNSKUs?

Okay, you created the FNSKU now, but you also need to put it in your products. Follow these steps to print your FNSKU labels. 

  1. Log in to Amazon Seller Central and choose the Manage Inventory option.
  2. Select the product for which you want to print the FNSKU labels.
  3. Click on Print Item Labels.
  4. Adjust the label size and other settings as per your preference. After that, print the labels.
  5. Stick the labels onto the packaging of every product that goes into the Amazon warehouse. If you do not place the FNSKU label, your product will never make it to the buyer. 

Creating an FNSKU is good, but it will not do anything for you if you do not post these codes on your products. It gets slightly complex from here because most FBA sellers never get to see their products. Third-party manufacturers send the product to the Amazon warehouse. Talk to your supplier or manufacturer and explain that you want to place these labels on the packaging. FNSKU registration and printing are worthless if your manufacturer does not stick these labels on your product. So, talk to them and explain that you want these labels to be your product packaging.

Most FBA sellers send the label design to manufacturers and ask them to stick the FNSKU label onto the packaging. You can also do it yourself if your products do not come from a foreign third-party supplier. So, a few simple steps can give you an advantage on Amazon. There are plenty of ways of sticking the labels on the packaging, but you need to choose the one that fits you the best.


Is FNSKU Better than a UPC? 

Amazon UPC is just a generic code that does not help to identify seller-specific products. Dozens or hundreds of sellers may use the same manufacturer for their products. As a result, all of the products will have the same UPC as they are the same. It creates needless confusion and makes things difficult for the warehouse staff. More importantly, it increases the chances of delivering the wrong products to customers. Therefore, Amazon UPC can only identify a product, but it cannot pinpoint the seller of the product.

We strongly advise FBA sellers to switch to FNSKUs. These unique codes will help you to manage inventory much better than UPC codes for Amazon. Buyers will never receive the wrong product when they buy from you. It will help you to increase customer satisfaction while decreasing the chances of misdeliveries. If you have not made the switch to FNSKUs, you should look into it.


                                                            Read More: Amazon Dropshipping: Product Research


Why Do I Need FNSKUs?

Items without FNSKUs are commingled with products of the same ASIN. As a result, the fulfillment center cannot differentiate between your products and other products that have the same ASIN and UPC

Let us run a hypothetical scenario where the Amazon fulfillment center cannot find your product:

Your product arrives at the Amazon fulfillment center without an FNSKU. As a result, they are mingled with products with the same UPC and ASIN. A buyer comes to your Amazon product listing and places an order. The fulfillment cannot find your particular product as it has no unique marking. So, they pick a product with the same UPC as your product. The buyer receives the product, and it is not in good condition. They will leave a bad review on your listing even though they received a product from a different seller. FNSKUs will help you to avoid this entire scenario.  

FNSKU is also your weapon against counterfeiting. Fraudulent sellers cannot mingle their products in between your products. You will also have better control over your inventory. Overall, FNSKUs have too many benefits, and you should not ignore these benefits as an FBA seller. Take full advantage of the Amazon barcode. FNSKUs might be slightly frustrating to print and label packaging, but the pros outweigh the cons.


We hope that you will consider using FNSKU labels from now on. FBA sellers must give their products a unique identity, so others cannot counterfeit products. More importantly, fraudulent sellers will think twice about copying your product. Hopefully, you have learned the difference between all of the product identifiers. FNSKU is like a product + seller identifier, which makes it different from Amazon ASIN and UPC. Therefore, you should start using Amazon FNSKU to separate your products from others in the fulfillment process.

Don’t Get Stuck Sitting on Inventory: Improve Your Amazon IPI Score

Sellers cannot just throw unlimited items in the Amazon fulfillment center with hopes of selling all the stock. Inventory management is an essential part of a successful FBA business. You pay through the nose if you keep too many items in the fulfillment center. The Amazon IPI score shows how efficiently you manage your inventory. Amazon rewards high scores and implements restrictions on low-scoring sellers. They know their space is valuable, and storing stranded inventory will hurt their business. You need to learn all the tricks to avoid a low IPI score, and we cover all of these tricks in our blog!

Read More: Amazon Inventory Management Tips to Get You Started


Don’t Get Stuck Sitting on Inventory: Improve Your Amazon IPI Score
1. Amazon IPI Score: The IPI score measures the efficiency and productivity of inventory management. Higher scores indicate better inventory management. 
2. Where to Check My IPI Score: Log in to Seller Central and click on Inventory.

  • In the drop-down menu, select Inventory Planning.
  • Click the Performance tab, and it will show you your IPI score.
3. How Amazon Calculates IPI Score: The formula is undisclosed, but Amazon most likely uses the sell-through rate to calculate the IPI score. 
4. Amazon IPI Threshold: 

IPI Score Above 450: Average

IPI Score Above 550: Excellent

IPI Score Below 350: Additional Storage Fees & Storage Restrictions

5. How to Improve My IPI Score: Improve your sell-through rate, avoid excess inventory, and create removal orders for stranded inventory.
6. Additional Tips to Improve IPI Score: Use PPC advertising, pricing strategies, removal orders, and listing optimization to improve your IPI score. 


Amazon IPI Score

The Amazon IPI score measures the efficiency and productivity of your Amazon FBA inventory management. It ranges from 1 to 1000; higher scores indicate excellent management, while lower scores indicate poor inventory management. Therefore, sellers should aim to get a high score because it gives them several advantages. Amazon FBA sellers who efficiently manage inventory receive several privileges. Moreover, efficient inventory management is a sign of a prospering business. Minimal bottlenecks and productive inventory turnover also show that the product sells quickly. Sellers cannot overstock or understock the inventory and must find the perfect balance to achieve a great IPI score.

Where to Check My IPI Score?

You can check your Amazon Inventory Performance Index score in three simple steps. Follow the instructions given below to find your IPI score.

  • Log in to Amazon Seller Central and click on Inventory.
  • In the drop-down menu, select Inventory Planning.
  • Click the Performance tab, and it will show you your IPI score.

Now, you might either get disappointed or happy after seeing your score. Either way, you can still take many actions to improve your score. The most important thing you should know is that IPI scores are not static and keep changing based on your previous three months of performance. If you keep improving your inventory management, your IPI score will keep improving. Do not despair and get to work even if your score is poor! Let us show you how to correct your IPI score.


How Does Amazon Calculate IPI?

Amazon has not disclosed the Inventory Performance Index calculation formula, making it even more complex to understand the IPI score. The organization is secretive and does not want to reveal its algorithms and ranking mechanisms. Amazon has assured sellers that the IPI score does not decrease if a seller runs out of stock. However, stranded inventory decreases the IPI score, as your items are stuck in the warehouse. It means that out-of-stock items represent missed opportunities, but stranded inventory is the death of your IPI score. Study the demand for your product, and do not fill up the fulfillment center with excess inventory. 

The sell-through rate is another factor that affects the Amazon Inventory Performance Index score. It refers to the number of units sold and shipped in the last three months divided by the number of units still in the inventory (see the image below for reference). The percentage shows how much stock was on hand in the past 30 days. A low sell-through rate means your items are not selling and are just sitting in the warehouse. As a result, your products are occupying needless space in the Amazon fulfillment center.


Amazon IPI Threshold

Amazon FBA sellers must meet the minimum IPI threshold to avoid penalty fees and restrictions. Extra storage costs can prove detrimental to your business if you are not careful. According to Amazon, an IPI score above 450 is the average score. Every seller should be near this score, but falling below 350 leads to additional fees and storage costs. Moreover, you can only send a limited number of units to the fulfillment center. Avoid going below 350 at any price, and do whatever you can to raise your score. An IPI score of 550 and above indicates your inventory management is excellent. Aim for this score if your Amazon FBA inventory management is currently above 450. 

IPI Score Above 450: Average

IPI Score Above 550: Excellent

IPI Score Below 350: Additional Storage Fees & Storage Restrictions


How to Improve My IPI Score?

What can sellers do to improve their IPI score? We have compiled a list of recommendations that can improve your score. Follow these recommendations as much as possible, and the IPI score will rise.


Avoid Excess Inventory

Amazon aims to make the best use of its warehouse space and does not tolerate excess inventory. Be careful and never send too many units to the fulfillment center. When your FBA stock exceeds a 90-day supply, Amazon terms your item as excess or overstock, meaning you have sent the unnecessary stock to the warehouse. 

The best practice is to maintain an inventory of 30-60 days. Keeping a low stock has no lasting disadvantages, but you may miss out on sales opportunities if your product runs out of stock. However, running out of stock is much better than paying extra storage fees to Amazon and incurring storage restrictions. Thus, keep a small inventory in the fulfillment center and never ignore your supply and demand statistics. Only increase the stock if the demand is projected to rise shortly.


Improve FBA Sell-Through Rate

The sell-through rate is the number of units shipped in the past 90 days divided by the number of units still in inventory.

The sell-through rate depends on the duration the products stay in inventory. Think of the 90–day-sell-through rate as your salvation. It means that your stock is clearing out in 90 days, so you are not consuming unnecessary space in the fulfillment center. Most importantly, the 90-day-sell-through rate will keep the IPI score in the green graph, which is your ultimate goal. 

Amazon Seller Central also gives helpful recommendations to improve the sell-through rate. Go to the inventory dashboard and click “improve sell-through” to see the suggestions. Amazon wants to help you turn over your inventory in a short time. So, follow their advice and try to consider all of their recommendations.

A last-ditched method to improve the sell-through rate is decreasing product prices. Run a promotion and sell your products at low prices to clear out your entire inventory. It might save you from excess inventory but will decrease your profit margins.


Stranded Inventory

Stranded inventory is the biggest nightmare of any FBA seller. Imagine you sourced a new product and were expecting high demand for the product. So, you sent 30-60 worth of stock to the fulfillment center. However, there was a problem with the Amazon product listing, and it went down for some reason. Do not just take this as a hypothetical situation because it is a realistic situation on Amazon. Listings get banned for several reasons, and you cannot do anything about it. As a result, your inventory is stuck in the warehouse. No items are being offered, and the stock is just taking space in the fulfillment center. You must create a removal order to get rid of the stranded inventory.

If stranded inventory sits in the fulfillment center for 365 days, you will have to pay long-term storage costs. Draft a removal order as soon as possible to remove the stranded stock. Another option is to activate the Amazon product listing if possible, but you will need to clear out the inventory quickly. Stranded inventory severely lowers the IPI score and is harmful to the business. The inactive stock serves no purpose and only consumes precious resources. So, ditch the stranded inventory on the first chance you get.


In-Stock Inventory

Being out of stock does not decrease your IPI score, but it is a missed opportunity to improve. It means you are missing out on sales opportunities that can increase your sell-through rate. Amazon also calculates the estimated number of orders you missed due to out-of-stock status. Continuously missing out on sales also indicates inventory mismanagement. Do not be overcautious, and keep your most popular ASINs well-stocked. Use forecasting tools and other methods to track the demand for your product. 

Are you working with seasonal products? If yes, mark your ASIN as non-replenishable in the restock inventory. Seasonal products often sell out in a few weeks. However, you might be stuck with these items when the season finishes. Create a removal order to remove any leftover seasonal products after the season is finished.


Additional Tips to Improve IPI Score

Here are some additional tips that can help you to improve your IPI score.


Amazon PPC advertisement is a great way to increase your sales. Higher sales translate to a high IPI score because you are clearing the inventory at a high rate. Active advertisement is also much more effective if your product rank is not that good. Advertise to the audience and do not wait for them to search for your product, which might not even pop up due to poor product rank.


A competitive pricing strategy always increases sales, and you may have seen countless sellers running offers on their products. Do not decrease the price too much if your products are already making a healthy revenue.

Removal Orders

As we mentioned above, create removal orders to remove dormant inventory that is not making any profit. You cannot afford to let these items sit in the warehouse for long.

Time Shipments to the Fulfillment Center

Time your shipments well and always maintain a 30-60 day stock. Avoiding a low IPI score does not mean that you should continually run out of stock. Maintain a smaller inventory, but keep it stocked to avoid missing out on sales. 

Improve Product Listing

Amazon listing optimization can help you to clear out your inventory. It helps to attract relevant traffic to the Amazon listing and increases conversions. Optimize all your product listings to increase sales velocity and frequency. Find the best Amazon listing optimization service to improve your product sales.


Swift and efficient inventory management are essential for making a profit on Amazon. You will be stuck paying storage fees forever unless you improve inventory management. Learning about the IPI score and using different tricks to improve your sales will help your IPI score. Moreover, these methods will help you to be more efficient. You will only pay the minimal Amazon FBA fees if you have a decent inventory turnover. Do everything you can to get in the green IPI rating, as it will help you to gain several advantages. Remember the lesson; stuck inventory equals financial losses.

Expand Your FBA Business Into International Markets

Your private label brand is doing well enough to expand into global markets – congratulations potentially! This is an exciting, albeit nerve-wracking, step for your brand, and getting your products out to international distributors and end-users can be challenging. Here’s how to expand your Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) business worldwide with cutting-edge research and analytics tools. 

Why You Need a Research Tool to Sell Products On Amazon Internationally  

Your marketing budget only goes so far in 2022 and beyond, and ensuring each advertising dollar brings the maximum return is important. Without doing any form of analytics or marketing research, your ad budget isn’t going to make as much impact as it could. With the help of today’s advanced market research technology, you can position your private label brand for max visibility and sales. What Research & Analytics Tells You.

There are numerous benefits to conducting research and competitive analysis for both private label sellers and product distributors. Here’s what analytics can tell you and what practical ways you can use this information:

  • Which products perform best among your target distributor and the end-user
  • Where you can trim your ad budget without impacting high-performing marketing campaigns.
  • Where private label brands and Amazon sellers are located globally in relation to each other and Amazon distribution centers.
  • The quality of the content featured on your competitors’ product description pages according to search engine ranking algorithms
  • Visual analysis of Amazon products that are frequently purchased together, both for competitors’ offerings and your own products
  • A complete and detailed history of any product listed for sale on Amazon
  • Comprehensive and accurate ROI estimates for each product
  • Detailed competitive analysis of products and brands similar to yours
  • You can utilize the different data points you obtain in a variety of ways, such as: 
  • Pulling low-performing ads and redirecting that budget to new ads or ads that are doing better
  • Creating longer and higher quality product descriptions compared to your competitors
  • Dropping expensive products that have a low return on investment
  • Putting more ad money into products that are performing well or are in high demand
  • Marketing your products to distributors in specific geographical locations
  • Changing core features of your product(s) to differentiate it from other similar products currently on the market

Critical Features for Improving International Sales Competitive Analysis

Sellers should take the time to review their competitors’ content to uncover critical metrics about key search terms they’re using in their campaigns. This is important because your target audience uses the same keywords to find your brand and products. This data can then be used to strategize different ways to outperform the competition every time.

Identifying Return On Investment  You need to know exactly how much ROI your products are giving, as well as the estimated ROI of other products listed on the Amazon marketplace. Not only do you want to ensure that the ROI of your products covers your basic expenses and garners a profit margin, but you should also make sure your ROI is on par or better than that of your competitors. When you are able to identify low ROIs compared to cost, you can pull poor-performing products before you invest even more in what isn’t selling or making you a profit.

Keyword Rich Product Descriptions Sellers should use a variety of highly searched keywords throughout their product descriptions and specs to ensure their items are as visible as possible in the Amazon marketplace. When users enter search terms for products similar to what you sell, your products will appear before other sellers’ products if your text is optimized well enough.

You also make it easier for larger distributors who purchase your products in bulk to sell to their end users to find you. By becoming more visible in this way, sellers can weed out distributors who aren’t a good fit and spend more time and effort with companies who are an ideal match.

Reach Out to SmartScout For Help Marketing Your Private Label FBA Products Internationally  

SmartScout’s competitive analysis tools are second-to-none and provide today’s private label product sellers with valuable and actionable data. Use the information gleaned from the tool’s sophisticated marketing analytics to make important decisions about the products you offer and the content you use to advertise those products.

Without comprehensive competitive research, private label brands have a significantly lower chance of being profitable in international markets. Sellers can increase revenue by utilizing informed marketing tactics to break into global niches without significantly increasing the overall cost of advertising as an FBA business.

Are you an Amazon seller or a private label brand selling on Amazon marketplaces domestically or internationally? Contact SmartScout today to learn more about our analytics software and how it can decrease your wholesale expenses and increase your profits in global markets by requesting a demo.

Amazon Dropshipping: Product Research

Amazon Dropshipping is an $85 billion industry. eCommerce giants like Amazon have numerous sellers taking advantage of this. So if you want a piece of the pie, you’ll need to know about Amazon dropshipping product research.

Read More:- WordSpy | Right Amazon Keywords Research Tool For Product Listings Optimization

Below, we will tell you everything you need to know to start.

Amazon Dropshipping

Amazon dropshipping is a fulfillment method where you outsource most duties. This outsourcing includes the following:

  • Receiving products
  • Storing
  • Shipping

Dropshipping is a fantastic fulfillment method because it enables anyone to sell. It is one way that Amazon sellers might automate 80% of their business.

How Does Amazon Dropshipping Work?

Typically, dropshipping starts after you find a helpful dropshipping supplier. A supplier will handle the entire customer fulfillment process (see above).

Once you agree with the supplier, they handle the inventory while creating the product listing. Once you make from the product listing, details are sent directly to the supplier.

The supplier ships the product while you handle the payment. A portion of those proceeds goes to you while the other half goes to the supplier.

What is Amazon’s Policy on Dropshipping?

To become a dropshipper on Amazon, you need to meet three different policy requirements:

  • Make it clear that you are the seller of these products
  • You need to remove all packaging and information from where you receive the third-party drop
  • You need to be responsible and responsive when addressing customer returns

Amazon also requires you to comply with the seller agreement.

What are the Legal Aspects of Dropshipping?

When you are a drop shipper, the legal aspects can be tricky for newbies.

First, drop shippers have no right to utilize any trademarks or logos. You can solve this by seeking out reputable suppliers.

A drop shipping agreement contract will enable the supplier to take more ownership. You are still legally liable for using any trademarks.

You also run the same issue of reselling items with intellectual property. For example, selling an Ikea end table can be an issue if the end table’s design is under IP protection.

When dropshipping, be sure your product is considered sellable. You can do this by checking the company’s source website or (assuming you trust the supplier).

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Dropshipping Product Research Criteria

When deciding on what products to sell, you should focus on four areas:

  • Price
  • Profit
  • Size
  • Demand

Profit Margin

The most common profit margin you get from dropshipping is 20%. If you are in this range, you sell profitable products in dropshipping.

Remember that dropshipping has a higher cost than most other selling strategies. Much of this comes from your revenue going towards suppliers.

You might also see your competitor’s margin choice to see what normal expectations are behind target items. Some dropshippers can expect 3x profit margins under the right conditions.

Price Range

The potential price range comes from your profit margin. For example, if your costs are $200, you will need to sell a product for $240 to earn a profit.

The ideal price range for most things will be $20 to $200. Most products sell around the $20 to $50 price range, so start there if this is your first time dropshipping. Avoid products below $20.

However, drop shipping must be sold solely on the merit of your chosen item. This means you should price it based on what’s out there and see if your product is sold at that price using third-party analytical tools.

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Item Sizes

What you’ll find consistently across all online selling guides are shipping costs. The lower you can keep your shipping cost, the more money you can make.

The size of your item is a big part of this. Ideally, you should stick with small, lightweight, sturdy products for shipping. This ensures the products will be cheap, but not so cheap that they break in the box. Stick with products that are under five pounds.


When it comes to selling products, going with popularity is always good. However, it’s essential to differentiate between consistent market demand and seasonal trends.

Much of this will come from utilizing third-party tools to determine historical data. Search terms with consistent results and sales are critical.

So if you plan on being a long-term dropshipper of an item, use historical search volume and sales numbers. Otherwise, you can choose to stick with monthly trends.

Step-By-Step Product Research Process

Here are some steps to take home to target any product niche:

Step One: Explore Product Ideas on Other Marketplaces or Supplier Websites

Your first step is to find out what is in demand. There are a bunch of ideas available across marketplaces and supplier websites.

Walmart is prevalent, but you can also use sites like Alibaba. 

Step Two: Estimate Probable Profits

When estimating potential profits, you’ll want to use this formula:

  • Probable profits = revenue – COGS

COGS, or Cost of Goods Sold, includes fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs do not change when you change aspects of selling a product. For example, subscription fees when paying for Professional Seller membership.

Meanwhile, variable costs change when you change the supplier or some aspect of the product. In dropshipping, your costs are variable when comparing different suppliers. However, variable costs are usually limited to shipping and advertising after keeping a consistent strategy.

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Step Three: Check Number of Sellers

The number of sellers should be between three and six. This number of sellers tells you that few issues with selling a product. However, limited sellers mean potential problems.

You’ll also want to see if your product has a high sales rank. If it does, it is too competitive to be viable for dropshipping.

Step Four: Find Out If It Is Private Label

Private label selling is the process of applying your branding to a product that you resell from manufacturers. The difference is that someone owns the branding rights. This means dropshippers cannot sell it.

To find out if you can sell the product, look up the UPC information or use this tool for Amazon dropshippers. To do this, open the product page on Amazon and the app shows you all details.

You can also request to sample the product and use the product code you find on the packaging. If the packaging shows you a code for a branded item, be suspicious.

You can google the item further to see if it is under an unfamiliar brand. If the brand allows resales (which you will find on their site), you’ll be fine.

Find Out If It Is Private Label

Step Five: Run A Competitive Comparison

Once you determine you can sell it, you’ll need to answer the following questions:

  • Do the price range and profit margin add up?
  • How much will it cost to ship?
  • How much demand does this product have?

If your costs and profit margin adds up so you can make (at least) 20%, it’s a worthwhile pursuit. However, if historical data tells you otherwise, you might find another product.

Your target demand should ideally be selling about 30 items per month. Ideally, you’ll not exceed targetting a product that sells more than 70.

Using helpful tools like AMZScout Dropshipping and OA (Online Arbitrage) software can help answer those questions quickly.

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Top Five Dropshipping Product Niches

Below are five dropshipping product niches you can try out:

  • Wooden Utensils – Kitchen products are a popular dropshipping product because they are relatively inexpensive and light. Wooden utensils are also pretty niche, as they are of higher quality than plastic.
  • Makeup Brushes – The beauty niche is always in demand, with makeup brushes being a lower entry point. There are many brands with super-loyal followers in those narrow brush categories.
  • Star Projector Night Light – a star projector night light is lightweight and easy to ship. It is a simple product that appeals to a broad kid-based niche.
  • Quick Snatch Waist Wrap – The workout niche grows in popularity from the Amazon Trend Report. Waist wraps are a simple and lightweight category to target there.
  • Pet Seat Protectors – Pet seat protectors, are simple and lightweight. They also appeal to anyone who likes to keep dog hair out of their seat.


When it comes to dropshipping, the number one reason people fail is expectations. You might hear it is a get-rich-quick scheme, but dropshipping requires work and perseverance.

Targetting the right online stores, researching, and knowing your targets are crucial. Using this guide on the subject, you are off on the right track.